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Posts posted by Nefarious Banana
21 minutes ago, bcsapper said:
One reason to allow assisted suicide.
Some people might want to die with dignity.
Only one reason is required.
You're fading away, you're able to make a decision on your future, you don't want to be here anymore, your reasons are yours alone, you don't like wearing 'Depends' diapers . . . .
Hope this works!
1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:
It is absolutely no business of any damn government or person if I decide to end MY life.
My life belong to me and only I decide what to do with it . . .
Governments and Conservatives and religious preachers mind your own damn business.
Pistol in hand . . . . you've made your decision. Someone else will do the clean-up.
Most of the earth based beliefs of the indigenous people (mother earth-father sky) . . . have a different outlook on what we call 'death' . . . . . theirs and mine: 'Life goes on . . . it has just taken another form'. You will make this change assisted or not.
Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre has been shuffled out of his shadow Finance portfolio. This effective critic of the Trudeau Government financial fiasco will be missed. Smart, relentless, and un-intimidated . . . . he shone the spotlight on the endless inadequate leadership of Justin Trudeau. Pierre also had great entertainment value too.
7 hours ago, cougar said:
Growth is in the mouths of our politicians. Growth is all around us. Growth is the increased number of people and the increased amount of natural habitat converted by us into urban ghettos and junk yards.
Capitalism. particularly the wild west type of North America relies heavily on growth - the pyramid scheme as we know it - baby boomers replaced by more baby boomers and then by even more baby boomers.
cougar . . . in a perfect Canada/USA, what would make you happy? What's the perfect system? Please inform us . .
18 minutes ago, cougar said:
In the socialist country I lived in . . . .
The difference is, in a socialist country you will have one leach, in a capitalist country you will have countless leaches.
In a socialist country there is no real need for growth; in a capitalist - all about growth and money. Madness!
Your programming is total and complete . . . . . and yet, you're still unhappy. The capitalists will work, you'll hide behind the couch someone donated to you. Stick your hand out for that govt. cheque every now and then.
2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:
None of this is true.
. . . . because you said so?
Clarify your all encompassing statement.
On 2/4/2021 at 9:12 AM, Infidel Dog said:
Weren't these groups at these protests (who we're told we're not allowed to think of as BLM) chanting the old BLM chant "Pigs in a blanket. Fry em like bacon?"
And now for something truly tasteless . . . . . . . BLM t-shirt with Trudeau on the front in 'black-face' .
Trying to be positive . . . . Erin O'Who ?
"and that is why . . . . " Anyone else offended by this phrase spoken slowly and used constantly by Trudeau? Like he's telling a child to put their shoes on the right feet, or pull their pants up after using the toilet.
Communism might work for you . . . . did you come from a communist country or background?
On 2/1/2021 at 7:42 PM, cougar said:
It may be a capitalist problem. Socialism treats greed as a sin. Capitalism promotes greed and rewards the greedy.
As I have already mentioned it earlier, socialism does not treat people as a commodity. Capitalism does.
It is entirely possible that this is what drives its success. You bring people from other places and increase demand - prices rise. The country which was the donor of immigrants sees its population shrink and demand going down - a loss for them.
The bothersome thing is that in a greedy environment quality of life goes down the drain. People eat and breath money, work overtime, have zero enjoyment of anything in some vicious circle to get ahead.
As I had mentioned before, if I knew what a pathetic place this is, I wouldn't have set foot here. Too late.
a) Capitalism promotes taking the chances and hard work for reward.
b) Huh?
c) People willing to take a chance and compete . . . no ribbon for every kid in the foot race.
d) Communistic statement . . . shows where your mind's at. Enough said about that.
e) If you had any personal drive and initiative, you'd be embarrassed by your pathetic statement, and be gone whence you came.
As in the title of this thread . . . "supporting this error-prone government?'
Less than half the votes were 'supporting' this
error-pronecriminally corrupt government. Canada won't recover from the damage the cretin in Ottawa has done. I would like to see this country cleaved in half at the Manitoba/Ontario border.-
24 minutes ago, Argus said:
You notice how quiet the dumbass woman who first mentioned that is being now that she's being sued?
Who's 'the dumbass woman' . . . ?
17 minutes ago, godzilla said:
what do you mean by "liberal? do you mean:
"Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion."
'Liberal' in the context of this appalling Federal Govt.
Hard to believe this is Canada.
Trudeau and Traitor . . . . . different spelling - same meaning.
2 hours ago, godzilla said:
you don't get it. its financial titans fighting and oil is losing. there was plenty of public concern about global warming for decades and the titans didn't care. but now after numerous calamities in hurricane ally hitting the insurance and banking sectors and others, a glut in oil reserves forcing oil prices lower and additional capacity from green energy coming on, then this project is dead in the water. it was that way long before the Trump administration.
You don't get it . . . . the so called 'green' energy is just as dirty as you proclaim oil/gas is. Solar powered Caterpillar heavy equipment building another dam so you can plug your 'green' car in. Green just doesn't cut it on its own. A child would figure that out.
^ ^ ^ Comply or die ^ ^ ^ Are there more folks like you that will live 'Free' of anything oil/energy related? Yeah! sure.
On 1/23/2021 at 9:37 AM, Randyjohnson71 said:
I hope that Biden will be a one term President. I do not like Joe Biden. If this offends some readers, I apologize.
You do not have to apologize to anyone for your choice of President of the United States. Welcome to the forum. Post often!
Canada has 'stepped in something' . . . and no matter how hard/often it scrapes its shoe, the stench of Turds remain.
On 1/21/2021 at 7:46 PM, WestCanMan said:
Argus has no facts to speak of so he answers you with misplaced smileys, childish insults and a cartoon that is grotesquely unintelligent.
Past President Donald Trump is firmly between the ears of Argus. Argus put him there, wants him there. Sad
14 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:
Today...? Are you kidding?
Trump understood this. He didn't know how to effectively use it to his advantage . . . . his responses were usually emotion based, reactionary, and far too many. This, combined with his personal image (needing a haircut, frequently frowning, etc.) worked against him. A well spoken presentable President would be foolish not to learn what's acceptable to the voting public.
Some folks use a crystal ball, others read tea leaves, others yet use a pendulum . . . . . all excellent, foolproof ways to make decisions that affect others and the country. My prediction is that 'the boy in charge' will appoint Meng Wanzhou as the new Governor General . . . . . this decision will be based on consultations with his butt plug.
Why do Canadians keep supporting this error-prone government?
in Federal Politics in Canada
Posted · Edited by Nefarious Banana
They are not 'first nations' . . . . . they are first immigrants. I'm a halfbreed, and I know who I am and the warlike background of my ancestors . . . on both sides. You seem to have child's grasp of reality. Your boy Justin has sunk this country. Hope you're happy with his antics.