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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. Rubbish. Many of these people are breaking the law and you support it. That means you are a criminal.
  2. The blockage of the Ambassador bridge affects perhaps 100 thousand workers in the auto manufacturing and parts industries that could be laid off. The police should be using as much force as necessary to arrest blockaders and haul them away to detention centres or prisons. Otherwise total anarchy could breakout everywhere and we will have no civilized country. I think that would send a message that would discourage more anarchy. As it is, things could get worse across the country as people see how easy it is to get away with these blockades.
  3. If criminals went in to rob a store or bank or threaten somebody, what do you think would happen when the police arrive?
  4. The RCMP policewoman speaking on CTV news says they are involved in "discussion" with protesters and ongoing "negotiation" at the Coutts Alberta border. They are clearly not planning to use force. This could drag on endlessly. The protesters obviously have the upper hand. The police have no power. All they do is talk and try to convince protesters to pack and go. Wow!
  5. The Windsor police spokeswoman says their priority is public safety and keeping the peace. That says it all. Completely useless. The mayor says they don't want to see anybody get hurt. What a farce. The anarchists will be able to keep the bridge shut down or half shut down endlessly with that kind of leadership. He should resign. He is sending the wrong message and is an enabler.
  6. The Mayor of Windsor says it is a peaceful protest and he implied he doesn't want to see "force" applied. He emphasizes they have the right to peaceful protest. Politicians keep saying this. He says they should not be allowed to stay for any length of time. He says it is a complex issue. He is completely bonkers. These blockaders are not "peaceful protesters". Some have said THEY ARE WILLING TO DIE FOR THEIR CAUSE. These are extremists. There is nothing complex about it. This will drag on and on and is effecting 25% of imported goods to Canada and shutting down 450 million dollars worth of trade a day. It will affect countless jobs.
  7. The armchair criminals and anarchists are only a handful on the forum. Quit pretending you believe in freedom, democracy or law and order. You obviously don't. Can't imagine what it would be like living next door to these kind of people. These occupations have nothing to do with freedom. Most of these occupier hooligans have probably never had a useful thought in their lives or done an honest day's work or ever written a letter to their MLA or MP.
  8. Yes, send in the tactical squads and arrest them. First send in children's aid society to apprehend the children with police escort. People that take their children to watch them conduct illegal actions are irresponsible and bad parents. What are they teaching their kids. Arrest any resistance. Use only as much force as necessary. This can't go on endlessly. Government has authority to use as much force as necessary. Otherwise the criminals run the country. Simple as that.
  9. Look in the mirror to see a budding criminal.
  10. The police backed off when some protesters brandished tire irons in some blockading location. If a person went into a business to rob them with a tire iron, what do you think the police would do when they arrived if a protester threatened the police with a tire iron? Just back off and say help yourself? Not likely. This country has become a lawless society with the criminals in control. I don't get it. When it comes to occupations and blockades, authorities either have no spine or government has given up on protecting it's citizens and are letting the criminals have at it. This is not how democracy works. The blockaders are demanding the government do certain things before they will take down the blockade at the Ambassador bridge. This is not protest. This is coercion, which is use of force or threats, and using illegal means to try to force the government to do their will. If this stands, this tactic could be done for anything any group wants.
  11. "you don't care" is an ingenious claim but it is frivolous. Everyone has the choice, but if you want to work with other people and there is a vaccine mandate, you must follow the requirement to be vaccinated or find another job. You don't have the right to spread Covid to other people if it can be avoided or the risk reduced by vaccination. Maybe you "don't care".
  12. I am sorry your sister has ongoing pain. But I don't think you have given any clear evidence or proof of what caused it. There are websites that may support your claim. So I not in a position to really say one way or another. You have the upper hand in this. You make the claim but give no details. Ok, If that's what public health says, then so be it. It is unfortunate. However, you are incorrect to assume that nobody should be vaccinated because one person in 100,000 has a problem. Vaccination has saved thousands of lives. You constantly are ranting against the vaccine and don't accept the facts surrounding it.
  13. So you still haven't given any details about the motorcycle accident; when, what was the result, etc. You perhaps are just claiming it was the vaccine because you are a radical anti-vaxxer? Let's have an honest discussion about your sister's pain and try to figure out what is causing it, although we are not in a position to really know for sure.
  14. I don't think we are going to agree on anything. You are diverting into various other issues just for argument.
  15. OK thanks. What kind of pain is she having and what are the details about her accident? When was that? What happened as a result of the accident?
  16. Which vaccine did she receive? I am interested in learning more about her situation and what caused it. But just making claims proves nothing. We need facts.
  17. First I am sorry your sister has such pain. But I don't think you can assume it was from the vaccine. What kind of injuries did she have from the motorcycle accident? How do they know it was from the shots? Just guessing? When was her motorcycle accident? Did she have ongoing pain after the motorcycle accident? We need to know more details about the motorcycle accident. When was it and what happened from the accident? Why have we never heard of this on the media?
  18. You have not answered the question. What kind of pain does she have, where abouts, and what makes you or her think it has anything to do with the vaccination?
  19. You say your sister has a serious vaccine injury. What proof do you have it had anything to do with the vaccine? Just your claiming it was the vaccination is not proof. I have seen other people who claimed they are allergic to the vaccine and never got the jab. But they offer no proof at all. Just a claim that is probably false. Very convenient.
  20. So she was in a motorcycle accident and has a lot of pain, but you blame it on vaccination? The media has never reported anyone anywhere that has ongoing pain from the vaccination. What kind of pain is she having and how do you know it is caused by the vaccination?
  21. Ok you've had your say and proved you live in an alt reality. Everything you say is grossly exaggerated.
  22. Calling the pandemic "Covid silliness" tells it all about yourself. You live in some kind of alt reality. What do you do during the day and how old are you? It is not possible to have a rational discussion with someone who thinks like you. You missed your calling. You should be out parading around with the Trumpsters carrying a Swastika flag or Confederate flag in downtown Ottawa. Hope you don't have older family members you could bring Covid home to. If you have anything that we could at least partly agree on bring it forth. Otherwise we are up against a brick wall. Talk to the relatives of the thousands of people who died of Covid and ask them if it is silliness.
  23. Denmark is a tiny country with a small population of about 5.9 million. The UK dropped restrictions too but the UK has badly managed the pandemic. They had one of the highest death rates in the world. So they are not a good example to follow. Boris Johnson held parties while everyone else was locked down and is now under pressure to resign.
  24. The health restrictions should not be lifted or determined by politicians or radical right wing Trumpster mobs. They must be lifted when the health authorities say it is safe to do so.
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