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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. 2 hours ago, herbie said:

    And the same ones that couldn't figure out how to connect stereo speakers in 1972 can't figure out how to plug in USB sticks to their $3000 computers today. And think 13" laptops are so much cooler even though they're losing their vision.
    Whereas the younger never learned what boomers have forgotten and both think your cell phone will work in a submarine that's buried in a mountain.

    Some people think boomers are evil for taking the $1 million someone offers for that home you bought for $40,000 while boomers think you're crazy not to.

    That;s the world we live in, where many people think blaming someone is the solution to all problems.

    Who's to blame for your sad situation herbie?

    • Haha 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    Yup, my mortgage was 11% in 79 then 12.5% in 84 then 13 in 89.

    The boomers paid their dues so the offspring have it better.

    Had a beautiful home built for me in 1980.  Mortgage rates blasting into the ozone.  Made a few payments at 21%, good herring fishery years then . . . mortgage gone in 6 years.  Those were the days that you could work hard and get ahead of the game.  Young folks now have no game . . . no future, no work ethic, no dreams.  No piece of the pie . . . . ever.

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  3. 23 hours ago, herbie said:

    If the Dork Trump becomes Predident, he will seek retribution by punishing Canada with Trade penalties.
    Even though Canada-US trade and NATO are two entirely different issues, the miserable c*nt will convince his ignorant followers they aren't.
    So we better have a good obedient Tory that will bow to His Massah's Orders.
    Don't wanna p1ss them off or suggest election influencing from them, do we?

    Afraid and lashing out again herbie?  Mommy will slide a plate of cookies under the bed for you . . . stay safe little guy.

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

    That gets thrown out the water when Trump gets the nod.

    He will demand it and call us out for coming up short.

    "call us out' . . . as he should.  Too many left wing whackos happy to stand in the shadow of our neighbor and their defence influence, yet look down their brown noses when it comes to homeland defence.  Smug bastiges . . .

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  5. 43 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    Nothing but complaints about the government.

    The federal Liberals have done poorly . . . there's lots to complain about.  We live in 'the land of plenty' yet our standard of living is going down.  You, herbie, eyeball, and others will disagree . . . and that's just my opinion.

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  6. 1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

    I am so very much against all we do and give to the indigenous already  . . .

    In my career I have been from one side of Canada to the other and from top to bottom and seen many reservations. (nations , communities or whatever you want to call them) and know that everything they have is given to them by us.

    The 'First Nations Financial Transparency Act'   (FNFTA) brought in by PM Stephen Harper was a good start in a long process.  Cancelled by Justin Trudeau in 2015 . . . . 

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