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Nefarious Banana

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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana

  1. On 1/9/2021 at 6:09 PM, Nefarious Banana said:

    Book: 'The Price Of Panic' . . . . How The Tyranny Of Experts Turned A Pandemic Into A Catastrophe

    Douglas Axe, William M Briggs, Jay W. Richards

    ISBN 978-1-68451-141-9

    Informative and disturbing.

    We're being played.

    Really tacky quoting yourself but, . . . . . if you're able to get your hands on this book, you'll not be sorry.

  2. 2 hours ago, -TSS- said:

    What do you think: If that Quebec-referendum 25 years ago had gone just as narrowly the other way as it actually did, mainly a few thousands of votes, would it really have started negotiations on secession and now 25 years later would there be an independent Quebec? 

    Quebec will never leave . . . . they are Canada's tapeworm.  Would like to see Western Canada (4 Provinces) as a country.  There's nothing about the present day Canada that I like . . . . regionally or politically.  And before anyone tells me to leave . . . . my mothers/my ancestors have been here many thousands of years - fathers/my ancestors . . . couple hundred years.  Canada does not work in its present form.  

  3. 54 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

    This does raise an interesting question that I first asked in the status updates.  I'm genuinely interested in an opinion, especially from the pro-Trump faction.  Because it could be I'm reading it wrong.

    If the 2020 election is challenged in congress, why should not all future elections be challenged?  

    Okay, but what does it say for future elections once this precedent is set?  Will an actual presidential election ever again be worth the votes that were cast, if a majority of those in Congress get to choose the President anyway?  The electorate will know they are voting for the President when they vote for their Senators and Representatives.

    The 2020 election was bound to be challenged due to the polarization of the American populace.  I believe this is the trend worldwide now, with our own country in the mix also. Wondering if we are becoming ungovernable?  A disturbing trend.  Unity is just an idea at present. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Argus said:

    And yet to certain pathetic little boys on this site who can't get an erection without staring at a picture of Donald Trump the election was filled with massive fraud because HE says so. Why are you guys even here? There are sane, moderate people here. We're not your kind. You should be on one of those loony conspiracy sites where your kind can spout conspiracy theories about lizard people and pedophiles and dream about a world where you're not sniveling losers. Leave already. Your whiny rants used to be amusing and now they're just sad and sick. 8chan is waiting for you with open arms.

    Who are you to tell members of  mapleleaf.com  to leave?   Who are you to call members here names, and make sexual references about them?  Please seek the psychological help you need.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Argus said:

    I think you'll find my views are pretty much standard in this country. Do you live in Canada? If so, perhaps you'd be comfortable going south. Maybe you and Shady could get a tandem bicycle and head for Idaho or something where the other kooks are.

    Get some professional help . . . . you need it.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Argus said:

    Yes, you clearly and absolutely are a cult member, which is why you show such anger towards anyone who criticizes your god. You don't give a damn about the fairness of their election. If you did you'd have paid attention to all the judgement of all the courts, the attorney general, the FBI and 50 state governors who have dismissed all such allegations. You want Trump to be president forever, however he has to do it, legally or illegally. Don't even try to deny it.

    Get some professional help . . . . you need it.

    • Like 1
  7. 44 minutes ago, Argus said:

    Is that what you cult members think? Because from out here, those of us not in the Trump cult see it as simply exercising our judgement. Something cult members clearly lack.

    Mr. Argus . . . . I'm not a Trump 'cult' member whatsoever.  I did hope he'd win a second term. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't . . . . . My only focus was the process of the election, and if it was free of manipulation and fraud. If it can be shown that the election was tampered with, it stands to reason that possibly other elections in other countries can/have/would be altered too/also.  So please cut the psycho stuff, and find something else to 'light your hair on fire' over.  Have a good New Year if possible . . . 

  8. 1 hour ago, Cannucklehead said:

    He can call them whatever he wants until the cows come home.  The difference is to actually do something about it. 

    Do you have any idea how much the u.s. economy is dependant on things made in China?  Head to your local supplier one day and see how many things they sell have "made in prc" on the box.   

    So, what's your point ?


  9. Your fear, loathing, and hostility towards President Trump is tainting your posts.  Gentle Joe will soon be in the White House and hopefully you'll feel better. The USA will be better off with closer relations with the Chinese Communist Party.  President Trump was so wrong to 'call out' the CCP for what they are . . . . 

  10. 28 minutes ago, Argus said:

    What the hell is unnatural with feeling loathing and hostility towards an incompetent, self-centered, ignorant, bullying, lying crook and cheat? And why should I not blame the guy at the top for the incompetence of his government's response to the virus? Especially when he has done his best from the start to treat it like a PR exercise by simply lying about its un-importance and telling everyone not to bother wearing masks or doing anything else because it will 'go away' on its own.

    Try to have a happy New Year . . . . . all the best to you and yours.

  11. On 12/31/2020 at 12:30 PM, Argus said:

    In other words, he was an arrogant, ignorant narcissistic asshole. I'm not going to wish him well for that. He got at least a hundred thousand people killed through that 'personality disorder' you refer to, and I wish him misery and a bad end, not well.

    Are you heaping 100,000 'people killed' on the shoulders of a man you and others have an unnatural loathing and hostility for?

    Be careful of what you wish for . . . . what goes 'round, comes 'round.  

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