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Everything posted by Dougie93

  1. Which brings to where we are, which is UKUSSA-FVEY needing to execute an immediate action by covert means in to commence the process of trying to dissuade Canada from said garden path, which ultimately is backed by force as necessary when and if UKUSSA-FVEY reaches the threshold of having to topple the Canadian government in order to save it from itself.
  2. In essence, Canada; is like a developmentally delayed child being set upon by a monstrous hegemon of darkness, leading Canada down a garden path beyond the protection of UKUSSA FVEY
  3. Canada is however making itself into an outlaw nation as it so obviously falls on the undue influence of Beijing as a proxy against UKUSSA-FVEY
  4. And bear in mind, as the servers for these forums are generally hosted in the CONUS, while Canada could and very plausibly would persecute and even attempt to prosecute you for what you post on an internet forum, thanks to the light of civilization in America, they could not censor it from the internet writ large.
  5. Once you absorb that, then you will come to understand that their Declaration of Independence and associated Constitution is in fact the light of civilization as we know it, and the only thing standing between you and the forces of darkness, everywhere.
  6. This is another reason why you should not invest in Canada and rather invest in America instead. Whether you like or dislike the American people as a collective is neither here nor there, the point is simply that their constitution protects you more than your constitution does.
  7. Canada's democracy is obviously weak by nature, deliberately, by definition, as contrary to popular Canadian myth, Canada is a monarchy not a republic. As such Canada is able to retain such archaic laws as "speech laws", "thought laws", Canada is a notorious censor and property confiscator, and Canada prosecutes its people for simply defending themselves and their property while on their property, and if said persons invoke their right to it, Canada has Section 33 in its constitution.
  8. Canada also has a weak democracy, less rule of law, and citizens rights run roughshod over, by the far left, against speech, property, and self defence, In terms of trade deficits, those are irrelevant, net importers can and do profit mightily, the Canadian nanny state welfare gulag fake job economy is simply moribund.
  9. Canada, like China, also employs sleep derivation and isolation torture in its prisons.
  10. Canada, like China, is also a bad actor on speech, repressive nanny police state kangaroo courts and associated Canadian Thought Police at the HRT
  11. Canada, like China, is also a bad actor on intellectual property.
  12. But also Canada is simply a bad actor trade wise as well, same as China in essence, in that Canada wants access to everybody else's markets while Canada retains supply management.
  13. To wit, while China is a ruthless bully, Canada is a helpless baby, and both are noxious in their own way.
  14. Moreover, the world doesn't really like Canada anymore than they like China. Exactly as Bush_Cheney2004 often points out, Canada is the weakest link, but not just in FVEY, Canada is a weak leak in many chains around the world, although more though negligence by infantilization than malice.
  15. Moral high ground, plus the exact fare, gets you a ride on the public transit, who knew?
  16. The principle of the free market is rather that governments have little effect on market forces but are in fact subject to them as much as anybody else is, resulting in the failure of the World Socialist Revolution of supposed virtue, the real virtue being that markets cannot be controlled by Bolsheviks after all.
  17. Publishing by internet forum is not for profit by nature, but each post is in essence a page in a digital book, and they are unlimited for all intents and purposes, you can use as many pages as you like. Again, you write your book, I'll write mine. What's the problem?
  18. In terms of the PLAN in the China Seas, nobody is going to war for semi-commie free rider Canada, it only becomes a concern when, where and if the PLAN attempts to impede American freedom of navigation.
  19. It's of no particular concern to me, having no more investment in it, I'm rather enjoying seeing Canada get its comeuppance. Merely pointing out that kidnapping your citizens is already naked force.
  20. The red line at this juncture is freedom of navigation, in that America rules the waves is the strategic underpinning of the associated Empire of Liberty, and thus the Empire simply sails the around the People's Repubic's regardless, the red line is crossed when freedom of navigation is impeding, at which point an escalation force operation will commence, from simply evading at the low end of the response spectrum, to global thermonuclear war at the other.
  21. Sir, if I may; you are asserting a false dichotomy, in that the markets finding a price for everything and anything, free of ideological baggage, is an unalloyed virtue in of itself, and all to the good incarnate.
  22. No rights but that what is endowed by our Creator, no human right but that what is taken by Declaration of Independence. Problem solved.
  23. I don't worry about that which is beyond my control, my role in UKUSSA is to simply live free or die in defence of the House of Windsor, although I do provide freelance strategic analysis to multinational corporations as a revenue stream, but only those within the legislative framework of the Western World, I don't take contracts from commies.
  24. I only do business with Chinese interests, within the protection of property inherent to the Empire of Liberty, through America at Wall Street in Manhattan.
  25. Indeed, AAPL all on its own would have rendered me from the lower middle classes to the threshold of wealthy, if that was my only revenue stream. Otherwise known as Cupertino has been berry berry goo to me. Cheers for that, America.
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