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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. 30 minutes ago, PIK said:

    It can. O'Toole has a great simple plan. But the country has to back him to fight the international enviros and get some pipelines in the ground and sell our product. Very simple. And only a Con can stop the west from leaving. The country was quiet when Harper was in charge.

    Hoping that you're right.  Backing O'Toole also.  

    • Like 1
  2. There isn't a PM of any stripe that will be able to patch-up this country now.  Quebec and Ontario have circled the wagons . . . . pissing away $$ they don't have. Brain-dead eastern voters and a mannequin for a PM.  Stuff just doesn't heal up with a change of PM. Not now.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Argus said:
    • In 2018, Canada’s energy sector directly employed more than 282,000 people and indirectly supported over 550,500 jobs
    • Canada’s energy sector accounts for over 10% of nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    • Government revenues from energy were $14.1 billion in 2017
    • The ICT sector makes a substantial contribution to Canada’s GDP. In 2018, the sector’s GDP was $86.6 billion (in 2012 constant dollars), and accounted for 4.5% of national GDP.


    Canada sits on the third largest oil reserves in the world . . . . we import 1,000,000,000 (one billion) barrels of oil annually.  Anyone 'cost-out' the price of the imported vs employment/ savings using our own reserves?

  4. 43 minutes ago, taxme said:

    I guess that the chief forgot that he was not driving his truck on Indian land, eh? ;)

    Expired plate . . . . expired insurance?  How would you like the chief plowing into your vehicle full of family members?  There ain't no 'healing circle' gonna fix that . . . the 'chief' is a dickhead.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

    I did elaborate...right in the post you've quoted.  Go ahead and read the entirety of each sentence. I'm not even going to respond. 

    I don't see even a shred of interest from you on having an intelligent conversation.  You just want to rant nonsense and attack people. 

    I've never voted anything but PC in an Ontario election, and have only occasionally voted Liberal federally.  I'm a typical Toronto voter though.....   

    Your non-response is to be expected.  Nothing new there. Carry on.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

    Free trade is more of a right-wing thing actually.  

    The left has done plenty of good for the economy  . . . . Care to elaborate?

    Conversely, the "right" has caused all sorts of damage to the economy.  Again, care to elaborate? 

    The danger is discounting one side altogether as bad, and deciding that the other is defacto 'good'.  Any thinking person of any stripe would see that this present Liberal 'clown prince' has damaged this country financially before the Covid, damaged the country by discouraging investment, by widening the racial differences (ban on guns does not apply to the Indians), killed the goose that laid the golden $$ eggs (Alberta) . . . . the list is long and sad.  You sound like a typical Toronto voter . . . . ?? 


    • Thanks 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, Rue said:

    You got your damn right to say that...but you mistake him and me and others who  had our own issues with lack of freedom but found it here. He is the last guy who would blindly support government phack you. Yah he did not inherit your shit...doesn't mean he expects you to accept your shit. We respect freedom, not your lack of it. We don't presume to tell you a damn thing. If we do say phack off.  Some of us know we walk on soil we know  has blood on it. We won't waste emotions like guilt on it.  We honour it by walking around it. Might not be much but we will stay out of your face. You got shit to settle, you will. Probably not with Lord Justin but eventually someone with balls. So probably a female Prime Minister. 

    Men never settle up. We pose and posture and strut and never pay back our debts until someone gets shot or a knee broken.

    It's not good to use your whole post in a quote . . . . but, just what are you trying to say?  Are you answering for another member here?  Are you suffering from mental issues?  What is your post about?

  8. 4 hours ago, eyeball said:

    I'm quite certain you've heard them many many times but you never listen so...

    In any case here's 8 specific things that I'm fairly certain apply in Canada and I'm just as certain they'll all be disavow and dismissed and ironically enough in a very systematic way.


    Part 1 of 8.


    Watch 8 of your selected videos . . . be branded a racist, asshole, lazy, stupid, and told by you to STFU if no one watches these videos ?  Do everyone a favour and just list your 'proof' and be happy that you've educated everyone. Is there an Anger Management group in your neighborhood ?

  9. 37 minutes ago, Independent1986 said:

    I don't find it patriotic to start bashing your fellow Canadians or the country itself because the management . . .  is bad. The management will change. What if . . . your favorite wins the PM . . . will you come after and say Canada is great now ?

    Blind patriotism is great if you're one of the sheep flock.  Any realist can see that Canada is too big to govern in its present form.  Encourage Quebec to separate . . . then you'll have a chance at making a real Canada.  

  10. 41 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

    With all of the accusations of systemic racism, including the idea of unconscious bias, some companies are implementing affirmative action hiring policies that will aim to hire more minorities.  The CBC, for example, claims it will make sure at least 50% of its workforce are minorities.  Do you agree with affirmative action policies?

    50% of the CBC 'work' force is deadwood. Taxpayer funded, bought and paid for, pandering to the equally deadwood Liberal government.  50% minorities is another socialist tool . . . how about competition for the job with others who are as qualified?  Who cares if you're a so-called minority . . . if you can do the work better than others - - - the job's yours.  This country is so pussified it's sickening.

  11. 4 hours ago, Rue said:

    Manitoba is full of mosquitoes. They are nasty, evil, and carriers of disease. We need to invade and exterminate them or put them in schools and teach them not to be butterflies.

    Manitoba has an eastern seaport at Churchill . . . . ship western grain to European markets.  The port is open months longer with 'global warming' . . . For western separation to work, Manitoba has to be included.  Mosquitoes are preferable to the 'blow flies' that buzz around the sh!tpile Federal Govt.  Remember, Quebec & Ontario need the west more than we need them.

  12. On 5/20/2020 at 8:14 AM, JohnnyCanuck said:


    The end of Canada as a constitutional monarchy is ok by me IF the replacement is a Republic in which all Canadians are equal citizens, with equal political representation. 


    Let the discussion be about Canada being re-defined as a fair and equal Republic. If this re-definition does not occur then Elizabeth Windsor can remain in place. This is too important a chance to finally sweep the politically privileged out. We cannot waste this chance to just get a simple-simon renaming of the GG to President, after which a certain uninformed mass will prance around shouting 'we're a free people' , while in the background the elite puppetmasters, who benefit from things the way they are now, silently snigger.


    Thoughts anyone?

    This country will never be united as long as Quebec is involved.  Quebec is only at the picnic to eat other provinces sandwiches.  They didn't sign the 1982 Constitution, and don't want to be a part of Canada.  Manitoba west would make a great stand-alone country.  

  13. 17 minutes ago, cougar said:

    Yes,  they gave you a permit to pack while invading pristine bear habitat.  You should have never been allowed to get there in the first place! 

    I do not invade bear habitat.  I am largely on trails and rivers where bears and humans know a bit about one another and coexist.  

    I am not looking to put myself between a bear and his kill, between a mother and her cubs, I do not approach them to ask them how they are doing and see if I can do their pedicure.   I do not camp on their land and leave half of my steak by the tent.

    Again, it is people with little understanding and respect for wildlife that choose to carry guns and use them at first opportunity.

    Your above post with all its assumptions shows how utterly uninformed you are.  Hoping that your Walt Disney-ish ideas don't get you and your dog into a situation you know nothing about.

  14. 27 minutes ago, cougar said:

    Where have you heard of hikers carrying a loaded .44 to protect themselves from bears?  Which BC Parks website would you reference?    In some places they advise people walk in groups of 6 or more.  Bear spray and bear bangers is what works in this neck of the woods.   Side arms and semi-automatics are for "normal folks" living in the city like you!

    Had a 'permit to pack' while prospecting up the BC coastal inlets. Mine: Ruger Super Blackhawk.  Tell me about travelling in thick coastal vegetation alone . . . Mississauga man. You're out of your league here.  Stick to the BC Parks you referenced.  Pick some mushrooms for clarity of thought.


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