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Posts posted by WestCanMan

  1. 3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    All you have to do is give me the name of a presidential candidate that incited violence against his opponents at rallies, and threatened to jail his opponent after victory.

    I'll check back later.

    How about if I give you the name of an elected, inaugurated president who used the IRS as a weapon, incited and supported widespread protests against the police, and even stood in front of 5 murdered officers and made a martyr of their killer by blaming their deaths on "centuries of racism, slavery and Jim Crowe laws"? Sounds crazy, right?

  2. 2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    All you have to do is give me the name of a presidential candidate that incited violence against his opponents at rallies, and threatened to jail his opponent after victory.

    I'll check back later.

    People were threatening and assaulting Trump and his supporters long before any of this ever happened. Obama, CNN and the Democrats turned the USA and the middle east into a dumpster fire in 2015 and they're still trying to fan the flames.

    They weaponized the IRS when they were in power and when they were losing power they weaponized the FBI against their political opponents. They protected Bill and then they protected Hillary. 

    The top Democrats and their puppet news outlets didn't stand up against Madonna, Kathy Griffin, or Antifa, and they never assumed any responsibility for the attacks on Scalise or Paul. They've constantly been inciting widespread harassment of government officials in their private lives, and they get angry when people refer to their mobs as mobs. They've constantly been characterizing Republicans as racists, deplorables and misogynists.

    If the student council at a university was acting like this you'd be in shock. You'd instantly say that it was time that they were removed, probably even kicked off campus. But it's one of the top two parties in the leading country in the free world. It's way too much. They're the lowest of the low. They make Trump look classy, and that's hard to do.

  3. 1 minute ago, scribblet said:

    Chuck Todd has strayed from the official media line, will he be castigated for it, he thinks it could be the Russians...   Whoopsie


    NBC’s Chuck Todd said he fears the Russians could be responsible for the mail-bomb scare that has targeted top officials in the Democratic Party, as well as CNN and actor Robert De Niro on Thursday.“I have this fear that it could be some Russian operation too, in designed to do what’s happening now,” Todd said.

    Todd added that we shouldn’t rule out that possibility and that the mail-bomb scare is dividing the country before going to break.

    The country is already divided, bigtime. 

  4. I don’t think it looks bad for Republicans at all. The Republican Party never endorsed violence or unruly protest of any sort, at all. Neither did Fox.

    If anything this just outlines the hypocrisy of the Dems and fake news CNN, MSNBC et al. Those guys never made a big deal of the violence against Scalise or Rand Paul, never said much about the powder packages that went to the Trump family, they laughed off serious threats against the President as just “Freedom of Speech”, they called for angry mobs to harass Republicans in their private lives and then got rude and abusive towards people who called those groups mobs. Now at the first sign of blowback they’re trying to claim the moral high ground in their crusade against domestic political unrest lol. 


  5. So after CNN and MSNBC spent the last 2 years completely silent about Madonna's dreams of blowing up the whitehouse, and Kathy Griffin's severed head photo, and Maxine Waters/Corey Booker/Hillary Clinton et all calling for people to act out against Republican Congressmen, and members of the Trump family getting ricin/anthrax scares at their homes, they're suddenly acting like they're against this sort of thing now that the pipe bomb scare has happened to some Democrats. 

    Those morally bankrupt losers failed to see the connection between their own anti-Republican/anti-Trump vitriol (RACISTS MISOGYNISTS BIGOTS!!!!) and the baseball shooting or Rand Paul getting attacked in his own yard, and then they equate Trump calling out their fake news with pipe bombs going to Democrats. Last I saw M the Democrats and the fake news media were completely different people.

    They call it "freedom of speech" when them and their useful idiots call for or condone outrageously violent threats, but when Trump says "fake news" they think that he's crossing the line and calling for violence against them lol.

    Is this debate over yet? Will the people who supported CNN and MSNBC finally throw in the towel?


  6. I watched John Oliver go on a twenty minute diatribe saying that Trump "lied about whether or not it rained during his inauguration speech". Trump said it didn't rain during his speech and it actually didn't rain during his speech. So John Oliver was lying about someone just to call him a liar. He even showed an accompanying picture of Melania holding an umbrella over Trump's head, but that wasn't during his speech. Sorry but I'm not watching his video.

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  7. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    No, I'm looking at things thru the lens of our nation's principles, especially those that pertain to our nation's clearly stated POV towards human rights.  I'm certainly pissed off but my reaction is very much based on our nation's alleged principles.

    So you prefer we just follow the crowd around and launder our reputation instead of taking a stand and upholding our principles?

    Listening to you guys I'm convinced you'd overthrow the government for not sticking it's tongue up Saudi Arabia's ass even farther than it already has.

    Ok, so here’s how it all goes down if you get your way:

    1) we stooge the Saudis on this shipment of APCs

    2) the Saudis buy APCs from China instead

    3) the Saudis continue to be dicks for the 1,500th year in a row

    4) our economy suffers

    5) Chinas economy gets a boost

    6) we no longer have any influence with the Saudis 

    7) China and the saudis build a closer relationship 

    8) other countries around the world don’t want to deal with us because they know that we’re going to unilaterally back out of deals that we make when we get offended.

    9) we have a bunch of workers and suppliers to pay for the construction of all these APCs and no money coming in for them. 

    But the benefit here is that we get to believe that we have a shiny reputation. Guess what... at the UN no one gives a crap about anything that anyone does aside from Israel. The Saudis can do whatever they want and in a few weeks they’ll have a clean slate again. 


    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

    The Saudis have been bankrolling and providing the anti-American framework for the Sunni Middle East for decades.  They manipulate oil prices through OPEC and hang an unspoken sword of terror over the U.S..  Who is in control here?  You can point to the sale of Canadian light armoured vehicles to the Saudis as problematic and hypocritical.  It is and it should stop.  However, that's a drop in the bucket compared to U.S. military sales to the Saudis.  What do you think the  Saudis will do with all of these arms in the event that their neighbours or any perceived foreign enemy becomes a target for the Saudi Kingdom?  I thought the U.S. had landing strips in their territory.  If the U.S. can't cut off arms sales and trade (of arms from other countries) to the Saudis, that doesn't say much for U.S. hard power.  What's worse, Trump seemed to tacitly encourage the Saudis to make power plays in the region, presumably as a retort to the warming of relations between the U.S. and Iran under Obama.  The Saudi involvement in Yemen has been declared a human rights crisis.  If the U.S. is pumping so much of its oil and Canada has such a massive oil supply (albeit not the sweet crude), why cow-tow to these bad actors?  It was Saudi nationals that flew planes into the World Trade Centre.  C'mon!

    The middle east is a cesspool. Was there ever a time that it wasn't? 

    A great man (Ford Fairlane) once said "So many jerks, so few bullets". 

  9. 17 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    Excuse me, but what do you think Canada has been doing to hold the Saudis accountable...stern scolding on America's Twitter ?

    Nope....delivery of amoured personnel carriers to Saudi Arabia continues from the defense contractor in Ontario...because...money.

    Saudi oil is still imported into Canada.

    Saudi Oil is so precious that it’s allowed to be transported by tankers on our coastline, and it can be transported by pipelines through our country. God forbid we do the same with our own oil. 

  10. 18 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

    Okay, this has to be called out.  Trump has done a fine job of going after harmless allies, but when it comes to anything important, such as taking Russia to task for invasion and election meddling or taking the Saudis to task for human rights abuses, he cowers.  Trump is WRONG to support the Saudis.  Forget the money.  Don't sell them arms and don't let them buy arms.  Instead, send aircraft carriers to the Gulf to remind them who's boss and tell them that if they don't clean it up on human rights, they may face invasion.  Ditto if they try to do major arms purchases from anyone.  Forget the corrupt Saudi billions.  We don't need their oil anymore.  Time to take a hard line with these bad actors.  

    Aren’t you the guy that says the US invades too many countries?

    Do you honestly think it’s prudent to stare down S Arabia with the imminent threat of bombs and then start a huge beef with Russia or China when they start selling the Saudi weapons? You would just be forcing those countries into a strong alliance with each other. That’s the worst military strategt ever... the exact opposite of divide and conquer lol.

    We just bombed Iraq, Syria is a smoking hole, we hate Iran almost half as much as they hate religious freedom, Turkey is quickly becoming an enemy of western values, there are other middle eastern countries like Yemen that are our enemies as well... once the Saudis are our enemies who’s left in the middle east? Do you want to just flatten the whole damn region?


  11. 16 hours ago, eyeball said:

    What's in my money that the government wants to commit to its military adventures is my conscience. My opinion is that the government should either require a super-majority obtained in a referendum before committing it or sell war bonds to finance it - including all the other associated costs...like paying reparations and caring for veterans.    

    You think selling weapons to dictators is smart.   AFAIC you have no values, certainly none worth spending money on to defend. Taking care of vets who aspire to defend your values is definitely at the bottom of my list unless of course they've been conscripted and actually had their choice to refuse taken away from them.

    Screw that opinion and the worthless horse it rode in on.

    You only see things from your own pov. You have an emotional reaction to things and all you think about when you make a decision is your current state of mind. 

    It takes more than that to be a leader. You have to look ahead, and you can’t have your country be so isolationist that they just stand on the sidelines virtue signalling while changes are happening all around. 

    Saudi Arabia WILL BUY WEAPONS. That’s a fact. The profits made by the country that sells them weapons will go into research and development, or other things. Might as well get that money instead of NoKo, China or Russia. The country that sells them the weapons will be selling them parts for the next 30+ years (that’s the real money), OR THE HAVE THE OPTION TO NOT SELL THEM PARTS, thus aiding in the quick demise of their military hardware. The country that sells them the weapons also has the biggest voice in their ear. And if you don’t sell them weapons, you force them to spend their billions on their own R&D, which is worse in the long run. The last thing we want is Saudi Arabia and Iran becoming superpowers. 


    If our government ever decides to completely turn it’s back on our veterans there will be more than just demonstrations or riots. 


  12. 3 hours ago, Argus said:

    Spare me your self-righteous Trumpster indignation, guy who only watches FOX and believes everyone else lies to him. 

    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

    CNN was my go to source before I caught them using the riots in the States to make a profit instead of doing responsible reporting. Now that I know they actively deceive on a massive scale, all the time, I have no use for them. It's a laugh track. Honestly their talking points are preposterous. 

    "Hillary is a saint, Trump is a misogynist". Hillary publicly ridicules women who were raped by her husband, it's unbelievable. That's something that you would catch you by surprise if you heard it in a trailer park. "My husband dint rape you, you nasty skank! Everbuddy knows you gave it up ta him fer a ride ta court. He just likes a bit o' strange is all. I git plenny on the side muhself, an sumtimes I git a couple o' free cigs ta boot!" Honestly there are legitimate talking points to get Trump on. He's a boorish egomaniac with a juvenile penchant for name-calling. That should be enough to keep him out of office, if he wasn't running against the traila hollera.

    "One woman's story should ALWAYS be enough to ruin a man's reputation for LIFE!" (As long as he's not a democrat, or a movie producer). Yeah ok CNN, I'm done.

    MSNBC is the home of anonymous sources and Russian Collusion. I have no use for them and Bob Woodward either. National news is a disgrace. 

    I tune in for a few minutes here and there to see if they're covering something that Fox is totally ignoring, but I'm not a fan of stations that promote rioting, looting, arson, mob violence, etc.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, eyeball said:

    So is betraying our country's values, none of which include following or sucking up to dictatorships or allies that support dictatorships.

    If you want to, do it on your own dime. Buy war bonds and put your own money where your mouth is.

    You'll never take this away from my posts because you don't pay attention to what's in them and more importantly why.

    What's in your posts is your opinions, nothing more. If you want our military to follow your marching orders then win an election. 

    You talk about betraying our country's values, but taking care of our vets is at the top of the "values" list.

    FYI our energy needs are too high to take a "zero tolerance" stance against the whole middle east. We have to play in that sandbox, regardless how much poop gets thrown around. So we deal with the more moderate countries, or the more powerful ones that will be of some help.


  14. On 10/19/2018 at 6:29 PM, eyeball said:

    These people were conscripted?

    That’s your take from that whole post? Gimme a break.

    And FYI no one said they were conscripted. They just had no choice but to go...

    When you’re a member of the armed forces and your unit gets the tap on the shoulder, you go. You don’t stay home in protest and let your friends go into battle without you. You go. Betraying your unit is out of the question. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. 20 hours ago, GostHacked said:

    The challenge is for Trump to call the Saudis out on this matter. But he won't as the same thing with Canada, it's about the money made off selling weapons to Saudi Arabia.

    Can we blame this on Russia too?

    Selling weapons to Saudi Arabia is smart. They have the loot, and they will definitely be able to buy weapons somewhere. Might as wll make a ton of money off of it instead of jumping on a pedestal, and in the process stop the Saudis from building a relationship with bad actors like NoKo, Russia or China.

    Also, the stuff they’re buying now is one or two generations old. If they’re ever brought to bear against modern US military equipment they’ll get wiped out. I wouldn’t even be surprised if the Americans can disable foreign F-16’s over the internet.

    This journalist is one of hundreds killed in the last ten years. In his death he’s become a political pawn, a tool for the Democrats to use against Trump.

    Anyone dumb enough to be openly critical of MBS and stroll around Saudi Arabia without a care in the world isn’t worth starting an international dispute over. This wasn’t international espionage, it was Darwinism.


  16. On 10/18/2018 at 10:57 AM, turningrite said:

    Can one reasonably claim indigenous ancestry on the basis of 1/1024th genetic link, as reportedly Sen. Elizabeth Warren has done? If so, are all of us of mainly European ancestry (and many Asians as well) not definitionally Neanderthal as it's estimated that 1.8 to 2.4 percent of our dna is Neanderthal? Has the diversity craze led us led us down a rabbit hole where advantage is gained by claiming exotic (well, minority) credibility?

    I'm not particularly concerned about whether Sen. Warren is or is not Indian/aboriginal/indigenous. Rather, I wonder why any of this is important at all and whether it suggests that we've attached artificial virtue to essentially meaningless ideas about ethnicity, race and diversity? In this country we permit those of Middle Eastern ethnicity to essentially self-declare racial minority status even when in many cases the "visible" minority designation doesn't objectively apply. The Americans, at least, don't permit this. Mexico, with a racially-blended population characterized by a substantial indigenous component, doesn't permit the collection of racial or ethnic data. Should we not move in the same direction before the silliness gets out of hand? 

    It’s important re:Warren because she tried to gain an advantage by claiming minority status. 


    The Mexicans do it right, if what you’re saying is true (and I have no reason to doubt you). Hyphens don’t just separate words, they separate people. If someone can show me how hyphens bring people together I’ll admit that I was wrong for the first time in my life again.  

  17. On 10/17/2018 at 7:58 PM, Michael Hardner said:

    Not really.  I think the way the Liberals go about doing things is arrogant at best and anti-democratic at worst.  But I also can't blame them, given the fact that there are only a handful of people who are capable of discussing such topics thoughtfully and no national leaders who can proxy for the different points of view represented by Canadians.

    We know that Trudeau can’t be part of a rational conversation about racism. He doesn’t even have an opinion, just a desire to be the world’s biggest virtue signaller. He’d call his own mom a racist just for a bump in the polls. 

    “Oh look at that poor girl, smirking about her traumatic hijab incident! Canadians are scum!” Then when it’s a hoax, there’s no apology, he just doubles down against Canadians. 

    Anyone he or his toadies pick out will be equally insipid.

    Honestly there’s nothing I could care less about than Trudeau’s opinion, or that of his useful idiots. 

    • Like 1
  18. 22 hours ago, Argus said:

    There's no evidence she was involved. I guess that doesn't matter to Trumpsters.

    If I was a partisan hack I'd be agreeing with you.

    She wasn’t involved just like any American can be considered to be “uninvolved” when their employee or friend or cousin destroys evidence for them. Ok fine, but mr “Oh shit moment” should have gone to jail. A crime was committed, and that’s an undisputed fact. 


    You are the epitome of a partisan hack. People you like are innocent when the actual facts of the matter are against them, and people you dislike are 100% guilty from the moment of the first unsubstantiated accusation. There’s no reason or unbiased consideration in you, you just regurgitate CNN talking points even when there has to be a part of you that knows you’re wrong.


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