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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. 3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

     If Poilievre switches from going after Trudeau to going after the Liberals in general and turning the kids against them and their ways PP could wind up being the first full 3 term Prime Minister we've seen in forever.

    It may take 3 terms for any PM to stitch this broken country back together.  Division, mistrust, lies and theft is the legacy of Trudeau and his band of monkeys . . .

    • Like 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, herbie said:

    He was asked to by the Speaker - so now you accuse the Speaker of being a dictator? Following rules is a dictatorship? What kind of chaotic concept are you touting as your vision of democracy?
    I don't think you know what democracies and dictatorships even are!

    Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre  knew what he was doing . . . bringing public attention to the 'wacko' policies of the 'wacko' PM and his band of hand picked monkeys . . .  job well done PP !

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  3. 2 hours ago, herbie said:

    We don't hide. Cross a picket line and find out....

    Little man hiding in a union . . . all members levelled to the lowest producing member.  Paying a 'fatass' union dues' to be able to work at the level of the lowest producer union member.  Oh well . . . . solidarity forever.  yuck!

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, cannuck said:

    Any idea how many prosecutions have been done over illegal discharge of bilge water?  Just curious about jurisdiction and penalties.

    Many floating derelicts . . . abandoned, some live aboard, drug/stolen goods dealt . . . sinkers, leaking fuel/oil/? etc. . . . all Federal.  Nothing done.  

    eyeball, what was the construction of your boat?  Why so much $$ for disposal?

  5. 1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

      You don't understand the economy.

    You don't understand the contempt and palpable hatred that a good percentage of Canadians have for the present Liberal government.  Your fawning defence of everything Liberal  would be amusing if Trudeau's policies weren't punishing citizens . . . in this 'land of plenty' with a plunging standaed of living.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    And if she'd been willing to break it there's nothing that could have prevented it or brought the affair to light.

    It was there to be used but its always required an honest politician to do so.

    It's useless as a preventative measure.

    It's a wonderful revelation to see your gradual long arc to the right/right way of thinking concerning Canadian federal politics.  It must feel great to finally realize that you'll not be duped or play the dupe any more.  Well done, proud of you!

  7. 1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Of all the problems we have... Nutty university students are way down on the list.

    There's already a post in here giving an example of his erratic mindset.

    If he was a leftist, everyone would think he was nutty, but because he supports traditional values, his tribe excuses him.

    It's disgusting actually.

    For fans of Jordan, is there any topic that you wouldn't have him testify as an expert on?

    He's probably going to testify on that topic soon.


    Nutty university students are not way down on the list . . . they will be running the remains of Canada soon enough.

    Your hatred of everything not left-wing is disgusting actually . . .

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