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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2018 in all areas

  1. I believe Bernier's comments over the past few days reflect a growing if often politically unrecognized view held across a broad swath of the Canadian population that our immigration, integration and multicultural policies aren't working. A 2016 CBC Angus-Reid poll indicated that 68 percent of respondents believed that "...minorities should be doing more to fit in with mainstream society instead of keeping their own customs and languages." (See link below.) I suspect that our mainstream parties are aware of the high levels of discontent and will probably treat Bernier like a skunk at a garden party for breaking from their clique. But I think this topic must be addressed. If Bernier is turfed from the CPC caucus any new movement/party that might form should be called something like the Popular Action Party. I'd likely vote for it. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/poll-canadians-multiculturalism-immigrants-1.3784194
    3 points
  2. Trudeau does not want to expel any Saudis. You people act like this was a planned thing, but it wasn't. This was a complete gaffe, no one in the Trudeau government expected Saudi Arabia to slap them in the face, and slap them hard they did. That is the issue being raised here- political incompetence that leads to a problem that was not anticipated. The Saudi reaction is proof of what they are all about as a culture, arrogant and spiteful, hyper-aggressive without remorse. Stupid, even. But as stupid as they are, this government is on equal footing. And now some of you people say that we should be "happy" that they are leaving? You simply do not get it.
    3 points
  3. I agree as I said earlier about multicult. Most people are fine with legal immigration but don't like offical/enforced multicult. which is the antithesis of nationalism as it highlights the differences while ignoring similarities. Why should we all be isolated from each other, each with their own tribal 'hearth' as this only fosters resentment and creates a divisive ethos. Maybe this is what Trudeau/Liberals want, a divided people which makes many Canadians uneasy even as discussion about immigration and culture is restriced as any serious critique of immigration is generally not allowed.
    1 point
  4. Only indirectly...provincial governments purposely limit the number of new residents and practicing doctors because they do not want more procedure billing against very constrained budgets. An increase in adequate numbers of doctors would collapse the system. The pending departure of net revenue producing Saudi residents impact on the Canadian health care system is making this more apparent.
    1 point
  5. That rhymes with stunt is a dog.
    1 point
  6. Yippie!!! Another stat holiday to be announced by the Feds to mark the residential schools :'legacy'. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/ottawa-plans-to-announce-new-stat-holiday-1.4053676 What else can we commemorate for a nice paid national holiday. How about National All Religions Day? You know, diversity is our strength.
    1 point
  7. Just wondering why Trudeau is still giving the Saudis a break on their oil as will not have to pay the future carbon tax.
    1 point
  8. Yup, and note that flag o Antifa is the hammer and sickle
    1 point
  9. Not sure who you're addressing here? But perhaps you should get your facts straight first. According to Stats Canada data, as reported in Wikipedia, in 2016 22.3% of Canadian residents, or more than 7.674 million people out of a general population of 34.46 million, were members of non-indigenous visible minorities. (See link below) Further over the two-decade period from 1996 to 2016 the percentage of the "European" or white people in Canada dropped from 86% of 72.9% of the total population and even more strikingly the number of European or white people fell in absolute terms between 2011 and 2016. I'd have to do some research, but I suspect this is likely the first time since census figures have been compiled in Canada that this has occurred. These statistics are indicative of what demographers would no doubt characterize as a massive demographic shift. I don't think anybody on here is arguing "against" any particular culture but I suspect many Canadians oppose the government's tribal approach to multiculturalism, which focuses on difference rather than integration and commonality. People tend to react against change, particularly when they perceive they are personally disadvantaged by it. And they tend to react even more negatively to significant change, especially when they believe it's being arbitrarily imposed. It's human nature. Do you think mainstream Canadians are not ordinary human beings? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Canada#Visible_minority_population
    1 point
  10. More Canadian FEAR of Trump....and admitted obsession with U.S. politics: Yes...it is too much to ask...U.S. political choices are for Americans to make, not foreign nationals.
    1 point
  11. ...and in case you didn't catch it...or willfully didn't read that particular verse from the Quran and put your fingers in your ears and went "La La La La" it says: That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. It is so Believing women are not targets of Muslim Men...and abused. It is perfectly okay to abuse Infidel women.
    1 point
  12. Islam does not need to be imported from afar to cause terrorism. The Quran instructs Muslims as to what to do.
    1 point
  13. One has to wonder whether young women who choose to wear face coverings in places like Canada are mainly doing so as a political statement rather than out of religious belief. Perhaps it's become a form of fashionable self-othering? But it also raises the question of whether these women truly understand the Islamist ideology they so openly appear to espouse? The most vocal critic of female Muslim religious wear I ever met was a women with whom I worked when volunteering a couple decades ago who'd fled post-revolutionary Iran. She vociferously criticized fundamentalism and its manifestations as being inherently inhumane. So, the fact that younger women in the West are choosing to adopt these habits, and that self-styled progressives are willing to champion this trend, seems even more problematic than many analysts seem willing to admit. To me it's not a manifestation of "freedom" but instead seems to represent a reactionary form of sentimentalist self-delusion. I guess we're all free to delude ourselves but to assert face covering as amounting to progressive accommodation is so 'unwoke' as to make rational beings cringe.
    1 point
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