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Posts posted by WestCanMan

  1. 9 minutes ago, Carlus Magnus said:

    Many Americans have joked for years that new Presidents are brought into a room day one, and played secret films of the JFK assassination. Because so many of them seem to become the Washington swamp and don't do what they ran on.  Trump has done pretty well on his agenda, but there are two pieces he has not been able to accomplish, repeal of Obamacare and border security.  However,  the economy in America is great right now, just what Trump said he would do, and he's done it largely by reducing nonsense regulations that hamper business.  

    The corporate press are an extension of the power brokers in Washington DC and Wall Street.  See WMD in Iraq circa 2003.  Well, the corporate media hates Trump and is doing everything they can to get rid of him.  I take this as a good indication he is still his own man.


    The left wing media certainly hates Trump lol. WSJournal probably loves him.

  2. 53 minutes ago, jacee said:

    Why are you still talking to me about Liberals?

    What did you not comprehend about ...

    Maybe you should find someone to argue with who cares about the Lib-Con mudslinging spats. That wouldn't be me


    In case you hadn't noticed, the thread is about who we're voting for, not what our main election issues are. 

    I see you tried to make it into a thread about your own hot issues but that's actually off-topic.

  3. 43 minutes ago, jacee said:

    Recall, you accused Liberals of supporting terrorists. 

    I considered making that statement "Nobody 'supports' terrorists ... except other terrorists"

    But I considered that self-evident to reasonable people.

    I still think it is. 


    Learn to read jacee.

    I didn't say that all liberals are terrorist supporters, I said "everyone who supports islamic terrorism is a diehard Liberal."

    That means that all of the people in Canada who support islamic terrorism are Liberal voters, period. They'd be incredibly stupid if they weren't.

    It does not mean that everyone who votes for the Liberal party directly supports terrorism, but in a round about way which they will never admit to, they know that they are indirectly supporting islamic terrorism. 


    I also said that the Liberal party is championing the cause of islamic terrorism and they are. They are allowing terrorists to come back to Canada without facing prosecution which legitimizes them as lawful combatants. That's enough to prove my point right there, but I'll go on:

    they're letting people who came here just to commit terrorist acts keep their Canadian citizenship, they pre-empted a judicial ruling in order to pay a known terrorist $10.5M when there was no precedent for such a payment (others who were awarded money were deemed to have been wrongfully accused), they stopped Canadian fighter planes from killing islamic state members, they are actively seeking to distance islam from islamic terrorism despite 1,4000 years of evidence that it's a big part of the religion, they are criminalizing speech which is critical of islam which easily includes linking the religion with the acts of it's most loyal adherents, they refuse to call islamic state by their name, etc...



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  4. 2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    Somebody makes an extreme claim about Muslims causing 96% of all terrorism and provides a cite of consumer complaint statistics.:blink:


    If you want to call me out then feel free to check out any month that pops up Michael Hardner, and then in the future don't just insinuate something without getting off your ass and typing a few words into google.

    Here's March 2018. There were 171 attacks. See how many you can find that weren't by muslims Michael Hardner. If it's only 90% in March of 2018 does that make me a bigot? Check out any month that you want. March 2018 was just a random pick, for all I know it could have the highest or lowest percentage in the last 20 years.

    Just remember that when you're reading each item on that list, it involves actual dead people, or several dead people, and a whole bunch of friends & family members that will be grieving for the rest of their lives. This is not a tiny little stat for you to glance at and then go back to work in your little platitude factory either Michael, it requires actual human emotion to process what this list actually means. 


  5. 44 minutes ago, jacee said:

    Maybe you should find someone to argue with who cares about the Lib-Con mudslinging spats. That wouldn't be me. 

    I'd like to see an election campaign based on the important issues we face in coping with climate change,  discussion of real issues facing the country as a whole that don't insult our intelligence.

    You just saw 4 years of Trudeau policy, do you need him to tell you what another 4 years would be like?

    Every decent promise he made last time was a lie, he just ran a way bigger deficit than he said he would and gave away billions that he never told us about. 

    And the budget didn’t balance itself. So weird. 

  6. 7 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

    Did this really happen ?   The prime minister of Japan (Abe) stood on a stage with Justin Trudeau and extolled cooperation between Japan and Canada so that the U.S. will be the leader of the free world ?    In other words, the leader won't be Japan or Canada and certainly not Justin Trudeau.



    You mean “China, er ummmm Japan”.

  7. On 4/25/2019 at 4:52 PM, jacee said:

    No one "supports" terrorism. 

    :blink: I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall when I post here sometimes.

    There have been several posters here make comments in direct support of terrorism, or providing what they feel like is justification for terrorist attacks. And the number of people who will openly admit that they want to kill Americans or that they think that the Arianna Grande concert bombing was justified is just the tip of the iceberg. 

    Jacee here's something for you to think about https://www.google.ca/search?ei=2x_GXKnZAsaa0gLKlZjoBg&q=consumer+complaint+calls+vs+percent+of+upset+customers&oq=consumer+complaint+calls+vs+percent+of+upset+customers&gs_l=psy-ab.3...12364.22084..22384...0.0..0.121.2441.28j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j33i22i29i30j33i160j33i21j33i10.LxNfI6onxIg

    When a company receives a call for a complaint, it's well documented that for each person who calls there are usually over 20x as many who feel the same way but won't bother to pick up te phone. A lot of people will just stop using your product, many will complain about your product to other people, etc. 

    If only 1 out of every 20 people is willing to make a phone call, then what do you think s the ratio of people who are willing to blow themselves up at an Araianna Grande concert to kill a bunch of kids vs the number of people who would support that but just aren't willing to blow themselves up? Still just 1 in 20?

    There are 150 - 200 terrorist attacks per month jacee. Just google "Number of terrorist attacks globally in [insert month] [insert year]" and you'll always get a number that's greater than 100. In a good month maybe 4 weren't by muslims.

    Do you really think that no one "supports" these attacks? Do you really feel like it's a case of "once in a while a muslim will get really out of sorts and commit a terrorist attack but no other muslims support it. In fact they're all against it." Is that honestly what you're trying to say? I'm not nearly dumb enough to believe what you just said there. No one is.



  8. 7 hours ago, jacee said:

    1 I copied it. It came that way.

    2 Trudeau's 'smear campaign', and this response.

    Of course Trude is running a smear campaign. He is a virtue signaller first and foremost so that’s just what he does, and he has absolutely no platform to run on. 

    Do you expect him to say “Our plan is to continue to destroy our domestic oil industry and to keep our tidewaters blocked to domestic oil while at the same time continuing ti allow Saudi tankers to keep coming in from the east and American tankers will keep traveling down the West Coast, we will continue to treat terrorists with the same dignity and respect that we treat our own veterans, we will continue to denigrate “old stock white Canadians” and “toxically masculine construction workers”, we will continue to entertain fake accusations of hate attacks vs minorities and we still refuse to condemn them when they are exposed, we will further alienate the U.S., China and India, we will give away another $10billion to foreign countries while we continue to 1) fight our veterans in court 2) ignore the native suicide crisis 3) let our indigenous population keep drinking toxic sludge, we will continue with our policy of neutrality towards islamic state, we will continue to protect hate rallies against Jews & Israel, we will continue to create new taxes that harm families and small businesses, we will continue our fight against freedom of speech and give the mainstream media another $1.4 billion taxpayer dollars on behalf of the Liberal party (thanks CBC and CTV for making that pesky little SNC thing go away).....”? Am I missing something? 

    Sure, when he invited a huge influx of asylum-seekers from America (lol) that we couldn’t provide enough housing, clothing, medical treatment, medicine, food and education for that was stupid, but it’s not like it was “the one stupid thing that he did”. 

    Yeah, Justin is running a smear campaign, so what?

    The Conservatives are paying their own money to run ads about government corruption in the SNC scandal because our MSM got enough hush money to push that bad boy under the rug. Is that what you call a smear campaign?

  9. On 4/27/2019 at 3:34 AM, jacee said:

    Don’t make election about immigration, corporate Canada tells political leaders


    I certainly agree.

    Don't make the election about xenophobia.

    We have always benefited from immigration, and we will always plan for immigration to meet our economic needs and accept refugees to meet our international obligations. 

    This nonsense is just a distraction from our real challenge: Moving from an outdated economy always too heavily reliant on extraction industries to a sustainable industrial model and planning to meet the financial demands of climate change.

    1) What was the point of the enormous font?

    2) What makes you jump to the conclusion that immigration is the #1 topic? I don't know anyone who thinks that immigration is the biggest issue facing our country.

  10. 3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    He's not doing that.  He hates immigrants so he's punishing the cities.

    Another lie. 

    Sorry to keep calling you a liar but you should be able to have a discussion without making things up, or just regurgitating whatever CNN barfs up even though you know it's not true.

    Trump hates illegal immigrants. He hates the fact that the southern border isn't secure and that it's wide open for all sorts of illegal activity. He hates that Democrats want to make a game of politicizing immigration/border issues instead of handling them. They all say they want a border wall until they get elected and suddenly "walls are racist". LMAO.

    The biggest problem with political debates is that you have one side that does nothing but make things up and say things that they know aren't true, like you're doing right now.


    It's fair to say that Trump personally feels like he's "punishing" sanctuary cities, but let's be honest - they call themselves sanctuary cities so why should those cities feel like they're being "punished"? They're in favour of those people in the USA in the first place so why should they view it as punishment themselves?

    The illegal immigrants can only be detained for a certain period and then they have to be released. There's no law saying that they just get to walk out into the same border town that they came into, and those towns have had their fill of large numbers of immigrants just roaming at large. (and fyi that's not "racism" either - Mexicans have the same problems with large groups of people with no jobs and no money, just wandering around going to the bathroom everywhere, littering, loitering, pilfering things, etc. 

    Right now it's just a really crappy deal for the southern border towns, and the people further north in larger cities and a bigger share of the vote are posturing about "how great it is that people are coming to America in droves" but they're not the ones dealing with all the associated issues. 


    Trump's saying "The Dems and their voters made up these 'sanctuary cities', they called for these people to come, and since they started the 'problem' they should be the ones to deal with it."

  11. 4 hours ago, Carlus Magnus said:

    Doesn't scare me.  I embrace it.

    In America they always say anyone can be POTUS.  Until Trump, only seasoned politicians could be POTUS.  Only a small minority of population are seasoned politicians.  Generally we agree in Western culture that politicians are corrupt, why would we always go to them for leadership ?


    I agree to a certain extent.

    Trump knows how to get things done in Washington now but there was a ton of resistance from the GOP when he first got there. Not many people will have the endurance and tenacity that Trump has to get his way.

    The "political newcomer thing" sets people up to be chosen to run in/win elections just to become puppets/figureheads for the entrenched regime. It's almost a large step back in a way. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

    While Max is focused on all the fat that surrounds our entire government, things like defunding CBC, breaking up the dairy cartel, making government smaller, ending Corporate welfare, stop sending bils to foreign countries to fight climate change, ...start adding up all the bils just from these programs and you Canadians will soon have 15 to 20 bil back in their pockets....whats Andrew going to do, except more of the liberals sunny ways....   

    I personally love the list, but most Canadians aren't ready for that yet. If you push that far you lose the election and the country slides another twelve steps back.

  13. 5 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

    People are mad because the president is openly stating that he's going to divide the country - treat regions that voted for him differently than those that didn't and try to punish the ones that didn't.  

    That's a lie unless you have proof of " he's openly stated that he's going to divide the country".


    For your information:

    -There are counties which support the Constitution and US law which have an extremely excessive number of illegal immigrants - an amount that they can't handle, 

    -There are counties which declare that they don't abide by the laws of the country, they say that they are sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. 

    It's just natural for the government to move the illegal immigrants from a place where they are an unmanageable burden to a place where they are welcomed with open arms. Now all of the people who used their votes say to "we just love open borders" get a chance to open up their spare bedrooms and their vacant basement suites. It's perfect!

  14. 16 hours ago, Army Guy said:

    Yes now your starting to sound like a liberal, if we talk about conservatives , we must bring in the fact we are all racists, white nationalist, with huge swastikas carved into our chests in some satanic ceremony, in which we roast over an open pit  immigrants and Frenchmen and I'm hoping one day liberals ..... 

    I'm not saying that everyone in the conservative party is racist, but I will admit that everyone that is white, non-muslim and racist would vote conservative. 

    I could also point out that not everyone in the Liberal party intentionally supports islamic terrorism, but everyone who supports islamic terrorism is a diehard Liberal. The Libs also have all the votes of people who are racist against white people. 

    It's not like there are 16 parties and everyone gets to choose their own poison. There are two parties.


    I'll say this for the conservatives: they didn't get the support of the white racists because they were championing the cause of racism, they got it because the Liberal party is championing the cause of islamic terrorism and denigrating "old stock white Canadians" and "toxically masculine construction workers" on a consistent basis.

  15. 15 hours ago, Army Guy said:

    You don't sound very confident in your candidate, even though the latest polls put him ahead by more than 5 % points...and would you bet your life that Andrew is going to keep ALL his campaign promises, since we are both adults here, which PM has kept ALL their promises...I mean we are talking about Canadian politics here, where they can lie , cheat , do what ever it takes to stay in power with no accounting for any of it even the citizens don't really give a shit they can't remember all the scandals come voting time any way.....

    Yes now your starting to sound like a liberal, if we talk about conservatives , we must bring in the fact we are all racists, white nationalist, with huge swastikas carved into our chests in some satanic ceremony, in which we roast over an open pit  immigrants and Frenchmen and I'm hoping one day liberals ..... 

    Here's the thing I've been voting Conservative pretty much my entire life, until this election, I don't like their direction, nor do I like where Andrews is taking them, they are more liberal than conservative.....I want a change, they have disappointed me for the last time...That is my right given to me under the constitution...As for drawing votes away from the Cons, yes that is going to happen , as well from the liberals, and other parties that are tired as I am of all the same shit , just wrapped in a different box....

    Would it bother me if the cons lost a seat, to the lib tards , no it would not, and if Justin gets another term as PM , thats because the liberals are not done with destroying the nation, and they have retained the popular vote, thats how democracy works , I don't have to like it , but thats how this whole voting thing works.........not because I voted for Max....but because Andrew did not do his job very well...If your that concerned about the cons winning get out there and start canvassing for Andrew....

    I don't blame Scheer for the direction that his leadership appears to be heading right now. It might not be the most conservative one, ie primarily focused on jobs and the economy, but it's the right direction for taking votes from the middle, and those are always the most important votes.

    There are Canadians who would never vote Conservative (or get a job), and there are Canadians who would never vote Liberal. In the middle there are millions of voters who are being led around by the nose by CTV and CBC, and they will decide the next election. 

    Just remember that all of those people, by virtue of the fact that they are in the middle, are already somewhat to the left of Scheer's party. The media is doing their level best to convince the voters that the Liberals are the conscience of Canada and the Conservatives are alt-right. If Scheer even makes one comment that CTV and CBC can get some traction with, they'll stay on it like a dog on a bone and it could easily lose his party 5% or more of the popular vote.

    CTV and CBC will downplay all of Trudeau's faults, misquotes, scandals and lies for the next 50,000 years, but Scheer's comments will constantly be skewed in a negative manner and that negative version will be broadcast over and over for months.

    Remember Duffygate was HEADLINE NEWS YOU GOTTA SEE IT!!!!! for 3 years, and it was over $90,000 - that's just one meal for Trudeau's family when they're on a private jet from Ottawa to Hull. SNC Lavalin is already getting the cold shoulder from our media and it's just been a couple of months.

    That's why it's important that Scheer's out there being a charismatic, empty vessel like a Trudeau - light. He's got to destroy the perception that Trudeau and the msm are trying to create, which is that the Liberals are the official party of everyone with skin darker than a paper bag, or any white people with a conscience.  

    Even something as simple as talking about fiscally conservative policies is like giving Trudeau the opportunity to say "Scheer hates refugees, immigrants, natives, coloured folks and poor people, HE'S TRUMP NORTH!!!!!!!!!!" and the MSM will eat it up. 


  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_March_2019

    There were 171 terrorist attacks in March of this year. On an average month there are usually only about 150.

    There were about 850 killed, including the 50 in Christchurch. 150 of the people killed were fulani herdsmen, but that topic isn't really covered here so I don't really know what to say about that.

    I don't know exactly how many of the total amount were by muslims but it's usually over 95%. al shabab, al qaeda, islamic state, boko haram, abu sayyef, palestinian nationalists and the taliban are the main ones. This march the % of kills by muslims would have been lower than usual because of the attack in christchurch.

  17. 1 hour ago, Carlus Magnus said:

    The first American POTUS with no government experience, he broke the glass ceiling, and it scares the shit out of Washington DC.   Trump has opened the door for a wide diversity of people to run for POTUS who just a few years ago would not have had a chance because they were not career politicians. 

    TBH it scares me too. 

    There was a lot of talk about Oprah running, and I can't imagine how much of a leftist gong the US would be if Oprah or some Hollywood moron like Alyssa Milano turned their popularity into votes.

    Oprah is wildly popular, but at her core she's a racist of the same stripe as Obama. Everything to them is about black and white. They can't just handle policy and leave race out of anything.

  18. On 1/12/2019 at 9:45 PM, Machjo said:

    How do you know they would get no non-Muslim votes? I don't profess Islam and I actually agree with many Muslim ideas nonetheless.

    Every group has some good ideas. The Nazis had some good ideas. Stalin had some good ideas. Genghis Khan had some good ideas. Even Vlad the Impaler, maybe the most evil person ever, had some good ideas. I bet that every one of those people gave flowers to someone when they were kids. You just have to weigh the positive impact of all of the good ideas vs the negative impact of all of the bad ones.


  19. 11 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

    Trolling OP right out of the gate and 13 pages of pure trash were produced.

    Congrats MLW, that sets a new bar!

    To be honest, the OP was bad enough that it should have been deleted and earned it’s author a temporary ban imo. This topic started out in a manner that makes it almost impossible to talk about with any sense of decorum.

    I totally get free speech, but calls for action against a minority group shouldn’t be tolerated.

    (Part of the problem with this thread starting out this way was the earlier thread which named white supremacy as the world’s foremost terrorist threat. We’re going off kilter here in a big way.)


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