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Everything posted by Faramir

  1. Considering Canadians are not "doers" and lets be frank not ones to put themselves out there, it is never going to happen. What will happen is Canada will become more and more lawless as we let in move Syrian and other muslim welfare recipients into Canada.
  2. There are a lot things we don't see. For instance in BC they apply a massive tax on buying homes that is around $10000 plus every time you buy. I agree. Anyone who thinks food is affordable must be rich.
  3. http://www.shadowstats.com/ This explains the numbers. The USA uses such things as replacement. If steak gets too expensive you will buy hamburger, thus inflation actually FALLS by their numbers. They use something called geometric weighting which is just a slight of hand to make inflation look low. You really only need ONE piece of technology (iphone) but have to eat every day. With stats Canada I think they are probably being honest and not underhanded but for some reason publish insanely low levels of inflation. I imagine they copy some of the methodology from the USA.
  4. No because while competition is ONE aspect of capitalism, Capitalism is essentially a system of voluntary cooperation. For example, I trade my labour for the money in your pocket. I buy the iphone at the source by giving them money. While socialism believes in the state forcing people to act a certain way economically. Essentially socialism can’t handle that some people will make more money than other people.
  5. Yes! 2/3rds of Canadians can't think for themselves. They gobble up the news without any attempt at applying logic or their own skepticism. They vote the way their Dad did. Or how their friends tell them to vote.
  6. Yes, because liberalism and socialism are ludicrous.
  7. Because the media at least was a trusted institution. They are to remain skeptical and balanced in their reporting, which they clearly are not. So it really is a symptom of leftism in general, where we are to trust our betters and never question so called experts – which the media like to pretend they are. So yes, in one way you are correct. That is why Sun News failed. But perhaps the population’s political bent is a result of the media? Canadians are like sheep to the slaughter, because unlike the USA, we actually trust our media at about 70% or so. For instance when has the media EVER shown skepticism to the outlandish claims of the global warming cult?
  8. Blaming Trudeau for inflation isn’t quite fair. Stats Canada numbers are just like the BLS numbers in the USA. Not numbers real Canadians or real Americans experience in real life. For example you can’t eat a cell phone. The USA rate of inflation is much higher than Canada. For a look go to Shadow Statistic website on their numbers. They give a whole reasoning to why their numbers are real and the official numbers are fake. It’s been a political game in the USA since Johnson to change the rules to make inflation look low. Why? Because GDP that is reported is a number NET of inflation. By reducing inflation it makes the GDP number look better. Funny thing is food has been rocketing in price for years. Why did it take so long for people to notice? Fresh food has been rising at about 10% year over year at least.
  9. The only traits leftists live by is envy. That’s why Churchill called socialism the ideology of envy. They envy and want to be like the shiny pony. And they covet what you worked hard for.
  10. I agree. Leftists who have ruined always ask why I don’t leave. Why should I leave? One good note is Quebecois are losing the demographics game. As other provinces increase their populations, PQ loses more. Eventually they will be of little consequence.
  11. OMG, liberal for sure. 2 in 3 are liberal nationwide. The other 1 are conservatives many which have some left wing tendencies. The extremes are 80% liberal in Quebec, and 50% conservative in Alberta. Canada is NOT the United States, which I put at 30% conservative, 35% liberal and 35% moderate.
  12. I was being sarcastic. ?. Liberals can somehow get away with racism. But want to control say immigration at the southern border like Trump wanted to suddenly you are a rabid racist. The left throws around the label with very little justification. But excuse the shiny pony when he does it.
  13. One good takeaway is the left thank God is still split 4 ways, otherwise we would have a majority government for that clown. Still Canada will continue on its way to ruination. Let's import more welfare Jihadis - thats the ticket.
  14. BC, yup she got the TALK. If they found out she wasn't looking for work she would be committing fraud and could get a criminal record, ect....
  15. Yes they sat her down and warned her she better be looking for a job. Again the left shows its preference for the hardly working over the hard working. My wife has a work ethic and found a job. Something fishermen in the East need to do.
  16. So why should my wife, years get hounded by EI for being on payments for TWO WEEKS, yet, in Atlantic Canada they get to live off the pogey every damn year. Wouldn't you call that an inequity. I thought NDP types were all about fairness?
  17. When the left runs out of arguments they usually play the racist card, So far hasn't happened. Either the left are completely dishonest or just deluded because Canada is so left wing. So left wingers comically look at the Liberals as center, which they clearly are not. Again I don't know if its dishonesty, but I am starting to think they REALLY see the Liberals as the center.
  18. Well, not totally accurate. Ontario and BC are about the same in vote divide. 2 in 3 vote left wing parties, 1 votes conservative as far as ratios. PQ on the other hand it 4 in 5 Canadians voting for the looney left (Liberals, Bloc and NDP). Alberta and SK are about 1:1 conservative to liberal lefties.
  19. It's a damn crime that fishermen get to work for so little and then collect EI. No other job or region let's you do that.
  20. You are not a racist if you vote liberal. For example apparently Californians are not racist even though they rejected a black guy for a corrupt white guy.
  21. Hardly. 1 in 3 are conservatives leaning left wing slightly. The other 2 in 3 still believe in the money tree.
  22. PPC was a non factor actually only garnering I think 1.6% of the vote. We have to face it. Canada is primarily left wing.
  23. I think we need to get past blaming regions. After all urban BC voted Liberal and NDP. It's really a divide between urban areas and the rest of the country.
  24. Except they have dead people, Mexicans, and Dominion Voting systems on their side....
  25. I use to just note the CNN headlines then one day I decided to read an actual CNN article. OMG, it was chalk full of lies and exaggerations.
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