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Everything posted by WestCanMan

  1. Your reading comprehension sucks. I said “the fact that hate speech against Jews in Canada and the US is legal (thanks Justa Traitor) has no doubt contributed....” (I should have said that “they made it acceptable” as well) Did you prove somewhere that all the hate speech against Jews didn’t contribute to this shooting? It’s a big deal when world leaders in virtue signalling like Obama and Trudeau support hate speech against Jews in their various ways. Trudeau by not condemning a call for genocide against them, Obama by cozying up to North America’s foremost Jew hater and never speaking out against him. Lib msm is bending over backwards to label Trump as a Jew hater and it’s an absurd notion from the get-go. It’s extremely easy and pertinent to make a solid connection between Trudeau or Obama or Bill Clinton and anti-Semitism but they don’t go there AT ALL. It should be really easy for you to understand all this, or you could try to discredit it in some way, but you’re unable to do either. Instead you devour obvious garbage that CNN throws out there and ignore credible information to the contrary. If CNN tells you that Trump hates all white people tomorrow you will gobble it up like a bulldog eating warm barf because that’s what you do.
  2. The migrant caravan: “We elected a socialist and he wrecked our country, now we want to go to a country that elected a conservative government.”
  3. The Dems morphed into the party of open borders when Trump closed off immigration to the countries with ridiculously high numbers of terrorists. Clinton and Obama both talked about closing off the border, but that was when they thought it would get them votes. Now they’re trying to become the party of immigrants and minorities. The Republicans are the party of all Americans of every stripe, and people with an iq over 80 know that.
  4. It is about Canada in that you challenged what I said earlier about hate mongering against Jews coming primarily from the left in Canada and the US. Its a fact that Republicans and PCs neither support nor condone anti-Semitism and it’s a fact that Libs/Dems are in tight with people and groups who are openly anti-Semitic. The whole genesis of this thread was the blatant hypocrisy of lefties accusing Trump and Republicans of anti-Semitism. They hang out with anti-semites, they refuse to condemn vicious anti-Semitism, and then when there’s an attack on Jews all of a sudden they’re branding people as haters who did nothing hateful just to score points. They had their chance to stand up against actual anti-Semitism. They did nothing. They literally need to be the ones answering for their actions over the past few years.
  5. Holy essay Batman. I'll definitely read that and respond later. Too busy now
  6. I got called out and everything I said was true. Thanks. And I said right from the beginning that making it acceptable was worse than just making it legal. Lots of things that are amoral are legal. Our age of consent is low. You can intentionally kill a person and eventually you get to go free. A woman can kill an unborn, healthy baby for no better reason than "she just feels like it". And now you can openly talk about committing genocide against a group of people that you don't like and our government is a-ok with that. It was illegal, now it's pretty hard to say that it is illegal, and Liberals think it's not a big deal. Got it? I don't see how anything has changed since my original statement. Was illegal.... apparently not illegal now.... and EVEN WORSE - quite acceptable according to our PM (aka the village idiot) who just happens to be masquerading as the world's leading virtue signaller. Done.
  7. I don't think Trump's policies are nearly as bad as his comments. For one thing, he's the biggest name-caller in the history of democracy. It's sad that someone won such a major election that way. It's just a really good thing that Hillary lost. I can't find a serious fault with any of his actual policies, but whenever he opens his mouth I cringe.
  8. There wasn't even any caravan talk before the caravan started up. It just started.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_laws_in_Canada Here ya go. Advocating genocide is supposed to be illegal. The Prime Minisiter failed to even acknowledge it as unacceptable. You lose again, but you're probably used to that by now. TBH I don't even care about the legality of it, it's far worse that it was made acceptable.
  10. Head in the sand? Get a life boges. You know that everything you say is 100% biased with large helpings of disingenousness and ignorance. Where did Trump ever speak or act out against brown people? The caravan IS the result of the Dems saying over and over again, in many different ways, that the border and legal US citizenship don’t mean squat. Why would they go all that way if they didn’t hear the Dems rolling out the welcome mat? Sanctuary cities, abolish ice, no id for voting, voting rights for illegals, etc, etc. That’s why people are walking thousands of miles. The Dems are championing their cause. It’s pretty hard to argue that, and I’d love to see you make an equally strong argument that Trump is the reason lol. “He’s sending the army to greet us! Yay!”
  11. I will find plenty. The connection to Trudeau was made several posts back. Try to keep up. Refresher - the rush was on for Democrats to politicize these deaths, like all others, and they started openly accusing Trump of being anti-Semitic and used that unsubstantiated allegation as the basis for the claim Trump was the reason for this type of violence hatred. I madeallegations against Dems and Liberals which were entirely supported by well-known and easily referenced facts. You challenged me to support my claim that Trudeau made hate speech legal. I said he that he did something far worse - he made it acceptable by outright refusing to condemn it in it’s worst form.
  12. And did Trump blame Jews for the caravan? Trump openly blamed Democrats for the caravan, never Jews. References to George Soros are not references to Jews as a whole. If you’re not a bigot you should understand that. It’s a little late for CNN et al to be connecting dots after they failed to take responsibility for the shootings and physical attacks on Republicans. They supported all the rioting and looting under Obama’s presidency, then they supported the calls for violence against Trump and the Whitehouse, now they have a nasty mess on their hands.
  13. Where do you have proof that the shooter’s murder spree was because of the caravan?
  14. The whole thing about “Jews are behind the caravan” is a CNN-based attempt to blame Trump for the killings in Pittsburgh. They really need to ramp up division before the mid-terms and it should never surprise anyone when Dems and CNN attempt to divide Americans. You can hate Trump all you want for putting America first (even though that’s technically his JOB) but how do you feel about the Democrats continually sowing division within the country?
  15. There are anti-Semites here, and I will take you up on the challenge of whether or not eyeball makes anti-Semitic comments here when I have more time. The important thing for you to take away from this thread is that Trudeau literally did make hateful and dangerous anti-Semitism in Canada perfectly a-ok. If you can follow: 1) Trudeau is known around Canada and worldwide as an enormous virtue signaller and the condemner of all things that are even slightly off-colour. 2) When a leader, not just a random lone wolf piece of crap but A LEADER in a major religious community in Canada made a call for genocide against Jews, Trudeau did not address it AT ALL. He had to be asked by the leader of the opposition to specifically address it and condemn it and still he sharply refused. So what we have is the world’s foremost condemner of baddies officially taking the stance that holding a hate rally to publicly call for genocide against Jews isn’t that big of a deal. It’s perfectly fine. We all know that legality doesn’t always rise to the level of morality or decency. It was “legal” for the imam to preach hate, and I have no doubt he always has and he always will. It was however, extremely amoral and a threat to our entire value system for that speech to go unchecked, unchallenged. Canada, under Trudeau, bore a stark resemblance to Iran for a while and you should be furious about that.
  16. And who do you see making accurate criticism against Israel? It sure as hell isn’t you. You fail to acknowledge that they’re up to their eyeballs in terrorists. Trudeau’s actions made hate speech ok. Peachy keen. Alllllllright. No big d. Get it? A leader in a religious community cane out and called fir genocide against another religion and Trudeau officially shrugged it off. That’s a huge problem. You’d care about it if it happened to muslims. It didn’t. You don’t. Semantics? You’re busy defending calls for genocide and you’re trying to get me on semantics? Get a grip.
  17. I never heard the comment about the barbed wire, that must be new. I would never call Trump classy, a role model, or a thoughtful speaker, but I don’t think he’s a “dog whistler” either. Again, subtlety isn’t his thing. Dems are the all-time champions of using fear mongering and sowing division to get votes. CNN and the Dems started all this with the Trayvon Martin thing and the Michael Brown thing. CNN saw the gobs of money that they coukd make, the Dems saw the sharp division it created between them and the Republicans. They both saw it as a tool to get the Dems elected. They thought that extreme polarization would provide enough smoke to fool voters into just believing everything they say but luckily for the world, enough Americans saw through it last time at the polls. Right now CNN and the Dems are both doing everything they can to cash in on these dead people in Pittsburgh. It’s utterly pathetic and disgusting to see them scramble to label Trump anti-Semitic, in the face of all logic, just for their own cause. Trump always takes the bait and swings back. He’s a bit overreactive, but right now the entire world is behaving like there’s an overreactive US president.
  18. I never heard the comment about the barbed wire, that must be new. I would never call Trump classy, a role model, or a thoughtful speaker, but I don’t think he’s a “dog whistler” either. Again, subtlety isn’t his thing. Dems are the all-time champions of using fear mongering and sowing division to get votes. CNN and the Dems started all this with the Trayvon Martin thing and the Michael Brown thing. CNN saw the gobs of money that they coukd make, the Dems saw the sharp division it created between them and the Republicans. They both saw it as a tool to get the Dems elected. They thought that extreme polarization would provide enough smoke to fool voters into just believing everything they say but luckily for the world, enough Americans saw through it last time at the polls. Right now CNN and the Dems are both doing everything they can to cash in on these dead people in Pittsburgh. It’s utterly pathetic and disgusting to see them scramble to label Trump anti-Semitic, in the face of all logic, just for their own cause. Trump always takes the bait and swings back. He’s a bit overreactive, but right now the entire world is behaving like there’s an overreactive US president.
  19. Critism against Jews/Israel that’s inaccurate with a hateful bias is anti Semitic. Trudeau made hate speech against Jews not just legal, but he normalized it by refusing to denounce a call for genocide against them. Obama wasn’t killing “muslims”, he was killing terrorists. I thought that there was supposed to be a very big difference? Trump isn’t ramping up any racist rhetoric, that’s CNN. All they talk about is race. It’s sickening. Trump is pro-American. That shouldn’t be surprising for a US President, but it’s a dramatic turnaround from the last administration where the First Lady was on record saying “for the second time in my adult life I was proud to be an American.”
  20. Lefties openly talk about genocide and violence against Jews. Lefty news, like CNN, doesn't speak out against it. So according to lefties, it's a valid discussion. Lefty news will never even hold Obama's feet to the fire for secretly associating with people like Farrakhan who openly discuss "reasons for hating, fearing or killing Jews". Then after all the division that Democrats have sown over the past 4 years, lefties blame this killing spree on Trump, based on their unsubstantiated and stupid beliefs. Everyone who knows anything about Trump knows that he supports Israel (Jewish) and that his son-in-law and grandkids are Jews. He's never said a bad word about Jews, he doesn't sow division within the country.
  21. There were 99 non-islamic terror attacks, but not all of them were white. The beltway attacks (17) and the 7 police in 2016 and the earlier 4 for sure. So at least 28 non-whites. Maybe more. I'll just say 28 total for the sake of argument. So the amended list is: 3,097 + 28 = 3,125 to 99 - 28 = 71. 3,125 non-whites to 71 whites. Just so this doesn't go off-track, let's just remember that I wasn't the one who turned this into discussion about race. It's entirely stupid.
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_United_States Since the year 2,000, major islamic terrorist attacks include but are not limited to: - Fort Hood (13), - Boston (5), - San Bernadino (14), - the New York truck attack (8), - Chatanooga (5), - Beltway sniper attacks (17) for starters. That's 62 dead right there. (MUSLIM 62) 101 if you include Pulse (49). (MUSLIM 49) That's not counting 2,977 from the WTC. (MUSLIM 2,977) Aside from the aforementioned attacks, there were 57 people killed in what were confirmed terrorist attacks. Of the other 57 killed: - 38 of them were by by "white men" who you might consider "right wing". (RIGHT 38) - 3 were unsolved (unknown) - 9 of the 58 were by muslims (MUSLIM 9) - 4 of them were by a black man killing police officers. (LEFT 4) - I'm not sure what the other 3 were, I'm not bothering to go down the list again. (idgaf) This list doesn't include the 5 policemen who were murdered by the Obama-era BLM attack in Dallas. There were 2 more Killed by BLM in NYC around the same time, plus a spate of police murders in Obama's presidency, several of which would qualify as terrorism as well. I'm going to include those 7 because they are confirmed BLM violence. The wiki list doesn't include the Vegas attack that killed approximately 50 people, which would easily be attributed to leftists as well, seeing as it targeted people who were majority white Republican/NRA types. That's going on the lib list as well. Not sure why so may lefty type terrorist attacks aren't included on wiki's list, but I'm counting them all. So here are 57 attacks blamed squarely on leftists. I'm adding the 4 killed by the black man from the prior list. (LEFT 57) Here's my tally. Feel free to do your own, using whatever list you want, but there's not much room to argue with wiki or with the 57 murders I added that are well-known and which easily qualify as leftist terrorist attacks. Since 2,000 White, "Right Wing" terrorism: 38 Leftists Terrorism: 4 + 57 = 61 Muslim Terrorism: 62 + 49 + 2,977 + 9 = 3,097 I guess the whole "dangerous right-wing terrorists" theory is complete BS. You can add the Jews who were just killed in Pennsylvania to the "RWR" list if you want. Not much difference. They're still lagging way behind.
  23. Makes sense I guess, since it's the majority of men. It's also worth noting that the adult muslim men who account for less than 1% of the population are a very close second.
  24. I agree 100%. I'm perfectly aware that Kaepernick shouldn't be allowed to protest at his place of work, but his supporters aren't.
  25. That “right wing terrorism” stat going around is bogus. People choose what fits within their personal/political viewpoint of what terrorism is and then go from there with a biased scoresheet that doesn’t factor in the seriousness of the attack. For example, when guy yells at a bunch of people in a synagogue that shouldn’t count as “1” just the same as when a guy yells islamic profanity and blows up kids outside an Arianna Grande concert counts as “1”. If you think of all the things that we would call actual terrorist attacks, where a person or persons are killed, it’s almost all islamic or left wing. Van attacks, bomb attacks, ak-47 attacks and even the attack on the country music fans in vegas (attack on a group that would certainly be characterized as majority Republican/NRA supporters - people on the “right wing”). What else that has happened in North America compared to that list?
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