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hot enough

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Everything posted by hot enough

  1. It's highly revealing that a lady from Turkey knows "these things" and "more", but the well informed westerners, with the greatest news media on the planet know next to nothing, except for what they have been told, by, of course, their world class media.
  2. It's not quite as easy to concoct phony stories and totally control the narrative about Canadian terrorists as it is about "terrorists" in countries that one wants to invade.
  3. I see that this is a "old" reply. But with new stunning revelations coming to light, think back and consider who the entire narrative has been written by since 9-11, the day that alleged hijackers were falsely accused for something that it was impossible for them to have done. Consider, seriously, the implications that that raises.
  4. We have to really take a few steps back and look at all this in a new perspective. This has all been a huge charade not unlike the commie scares of last century, still resurrected by dinosaur reporters and throwback oldies from the past. The stunning revelation that the NIST WTC7 study was a farce, a coverup for much more serious coverups that go back to before 9-11. Can anyone explain to me why the "worst of the worst" after 911, the Taliban, were active partners with the US government and various US energy companies? Why were these folks "from the latter 1990s US supported and organized, our buddies, but post 911" they became vicious tyrants, the devil incarnate, all the other propaganda we see on these pages". Why were the vicious Taliban being wined and dined in the US, taken on tours to Mt Rushmore, paid huge sums as bribes to get various concessions for US energy and mining companies. It's Iraq, Indonesia, ... redux.
  5. $1 Trillion Motherlode of Lithium and Gold Discovered in Afghanistan http://www.mining.com/1-trillion-motherlode-of-lithium-and-gold-discovered-in-afghanistan/ The US supported and helped the Taliban to power because there were US companies seeking oil and gas pipeline rights across Afghanistan from the Caspian Basin to Pakistan. Why was this vicious group being wined and dined in the US, taken on tours like to Mt Rushmore?
  6. Seems to be a rule against cross posting. So, just a link to the video.
  7. It refers to the US's plan that was already in place before the false flag event of 9-11 to invade seven countries in five years. General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years
  8. What a sweeping, general statement, exactly the definition of, racial discrimination " discrimination, unfair treatment or bias against someone or a group of people on the basis of their race https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/racial-discrimination
  9. Here are many excellent reasons that tell us WTCs 1 & 2 were brought down by controlled demolition. ========================= http://www.scientistsfor911truth.org/docs/Eastman_QuantEvidence.pdf Twin Towers' destruction exhibited all of the characteristics of destruction by explosives: 1. Destruction proceeds through the path of greatest resistance at nearly free-fall acceleration 2. Improbable symmetry of debris distribution 3. Extremely rapid onset of destruction 4. Over 100 first responders reported explosions and flashes 5. Multi-ton steel sections ejected laterally 6. Mid-air pulverization of 90,000 tons of concrete & metal decking 7. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic-like clouds 8. 1200-foot-dia. debris field: no "pancaked" floors found 9. Isolated explosive ejections 20 – 40 stories below demolition front 10. Total building destruction: dismemberment of steel frame 11. Several tons of molten metal found under all 3 high-rises 12. Evidence of thermite incendiaries found by FEMA in steel samples 13. Evidence of explosives found in dust samples 14. No precedent for steel-framed high-rise collapse due to fire
  10. Altai, here is the article I told you about. The Missing Jolt http://www.journalof911studies.com/volume/2008/TheMissingJolt7.pdf
  11. Did you hear Army Guy ask that this be discussed in a new thread? Why don't you start one? He said, " Like i said you build it and they will come..... "
  12. [saving expensive bandwidth] I'm sure that the Chinese are well aware of the racist Canadians/Americans who have a long history of showing incredible insensitivity to Asians, and Asian immigrants. I'm sure that there is still much of it going on today. That would be incredibly small potatoes compared to how Caucasians treated Aboriginals.
  13. Please, you are too bright a fella to be using such a say nothing at all term as "conspiracy theory". I will start a new thread for you. It'll be called, hmmmmmmm "US invites Taliban for a holiday in America"
  14. I know, and I know that your heart is in the right place but that doesn't detract from the fact that these missions are not missions. They are continuations of US/UK illegal invasions, all of which are/were based on flimsy, transparent lies. Iraq was a prosperous, wealthy, relatively speaking, country before the US/UK lied about Iraq having WMDs, about Iraq supporting Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, about Iraq being an imminent threat against the US - pure, utter drivel. Afghanistan, the same. A country that the US "recently" discovered had immense mineral wealth, a country where the US had long wanted the right to build a huge pipeline across that country to Pakistan. A country, whose Taliban leaders were invited over for a tour of the US, including a trip to Mt Rushmore. The main issue was about the pipeline.
  15. My point is that for many of those "deployments", there ought not to have been many.
  16. You say my statement is a myth and then you use my statement to make your point. Okay, I am confused.
  17. I wish that that was the only thing, the worst thing that soldiers had/have done. So do the Syrians, the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Libyans, the ...s .
  18. It has always been the government controlling all of this, whatever "all of this" even means. There is nobody else. The funding part is very easy. It costs nothing if we get out of the places where we do not belong, where we never belonged.
  19. I just got called a "truther", again! Nineteen eighty four is alive and well. The folks who tell the truth are called "truthers", which as every English speaker intuitively knows means one who believes in truth, speaks truth, supports the truth, just as a welder welds, a teacher teaches, a reporter reports, a carpenter carpents. Truthers are people who are willing to discuss the issues, discuss the science, do the scientific experiments, do the difficult slogging work that is science, are willing to explain the science and their implications as many times as is needed to help people understand. But by some Orwellian process, the word, 'truther', a word that matches perfectly with the logic of the English language, as described above, has been turned 180 degrees and is used by, see below, as a slur. On pages 1 and 2 of this thread, there were zero, as in 0, uses of the slur 'truther'. When the science started to dawn on the [spoiler alert] "anti-truthers", out came the slurs. Page 3 saw one, page 4 saw 2, page 5 saw 1, page 6, there were 3, page 7, not yet finished, has seen 1. These, of course do not include my present discussion of this issue regarding truthers and [2nd spoiler alert] anti-truthers. By contrast, we have our anti-truthers. "anti-truthers" comports perfectly with the logic of the English language, and it does a bang up job of describing the large number of these folks who inhabit our western societies. Anti-truthers are the folks who never discuss the science, make repeated attempts to curb both scientific discovery and scientific discussion, using slanderous comments and off topic comments. These make up the sum total of their "science". And yet they will steadfastly, ardently, likely even to their deaths, maintain that their "science", which they can't even explain, is so superior that it doesn't require explanation. I reiterate.
  20. Okay, first I will discuss anything and everything you want to discuss.
  21. But vaporized steel columns/beams were found at WTC7 and WTC 1 or 2. What caused them?
  22. I'm pretty sure that's not what I asked you, but please do explain why the comparison is meaningless, Wilber.
  23. That there was significant damage is not at all at issue. That those "two fuel laden aircraft doing" any speed could cause fires with temperatures of 5,000+F to vaporize steel is an impossibility.
  24. Thank you very much, Wilber. What are the temperatures reached in a blast furnace?
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