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Everything posted by SpankyMcFarland

  1. We are talking very serious crimes of violence on this thread, not the century-beating offender who has been stealing etc. And if we don’t catch offenders we can’t punish them.
  2. The biggest deterrent to crime is catching offenders and successfully prosecuting them. I think that happens to most of these people.
  3. It was a bit ridiculous that Soviet judges were present at Nuremberg given the vast canvas of atrocities, certainly war crimes, their army had just committed right across Europe. Because so few were held to account we tend to forget all that. We also have a non-zero number of Soviet war veterans in Canada.
  4. Toronto is much bigger than the other Canadian cities so comparisons may not be entirely fair.
  5. No, sorry, I live in the outback. Cycle lanes are great innovations and I would love to enjoy them in the countryside near big cities. Where I live we don’t have them at all which makes longer trips tough. I don’t think fast cars and bicycles mix well. I don’t think that at all but I also don’t think Toronto can be compared to Vienna, say, a truly beautiful city where housing is still affordable for ordinary people. In a Canadian context, I’d rather live in Halifax, Ottawa, Calgary or Victoria than Toronto and they are all ranked higher.
  6. You know what? I admire those cycle lanes and trails, esp. outside the big city. A friend of mine has really taken to them in Burlington. Ontario and Quebec seem to have done a great job there. By contrast you take your life in your hands cycling in outback Canada.
  7. On this list Toronto at 95’th just about beats Cape Town and is lower than many Canadian cities: https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings.jsp
  8. The Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) sounds like something in a university rather than India’s external intelligence agency. https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20230926-sikh-leader-nijjar-murder-canada-spotlight-raw-shadowy-indian-spy-agency
  9. On September 20, 2023, a second patient received a genetically altered pig heart transplant. Additional efforts were made this time to suppress rejection of the heart and screen for the virus that may have helped to kill the first patient. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/22/health/pig-heart-transplant-faucette.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare Some info on a drug used in this second case that should reduce the risk of rejection. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2023/09/25/2748502/0/en/Eledon-Pharmaceuticals-Announces-Use-of-Tegoprubart-anti-CD40L-Antibody-in-Second-ever-Transplant-of-Genetically-Modified-Heart-from-a-Pig-to-a-Human.html
  10. An attack by other Sikhs would have to be kept in a very small circle to avoid detection. As for a criminal cause, no offence to the local hit-man community but 34 shots reaching their target doesn’t sound like them.
  11. If India didn’t do it what’s the alternative theory? The only half-sensible ones would be local Sikhs involved in some sort of feud or a row with criminals like this seems to have been. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/ripudaman-singh-malik-killing-charges-1.6533769 If you were gamblers, sorry, ‘gamers’, which theory would you put your own money on?
  12. One small blessing for the rest of us - the targets are usually distinctively dressed. Those killed will probably be Sikhs. Of course, the odd bullet may go astray, esp. if you’re firing, like, 50 of them.
  13. The FBI is obliged to inform US citizens of any credible threat to their lives and that is what it is doing at the moment: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/26/indian-government-sikh-activist-hardeep-singh-nijjar-murder-canada-fbi-warning Some more details on the killing. Given the number of people involved and shots fired, this doesn’t sound like a feud between Sikhs.
  14. The Khalistan movement is not even a major threat to Indian security any more. There are bigger insurgencies in that country at the moment.
  15. I’m a lot more interested in what he’s going to do to sort out homelessness, mental health care and housing in his state. If he ever runs for higher office, that sort of thing will come up.
  16. One of the problems is that we keep on trying to rationalize our military decisions and portray them as purely moral ones: Napoleon was the anti-Christ, no mention of the Tsar; Kaiser, the oppressor of little Belgium but French and Russian empires good; Hitler evil, therefore Stalin not nearly as evil. We should at least be conscious of this tendency.
  17. While we are criticizing each other the Indians who matter are united against us. They’ve found a juicy target, a wealthy country they resent that can’t fight back.
  18. The Brits are currently great friends of many mass murderers, including the despot butchering Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. He has lovely houses in London.
  19. How on earth do we expect people at the time in Ukraine who suffered through years of tyranny under Stalin to see the greater evil of Hitler? Obviously, the guy shouldn’t have been allowed in the HoC but let’s not go over the top here.
  20. Easy for a Brit to say. For a Ukrainian the choice was fighting for tyrant A in your country right now or tyrant B who might be better. I’d go for B myself.
  21. Capable with motive does mean something. The suspect short list isn’t the whole world here. It’s either a dispute between Sikhs or Modi. I will give any Canadian government more benefit of the doubt than that when they speak on such a matter.
  22. The way things are in the world, the UK and US may not wish to get too involved at the moment. Better evidence may take months to emerge, perhaps longer. Until then we’re left with many questions. However, I have no doubt in my own mind that Modi is fully capable of doing this and worse in Canada.
  23. It is partly about ideology. The notion that other peoples were inferior was certainly not restricted to the Nazis at that time in Europe. Many Finns took a dim view of Slavs, for instance. By fighting with the Soviets the US has to bear some responsibility for the catastrophe that was Eastern Europe after the war but it was a price that had to be paid to defeat Nazism.
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