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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2018 in Posts

  1. The main problem right now is that we have heard no comprehensive report from officials about the investigation into the shooter's background and motives or about any other factors that might apply. Pretty much every theory remains conjecture at this point and we're left with a speculative narrative on mental illness that was generated at the outset, offset by dribbles of leaks, presumably from inside the investigation, that appear to have been plugged over the past couple days. I can't think of any situation that's been handled in this manner by authorities and the media, which in the latter case you'd imagine would in a democracy be clamoring for details. A good friend of mine said the other day that he's increasingly convinced that for some reason the authorities want the whole thing to just disappear into the mists of history, possibly due to the fact that a security failure might be exposed were the public to know more. That's as solid a theory as any other we've heard, right?
    3 points
  2. Indeed...an inconvenient truth...and it is Muslims who suffer the most around the world from radical Islamic terrorism.
    3 points
  3. Not really. If that were the case, you'd have Israelis/Jews doing the same thing. Talk about a whole society being marginalized and discriminated against. And look no farther than our own indiginous people - but you don't see them shooting people up and down the street Even the remnants of slavery in the US has not caused Blacks to regularly carry out such heinous acts. Islam is the common thread - and the "enabler" for these acts.
    3 points
  4. One paper at least isn't afraid to question the liberal narrative "The source said the feds, police chief and others have been 'playing with words' and 'deceiving the public.' 'It's all political'." Toronto Sun police reporter Chris Doucette on what we know, and don't know, about Faisal Hussain's twisted trail of death: https://t.co/ODPRacdwL9 And Rex Murphy nails it again.. will post when I find the link. Hate using a tablet
    2 points
  5. I'm sorry but this is total bullshit. It's bullshit in two ways. First, because it utterly ignores the underlying religious texts and laws which support much of that 'behavior,' and second because it ignores the logic in the belief that if an overwhelming percentage of a given behavior is exhibited by some group then that group must have SOMETHING in common not shared by the other groups.
    1 point
  6. Because it's not like other religions. Because immense amounts of space in its central religious texts are given over to how believers should treat non-believers, more than half, in fact,. And how they should treat non-believers are, for the most part, not kindly.
    1 point
  7. Well, you missed my point. Under the Liberals there would not be an "objective" inquiry therefore there would be no conclusion.
    1 point
  8. Well don't look to the Liberals to launch such an "objective" inquiry. They're much too afraid the results would put muslims in a bad light. I mean, think of all the lost votes.
    1 point
  9. Never said I was, but there might be an impression of it being a new thing. I'm trying to find reasons for it, and I believe that our modern media technology plays a role to inspire mass killers. That includes school shooters as well. It is new in the sense that this is a "unified movement", inspired by ideology such as Al-Qaeda introduced, and made use of the internet as a tool for reaching out to the disaffected mentally unstable. Those men claimed it must be done in the name of Allah. It's a bit of a problem for Muslims, something like a gang culture. Really the most effective counter against it can come from Muslims themselves. These sort of acts need to be completely, and publicly disavowed. There's a perception that among certain groups, it is not. It doesn't help if those coming from the 'old country', who hold repugnant anti-semetic views and consider the west The Great Satan are allowed to preach to youth in Mosques.
    1 point
  10. I am confused, you are a Trump supporter but yet happy to believe he is a Russian puppet?
    1 point
  11. No, I used the percentages and so did not need to use the actual numbers of all people. When you use stats relating to percentages on both sides, there is no need to specify the actual number. If you need a better explanation I can go step by step through it. But it is all above. Just take your time to read it carefully. NOTE: one rhetorical trick by politicians is to use the literal numbers when they are largely contrasting to a small number when the large number is of fewer overall percentages and the small number is of a larger percentage. EXAMPLE: If you want to make crime rates seem greater than they are, you can point to the literal quantity increase of crimes ignoring that the population of that stat has increased much greater. So the increased apparent number may actually have a decreased percentage of the new total numbers.
    1 point
  12. I'm surprised at Tory. He's considering legal challenge! Tory's proving to be a grand a**hole. I'm glad Ford didn't become mayor of Toronto........and Tory didn't end up Premier of Ontario!
    1 point
  13. Exactly. It would be helpful to have verification of this illness but police may be working on it. So far there is no evidence he was mentally ill to the point of deadly violence, which is extremely rare for people who are mentally ill, other than the word of a professional activist speaking on behalf of the family. He had a res. In Afghanistan and had been visited by police over going to isis Web sites. his brother was involved with guns etc. He was armed for war,” said a source. “The cost of having that weaponry would be extensive. That kind of stuff does not come cheap.” One officer said in his years on the job, he has never come across a shooter better with a gun than Hussain. “He was very proficient,” said the officer. “I can’t imagine he could change magazines on the run, avoid jamming and hit targets as accurately as he did, had he not had some firearms training and experience.” https://torontosun.com/news/crime/warmington-danforth-shooter-was-armed-for-war-cops-say We are being manipulated by the spin doctors. Tara fatah is calling it a Jihad attack
    1 point
  14. I think you're misreading the tenor of the concerns expressed on this topic, which is that many believe officials may be withholding crucial information and that in the vacuum that's been created media outlets are imposing a narrative about mental illness that may or may not be credible. We know that all too often in this country an elite consensus rather than evidence drives public perception, so we've justifiably become cynics.
    1 point
  15. It seems odd to me that when these attacks happen in Europe, it's "terrorism". But when the exact same kinds of attacks happen in Canada involving the same religion, it's "mental illness." If I'm understanding correctly, an event isn't called terrorism by our government unless the person is a proven active member of ISIS or Al Queda or whatever. Yet, ISIS repeatedly has put out a call for anyone who admires their ideology to conduct attacks in whatever country they are in. To me, whether they are formally affiliated with ISIS or not, if they are carrying out violent attacks on the public in support of Islam - that's terrorism, lone wolf or not.
    1 point
  16. A lot more, we don't know that he had a mental illness, all we know is what is in a letter from a Muslim activist with an agenda, not from the family , which the cbc hid so lied and knowingly misled the public.
    1 point
  17. We all know what it was - it was a terrorist attack. We know it, the police know it, Trudeau knows it and Dailamah knows it. They don't want the truth, they want plausible deniability, and "mental illness" gives them that. I suppose mental illness has an effect in so much as any terrorist is mentally ill, but that's not gonna be enough, it will be sold as "mental illness and too many guns, Islam...no way"! "I believe that what you say is the undisputed truth, but I have to have things my own way...to keep me in my youth" - Roger Hodgson
    1 point
  18. Are you not a tiny bit curious why the statement purported to be from the family was emailed to the CBC and no other media? And this immediately following the disclosure of the shooter's identity. There is more than meets the eye here.
    1 point
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