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Infidel Dog

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Everything posted by Infidel Dog

  1. Want to see what's going to happen if you continue your insistence on staying out there in the wacky neo-Marxist intersectional world of division and deconstruction? Seattle is building an example for you. At least you need to realize you do have a for real enemy and virtue signaling imaginary tolerance and fake understanding to fade the lines won't take it down. No, it's not people of colour. My God, I hope weren't going to say that. If you were going to pretend that's what I'm saying you're too far gone to help.
  2. No. It's conventional, free speech, conservative right and increasingly classic liberals and now possible liberals who once thought of themselves as progressive but are being forced to realize something is coming for them too against the neo-marxist left - or as you identified them, the wolf. Myself, I've always had a warm spot for classical liberals and if you guys who are more out there in the progverse are sincere about wanting to return to the fold of reason I'll welcome you too.
  3. Funny you should mention that. I was thinking something similar when I read this one: Ocasio-Cortez Has No Sympathy For People Who Get ‘Cancelled,’ Says They Are Just Entitled And Unliked You see this all the time amongst leftist revolutionaries of the far left. The loudest and most useful on the road to a far left takeover are the first up against the wall once it finally happens. To take your 'wolf' metaphor a little farther, the Alpha doesn't want a bunch of betas causing dissension in his pack once he takes over.
  4. https://spectator.org/four-stages-of-marxist-takeover-the-accuracy-of-yuri-bezmenov/
  5. I'd heard about this letter concerning cancelling cancel culture. My first reaction was "Welcome aboard Dummies. What took you?" I didn't read the actual letter though. Not until somebody in this thread was whining about people like me who's reaction was why bother. I've read it now though and I'm glad I did. There's something those reporting on it leave out. Although the slow pokes to the obvious who signed the letter are correct in identifying the problem they remain completely off track as to the cause. If I read them correctly they still want to point the finger right. They're still wrong. We on the right are innocent as lambs on this one. You know who isn't? Most of the signatories of this letter. Not only did they finance the trip to their own destruction they rode cheerfully aboard enjoying the scenery until even they couldn't ignore the truth. It was the train to Auschwitz. They were like those passengers of the helpful aliens in the Twilight Zone episode who realized too late that "Too Serve Man" was a cook book. I can tell you who the real enemy is Noah Chomsky and J K Rowling but you won't believe me until you're simmering in the stew and by then it will be too late. If anybody else is wondering though here's a tip: Four Stages of Marxist Takeover: The Accuracy of Yuri Bezmenov
  6. Really? That's a pretty sad world you believe in. I'm sorry to hear that. None of it is obvious though. Look on the bright side. Imagine how much happier you'll be when you're wrong. Or wait, are you planning to be around when all this happens or is it more just something you're wishing on some future generation?
  7. The real climate consensus only says the global climate has warmed some since the end of the little ice age. Greenhouse gases have some effect. Humans in general can have some effect on climate. Any consensus on a proposed coming catastrophe or how to deal with it comes from politically motivated administrators, not boots on the ground scientists. Oh and before you start preaching again how you just know end-times is coming because there's a "population bomb" ready to ignite you might want to check how Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren did with that prediction the last time it was popular.
  8. No. I've been pretty crystal clear what my argument is. We can't accurately predict the future. If we had to though I'd be more scared of a totalitarian world government using the climate scare to take over. As to the scare itself we'd be better off relying on adaptation as insurance. Adaptation has been successful dealing with climate change of the past. These new mitigation policies (carbon tax, ineffective energy alternatives, additional government control) only appear to be creating new problems.
  9. It's not my fault some vast majority of climate scientists and sane people agree with me. I don't need them. And of course, because you use the word "study" there can be no argument. Except there is: " Paper praising models’ predictions proves they greatly exaggerate Guest Blogger / January 12, 2020 By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, A recent paper by Hausfather et al. purports to demonstrate that models “are accurately projecting global warming”. In reality, and stripped of the now-routine hype and editorializing with which the paper is riddled, the results plainly demonstrate precisely the opposite – that models have exaggerated global warming – and continue to do so. Here is the “plain-language summary” of Evaluating the performance of past climate model projections, by Hausfather et al. (2019):" https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/01/12/paper-praising-models-predictions-proves-they-greatly-exaggerate/
  10. What are you talking about. I was talking how the science doesn't know what's coming. They have guesses. You told us it didn't matter what the science knows or doesn't know about what's coming because you just knew. Apparently you know because you know. I mocked that as ridiculous. Wanna know why? Because it is. And noticing it is dead on the subject of your claim.
  11. Me? I don't know what the true climate sensitivity number is in a chaotic real world environment. I can't even find a real consensus of scientists claiming they know with any certainty. You, however said this: So tell us then, O great swami, what is the true climate sensitivity number per doubling of CO2 in a real world environment?
  12. No point in arguing with your magic instincts then. Hey...can you give me some good numbers for the 649. However... There's this thing called climate sensitivity. It's the core of the real argument. You can show by the scientific method that a gas like CO2 causes some warming in an enclosed environment. I believe the estimate is 1 degree celsius per doubling of CO2. The problem with that is these catastrophes warmists are hoping for don't happen at that sensitivity. So you have to postulate feedbacks. Positive feedbacks increase the warming. Negative feedbacks cool things down. In general in a natural system there are more negative feedbacks than positive. The IPCC is changing its mind about what climate sensitivity might be from report to report. Not sure but I think the last guess was about 2 degrees to 4.5. per doubling. Right around there anyway. Whatever it is It's just a guess. I think climate scientist Richard Lindzen goes the other way and guesses around 1 to 0.5. Maybe I should shoot all those scientists off an email though and explain to them they can stop wondering. There's a user at a message board I belong to and he says he knows based on the superior principle of 'he know cause he knows.'
  13. What doesn't seem clear to you is what you're responding to. What he said was: So you can have warming, even human caused warming but that is not the same thing as knowing how much warming or what possible danger it might insinuate or when that scary danger you postulate might occur. You don't know any of that. None of the links you posted or the links from the links show it. Nice try though.
  14. Dead on to me. Different strokes, I guess. Did you know Mohammed would have poets killed who wrote negative poetry about him? One was a woman.
  15. And I'm with whoever mentioned it before but why are we talking about what may or may not be the idiotic decisions of State governors on a thread about President Trump?
  16. Not sure when you said this. Not even sure what it is you think you said or how it's supposed to matter. But yeah, if Covid cases spike they can take up more beds. As the case load grows it affects beds - not necessarily just ICU beds. We saw that in Michigan and New York. In Texas and Florida there has recently been a bit of a see-saw effect and a recent surge of cases. This has them worried there might not be enough beds soon. Hope they don't start with those dimwitted policies we saw previously in Progressive run states like Michigan and New York where they just start sluffing patients off to retirement homes and such.
  17. Not just New York. You conveniently forgot Michigan. You know? The state where the link was provided to show an actual case of a retirement home bed being used to house a 20 year old covid patient. The point is you don't know if it's just ICU beds that might be causing the worry there might not be enough beds soon in Texas and Florida. The 2 states where an actual recurrence of some restrictions is coming back. Oh and BTW this is lack of beds concern is a worry not an actual event. That's why we're talking the scare of a possible lack of beds after the July 4th long weekend.
  18. During the peak of the Chi-Com Pandemic states like New York and Michigan were returning covid patients to old age homes. Not just old people. Were you allowed to hear about this one in the Prog media? 20-year-old beating suspect was moved to nursing home because he has COVID-19, says father Tell me how ICU beds matter then unless you have some specific statistic showing me those are the specific beds affected.
  19. Are you saying, you're not. Like I said feel free to post the stats so we know specifically what you're talking about.
  20. Yes, hospitalization is spiking. As you were told previously that's not necessarily with covid cases. Would be interesting to see the stats. If you can't find them that would be because somebody doesn't want you to know.
  21. Semantics. Trump told you specifically what he meant by the term through his spokesperson. We're aware of your opinion. Now I'll give you mine. People only seem to be dying at a rate similar to the flu.
  22. Asked whether cases that don’t result in death are “harmless,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said: “The president was noting the fact that the vast majority of Americans who contract coronavirus will come out on the other side of this.”
  23. Speaking of MSM hypocrisy as they try to instigate fear in the rest of us, remember this one?
  24. This is more than a little bit hilarious.
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