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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. 1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

     A problem for Canada is that social and environmental policy is curtailing resource development.  We need constant replenishment of business and personal tax revenue in government coffers to sustain all our 'progressive' services and policies.  

    Astute observation as usual . . . . 

  2. Military members . . . . .what do you think of an unarmed Canadian public?  It seems we are headed in that direction a degree at a time.  Is the backlash militia groups as seen in the US? Are the US militia groups comprised of mostly right-wing, libertarian, Republican, Conservative type folks?  Are these types the ones that made their countries great?

    Too many questions . . .  

  3. 1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

    The police are nothing more than public sector unionized thugs for the government which also bankrupt the public purse, anybody calling to hire more of these goons is patently naive.

    Kind of like the military?  On the taxpayers dime but showing allegiance to some foreign queen, president, country, or what ever flavour of the day is . . . . show some deference.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    Trudeau is a naive moron.  He's lived in a golden shack his whole life, gone to the best schools in the best neighbourhoods, he has no idea what's happening on the streets.

    He wants to build a utopia out of a house of cards.  His BS might make for a feel-good hollywood movie but this crap don't work in reality.

    Hey!  This just isn't about handguns in the urban/inner city, it's about every law-abiding gun owner that owns a firearm that the two twits deem as 'assault, military, or scary looking(to them) regardless of action style, mag capacity, colour, or visual style.  I live in western Canada where long guns are used regularly, and where they are considered no more important than that wheel wrench to change your tire.  Guides, outfitters, farmers/ranchers, hunters, target shooters are all in the sights of the Federal Liberals.  This is a hunting culture where I live. We eat wild game and grow our vegetables  . . . . and may 'look after things' if push comes to shove.  Every gun owner should be concerned . . . 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Rue said:

      It's why I hate hand guns anywhere but at a gun club.

    The rest of your post is indicative of a city dweller.  There are rural folks that pack.  I was licensed to pack while prospecting.  Minimum .41 caliber for permit.  Not the weapon of choice in G-bear country.  Short shotgun is best, but it's always getting banged up with your pack frame.  Ruger Super Blackhawk was what I packed.  Travelling alone in thick coastal G-bear country is anything but relaxing . . . . always watch your backtrail.  Trudeau and Blair are idiots.

  6. On 10/11/2019 at 8:54 AM, Argus said:

    China is exerting far, far more power around the world than any other country right now, and that influence is growing. They're also rapidly modernizing their military, and starting to launch large aircraft carriers to exert their military power abroad.

    They're a predatory entity . . . . Trump appears to be better prepared to deal with them than past presidents have been.  Canada/Trudeau/Freeland are a sad joke. The Michaels will pay the price. Canada's f'kd !

  7. 4 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

    Funny how she dismisses my scenario of the right making the left the hunted, right before she invokes a race war in Canada.

    Don't waste your time trying to decipher her responses to anything.  She is the poster child for the left-wing dingbats who control this country now.  White/non-white supremacists are Canadian citizens now.

  8. 21 minutes ago, jacee said:

    Canadians are not so willing to go along with US warmongering anymore. Since Iraq, it's become clear that the US military-industrial organized crime mob creates conflict in vulnerable countries with lots of natural resources, only for the benefit of predatory billionaires. Soldiers lives are sold cheaply to the highest corporate bidders. It's a classic case of privatizing profits while socializing costs. 

    We've learned a lesson from Afghanistan, and we won't be likely to sacrifice our soldiers lives for US billionaires' profits again.  

    Where do you get this stuff?  You have an 'altered reality' . . . . . wtf

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