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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. 5 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    Trudeau has permanently changed Canada for the worse.  We will never be the country we were, where helping your neighbour was the national pastime and being tolerant of others was part of the Canadian identity. That's gone.  And you're 'happy' about it for some reason.

    We live in the 'land of plenty' with all the food, fuel, and natural resources needed . . . .  yet, our standard of living is drastically dropping . . . and, our inherent enthusiasm to make things happen is fading fast.  This all goes back to Trudeau, he's destroyed the framework of Canada for his own interests.  He's a traitor.

    • Like 1
  2. 26 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Oh... that's a factor ?  Why don't you list how many bathrooms you want for an establishment:

    White man, white woman, white trans, black man, black woman, black trans ?

    I'm not sure what you're saying please enwhiten... I mean enlighten me.

    Calm down Hardner . . . . don't be so sensitive.  I'm a half-breed and don't know where to p!ss.  Perhaps on your flowers?

    • Like 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

    1. Forcing washroom use on your born sex will result in this dude in the ladies room:

    2. Nobody should say it isn't.  The system is set up to mitigate political differences and produce a solution that's acceptable to enough people to move on.

    That dude, dudette, creature, is black . . . .  separete washroom too?

  4. 24 minutes ago, herbie said:

    If you don't have charging at home and forget every morning where the closest charger is, you should turn in your licence now and check into a care home.
    And it's just plain awful to depend on a govt hydro instead of Big Oil, isn't it? Giving up the freedumb of choice as to who rips you off for an actual vote on who calls the rules.

    Gawd, make up any petty argument to trash the concept and try to ruin it for others just because you don't want one yourself.


    Mommy government . . . loves her little boy herbie.  herbie loves mommy government.  

  5. Provincial and local government push to halt the use of natural gas heat, wood heat, tax heating fuel . . . .

    Big push for heat pumps, electric vehicles, etc.

    Build more dams  . . . Site D, E, F, etc.  Too bad for salmon, and flooded farm/ranch land.

    Be totally dependent on BC Hydro and other government suppliers . . .

    Seems to be a pattern here . . .


  6. 24 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

      This sort of cost comparison should probably include a further 15-35% premium on the EV to account for the yield you'd earn or the interest you'd pay over 7 years for the price difference.

    Also the value of a 7 year old EV . . . . who would want one?  They are a thrrow-away item.  A seven year old diesel truck is worth something.

  7. 50 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    Frankly for about a million reasons, i'll take a shorter shotgun over a pistol any day of the week for self defense. Even a little carbine shooting 9 mm or 40. 

    Have packed both in G-bear country while prospecting . . . a different kind of predator.  The old licencing for side arm defence was a minimum .41 calibre, mine was .44 Remington.  Shortie 12bore was a better choice, but awkward with a pack/gear.  

    Many backwoods users 'pack' . . . worry about the paperwork later.  

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