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dialamah last won the day on January 3 2023

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  1. Live Update: Doc says Trump doing well, no oxygen today, no fever for 24 hours.  Critical time is 7 to 10 days, but today he's improving from yesterday.  Won't give specifics as to how sick he was, or specifics on tests.  Will continue with Remesdivir for five days.  Everybody except the doc speaking wearing a mask.  Trump might have been on oxygen while at the White House, reading between the lines of what doc said.


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. dialamah


      I hope he recovers because dying would be a disaster for the US, in my opinion.

      But I don't trust what comes out of the WH, so why would anyone put out the info that he's doing so much worse than what his docs say?  

      As to the other notification, if you don't know how that's done, my shift on the techie helpline is over.

      Dora the Ignorer.  That's cute.  :)

    3. Shady


      Trump releases a new video, he’s doing well, and speaking well.


    4. Infidel Dog

      Infidel Dog


      Dora the Ignorer.  That's cute.  :)

      Yeah, I know. It's like Dora the Explorer, except that Dora actually does explore.

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