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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. 33 minutes ago, Shady said:

    Quite right.  It’s sad to see what he’s become.  Trump broke his brain, and he still hasn’t healed.  So he’s become an advocate for politicians who’s policies he’d otherwise be against.  Liberal Supreme Court judges, carbon taxes, fossil fuel bans and restrictions, increased immigration, critical race theory, etc, etc.  You can’t reason with somebody that’s abandoned it.

    He need help.  Hoping he realizes this.

  2. 1 hour ago, Brutus said:

    I was just going to say that you're the most deluded Trumpist I've seen, but then I remember that almost half the population of America is just as deluded as you. 

    You act like you are against the 'deep state' and the establishment, but are too dumb to realize that Trump is the establishment!  

     You are against Obamacare . . .  How stupid can you get? 

    And the last thing, your disgusting propaganda of Biden being a pedophile. 

    You people are being taken on a ride but are too dumb to see it

    Would an 'Anger Management' class be of benefit to you?  Probably covered under  your Provincial Health Plan.  Biden will soon be there for you . . . . Really would like to see Hunter Biden participate in some fashion with Finances & Banking.  He'd be an asset to the White House and Dad.  

  3. 14 minutes ago, Boges said:

    Cuz, what happened on January 6th was Sedition. 

    I can see why you'd want to deny that, but that doesn't change the fact that everything about what happened at the Capitol that day was a textbook example of sedition. 

    'Sedition/seditious behavior' opposition in the Senate . . . . .  get a grip!  What's next on your odd thought process?  Seditious thoughts?  You're true to form . . . congratulations!  Carry on.

  4. 2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

    There's work and demand.  Immigrants also create businesses.  Anyway, they don't have to stay if they don't want to.  No one is making them come.  

    You just don't get it. You have no concept of 'up north' or isolated resource based camps, or the scattered resource(s) themselves.  

  5. 25 minutes ago, cannuck said:

    . . . .  this mindless addiction to growth at any cost.  We 'need' immigration in ridiculous numbers from highly questionable sources like yet another hole in our collective head.

    Do you let everyone into your house just because they knocked on your door?  Canada's immigration policy does not work in its present left wing form.  In fact, there's not much of anything left wing that works in this country.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

    a)  90% of Canada's population is on 20% of the land in the south.   

     b)  Personally I think the issue is that there are no incentives to settle in the far north, which means our land and cities in the south become ever more stressed.  

    a)  That's where there's a probability/possibility of employment and services.

    b)  Other than limited employment in a resource extraction, there's no way to sustain yourself/family in the 'far north'.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    Thanks, but the person in the avatar is the late Right Honourable Colonel George Francis Gilman Stanley, former Lt. Gov. of New Brunswick, one of the people credited with creating the Canadian flag, the longest serving officer in the Canadian Forces (or so I've been told) and one of Canada's foremost historians.

    It's not a question to be asking Mike . . . . 

    Thinking President Trump will just pack his bags and leave out the side exit . . . . . 

  8. 1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

    I don't know which day I am looking forward to more, the day when I can listen to an entire news broadcast that doesn't mention covid-19 or doesn't mention "former" President Donald Trump.

    It's refreshing to just turn the radio/TV off. Take your dog for a walk, do something/anything to get away from the barrage of crap we're fed every day.  Remove the portrait of Justin from above your fireplace and toss it into the flames. If your avatar is any indication of who you are . . . . you look in good shape.  Put on the 'tights' and do those new yoga poses  . . . to the newest Justin Bieber tunes (oops - said the Justin word again. Apologies). Have fun, don't listen to the doom-gloom.  Smile!  :D

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:



    As a precaution my employer gave everyone a roe letter to show police just in case.  I'd suggest everyone to carry a copy of a recent pay stub as well.  

    Stopped at check-points and road-blocks . . . . . show papers.  Gunpoint?  Police State?  Canada?

  10. On 1/13/2021 at 2:59 AM, Michael Hardner said:

    You have seen the numbers?

    It's a miracle! . . . . . . . cancer, respiratory disease, heart failure, etc.  have all been cured.  They're not in the stats anymore.  We can all hide behind the couch and tease the cat . . . until 'our leaders' can direct us to peek out the back door and squint in the sunshine . . . . 

    Mike, have you seen the numbers?  Get approval from 'your' leader before you attempt an answer.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Boges said:

    I'm eager to witness Trump's post POTUS life. 

    Short of the legal exposure he faces, his "Brand" is worth mud right now. 

    No banks will do business with him, he has no ability to market, his properties are worthless as long as he is the head of them. 

    He owes hundreds of millions of dollars and his only revenue stream now is grifting his downtrodden base. 

    Are you hoping he'll be put to death . . . . perhaps burned at the stake might make you happy.  Awaiting your predictable response  . . . . .  "yeah but, . . . ."

    • Like 1
  12. On 1/9/2021 at 6:09 PM, Nefarious Banana said:

    Book: 'The Price Of Panic' . . . . How The Tyranny Of Experts Turned A Pandemic Into A Catastrophe

    Douglas Axe, William M Briggs, Jay W. Richards

    ISBN 978-1-68451-141-9

    Informative and disturbing.

    We're being played.

    Really tacky quoting yourself but, . . . . . if you're able to get your hands on this book, you'll not be sorry.

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