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Posts posted by WestCanMan

  1. 1 hour ago, Boges said:

    Illegal immigrants can't vote. Who's advocating for them to be able to vote? 


    Dems also want people to be able to vote without id, which seems to make it so that you and I could cross the border, pick names from the phone book, and cast ballots for thise people. It’s ridiculous. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Don Jonas said:

    Yes, Trump bombed some sacrificial Russian mercenaries with Putin's permission.  Big deal.

    There have been 35 indictments as a direct result of the Russia collusion investigation. You don't know how they directly relate to it because the report isn't out yet, but if they didn't relate, Mueller would have referred it to other law enforcement. So you're misrepresenting the facts or you just don't know them.

    What specifically has CNN reported that you take issue with? I imagine they told the truth and that somehow offended you?

    There are some indictments against Russians who will never see the inside of a US court. Just for election meddling mind you, not helping the Republicans.

    The Russians who were “meddling” on FB weren’t picking sides either. Just sewing discord, which the Dems fell for hook, line and sinker. They’re tthe ones doing Putin’s dirty work right now, by splitting up the country. They’re calling for verbal abuse against Republicans, supporting Antifa violence, name-calling, fear-mongering, speaking out against a duly-elected President, etc. It’s extremely pathetic the way Demmies are acting, and anyone who supports them is equally pathetic.

    Question: if Dems want foreigners to vote so badly, why should they care if some Russians influenced the election? What’s the difference if they illegally cross the border and vote, or give some cash to influence the election from the outside?


  3. 9 hours ago, Don Jonas said:

    35 indictments and the report isn't out yet. You don't know what's going on until the report is out, but there are already 35 indictments and he hasn't even submitted the report. 

    Seeing Trump practically admit he is a subservient puppet in Helsinki was enough evidence for anyone with half a brain.

    Zero indictments re:American involvement with Russians. Zero.

    There are 25 Americans in the FBI/DOJ involved in the witch hunt that have been fired, demoted or resigned though. So right now it’s 25-0 for Trump.  

    FYI Trump never acted like a subservient dog in Helsinki either, he just failed to insult a superpower at the request of Jim Acosta or some other CNN flunky. 

    After Trump bombed Syria the first time there was plenty of sabre-rattling by Assad AND PUTIN about what would haooen if the Americans ever bombed Syria again.

    Did Trump look like a subservient dog when he promptly bombed Syria a second time?

    Looking back, a proper response by Trump to that reporter’s question would have been “I’m not going to insult the leader of a foreign country by asking your stupid question, just to dignify Mueller’s witch hunt”.

    Last thing: anyone with half a brain knows that CNN is garbage. 

    Ill post a link to Van Jones admitting that the collusion probe is a big nothingburger for you if you still haven’t seen it. I doubt you would because you don’t seem like the kind of person to welcome a bit of cognitive dissonance. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Boges said:

    A large percentage of the 911 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. 

    True, but countries like Syria, Iraq, etc have so many terrorists that they run the show. 

    It's hard enough to convince people in California, NY and Washington State (the 9th circuit lol) that there are a lot of terrorists in Syria, where they were broadcasting the fact that they were beheading journalists, committing genocide, and overpowering the Syrian gov't. You could never convince them that there are terrorists in a country with a stable government.

  5. 6 hours ago, Don Jonas said:

    You misrepresent more than the media ever does. To say the Russia investigation has no traction is an outright lie.

    OK, tell me something about Trump-Russia colllusion that justifies the investigation then Don Jonas.

     What progress has been made in the last two years? 

    All I see is a lot of dark clouds and no lightning.


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  6. On 9/7/2018 at 8:02 PM, Michael Hardner said:

    1)  You are utterly fascinating.  Have you heard about Deep Throat ?  Watergate ?  If you have heard those terms, then Woodward deserves a smidge of credit.

    2)  Hannity's a muck raker in the old style.  It doesn't matter what his "track record" is because his massive army of followers doesn't care.  They are fans of his like Justin Beebs fans and he can do no wrong.

    I get that you have arrived on the scene of politics with no knowledge nor interest what has come before, and you are here to piss on all that has happened.  And that, too, is ok.  Your point of view is not important, only that there are millions of you.

    I don’t care about anyone’s track record of previous “successes”, when they lose their credibility it’s just gone like anyone else’s would be.

    Why would I care about what Lisa LaFlamme did 8 years ago? I know now that she’s a fraudster. If she won awards 8 years ago that doesn’t carry any water. 

    The tough thing about journalism is that when your integrity is gone it gets backdated to the beginning of time. It’s not like being a hockey player or something, where your previous accomplishments still count even when you can’t compete anymore. Or it is like an athlete of the Ben Johnson variety.

    Right now Hannity is on point.

    If the day comes that Hannity is a cheap huckster of anonymous trash then his integrity will be shot and his show will cease to have meaning. Woodward can keep his accomplishments, Hannity will have this FBIgate feather in his cap, but neither will trusted to opine about the issues of the day. 

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  7. On 9/7/2018 at 4:43 PM, Don Jonas said:

    So the only example of a "lie" you could site was them saying it is Trump's policy to separate children and families, which it absolutely was? I thought you said you gave lots of examples?

    There are two more examples right above that. That’s 3 if I’m not mistaken lol. 

    Re: my inclusion of the other two topics as “lies”....the fine line between “spinning” and “lying” is crossed when the insinuation of something as serious as the accusation of treason is made in all seriousness when it is known to be a lark. And news channels shouldn’t be spinning any more than they should be lying. 

    How important is it for the media to “NOT TELL LIES”? If they’ll lie straight to your face about these things then what makes you think they’re ever going to tell you the truth when it runs against their narrative? Why do they even have a “narrative” in the first place?

    It’s time to re-evaluate the way you think about “the news”. The National is not really news, it’s CBC’s opinions with some accompanying facts. Facts that don’t support their opinions won’t be covered at all, or they’ll get the barest of mentions along with some insinuations about their legitimacy and that’s it. Eg, Duffygate was 3 years of headline coverage. Trump-Russia collusion ditto. Both have no actual traction. IRSgate and FBIgate on the other hand are extremely serious topics with mounds of actual evidence and no news coverage. 


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  8. On 9/7/2018 at 8:34 AM, Boges said:

    Then why not ban people from Saudi Arabia? 

    Also I wish people would stop thinking opposition to Trump automatically means support for Trudeau, I think JT is a uselss politician that governs on his feels, much like Trump actually. 


    It's this Black and White my team your team philosophy that's making people mindless idiots. 

    It’s too hard to put Saudi Arabia in with the same group because they have the carefully cultivated outward appearance of being respectable. 

    They are misogynistic but they don’t openly advocate terrorism. Their inclusion on the list would take credibility away from the list imo.


  9. 53 minutes ago, Boges said:

    So four kept promises. Tariffs, which will end if the Dems take back congress, A Vet hotline, A racist travel ban and moving Israel's Embassy. 

    That's way underselling his bravado. 

    This week's news is evidence that Trump is only bravado. It's almost like it's your own fault if you actually believe what he says, because almost none of it is true. He's completely useless as an executive. 

    He also wasted Islamic state in dramatic fashion like he said he would, as opposed to Obama's underwhelming pillow fight. Cut taxes. Rolled back regulations he said he would. Saved the coal industry. Brought back manufacturing jobs that Obama said would never come back. Got rid of the individual mandate. Got the GDP growth up over 4%. Ended the Korean War. Stood up to Assad and Putin, which the Dems never did.

    The travel ban wasn't the slightest bit racist FYI. Jews from Israel and Muslims from Palestine are genetically identical and Jews aren't banned. It's religious bigotry if you want to put a name to it, but it makes sense to stop allowing people to immigrate from countries where the terrorist population is large enough to overwhelm their government (and fight against Obama lol). 

    If you think Trump is useless as an executive after all he has done then what do you think of Trudeau?

    Can you even name one thing he did that was positive for Canada? He killed the energy sector, drove away over $100B in investment, paid some terrorists, stopped fighting Islamic State, ignored some calls for genocide against Jews at hate rallies, gave away billions to foreign countries, got caught accepting gifts from foreigners... I guess Trudeau has "done" more things than Trump, just none of them were good.  

  10. 4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    1.  Yes, and the anonymous guy on the internet who calls perhaps THE most renowned and respected journalist - about whom huge hollywood films have been made, books written, courses taught - "a useless tool"... that's you.  Mr. Anonymous.  And that's where we are in this world.  People actually listen to the opinions of anonymous people who have no idea about the history of the journalism.

    Now you're going to think I'm saying that's a bad thing, but I am not saying that.  I am saying that at certain points in history, know-nothing, do-nothing masses of nobodies cause a huge impact and bring down institutions.  See Martin Luther (not King) and the French Revolution.

    It's not bad.

    2. Hannity is a rich rube playing poor suckers but that's beside the point.

    The rest of your post represents a populist viewpoint, which does NOT matter in the least - except that in a huge amount of volume these types of opinions do matter.

    Again, it's not bad.  You are part of history.  You are one of the "deplorables" and your time is now.


    1) THE most respected and renowned journalist just made a book full of anonymous sources. Not impressed. If a course is taught about Anderson Cooper or Rachel Maddow do you think that they will suddenly gain credibility?

    Courses were taught about the guy who writes a book full of quotes from anonymous sources.... Where? Berkeley? That bastion of free speech and open-mindedness?

    Do you think I am impressed with the useful idiots that the liberal colleges are belching out these days? People without the ability to see through the most basic deception or to question a single thing that their profs or Lib tells them? 

    Yeah thanks for the shallow attempt at a backhanded compliment, or whatever that was, but I care nothing for the opinions of people who don't notice corruption in the FBI at this stage of the game and who still think that this whole "Russian Collusion" thing is about Russian collusion. You gotta be 4 suits and a joker shy of a full deck.

    That's good though, you have 1 good card.

    2) Hannity's track record in this whole Russian collusion probe is impeccable compared to CNN. Can you name me one material fact about Russian collusion that Adam Schiff has been right about so far? How about Anderson Cooper or Rachel Maddow? How about all of CNN? Robert Mueller? Jim "boohoo woe is me why did I get fired for just a bit of lying, fake investigating and exonerating" Comey? Just one thing (aside from Van Jones's admission that Russian collusion is a big nothingburger because even though it was true, he didn't know there was a camera there). If you do I'll give some cred to Woodward, A Cooper et al. 

    I'm part of history, I'm a guy who watched both channels and I quickly noticed which one constantly tells lies.

    I've named plenty of straight-up lies told by CNN et al in this thread. If you are so certain that Hannity and CNN are liars why don't you throw down some examples? Why don't you try to explain to me how my examples of CNN lying were really just misinterpretations or falsehoods? We both know where this is going right? You ignore this completely and change the topic. Got it.

    You're part of history too MH. One of CNN's useful *****s, barking up the Russian collusion tree, ignoring widespread corruption in the Democrat party/FBI/IRS. Honestly you can't even talk about some of the most newsworthy events of the 21st century because those subjects are taboo and you've got the audacity to lecture me about a liberal news icon and CNN flunky? Duly noted MH.


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  11. 10 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:


    One of the defining and possibly best-known journalists of the 20th century... guy....

    Well, he's no Hannity... :D:D:D

    Best-known means squat. The whole news media from NY Times to CNN & MSNBC is pure garbage and anyone who can't catch them lying is a complete moron or they're in denial.

    "Did Trump commit treason when he asked if Russia could find the 33,000 emails?" LMAO. Obviously it was a joke but they didn't like it so they literally tried to start up the conversation about whether or not it constituted "treason". That's not an adult level of conversation, let alone professional, or having a shred of integrity. 

    "Jeff Sessions may have committed perjury when he said "I didn't have any conversations with Russian officials or agents about election meddling" because's there's new evidence that he talked to a Russian"....   Ooooh so he talked to a Russian and that's means that he lied? No, we're supposed to assume that he talked about election meddling and that he committed perjury, because that's the level of integrity they in the "news" these days. 

    They use the phrase "Trump's policy of separating children from their families" on CBC, CNN, CTV MSNBC like it's the truth or something. It's no more accurate than saying "Trump's policy of holding an election every 4 years" is it? Can Hannity now give credit to Trump for the fact that the US is holding democratic elections? That's accurate by CNN standards.

     It literally drives me insane when I turn on the news and I see that crap. CBC and CTV made "Maybe the PM personally paid back Canadians for Duffy's $90K worth of questionable expenses" seem like the crime of the century for THREE FULL YEARS. The current PM has been caught accepting foreign gifts, some of the Liberal MP's claimed over $100K per person for moving expenses, and Trudeau has misspent billions of dollars & he'll end up $10's of billions over budget but Liberal corruption is treated like a frivolous topic. It's not actually even a topic. 

    It makes me think back to when I was a kid and I was just casual about watching the news, how stupid I was to just allow that BS straight into my head without the internal rejection filter set to "most likely bullshit".  

    Russian collusion, lmao. Hillary actually used a law firm to knowingly/intentionally funnel money to foreigners for the purpose of election interference. Obama was caught on a hot mic telling Dmitri Medvedev to "Tell Vladimir (presumably Putin) that I'll have more flexibility after the election". And they think it's a crime if Trump's son allowed a Russian to give him dirt on Hillary? Since when was it a crime to allow someone to tell you that they have evidence of a crime? It's not. At all. If someone offers to give you information about a crime it's never illegal to listen.

    Hannity's topics have all proven true so far, and at the start they seemed a bit far-fetched. Bias and corruption at the highest levels of the FBI...? Crazy right? Time for the tinfoil hats everybody! Guess what? Several top members of the FBI have been fired and there's more to come. Hannity is reporting actual, pertinent news about serious corruption at the highest levels of the FBI and "that woodward guy" and CNN think it's a complete non-story. Yeah," that Woodward guy" is a useless tool.

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  12. 3 hours ago, turningrite said:

    Many of those quoted in Woodward's book are reportedly insiders who either have worked or still do work inside the White House. If they believe the place is "Crazytown" maybe we should take notice. Sure, a lot of them are backing off now and refusing to acknowledge their statements, but Woodward, reputedly a stellar journalist, recorded his conversations with sources. I wouldn't dismiss the account as casually as Trumpistas seem intent on doing.

    "Reportedly insiders", "anonymous sources", blah blah blah. 

    CNN's anonymous sources have all proven to be complete garbage over and over again for the last two years and this Woodward guy is of their ilk. The whitehouse is sure accomplishing a lot if it's a zoo. Maybe they need more of it.

    CNN et al: "Oooh look at all the shiny new gossip about Trump. You can tell it's true because it's so shiny, and so anonymous."

    Fast fwd to two weeks later, when it is all proven wrong, there will be no admission of guilt, just another episode of: "Oooh we have more, newer gossip, way shinier than all the other stuff combined. Just look at how irate our usual talking heads at CNN are. IMPEACHEMENT. impeachment. Impeachment. IMPEACHMENT! impeachment. We now stand on the threshold of impeachment."

    "Oops, false alarm. No worries though, our useful idiots will fall for the next one."

  13. 18 hours ago, turningrite said:

    Some of the excerpts from Woodward's new book that are now emerging suggest that a very erratic Trump is running amok in the White House. (1) If even a fraction of the allegations are correct this is scary stuff for both the U.S. and the rest of the world. And more Americans, apparently, understand the problem.(2) According to recent polling his unfavorable rating is now in the 60 percent range and reportedly most independent voters as well as college-educated voters don't approve of his leadership. How long can Trump's presidency last, particularly if the Republicans lose control of congress in the November midterms?

    1) It's being hyped by CNN so a fraction of it being true is probably accurate.

    2) IMO Trump was rolling until he started this trade war China, at the same time as he is negotiating with NoKo. He went from a 9/10 in my opinion to an iffy 5.

  14. 39 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Given its your ideological end of the spectrum doing all the hating he's probably reasoned its better to just let it keep making a complete ass of itself.

    As for him protecting Islam tooth and nail, go tell it to Muslims being killed with the Canadian made weapons he's selling.  He's pretty faux alright, I'll agree with you there.

    You're the one who openly supports groups that commit terrorism and calls for genocide, not me. The Israelis and US have never talked about genocide as a solution.

    I wouldn't even care about islam or the atrocities of Mohammed if the muslims weren't so intent on blowing up random people.


    156 terrorist attacks in January 2018. It's just an average month. Check any month you want. I haven't even looked at that month, for all I know 10% of the attacks were by non-muslims.


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  15. On 8/31/2018 at 8:40 PM, eyeball said:

    Dude if you want to bring up that, then how about the fact that the wave of migrants over in europe is from the same religious group who chopped the heads off of 10's of millions of people in India and committed mass systemic rape in an orgy of religious bigotry and ethnic cleansing, and whose prophet was a violent religious bigot who committed genocide and forced women and children into rape-slavery. 


  16. 3 hours ago, taxme said:

    Why won't the FBI shows us the rest of the documents that people like Nunes are asking for and Mueller won't ask for? Hundreds of pages are being kept away from being looked at by the Nunes committee. If a politician like Trump says that he wants to "drain the swamp" well why would anyone want to attack such a person? Support the person. So, if we had a politician in Canada that said that they would like to drain the swamp in Ottawa would Mr.A now attack them?  This guy likes to let on that he is so knowledgeable about politics but appears to always want to protect the swamp. I would prefer to listen to FOX News rather than what Mr. A would like us all to listen too. Mr. A likes to dodge. Mr.A lives in a make believe world all of his own. Just saying. :D

    I don't follow, sorry. Who is Mr A?

  17. 19 minutes ago, Argus said:

    As opposed to Trump who's been a Republican for two years now? And who, throughout his entire long life, never suggested any interest in Republican ideals or Republican policies, who gave money to Democrats and supported Bill Clinton?

    I actually didn't favor a side myself until the last term of Barack Obama. When BC was known to have had an affair with Lewinski I didn't want him impeached. (I watched Hillary's interview after he came clean and that was the first moment I knew she was rotten to the core). I think that every American likes JFK. 

    The Democrat party of today espouses Antifa and BLM violence, hatred and mistrust of the police, they are extremely weak on terrorism, they are rife with socialists and Hillary is a despicable person. 

  18. 25 minutes ago, Argus said:


    Just because someone says something which disagrees with Trump does not prove they lied. If the Trumptards in congress like Devon Nunes could show one of Trump's enemies lied before committee you can be damn sure he'd be moving to prosecute him. He can't, so he isn't. Stop listening to the raving loonies on FOX.


    Fiction? LMAO! Then why was he fired? For nothing? Fox news was saying all along that this was an issue, and then he was mystically fired for nothing? Did CNN have any inkling that something was coming down the pipe? No? So weird how they're your trusted news source if they didn't know about things that Fox already said on air, and so weird that they don't think that all the FBI firings are a big deal. The FBI is looking like the KGB now, they have so many agents getting fired and demoted for political corruption. CNN says it's no big deal and you just nod your head?

    Do you not notice when CNN blatantly lies to you? When they say things like "Trump's policy of separating children from their families at the border", is that not a huge lie? If not, then can I say "Trump's policy of holding a presidential election every 4 years"? It's equally accurate. If you can't catch CNN lying on an hourly basis then you have a serious problem.  

    It's known that Comey, Brennan etc were lying because they were caught saying something on camera that was later proven to be false. That's what lying is. They did it. 


    Argus you're living in denial, and no that's not in Egypt. 

  19. 12 minutes ago, Argus said:

    1. The investigation was already well-underway when this became available.
    2. It was largely financed by Trump's Republican opponent Jeb Bush, who hired a British ex-intelligence officer to compile information.

    Only Trump loyalists say that the dossier was completely wrong. And they say so with zero actual knowledge of what is and is not correct. If the courts felt it was a work of fiction then the warrant would have been declared invalid. They have not done so.

    By FOX news.:rolleyes:

    It was disclosed.

    I know that Trump wants the justice department to be his political police force and wants to force out anyone not loyal to him. I know Trump rages against his own attorney general appointee for allowing the department to investigate Republicans and not putting a stop to the investigation of him, and that he wants the justice department to instead investigate his political enemies and those who criticize him. I also know he's hounded any FBI official who dared to stand up to him. That's what I know.


    1) They had to apply for the FISA warrant 4 times to renew it. The info was definitely available the 4th time around, if not the first or second. 

    2) Bush started it, and the Russians became involved under Hillary.

    3) Van Jones from CNN even admitted russian collusion was a big nothingburger on hidden video. It's not just "Fox News" who knows. 

     The investigation is still going on because Mueller is looking for dirt elsewhere. That's not how the FBI is supposed to opertae. They're supposed to know about a crime before they obtain warrants to investigate people. Not start an investigation based on opposition research and then squeeze people who work with the subject of your investigation for information. ""96 years in jail, or 6 if you rat out someone who we don't even know to have committed a crime" lol. It's a joke.

    4) By Fox news? By everyone in Congress who is part of the investigation. Not one Democrat has ever said that they were aware of a crime yet and they've been asked point blank. Adam Schiff makes claims all the time and a  week later it's known to be false.

    5) No, it wasn't disclosed at all. Congressman Jordan has had access to all the un-redacted FISA warrant submissions and said that the disclosures were not made.

    6) It's important for you to acknowledge that you're aware of how many people in the FBI were fired, demoted and/or resigned. Stop dodging. 

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