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dialamah last won the day on January 3 2023

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  1. Trump goes back to White House.  Seems clear he was never sick, just pulling some BS.  Trump organization owns stock in Gilead and Regeneron, which developed the drugs that were supplied to him and will no doubt be touted as saving his life, thus driving up stock value. 

    But he'll need the money since he owes $400,000 million dollars around the world, all coming due in the next four years.  Plus the penalties he'll get for tax evasion.

    F'ckn scammer.  

    1. scribblet


      That's serious TDS, you really believe a whole hospital and doctors would be party to that...   


    2. dialamah


      Leaving hospital after only 3 days of covid treatment seemed wrong to me.  Figure someone truly sick wouldn't do that.

      But I just saw clips of him struggling to breathe after arriving back at WH.  Maybe he shoulda stayed in hospital.

    3. betsy


      Why should he stay in the hospital?  

      You think they wouldn't be giving him top notch care at the White House?

      Trump is not an ordinary person.   He is a head of state.   Kindly wrap our heads around that and stop comparing him with others having covid!  You bet he's getting well and above the kind of care ordinary people get!

      Lol, I heard of people being turned away from the hospital unless they're really struggling to breathe - and here's Trump with hardly any symptoms showing, and you gets get all hysterical just because he went home! Freakin' unreal! :lol:


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