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Everything posted by Faramir

  1. Trudeau is just another head of the usual grift that is the Liberal Party. Quebec firms get subsidies or get to somehow win bids against better contractors say in BC for example. The Liberal Party is not only a handmaiden to the ChiComs but also has a bias to PQ firms. It SEEMS, and I am not expert, that Musk has proven that electric vehicles can be sold at a competitive price and can also perform quite well. Again, I really have no idea what the future holds. If EVs are the better alternative to fossil fuels then it will just happen.
  2. I try to approach COVID from a pragmatic perspective. And from that perspective it really is one monstrous nothing burger compared to what we were told by the fearmongers 2 years ago. It never came close to killing 1 to 2 percent of the population. But it is also a sword I won't die on. My employer wants me to be vaccinated so I am. Actually I got vaccinated before that because I wanted to go to the movie theatre and take part in normal life. So it doesn't hurt to get it but I also was never under real threat as far as I can tell - and I'm in a high risk group. But now that they are gunning for our kids I am not particularly impressed. Leave the under 12 out of it please.
  3. Oh for God's sake. Different times. A country exists to only allow immigration if it also benefits the host country. That is why Japan only lets in 300 to 400 refugees each year and very limited immigration.
  4. You are playing my tune. At least its not as bad as the USA, with their revolving door of illegals who are unvaccinated and without high enough skills to avoid welfare.
  5. This is because at least here in BC being a GP is a doctor and businessman combined. You have office costs but are limited in your billing. Why make $120,000 (before office rent, administrative staff, ect) when you can specialize and make $200,000 pure salary?
  6. Too bad my girls are not interested in medicine. With boomers aging out (reaching those advanced ages where they require much hospitalization) there is going to be increased demand in medical fields. For those that have read Children of Men, that is the sort of scenario I see. Less and less of new generations wanting to get into fields to "wipe the bums" of the aged.
  7. Also they are very restrictive and won't accept qualifications from other English speaking jurisdictions such as New Zeeland, and Australia. Those nurses have to almost start over once they get here.
  8. Unsurprisingly Democrats and Liberals in the USA are pushing the vaccine on children now. There is just no stopping them.
  9. Yes I am always leery when government conspires with Big Pharma.
  10. Joe Xiden is simply a pay for play long time Washington insider and completely in full stage dementia. He will be out before 2022 with Harris as his replacement. (which is probably worse). Trudeau, well, what can I say. He could cook a cat on live TV and gorge on it dripping in hollandaise sauce and his party would still get 30% of the vote. He is a clown and an embarassment.
  11. With Sun News I just think there wasn't a market for conservative and frankly well thought out discussions that other networks would not even discuss. Instead Canadians want the luke warm pablum they get from CBC and CNN. Funny thing is I bet there are more Canadians that watch CNN than Americans. Americans do not watch CNN unless they are forced to as CNN has contracts to operate in Airports across America. But as bad as CNN is MSNBC and CNBC are for the real retards.
  12. Consider that Canada doesn't have a SINGLE conservative think tank. The Canadian taxpayer federation MAYBE, but they are not overtly conservative. Nor does it have a SINGLE conservative TV news. Nor does it have a conservative newspaper. The National Post took a hard steer left after Black was removed. For outsiders I explain it this way. Imagine 3 people in a line for stamps at the post office. 2 will be various shades of progressive liberals, 1 will be a conservative. In Alberta it is 1 for 1. In Quebec it is 4 totalitarian leftists to 1 conservative.
  13. It is really hard to gaze into the future and see where we end up. There will be a perverse logic to the adoption of electric vehicles in the short and medium term. For instance, in the medium term, the demand decline in fossil fuels will lead to lower prices for gas. That will lead to a slower adoption of electric vehicles as people hesitate looking at those lower fuel prices. If you rarely drive the incentive for electric vehicles is not really there. It needs to have a real economic benefit to end users and those will be those that commute to work.
  14. Greta is a victim of abuse and one day will feel resentment for the way her fanatical parents used her.
  15. Exactly. Let the market decide. For China it is a net INCREASE of fossil fuel use.
  16. LOL. And the left doesn't have its own extremists. Yes, I don't want gays grooming my children for their bath houses. I am all for live and let live but stay the hell away from me and my children. There are women and men who have healthy sexual habits and then women and men with unhealthy ones. It is a choice not an identity.
  17. The government has no business regulating what a free employer decides to pay for his and her employees. As all other bad policy from the left it either will have negative unintended consequences or is irrelevant as the normal wage is far above it anyways.
  18. I am not against electric vehicles or other energy alternatives, as long as the MARKET can bare them. They should never be promoted on the public dime with incentives.
  19. It has not been proved that man's activity contributes to global warming in a meaningful way. We cannot even predict the direction of the stock market with computer models. There is no way to predict the average warming decades from now. Even so, we haven't even proven that warming is on net a negative to human existence.
  20. Michael Mann perpetrated a baseless fraud with his hockey stick graph. Fanatics want you to ignore the medieval warming period and the global cooling that almost killed the immigrants from the Mayflower.
  21. Tell that to China. They are burning coal to create the electricity for their electric cars. Crazy
  22. I'd actually trade him to get Justin Bieber back into Canada. Ugh.
  23. Well in Biden's case the man can hardly talk without slurring his speech and showing off his obvious dementia.
  24. They are zealots who don't REALLY believe their own propaganda. If seas levels are really going to rise and sink Miami, you would think housing prices on Miami beach would have collapsed by now.
  25. Governments and liberals think resource extraction are evil industries and that tech is virtuous. That is what it amounts to.
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