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dialamah last won the day on January 3 2023

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  1. After a year and half of Covid, nurses are walking off the job.  Anti-maskers, anti-vaxers "Covid is a hoax" fake news spreaders are doing their part to ensure our health care system is broken.  Do your part, you f'n morons, so we can keep our hospitals operating, get rid of mask mandates, get rid of limits on gatherings and travel, and get back to normal.

    1. Boges


      This is why these Evolutionary challenged people are quickly going to find themselves excluded from much of society. 

      Because they're the ones that'll being Healthcare systems to its knees again. 

    2. OftenWrong


      Why is not the government doing what it can to help nurses? This has gone on long enough, there needs to be a response to this.

      We only just recently reached this level of vaccination, since vax program began mainstream essentially around June - July.

      Since then the number of hospitalizations has gone way down in most places in Canada, I believe. You might prove me wrong.

      Otherwise, what is the problem exactly? I'll guess. How about a huge backlog of non-covid patients, cancer and heart disease who are waiting on hold for their diagnostics and treatment. It's been describes as a "tsunami" of cancer.

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