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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. 3 hours ago, QuebecOverCanada said:


    I have a Canadian passport but would never, ever, bear allegiance to the Queen and the British Crown. Canadians are just subjects being the property of the Canadian government. Most Quebecers do not care at all about the Queen, but are Canadians on paper.

    Never got over 'The Plains of Abraham'  . . . . french got their sorry arse's handed to them on a platter by the English.


  2. On 11/21/2020 at 5:58 AM, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

    Doesn't matter who's running at this point nobody there has the guts to make Canada independent and we are all going to pay. 

    It's really too bad, Canada has such potential. 

    Canada is a dysfunctional concept. There's nothing to tie us together. We don't mesh.  There will never be any unity if Quebec is involved.  They don't want to be a part of Canada. 

    We've been played as fools.  This so-called country should be cleaved in half.  Manitoba and westward would be a viable country with much the same goals and work ethic. Every resource ever needed to sustain ourselves, and access to east/west world markets. 

    Quebec contributes nothing, expects and gets everything . . . . and whines and bitches about it. 

    We are truly the fools. Sad.

  3. 10 hours ago, taxme said:

    Quebec will never separate from Canada and why would they? Heck, they already own and run the rest of Canada. It is the rest of Canada that must now try and separate from Quebec. If not, don't expect Canada to get any better. 

    What if . . . . 

    The citizens of Manitoba west refused to pay the Federal Tax Payable portion of their income tax. Stick half into their pockets, and gave the Provincial Govt. the other half for infrastructure, etc. Stop all Equalization/Transfer payments, all sales tax, etc.

    No need to 'declare' separation . . . . just en masse  do not comply.  Starve out that inept Federal Govt.  What would the Feds do?  Kick us out of Canada?  Who cares!  

    Folks from the west seem to forget that Ontario/Quebec need you much more than you need their arrogant abuse.

    Do not comply . . . you have all the chips (food & fuel)  an eastern seaport at Churchill for access to European markets, and western seaports for the Asian access.  

    The west is stupid.  Stupid to play a stacked poker game forever, thinking they'll win a small pot  sometime.


  4. 7 hours ago, dialamah said:

    That's opinion based on feelings, not supported by fact.  JT is not a great leader and he's accomplished little of note that I can see, but that could be said of many leaders.  Yes, there've been scandals, just like there've been scandals for virtually every PM that I can remember.  He's pretty average, really, but he's not a disaster by any stretch.

    Did you post this with a straight face . . . . facetious ?

    If not . . . . lying, ineptitude, ethics breaches, the list is long . . . . . all ok with you ?

    Voters like you  . . . . . . 

  5. 11 minutes ago, taxme said:

    I pretty much have given up on listening to the Canadian news on TV anymore. Pretty much the whole news cast is always about this Convid 1984 virus. It is like they are constantly trying to brainwash us every day with this so called terrible virus. 

    If you turn off the radio, you'll miss the soothing voice of Bonnie Henry . . . . day in and day out. 

  6. On 11/24/2020 at 4:26 PM, OftenWrong said:

    Soon, the mob will kill you if you do not comply.

    We have to stand against fear-mongering, especially by the mass media. You can tell how they use headlines to implant seeds of fearful thought. Those headlines are carefully crafted by experts in psychology and propaganda. 

    We're being played, conditioned, dumb'd down . . . . . sad thing is that we've lost our critical thought process.  Turn on the radio/TV/etc. and you're told what to do . . . . and you do it.  Perfect atmosphere for the Turd-o types to bankrupt the country, impose unworkable policies, and keep you in fear.  Yes, we are sheep.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    I would think that if you want to govern a country it would be smart to have policies and ideology that most Canadians agree with.

    A good portion of the country (the portion with all the food & fuel) don't like the policies of your Liberals.  The last Federal Election is a reflection of of their rejection.

    You're a reflection of that entitled Liberal mindset.

  8. 55 minutes ago, Charles Anthony said:


    Who wants quarantine? 

    This is a final reminder:  Avoid thread drift lest I help you do so for you. 

    Where's the 'thread drift' ?  We're Canadian folks discussing the state of our country and its government.  I do recognize that you don't like me or my posts, just as I don't like you.  Guessing you'll label this post as thread drift . . . .  Waiting for the testimony of the PM.  Should be interesting.

  9. 19 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    Typical of conservatives to make a judgement or attack based on looks and outside rather than what is inside like the size of the heart. Remember Kim Campbell's comments about Jean Chretien's so called embarrassing looks if he ever represents Canada abroad as PM? For a fault he was born with? It will backfire on you too if you attack our Prime Minister based on his looks, or dress. The latest CBC poll tracker proves my point.

    CBC is relevant to anything non-Liberal?  Jean Chretien looked good and had the stance of a leader.  Justin Trudeau looks/acts like a goof.  Very embarrassing.  Nice deflection attempt on your part though.  p.s.  Mike Duffy wasn't the Finance Minister.  Your Liberal finance minister can't figure out simple household finances . . . . how nice for the Conservative taxpayers.

  10. On another note . . . . . Stephen Harper acted like a Prime Minister.  He had the bearing, the education, the intelligence to speak with depth and clarity, knew how to dress and shave . . . . the list is long.  What we have now is an uneducated, unqualified, inept little boy . . . despised by world leaders, seen as a joke and a fool where ever he goes, and an embarrassment to Canada. Not too proud to be a Canadian at the moment . . . . 

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  11. 1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    Yes no comparison. Harper Government was much more corrupt and worse decisions being made based on what THEIR supporters desired in order to keep their votes in general elections not evidence based (like the manner in which Peter MacKay under instruction by Harper manipulated and pushed bill C36 through Parliament in 2014 in a rushed manner which jeopardizes the safety of many or laying off many people just prior to election in order to artificially balance the books). No thinking person would compare the two. I didn't. You did. 

    I do enjoy the comic relief of your posts . . . . thank you.  Your reference to Bill C36 showcases your thought process, again thank you.

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  12. 29 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    I don't think conservative supporters showed much of frustrations with years of Harper abuses. They were mostly silent (and now they are out in full with tooth and nail criticizing Trudeau) as most Liberal supporters are now.

    Honestly . . . . how can any thinking person compare Harper's government with the 'gong show' that's playing out daily in Ottawa now.  Surely you jest.  

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  13. 9 minutes ago, Argus said:

    Sorry to intrude with reality but according to today's NP polls of likely conservative voters put MacKay so far out ahead it will be a laughter. He's at 55% to O'Toole's 25%. Lewis is at 11%.

    Truth be told . . . . a mannequin from the store window would have more intelligence and depth than the shitpump that disgraces Rideau Hall now.  A Conservative PM is all I can hope for at the moment.  

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