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dialamah last won the day on January 3 2023

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  1. After a year and half of Covid, nurses are walking off the job.  Anti-maskers, anti-vaxers "Covid is a hoax" fake news spreaders are doing their part to ensure our health care system is broken.  Do your part, you f'n morons, so we can keep our hospitals operating, get rid of mask mandates, get rid of limits on gatherings and travel, and get back to normal.

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    2. Boges


      Hospitalizations are going back up. 

    3. OftenWrong


      They are very low and have been for a couple months. Summer vacation. Now the trend is upward again, but the numbers are not.

    4. OftenWrong


      So that is not where the current workload is. But I can almost guarantee you they're working very hard in there to play catch-up.

      I'll bet most of those health care staff are frustrated, wondering why there is no relief in sight. There is no serious discussion about providing better resources to hospitals so that we can accommodate both the covid patients and the other serious health issues people face at large. Many of which typically kill more each year than covid.

      If you people cannot question that, I can help you no further.

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