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Status Updates posted by OftenWrong

  1. Toronto City Hall being "purged", oh my. I bet all councillors reported early for work this morning.

  2. Requests for medical marijuana licences are way down. People are so much healthier these days!

    1. Don Jonas

      Don Jonas

      Or, uh, maybe people anticipate being able to buy it without a prescription soon.

    2. AngusThermopyle


      Not too good at the ole sarcasm eh?

  3. Poor liberals.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AngusThermopyle
    3. betsy


      That's why Frank Buckley practically called her "stupid," during an interview at CBC.

    4. OftenWrong


      Thanks all. I was talking about cultural liberals. I pity them poor fools. They sure do like to get worked up about everything! 

      What a bunch of accursed, whining babies...

  4. Socialist crybaby meeting to be held at Toronto city hall today, in the Romper Room...

    1. scribblet


      Didn't realize how much of a shrew and nasty person Horwath is until recently.

  5. Go get 'em, DoFo!

    1. betsy



      Just listened to Ford!   I love you, Doug!!!

    2. scribblet


      Why bother with an elected government when activist judges can do the job 

  6. Shut up, Serena.

    1. bush_cheney2004


      Seriously...she was getting beaten badly...be professional in defeat.

    2. betsy


      She says she's fighting for women!   Waaaaaaah.  She thinks the rules doesn't apply to her.

      I felt sorry for the Japanese young lady - Serena took the spotlight from her.

      Lol, Serena will be remembered for this drama.

  7. Welcome to the new totalitarianism- even your shoes are a political statement!

  8. How about this one then:



    "Where have all the normal people gone...",

    "Long time passin..."

    Sing it!  :lol:


  9. Ode to the liberals:

    Where have all the liberals gone, long time passing?
    Where have all the liberals gone, long time ago?
    Where have all the liberals gone?
    Post-national feminists have them, everyone!
    Oh, when will they ever learn?
    When will they ever learn?

    1. Argus


      And where have all the conservatives gone? I'd kind of like to know that too.

    2. OftenWrong


      They are replaced by the dark haired ones, the masculine, romanticised Omar Sharifs

    3. scribblet


      Maybe the missing liberals are doing all the spamming...   every day now

  10. There is a polecat, in this hen-house.

  11. Seems what's old is new again. Anyway, I would like to welcome our new forum members here, with a song...


  12. Bad Pooh Bear!

    1. DogOnPorch


      Piglet refused to show the proper Revolutionary Spirit and lied to Winnie about honey production figures.

      Off to reeducation! 

  13. Doug Ford/ Ontario PC's launch their own twitter news feed, presumably to bypass the overwhelming amount of fake news being put out these days. Good idea.

    Doug Ford government launches ‘Ontario News Now’

    Premier Doug Ford‘s government has launched a new social media account to promote its agenda. The Twitter account @ontarionewsnow was created on July 12, and its first content was published on Monday night. 


    1. scribblet


      Considering the Star and ctv are all ready spreading it around it is a good idea.

  14. Love hearing the wailing and crying from Toronto city councillors on the news today. Doug Ford is a tyrant, a threat to democracy, the next Trump... the next Hitler! Their whining is like music, their tears, like drops of gold.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. betsy


      Ford is......draining the swamp!!!



    3. betsy


      Those alleged "protest by the people" aren't the voice of the people of Toronto!  They're party faithfuls -  just look at their signs - they're all professionally done! 

      They're made for photo-ops and biased tv news!  C'mon, whom are you fooling?  People aren't dopey, not yet anyway.

    4. OftenWrong


      Yep, the loud-mouthed protesters get air time, as if to show this is "the voice of the people". That is part of the game, as usual. I'd like to see a poll on this one, I suspect most people are highly cynical of government and would welcome a move like this. So that we see is "the System" trying to protect itself.

  15. Toronto woman: "Thank god for the cops."

    1. Boges


      Since they were so quick to respond, I guess the modernization program the Mayor and the Chief have implemented and the Union is crying about is working. 

    2. scribblet


      More politically correct crime control 

  16. Putin refers to the new Russian hypersonic nuclear missile as a "negotiating tool". Interesting position. :wacko:

    At least as far as Russia goes, we are not facing a complete madman in charge of nuclear weapons. In other news, NK reverting to games of stalling, delaying and demanding more money before it accepts even the most basic agreement with the US. Donald Trump gets a taste of old-school NK diplomacy.

    There are a lot of bad things going on that we hardly hear about, due to the fact that the media has become just another market commodity. Since the majority of people in society do not have political consciousness, are not interested in hearing all the details, but seek relief from the day-to-day work and drudgery through forms of "light" entertainment. This is where the money is, and consequently what the media is feeding us.

    1. AngusThermopyle


      Russia has had supersonic torpedoes for many many years now. Just another part of their arsenal that most people doe not know about. Interestingly it was a Canadian spy who gave them key information that led to the development of their torpedo.

  17. Premiers: Let them have beer.

  18. Elon Musk: Unstable genius

    1. betsy


      Boy, he really went ballistic with the birtish diver who helped rescue those kids in Thailand.  Called him "pedo."

  19. "Most Republicans usually stand with him, but not all of them this time."   

    What a great media quote!   :D 

  20. Trudeau trying to sound tough again, will soon be eating his words....

    Trudeau: Canada Not Doubling Defence Budget


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      he's out to pick a fight.....and we have NAFTA on the go and now this NATO stuff....who voted for this guy again, please raise your hands high so we can vote you off the island.....

    3. betsy


      Looking at the ratings of countries' contribution to defense - if Greece can meet that obligation, why can't we?   This is so......embarrassing, to say the least.

    4. betsy



      who voted for this guy again, please raise your hands high so we can vote you off the island.....

      I'm waiting for Bubb...........:lol:

  21. Up to 25% of people suffer from mental health issues. 

    1. capricorn


      Now that WHO has declared sex addiction a mental illness, just watch  that percentage increase.


  22. Why take responsibility and apologize, when you can "reflect".



    1. capricorn


      It's society's fault. Society must reflect. :rolleyes:

    2. OftenWrong


      Yes and the fact that men simply see things differently than women do, in such situations.

    3. capricorn


      It must be that the accuser had a dirty mind and Trudeau's motive was honourable. He is Honourable is he not?

  23. "Irregular Migrants"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OftenWrong


      When lawyers tell Justin Trudeau the details of a pending law suit, they count his tears. Every tear is worth $1M.

    3. OftenWrong


      Depends on whether your eligible to file for status under the Diversity and Inclusion program.

      Never mind, you're not.


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