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Everything posted by Dougie93

  1. And the Kneedippers are simply the purity spiraling wing of the virtue signalling media party, and thus, all roads lead to Rome, Rome being the Liberal Party of Canada's dysfunctional generational legacy project which is now reduced to Ontario corrupting all aspects of government, in the name of bribing Quebec with Alberta's money. Plus a very very good hockey team.
  2. The Tories are a prop, they are simply the Washington Generals to the Liberal Harlem Globetrotters. The Tories play the role of the team which is paid to lose, otherwise known as the Patsy. Also employed in boxing, when the mafia pays a boxer to take a dive.
  3. To wit, all you have left now, is a very very good hockey team, and Ontario corrupting all governance in the name of bribing Quebec with Alberta's money. The rest is just balderdash Eskimo Communism fed to the masses as mothers milk from birth, so they won't notice the failed state of affairs.
  4. Bear in mind, the double standard is baked into the cake of the failed state Confederation of Ontario bribing Quebec with Alberta's money, which is part and parcel to a Liberal Party of Canada generation legacy project since about Laurier.
  5. It's not my Duck Test, it was born of an American poet named James Whitcomb Riley
  6. In the end Trudeau serves the same purpose as Trump does, which is to wreck the government, so if you support Trump you should be supporting Trudeau, they are simply the same weapon delivered with the same effects from opposite wings of the political spectrum. targeted at the center.
  7. The Duck Test doesn't say that you are, more that you presented as one in your flowering praise of the associated CBC state propaganda arm.
  8. Bear in mind, I am not impugning anyone for being a Trudeau supporter, because de facto I supported Trudeau when I voted Liberal in my riding. So I say it as a Trudeau supporter, loud and proud; populist blast penetration creative destruction device plus dope delivered to your door convenience.
  9. The Duck Test is of course a fallacy, but a fallacy simply means unproven, doesn't mean it's not true. /shrugs
  10. Abductive reasoning, Duck Test; looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, is probably a duck by logical abduction.
  11. But, again, just make sure you've divested yourselves of the nanny states before you go to incite their downfall.
  12. As the United States military serves in defence of the constitution uber alles, unlike a royalist army which is mercenary, I am confident they will remain at their posts for the most part.
  13. There's no clause in the constitution which asserts a right to a job for life from the government, they are free to resign and return to the private sector as they may.
  14. You may however exploit opportunist populists as political blast penetration weapons to incite creative destruction as you like, as an operation in support of a strategic objective.
  15. Nor Justin Trudeau and the Sunny Ways fascism of the Liberal Party of Canada and associated CBC propaganda arm.
  16. I don't think he's being a dick, I think he probably believes it, it's not different than the Soviet Union wherein the Soviet people were indoctrinated from birth by their propaganda arms Pravda and Tass to be totalitarians wherein the interests of the state and associated propaganda arms was indistinguishable from themselves and their own interests.
  17. You can take your profits in US dollars at Manhattan, Venezuelans can too, it's only a problem for you if you are relying on the nanny police states in Canada and Venezuela to run and fund your life for you. While it may be distressing to witness the human suffering inherent to bolshevist regimes committing national seppuku, you are free to divest yourself of them and join us in the financial armies of the free market, where you can prosper by way of the creative destruction war against property seizure rather than become a collaterally damaged victim of it.
  18. I'm not seeing the same structural problem in Canada as in Venezuela, which is wealthy land owning class with boot heels on throats of the masses, Canada is soviet as the Chavezistas are, but propped up by the Americans, Canada is able to bribe people with their own money for a much longer time, because unlike Venezuela, the United States has not frozen Canada out as of yet. Venezuela being frozen out for seizing property, while Canada simply confiscates royalties as this juncture.
  19. Otherwise known as fire mission, shot over, shot out, stand by, stand by, watch and shoot, watch and shoot.
  20. My die hard support is to the Red Nation libertarian and limited government conservatives who are my cousins by both history and ideology, Trump is simply one of their messengers, the bull in china chop option creative destruction blast penetration warhead. Expended down range and still imparting effects to the targets, but none the expendable and replaceable with follow up shots as needed.
  21. People these days like to assert the term Old Stock Canadian? Very well then, we are so old stock that we were Canadian before there was a Canada, and so never actually came here to defend and uphold a nanny socialist fake jobs corporate welfare gulag masquerading as a government, we came here to defend and uphold the British Crown and associated Parliamentary Supremacy in North America, which does and will carry on without "Canada" regardless.
  22. Bear in mind, there's no onus for you to get off your land and go live somewhere else, because this land is claimed for by Elizabeth Windsor, and I my case I also have ancestral claim to it predating Confederation, at Nova Scotia in 1757 and Upper Canada in 1789 by the two founding families which came together to become my family.
  23. And again, you don't need to move to the United Kingdom, the physical land you are owning here in North America is not owned by "Canada", it is free hold leased to you by the actual owner, who is Elizabeth Windsor. You are paying your taxes to your province to upkeep it in her name, the federal government, again, an illegitimate parasite sucking the life out of you, by convincing you that it and you are the same and so you can't live without them. Which is not the case.
  24. And thus is the way to be a UKUSSAN, in that rather than defending and upholding "Canada" which is not actually a binding agreement, you simply elevate yourself as an invidual sovereign, king of yourself in effect, and then defend and uphold your actual country in Westphalian terms by the central narrative of your history, which is the Anglo-American Empire of Liberty, Team Windsor, which is actually your birthright, as you were actually born in the House of Windsor, Canada is just a parasite which uses that against you be asserting itself to be your sovereign when in fact Elizabeth Windsor is your sovereign, not the federal government of Canada, which is rather a fake country.
  25. The best way to prepare yourselves is to divest yourself entirely of "Canada", use your sub-sovereign jurisdiction where you live simply as a tethered tax jurisdiction, and then come in on winning side by joining us out here in the land of the free market, under the protection of the light of civilization and associated Declaration of Independence preamble.
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