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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana
54 minutes ago, -TSS- said:
It's going to be a gridlock for President Biden if the Republicans win the Georgia Senate-race and thus retain the Senate.
Biden can't do anything and a considerable amount of the population believe he is illegitimate as President.
He's a lame duck before taking office.
Biden is a laughable choice for President. Old and feeble minded . . . . . tainted by his family fiasco - Hunter.
33 minutes ago, Alex Peter said:
America’s role in the world has diminished under President Trump and whether a Biden administration can restore a U.S.-led international order.
It's very beneficial to have a strong relationship with the Ukraine . . . . . Biden knows this.
2 hours ago, bcsapper said:
Anything at all to do with election fraud. Anything any news outlet ever reported that Trump said that they reported as truth.
I'm not going to google and post such stuff. . . . . so could you just take it as read that I have posted one here?
Yours is the only truth . . . . thanks for clearing up any misconceptions.
12 hours ago, BeaverFever said:
Let’s just set the record straight that you Trumpsters who believe the election was stolen by some grand and elaborate conspiracy are the minority opinion, not the mainstream.
It’s not because you believe something that just happens to be wrong in most people’s view, that’s normal. It's that you believe in something that everyone can see is clearly implausible and impossible and without any evidence or even credible proponents.
Obviously it's very important to you to be on the winning side. If, as you believe, you're on the winning side, why don't you just relax and let things unfold as they will? Lighting your hair on fire over an election in another country will just illuminate the shallowness of your arguments.
And no, not 'everyone' can agree with your rants . . . .
As mentioned before . . . . . the election process needs scrutiny.
49 minutes ago, bcsapper said:
Nobody wants their inadequacies and defects to be part of someone else's entertainment.
You have no qualms about sharing yours . . . here?
Whether President Trump has lost the election or not, the election itself . . . warts and all, needs looking at. American and Canadian politics/procedures need critical scrutiny.
35 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:
Now is the time to reflect on what is important. President Trump is retiring. I wish him well.
President Elect Biden will probably interact quite well with our weak Federal Govt. Good times ahead. Easy street!
38 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:33 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:
Well, we both know that Canada can never go it alone. That's why America's choices matter so much to you, and always will.
What to do about China ? Hope that America does something about China, because Canada is too weak to do anything.
Follow your own advice....
New thread . . . . 'What to do about Canada'
Many Canadians have a self-righteous attitude towards Americans. MG's post is the blueprint for that attitude.
Canadian motto: "Aah . . . oh oh, Mmmm maybe not, you can't do that, that'll never work, not right now . . . maybe tomorrow.
American motto: "Just watch me" . . . . .
The recent American election seems to show that there were abnormal/inconsistent procedures. This has to be investigated. President Donald Trump winning/losing a second term based on the inconsistent voting procedures also has to be investigated . . . . . no big deal. Have an investigation. Clear the air.
1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:
My content count on this site is 32,461 contributions - go ahead, and fill your boots.
Count and content are two different things . . . . . congratulations on 32,461 postings. Great count, no doubt about it. Content is another matter entirely . . . . yours could be summed up in a short paragraph. Again, a great short paragraph it would be. Carry on Mike, and have a safe, happy holiday
On 12/23/2020 at 10:16 AM, Michael Hardner said:
No - my kind of politics includes pointing out retarded arguments, and retarded behaviour.
Have yet to read anything from you that is definitive on any subject. Wishy-washy responses are your forte . . . carry on!
Solstice . . . the earth celebration. Peace to all
49 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:
He hoped his last name could be used to his advantage?
This thread is about American politics . . . . . not Canadian politics. ?
1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:
As you see this already happened. It seems very plausible that China would like to do training exercises here. It seems plausible too, that Mr. Trudeau would let them.
As was mentioned by a caller on the Roy Green show . . . . Would the Chicago Blackhawks invite the Toronto Maple Leafs to practice with them?
On 12/19/2020 at 5:35 PM, Zeitgeist said:
We see how wedges have been driven between people: man vs. woman, black vs. white, person vs. person (social distancing). How long can we live among so much social tension and fear? How do we return to a more cohesive, calmer human world? How do we reduce the dominance of the authorities in our lives?
The language of the left . . . . political correctness, has all but muzzled discussion. The present Liberal govt. are masters of this tactic. Question anything of the Liberals, and you're branded as a racist, global warming advocate, gay basher, anti-green, etc., etc. For the most part, the academics of this country are left/far left . . . Jordan Peterson being the delightful exception, and have slowly and surely undermined free speech and thought.
We've become a country of pussies . . . .
Daughter-in-law is a health care worker in a seniors facility . . . central BC. Her elderly patients haven't seen family or friends since March. She's masked/covered, and hardly recognizable. She and the other health workers are the only human contact for these elderly folks. She's also overworked as other colleagues choose not to work. Her elderly patients are alone and are in despair . . . . . and pass away. Sad state of affairs.
12 minutes ago, taxme said:
Here in BC when one goes into a restaurant they must wear a mask. When they sit down they can remove the mask and eat but when they get up again they must put the mask back on. I did not know that when one sits down they cannot spread the virus. Can anyone with an ounce of brains in their heads see that there is something really stupid and wrong with this picture? Many no doubt will not see anything wrong at all. They will think that it is just fine. I call those people trained seal dummies. An appropriate name for them.
Bonnie Henry rules BC with an iron fist . . . . people walking down the street with masks on, alone in their cars-masks on, everywhere-masked up. Trained seals, scared rabbits, or sanctimonious monkeys . . . . . ?
Mike . . . . a cup of China tea may be just the thing to calm you down. And yes, you are a winner . . . in every way.
23 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:
Harper did nothing to address climate change, not that Trudeau has done much better.
As long as you're voting for the 'winning' side . . . . . you can call yourself a winner too. Justin is your boy . . . be proud! To turn the country upside down over climate change at this time is ludicrous. To import oil while we sit on our own, again . . . ludicrous.
28 minutes ago, Argus said:
Canadians are not taught history, except about how horrible we were to natives, so I doubt one in a hundred knows anything about the Statute of Westminster.
Was kicked out of Social Studies in high school . . . the teacher was obsessed with everything Egypt. Asked him why we weren't learning anything about Canada, considering most of us would live, work, and pay taxes, and die here. Made the mistake of also mentioning that if I wanted to know anything about Egypt, I'd buy a postcard. Kicked out, but made me a student of Canadian history, especially western Canada.
Agree . . . . Dominion Day !
1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:
He beat the crap out of Patrick Brazeau.
Harper never held a real job in his life. He was a founder of the new Socialist Credit Party (communist). He clearly had no education in the hard sciences and as a result, was a closet climate change denier. His only education was as an economist. Not a real degree. He had nice hair, though.
Trudeau was a math teacher, and you may recall his teaching reporters how quantum computing works.
I would never vote for Trudeau if the so-called conservatives would run someone of ability against him...somebody untainted by the socialist credit/reform/communist party.
You've lost all credibility . . . . . hoping you're well and not showing any signs of the disease from China.
1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:
I've seen his boxing, sorry, no. That little pencil-neck physique ain't bouncing nothin'.
Have watched that more than a few times . . . . Trudeau is truly a light-weight in the mechanics of the sweet science.
1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:
The same could be said for Harper.
Harper has an education and acts in an adult manner.
5 hours ago, cougar said:
They will not allow me to use my money locked in RRSP accounts extinguish mortgage debt but they allow TD to lose 12.6% of same money in 2.5 months.
Thought you were living for 'free' on Indian Reserve . . . . ?
1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:
Yes but only since Confederation.
Care to clarify your odd response ?
America under President Trump
in Federal Politics in the United States
Did see a photoshop'd pic of President Trump . . . . . and it looked very good. His hair had been cropped quite short and hadn't been colored, and he had a greying goatee. He looked like a tough guy. Just my opinion - he'd have had a much stronger presence if he'd just kept off Twitter, and had learned to not comment on every minute issue.