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Everything posted by Faramir

  1. Canada is unique in that it has pretty much no conservative media whatsoever. The National Post is more center or left of center. Just not rabidly so like the Globe and Mail. It also has very few think tanks or foundations that are conservative. There is the Fraser Institute but really they are just policy wonks. The Taxpayer federation is there but its not overtly conservative.
  2. Soros is a particular brand of pure evil. Turned on his own Jewish people. And now is trying to destroy America.
  3. Let's face it Canadians CAN be boring. I swear when I go to family reunions its like all my relatives read the same leftist blog or something they all agree on the same leftist points. They all support the NDP and the right wing is all around them watching them.
  4. Of course the Liberal Party of Canada bows to their taskmasters in Beijing.
  5. True I don't know you but your ideology matters to the intent of what you post. But fine, if you want to keep it secret, who am I to say otherwise.
  6. Bill C36 https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/liberals-introduce-bill-to-combat-online-hate-speech-as-commons-adjourns-for-summer-1.5483260
  7. LOL this is the current political climate where Trudeau tried passing a bill to criminalize any criticism of Islam. Eventually muslims will be untouchable by the police. We should be protecting CANADIAN culture and political tradition. We should not have protected groups from criticism.
  8. The Syrian civil war provide opportunities for the scammers in the refugee business. Mostly these were young males who left their own wives and children behind. Most were not real refugees but just using bleeding heart sympathy to swarm into the West. Most were not even from Syria but migrated there are far as from Morrocco. And we invited them in without any sort of due diligence. Canada by the way has a laughable 50% acceptance rate from so called refugees. For comparison the UK has a 15% acceptance rate. The Japanese have a much for sustainable model that protects their own culture and people - accepting under 400 refugees per year.
  9. You mean its Canadian to give up? LOL. Indeed. That's why separation will never happen. Canadians are natural born quitters.
  10. Don't write off all the maritimes. Newfoundland do write off they voted majorly for the Liberals. But Nova Scotia and New Brunswick gave the CPC a number of seats.
  11. The time will come 20 years down the road as it has happened in Sweden and other European nations. 20 years time there will be roving rape gangs in our down towns by Muslim groups.
  12. We should never have shut down nation to begin with. Had we not shut down the control I contend the number of deaths would not have been any different. We reacted to fear mongering that said everyone would get infected and the death rate would be 2%
  13. Nope. Media has a very large persuasion power. Consider how much God like Suzuki has formed opinion. I recall my father when he comes to visit. He thinks the BC Liberals are far right wing. Now where did he get that foolish idea? We are going to have to disagree here, but the media has long stopped being about information and has changed into an opinion changing institution.
  14. The whole problem is the whole movement is one big joke that hasn’t established anything. Not to mention the wacko claims like the atmosphere on earth becoming like Venus. If people REALLY believed that the coasts will be swallowed up by the oceans, would there not be a fire sale on Miami real estate? It has not been shown that the current warming trend is unusual on a historical basis. Unusual for the 20th century sure, but we saw a medieval warming period It has not been shown that human activity is the MAIN culprit in global warming It has not been shown that the net negatives of warming are or are not outweighed by all the positive – longer growing seasons Mankind cannot even predict the future of the stock market with its thousands of variables – even by computer models – though they try. Imagine predicting the climate future with MILLIONS of variable. We really do not know what is coming In any case we don’t know that the damage caused by warming will be significant And if it is it might be more worth our money to deal with the damage rather than destroying our economies The whole fraud is littered by frauds like Al Gore and Suzuki and tree believers who are part of a climate cult. In the end it is green socialism.
  15. Funny that heh. Canadians are reflexive anti-Americans but have no problems with American legal and environmental foundation interfering in Canadian government policy.
  16. Yes, stunning defeat for the Conservatives considering how deplorable the shiny pony really is. I know Canadians elect mostly based on party, but still. I am not so concerned about our international reputation than I am leaving a great country for my children. My biggest concerns is Justin's repeated attempt to criminalize the criticism of one certain religion, Islam. The Liberal Party (and the rest) is the party of censorship. It's in our charter of rights. The right to free expression but Canadians only believe in polite speech sadly.
  17. No we as conservative benefit from the first past the post system where four leftist parties split the vote. A PS would doom us as 60% or so would select liberal representation.
  18. So where are you if not on the left? I agree we are looking at it all too simply by making it a regional thing. The reality is more specifically urban centers vs the rest of the nation. And the real issue, IMVHO, here the USA and the world, is IDEOLOGY. Not class. Not race. Not region. We saw this in California, where there was an opportunity for liberal California to select an African American to replace Newsom. You think just be reflexive virtue signaling they would have done that. But IDEOLOGY is King, and despite the failures and corruption of Newsom, they kept their man.
  19. Hi RedDog I remember you from defunct Free Dominion days The lack of initiative makes it unlikely Canada will ever break apart,,,for ill or good
  20. That is what I can’t get my head around. Are there so many jobs now because of the unemployment rate improving. Or is it a function of people not wanting to come off CERB?
  21. 368. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I hadn't been following Canada for some time, and was like "are you freaking kidding me?"
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