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Everything posted by Marocc

  1. There is no name that I am aware of that refers to such people. The group you refer to is vague. One would have to define violence and promoting Islam. Then see one individual at a time what they do. If a court was to judge 6000 people whom they call Salafis, they wouldn't say, "because these are Salafis they all get 10 years in prison". If the action is of a specific kind they might be called terrorists, revolutionaries, rebels, militants, vandals, activists, criminals, oppressors etc. More or less. I wouldn't say 'a more pure form' — simply Islam. He's doing wrong since Islam encourages the freeing of slaves and there are according to Islamic law no slaves owned anymore. They could only come as war captives. No. Why would it? You don't think they are the same thing? I don't think it is the most extreme. Among them maybe on some ways. Most extreme in Islam? No. Among the most extreme in cruelty and political corruption maybe. What of it? There's plenty of people considered to be slaves in the world. Depends who are talking about. Why do you want to name them? Because of crimes or war or opinions.... I don't know who the media means when they say Salafis unless I understand it from the rest of the story. I don't know who you mean.
  2. It means to submit to Allah Subhaanahu wa taala. You tried to define the meaning of the word Islam and derive a definition of what the religion of Islam is, based on the meaning of the word. Am I correct?
  3. I don't get it. I'm interested in what the other one thinks.
  4. I did not say they should not be named. Use correct names, that is all. Being a salafi means following the best of generations in Islam. This is what every good Muslim aims to do. If you see someone doing wrong and call them salafi you are insinuating that that is Islam. For someone identifying as a salafi has nothing to do with extremism. People are called Salafis without them themselves identifying as such. Does "Saudi Arabia is a salafi country" sound familiar? There is nothing salafi-like in Saudi Arabian government or someone who holds the same values as they apparently do (as seems from the media - there are many types of individuals working for the Saudi Arabian governmen). And how many people know what even the media means with 'salafism'?
  5. No, I didn't. I know. It's okay.
  6. I know. The way to the city on your western side might be so much longer if you didn't have that concept. it wasn't always Islamic. Nor was America always filled with Christians... How times change..
  7. I'm talking about Islamic doctrine mattering to individual Muslims rather.
  8. I'm not stating that. Muslims preferring the place they happen to be at is different from Muslims preferring Islamic countries/Islamic law/islamic culture.
  9. Nice dodge. Who said they don't like Western culture? Really, you have to come up with some statistics or differentiate between different groups of Muslims (those who like and those who don't). Religion and law may not be the only thing affecting their decision and if someone does not like the law of the Muslim majority country they live in, it doesn't mean they don't want Islamic law.
  10. Hypothetically, let's say it is. What would be the motive of individual Muslims? Most of them are poor (once they have succeeded in immigrating if not before), a lot of them leaving a good life behind; families, friends, jobs. They spend their money trying to get somewhere else where anything might happen - if they ever get there.
  11. Not a good one. Ask anyone if they'd like to move to the other side of the world the answer would mostly be no. People feel attached to their environments. Or ask anyone living in a Muslim mojority country if they'd like to move to a western country the answer would probably still mostly be no.
  12. That's what Wikipedia probably says. Why would I? There is something called Salafism in a sense — it is better to just call it Islam because that's what it is — but it isn't Isn't helpful for what? Supporting the idea of Islam the media gives? The media uses the words Salafi and Wahabi. Just because they're convenient doesn't mean they're used correctly. It is not the place of the western media to decide on some new 'Islamic sects' so that it is easier for them to say "the bad ones" without explaining what is bad about them and who exactly they are.
  13. Reformed how and since when? Such a sect doesn't exist.
  14. That is irrelevant. You're making exaggarations to avoid my point. There are people who will take advantage of your "natural" reactions. Also, your reactions can be changed in time on purpose. Do you think all your reactions are basically almost like a 'biological' phenomenon?
  15. Yes. Why do you think so? Are you qualified to say so?
  16. You said this and I took it to mean you refer to US crime statistics showing a greater number than it should, but maybe I misunderstood you and you merely meant they affect the statistics significantly. Yes I am of course.
  17. Not the Sira. The Quran and the Hadith. COULD there be anything wrong with saying that without reading them? Nothing in the Quran is abrogated.
  18. (ignoring the non-existent statistics presented) You are aware that people of various ethnic backgrounds are citizens of USA, right? White men didn't just evolve out of apes there.
  19. Yes. It isn't really violence inciting you. Not physical violence. Sometimes when you react to things strongly you should ask yourself, who is profiting of my reaction? Much of the money made in the world is made out of reactions. Control is also seized through reactions.
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