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Posts posted by WestCanMan

  1. On 11/17/2018 at 1:46 PM, TTM said:

    So you were agreeing that Trumps comments were pathetic and pandering to White supremisists, my mistake.  Your initial post said it was pathetic for the reporter to ask the question, so you can see my confusion

    It was pathetic for the reporter to ask the question. They could just as easily ask those types of questions to Democrats, with whom they speak more frequently, but they never do.

    And you need to look up the definition of pandering. Trump wasn’t complimenting them or offering them anything. He just didn’t turn his nose up at their votes. 


    You would have to provide a specific example

    The whole next paragraph you quoted is the specific example.

    It was extremely pathetic that Obama wouldn’t speak out against rioting, looting, public rallies expilicity calling for the murders of police officers and then the actual murders themselves. Obama didn’t speak out against any of that. He didn’t want to distance the Democrats party from all of that violence.


    You make the partisan mistake of thinking because I dislike Trump and Republicans I care particularly about Obama and Democrats ... I don't

    Good call. They’re actually worse. If Obama could have gotten elected again the rioting and looting would still be going on.


    Hyperventilating about BLM indicates you should get your news from more varied sources and perspectives.  At its heart it is drawing attention to the factually correct (if not politically correct, amongst some) statement that blacks in general, and unarmed blacks especially, are killed by police at a much higher rate than whites.  It is not about hating cops, although I'm sure some members do, just like I'm sure there is the odd cop that actually hates blacks

    The BLM, at it’s heart, is a group of fear mongers stirring up hatred and division. They weren’t talking about problems or solutions, they were rushing to judgement and advancing a false narrative on every police shooting that occurred in 2015. They ignored bad shootings of white people. They’re just a bunch of shitty racists in general.

    And the number of police murdered every year is far higher than the number of questionable killings by police every year. 



    Regarding Obama's speach, the full transcript is here.  Respectful of those killed, condemning the killer, acknowledging the racial tensions that led to the killings, and attempting to bring everyone together ... disgraceful!

    assume your claim of Obama admitting he is a racist is from these debunked misrepresentations and lies, if not, please enlighten:



    Watch the speech. Watch him say “we’re all a bit racist”. Watch him stand in front of 5 dead cops and link their deaths to “centuries of racism, slavery, and Jim Crowe laws”. The only appropriate comments at that funeral were regarding the repugnance of the crime, and the need to decrease the anti-police rhetoric that was so explicit and so common. 

    If Trump stood at the Pittsburgh funeral a couple of weeks back and referenced Zionism, Israeli occupation, and George Soros everyone at CNN would have literally have died of aneurisms. 

    If you think Obama’s speech merely “acknowledged racial tensions”, and you can’t see how he made a martyr of the killer, you’re an idiot.

  2. 57 minutes ago, TTM said:

    What I see is someone not able to defend the appeals to racism and antisemitism of Trump and the Republican party, and so is trying to deflect to a different topic

    Try to see the actual parallel I drew there. It wasn’t racist for Trump to refuse to disavow voters. It was pathetic. Just like it was pathetic when Obama did the exact same thing. 

    Buildings were being burned down. Racial hatred was spiking. Cops were being killed. Obama was having BLM leaders to the whitehouse for lunch. He stood in front of 5 murdered policemen and linked the cause of their deaths to “centuries of racism, slavery and (the Democrats’ own) Jim Crowe laws” thereby making a martyr of their killer.

    Obama didn’t do a damn thing to distance the Democrats from what was going on, he just kept fanning the flames. He even admitted that he’s racist. 

    I can stay on this topic as long as you want.

  3. 1 hour ago, scribblet said:

    Even journalists don't like the Acosta show ad they unload on him..   When's the next press conference 'cos I'm gonna get the popcorn out.

    'This Isn't The Jim F***ing Acosta Show': Journalists Unload On CNN's Acosta


    It’s an article that’s full of quotes that are attributed to anonymous sources. It’s not exactly on the up and up but CNN doesn’t deserve better. They’re the world leader in anonymous sources.

  4. 4 hours ago, TTM said:

    I dont see a denial there; in fact I see quite the opposite.  

    What I see is Obama failing to lead properly because he didn’t want to offend voters. Much in the same way that he refused to call for an end to rioting, looting and cop killing because he didn’t want ti offend his voters. Or because he hates cops and he is ok with the destruction of property. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Wilber said:

    That's the way it does work. BC does not use a ward system in civic politics so councillors are elected on their percentage of the total vote. More people in your neighbourhood means the more influence it will have in an election. Provincially and federally, areas with greater populations do get more seats, with the Maritimes being an exception.

    Yes that’s now it works in BC, but that isn’t the point re: Carolina. 

    I was using Metrotown as an example because people know that area better than they know Carolina. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Boges said:

    Well a court has ordered he get his press pass back. 

    Oh and thinking Trump would refuse to leave isn't so far fetched when you see him laying groundwork by claiming fraud in elections. He actually Tweeted this week that people go to their car and get disguises and vote multiple times. 

    You’re looking at the whole election freakoit thing upside down. 

    If you recall the Dems were accusing Trump of being a sore loser before the 2016 election happened. Then when they lost they were the biggest sore losers in ths history of democracy. There’s still a collusion investigation going on, remember?

    Now there’s a recount in Florida, and in the hours before the Republicans’ 2 injunctions kicked in the crooked Broward election team found tens of thousands of votes and narrowed the lead from 60,000 votes down to just 12,000. 

    You think Trump is a problem there?

    Tye Dems are also the ones who want people to vote without id. Why wouldn’t people go vote multiple times?

    • Like 1
  7. On 11/14/2018 at 1:50 PM, Boges said:

    After getting routed by the Democrats and right before he'd try to turn the page on the election by firing his AG, Trump had a press conference where he was more combative than usual. His favourite arch-rival in the press, CNN's Jim Acosta, asked a string of questions that made Trump call him a rude and terrible person. He also had an intern try to take the microphone from Acosta when he refused to stop asking questions. 

    Nothing new, I know, this is Trump's MO. BUT Trump went into new territory by revoking Acosta's press credentials. It's an avenue to dictatorship where you ban people that ask questions you don't like. 

    The initial claim was that Acosta had assaulted the intern, but people have eyes, and this was clearly a lie. So now the argument is that Acosta hogs the mic. :lol:

    Anyway, this would be just another day in Trumpville, but it appears CNN is suing Trump, with an unexpected defender. 


    If allowed to stand, Trump will see the treatment of Acosta as permission to revoke the press credentials of anyone who he doesn't like. And that's a huge infringement on the free press. O

    If you watch Fox you'll find bias for sure, but they're nothing like CNN. 

    TBH Acosta needed to go, and CNN should have figured that out themselves. They need to put on their big boy pants for a while. They could actually be a better deterrent to Trump if they were less idiotic. Trump is the less boorish of the two. Scary.

  8. On 11/13/2018 at 6:26 PM, Argus said:

    The result was 10 Republican seats and 3 Democratic seats it a state which voted more than 50% Democrat.

    That doesn't mean anything without an accompanying map.

    If you look at the map of how districts voted in the US federal election in 2016 it's almost entirely red. The blue dots are a small fraction of the overall map, but they're in the areas with heavy population concentrations. 

    So in a place like Carolina, if you get a close vote in 10 large geographical areas and then a solid Dem win in 3 areas it tilts the vote.

    Can you really turn a small area like Metrotown in Burnaby into 6 ridings? Not ideally. Should they get to determine the fate of the entire city of Burnaby? Not ideally.

  9. 1 hour ago, TTM said:

    50+ years ago (60+ in my previous post was bad math), Republicans got the majority of black votes (for obvious reasons) and the Democrats were the party associated with racist groups and black voter suppression.  Today Democrats get the majority of minority votes including blacks (for obvious reasons) and the Republicans are the party associated with racist groups and minority voter suppression.

    A  lot can happen in 50 years...

    I have an encyclopedia article with over 100 sources which documents a party strategy (or minority scolarly view, a grassroots movement) that lasted decades to go after southern white voters by appealing to their racism.  

    See my previous response to Wilber. Also:

    CNN’s Jake Tapper: “I want to ask you about the Anti-Defamation League, which this week called on you to publicly condemn unequivocally the racism of former KKK grand wizard David Duke, who recently said that voting against you at this point would be ‘treason to your heritage.’ Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don’t want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election?” 

    Normal Person: I condemn the KKK's grand wizard, and white supremacists in general. I do not want their votes

    Trump: Please allow me to dissemble until you stop pressing me to give a straight answer

    There’s no white supremacy agenda in the Republican platform, so whatever you’re dreaming up is pure bullshit. 

    Its pathetic for Jake Tapper to ask Trump to denounce voters, just like it would be pathetic for Fox to ask Hillary to denounce supporters of Islamic State. And we both know exactly who they would vote for in both Canada and the US. 

  10. 41 minutes ago, TTM said:


    Courting the support of racists and antisemites at the very least...

    (during the 2016 campaign)

    CNN’s Jake Tapper: “I want to ask you about the Anti-Defamation League, which this week called on you to publicly condemn unequivocally the racism of former KKK grand wizard David Duke, who recently said that voting against you at this point would be ‘treason to your heritage.’ Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don’t want his vote or that of other white supremacists in this election?” 

    Trump: “Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. Okay? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know. I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you’re asking me a question that I’m supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.” 

    Tapper: “But I guess the question from the Anti-Defamation League is, even if you don’t know about their endorsement, there are these groups and individuals endorsing you. Would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don’t want their support?” 

    Trump: “Well, I have to look at the group. I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about. You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I would have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them. And, certainly, I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong.” 

    Tapper: “The Ku Klux Klan?” 

    Trump: “But you may have groups in there that are totally fine, and it would be very unfair. So, give me a list of the groups, and I will let you know.” 

    Tapper: “Okay. I mean, I’m just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here, but…”

    Trump: “I don’t know any — honestly, I don’t know David Duke. I don’t believe I have ever met him. I’m pretty sure I didn’t meet him. And I just don’t know anything about him.” 

    Tapper: “All right.” 


    This isn't from a right-wing site. It's MSNBC.

    LBJ came up with a decent enough strategy - he switched course and came onside with the Republicans and made the civil rights bill, which passed with bipartisan support. Up to that point he Republicans singlehandedly advanced the cause of slaves/blacks and Dems always voted unanimously against anything that helped them. The quote "I'll have them niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years" isn't something that was caught on an audio recording but it encapsulates LBJ's position perfectly.  He used the word nigger a lot.

    So you have a source that says two people in the history of the Republican Party tried to cash in on the resentment that jilted kkk members felt towards the Democrat party. And it's not that the Republicans ever presented bills or voted in a way to harm blacks, they just didn't go after the black vote. LBJ had it wrapped up. 


    I didn't know who David Duke was until this election cycle, so I can't say who should or shouldn't. I know who Hillary's mentor is though, it's the former Grand Wizard of the KKK and the longest serving democrat Senator ever - Robert Byrd.

  11. 23 minutes ago, TTM said:



    Plenty more. The "protesters" were substantially white supremacists. Once that was clear, most of the reasonable people went home

    You are morally equating a gang of "angry stupid, violent Dem pawns" (dont disagree, other than the pawn bit) with white supremacists? A group who does some property damage and gets into the odd fight with white supremacists to a group and a belief system that is responsible for hundreds (thousands?) of deaths in North America and millions globally?  OK then.

    The KKK and white nationalists have been courted by the Republican Party for the last 60+ years.  That tie has been severed for generations

    In that case, I would be concerned about the company I was keeping ...

    Soros has become the default boogeyman for right wing conspiracists.  At this point if an accusation comes from a right wing source it is almost by definition not true. Fake News in the true definition of of the term

    Regarding the disgusting history of the evil Jew puppetmaster stereotype, see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion

    A pattern of behavior.  Personally I think he is just generally bigoted, but is courting the support of the true antisemites.  That's not better.

    That was pretty sad to see that many people think and act like that. The sadder part is that there are plenty more of them who just aren't willing to show their faces in public.

    I don't even get the part about "Jews will not replace us". That's a f'n nutjob chant if there ever was one.

    I'll dial it back from equating Antifa with those guys, but just by one degree. Antifa was also protesting against police which is right up there in my books. 


    The Republican party is right where they've always been, and that's in lock step with the constitution. No slavery, equal rights, low taxes, capitalism. Since the 1800's it's been that way. There's no courting of losers involved, period. That's just Dem speak. They didn't just magically do a 180.


    There's literally nothing wrong with just using the word sheckels. I've never heard it used in a derogatory way before. This is the first. 


    I don't see real evidence of Trump's bigotry anywhere. It's not in his policy, and his comments aren't that bad outside of the initial muslim ban comment comment but that was literally him overreacting to the pulse nightclub shooting. Having an overreactive US president has been a good thing abroad. Domestically it doesn't seem like muslim terrorists even want to attack America while Trump is President. 2 years without anything big. We've had our first two big attacks since Trudeau came in. It seems like they only attack when the government favours them.

    Aside from that muslim comment , people act like it's a big deal that he said MS-13 are animals and Dems have tried to equate that with "all immigrants are animals". That's just another straw man argument. It's pathetic that people can say stupid things like that and CNN backs it up.

    Shithole countries was something that 1 person accused him of, but I'll say it right here.... shithole countries are real. If you can kidnap 200+ girls and keep them hidden from the government for 2 years, you live in a shithole country. If there are enough terrorists to fight off your army, you live in a shithole country. If women have to wear certain clothing so that they don't get raped, and the police will just laugh at you, you live in a shithole country. If a woman can get sent to jail for taking off her hijab, you live in a shithole country. If Americans get to choose who comes into their country, they should be extremely choosy about who they pick from those places. 

  12. On 11/14/2018 at 7:24 AM, turningrite said:

    ... Argentina, which slid from being the Western Hemisphere's second most prosperous country at the beginning of the 20th century to developing world status by the end. It can happen and this is the future we're apparently choosing. Can anybody or any political party prevent it?

    Our current government is killing our energy sector just to try to look good, while countries like China, India and Saudi Arabia are still going all-out on carbon-based energy. They're not sacrificing a cent from their economy while we're gutting ours. Plus we're bringing on the financial burdens of this lib gov't debt, plus we're adding the drain of unchecked immigration to our system.

    Tent cities weren't a thing in Canada when I was a kid. It seems as though we're just getting started. Rising energy costs, rising housing costs, mounting debt, and a government that thinks money grows on trees...




  13. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    Yes you did and yes you were and this has been your shtick ever since you started posting here.

    You're like a big fish in a small barrel, impossible to miss.

    Eyeball why does it even matter if it's 75%, or 50%, or even 33%? Shouldn't you be able to say "Nothing that I posted here is intentionally untrue"? Why do you feel like it makes your points more valid if you support them with inaccuracies/fabrications, or try to detract from other people's points by mischaracterizing them? Maybe you should reconsider your position if you have to lie to make it seem solid.

    You have to admit, it's pathetic that you're squabbling over the exact percentage of "non-truth". Like "Yeah I know I lie, but I keep it way down below 40% of the time. Like WAY below. Usually."

  14. 13 hours ago, GostHacked said:

    No, we are not bitching about things that never happened, more on the line of bitching about what people think as to the 'why' they are happening.


    75%? Man for me it's about 95%. :)

    Talking about facts and events is the way to go. 

    If you want to talk exclusively about why people do what they do that's just speculation and completely unfair/ridiculous.

  15. 16 hours ago, TTM said:

    They were chanting "the Jews will not replace us".  It is on video.  If you want to morally equate white nationalists and antifascists as Trump appeared to do, that's up to you.

    I have never heard anyone use the term shekels in my life other than maybe two times, both in antisemetic contexts. It is not a common phrase (outside of white nationalist circles, where it's really common)

    The star of david has a specific shape. Why did they use the recognizable "outline" of a star of David in such a derogatory context? No reason, just another coincidence...

    The people who initially turned Soros into the evil puppetmaster caricatures were intentionally using the centuries old antisemitic trope of the "evil jew cabal manipulating world events behind the scenes to their own ends".  The right wing conspiracy theorists as a whole have since taken it and run with it.  

    So every single person at the Charlottesville protest was chanting "The Jews will not replace us"? That's the first I heard of that, and I'll be shocked to find out that it's true. In my mind's eye I'm envisioning a few people trying to get that chant started somewhere and it fizzles out. Do you have a link to that?

    And fwiw I definitely am equating Antifa with the white nationalists. They might have looked good by comparison in that specific place but overall they're a gang of angry, stupid, violent Dem pawns. Useful idiots. The Dems have a long history of having a violent arm, including the KKK.

    Shekels is just money. Drachmas, bot, skibeebees, wampum, dineros, moolah.... whatever. I've even heard people refer to "a pound of flesh" in matters that had nothing to do with Jews. To be honest I only met a handful of Jewish people in my life out here and I've heard the word sheckels a lot. 

    I've heard lots of random things about Soros, I don't know what's true and what's not. It's definitely true that there are wealthy people trying to advance the Jewish cause, just like with Christians, Muslims and every other group. That's what religions do.

    I would think that Soros and Trump run in the same circles, so I would be surprised if Trump is way out in left field if he ever says anything about G Soros.

    In any event, you have a bunch of unrelated, minor things, none of which are actually incriminating. You have to really want to believe it. If Trump didn't have Jewish grandkids and didn't support Israel so thoroughly I'd give this more consideration, but his pro-Jewish actions are epic and to say that he has anti-Semitic incidences is a stretch. The case against the Clintons and Obama is far more obvious.


  16. 2 hours ago, TTM said:

    I'm sure it is a coincidence that the boogeyman behind multiple false right wing conspiracy theories about a rich financier secretly manipulating world events just happens to be a Jew...

    The nazi thing again is a right wing smear started by Glenn Beck as part of a number of accusations by him designed to paint this particular Jew as an evil puppet master

    Both of the above are false accusations that fit Soros into long established anti-semetic stereotypes 

    You can dismiss any single event in my previous post, but taken together they represent a pretty consistent pattern of behavior.

    TBH your list has some falsehoods and some stupid BS. 

    Pretty much everything that you saw about Charlottesville on CNN was part of a smear campaign. You'd have to be an idiot not to know that even if you didn't bother to do any digging. Eg, Trump said that some people were just there to protest the statue coming down, and it's impossible for that to not be true. He was also correct to say that "both sides engaged in violence" but CNN demanded that Antifa should bear no responsibility for any of the violence, even though they're the ones who showed up without permits. None of that is even debatable. Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it not the truth.

    Re: the sheckels comment, everyone says sheckels or uses other slang terms for money. Only an iiot would call that anti-Semitism.

    Who cares what shape the star was on his ad? It was a solid colour. A star of David shows the lines on the inside of the drawing, like a pentagram. Without those it's just a star.

    George Soros is an extremely political, behind-the-scenes guy. Soros skepticism isn't anti-Semitism. What would migrant caravans have to do with sinister Jewish plots? Are they being blamed for trying to sneak muslims into the US so that Americans will learn to hate them, and then they'll nuke all of Israel's enemies? Can you somehow link the caravan to a Jew plot because I don't see one. It's ridiculous. 

  17. 10 hours ago, eyeball said:

    Not your useless ilk, no. Not in the least. I can't remember a time when they could do little more than make nasty comparisons to Mao, Stalin and other henious bastards. I still get a laugh out of the notion that Hitler was a Lefty. After about 10 or 12 years of that I had enough and started throwing it back in your faces. You don't like it? Good.

    So who do you think does appreciate your opinions? Literally 75% of what you say is untrue, so what kind of people listen to you? I can't even imagine what a conversation would be like with two people just re-inventing history so that they could bitch about things that never really happened.



  18. 5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Your OP was full of shit and you've gone nowhere but downhill since.

    And AFAIC it's more impolite to wag your stupid ideology around like a pair of balls hanging from a bumper hitch. Stop doing that and you'll get more respect.

    That goes for the rest of you dingbats too.

    That's what really has created the shitty political climate we're all stuck in.

    Do you honestly feel like people respect you or your opinions eyeball? Do they like your baseless accusations, your ad hominem and straw man arguments? Honestly you need to do some thinking when you read a post, not just try every trick in the book to discredit it, no matter how lame. 

    • Like 1
  19. 5 hours ago, TTM said:

    Along with numerous minor incidents:

    * 2015  told the Republican Jewish Coalition “I’m a negotiator like you folks” and said the would not support him “because I don’t want your money”

    * 2016 tweets out a meme showing Hillary inside a Star of David saying she was the "most corrupt candidate ever"

    * 2016 add referring to "global special interests" and those who "control the levers of power" while displaying pictures excusively of Jewish financial figures

    * 2017 did not mentioned Jews in a statement honoring International Holocaust Remembrance Day

    * 2017 refused to use the term anti-Semitism or to specifically condemn it when asked about rising levels in America during a press conference in Isreal

    * 2017 Charlottesville "there are very fine people" on the side that was chanting "the Jews will not replace us" ... later apologized, but has been quoted as saying the apology was the biggest mistake he's ever made 

    * 2017 his son Eric Trump dismissed an author as just trying to make a few "extra shekels"

    * 2018 did not mention anti-Semitism in remarks until hours after after the mass shooting at the Pittsburgh synagogue. 

    * 2018 numerous tweets claiming a Jew (Soros) is funding the Mexican invasion, paying for protesters against Kavanaugh

    * 2018 His other son, Donald Junior, retweeted a claim Soros was "a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews"

    Not a conviction perhaps, but an abundance of circumstantial evidence.

    I don’t think there’s much to some of those. Especially the ones about Soros. Just because Soros is a Jew doesn’t mean that hating him makes Trump anti-Semitic. I hate Trudeau and he’s a white Canadian, he abides by the laws, he dislikes racism for the most part, we’re close to the same age...

    Soros definitely isnya person to trust if he grew up turning in Jews. I get that he was powerless, since he was a kid at the time, but it’s part of his upbringing to betray people. 

    Id need more context with the rest of those items. Not because of you, but because Trump smears are rampant and for the most part, inaccurate. 

  20. 2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

    Yeah because the average American is concerned about what Trudeau is saying and what he is contributing to antisemitism in the USA.

    To be honest a lot of people in the States adore Trudeau. He's known to be a virtue-signaller down there and fact that he's cozy with serious anti-Semitism no doubt makes the rounds down there. The anti-Semite community would be well aware of it, but the real support there comes from Obama. 

    Obama & the black caucus chilling with Farrakhan, B Clinton sharing the stage with him, those things are outrageous props for the anti-Semite crowd. Both of those things are fairly recent too (the Obama photo is old but was just recently released), their place on the timeline with the Pittsburgh shooting shouldn't go unnoticed.

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