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  1. ...then ridings would not pick their own MP's....been there done that with you experts on reform...you are never happy until someone you vote for has the most seats....since your boy Trudeau won enjoy...you know why he won...
    2 points
  2. It has been said that monarchy is a system which doesn't work in theory but it works very well in practice. Therefore countries which Still have monarchies are quite pleased with that system of government.
    1 point
  3. Why does Sscheer have to go when he gained seats but no one is saying Singh has to go who lost seats.
    1 point
  4. Indeed. Or as me ol' pappy used to say; you want what you want when you want it. The central fallacy is that somehow voting solves problems. It's the cult of democracy, to worship voting in of itself as if it was an universal tool. Magical thinking. Voting only solves one problem, to stave off a violent insurrection, after that, it is of little utility. The fantasy that PR results in more negotiation, when really, it simply results in more gridlock and more pointless elections. A pox on all reformers.
    1 point
  5. Quick blurb about "Proportional Representation" regarding the weight of each vote cast: Maritimes & Newf Population: 2.33M Seats 32 pop/seat 72K Que Pop: 8.5M Seats 78 pop/seat 110K Ont Pop: 14.6M Seats 121 pop/seat 120K Alberta Pop: 4.3M Seats 34 pop/seat 126K If you used a formula that said that every 100K people should get one seat: Alberta gets .79 of that, Ont gets .82 of that, Que gets .91 of that, Atl voters get 1.27 of that. A Maritimer's vote is actually worth 1.27 votes, and Albertan gets .79 of a vote, so essentially a Maritime voter gets (1.27 divided by .79) 1.6 votes compared to each Albertan.
    1 point
  6. Not seeing how forcing people to swear oaths that they have no intention of following is going to do any good whatsoever. /shrugs
    1 point
  7. Exactly. The oath is only as reliable as the men who swear it. Oaths in of themselves are a product of God fearing age where your honor was you life. Nietzschean bourgeois Canada does not fear to break their oaths, does not live by their honor, nor do they care to stand and fight for anything neither. Postmodern. Post National. Brave New World. No God. No Queen. No Country.
    1 point
  8. I believe myself looking after refugees in refugee camps makes more sense so they are closer to their homes when sanity comes back and they can move back. I think we set many up for failure by bringing them to Canada. However in the case of privately sponsored refugees they are not a burden on the state. Also the stats on refugees on welfare is not 100% accurate its a snap shot of a certain time period that does not provide an accurate analysis of how long it takes for refugees to assimilate and/or whether their next generation or the one after has the effect of paying back any money they "cost" Canada. Also refugees facing genocide, imminent death or torture, we do have a moral role to protect..to what extent is of course subject to debate but the moral obligation is there it doesn't disappear simpy based on snap shot financial analysis. ..back to the thread, the party Bernier created like himself was completely rejected. Its also interesting to see why. People do not understand Quebecois. Just as Jameet Singh wears a turban and a beard and says he can be what ever he wants in Canada, so do Quebecois. They wear their nationality as Singh does his ethnic and religious identity and Singh never grasped that and never will. In Singh's mind he is a minority who can be a visible minority and expect immediate acceptance of his visible minority status-when a Quebecois does the same thing in regards to their perceived visible minority status...he calls it racism. Thus he lost all his seats in Quebec and Trudeau who pandered to ethnics in large cities to get elected did the same in Quebec being such a whore he put " I stand up for Quebec" on his podium indicating what everyone should know....Trudeau panders to whoever he thinks will vote for him and in so doing has alienated Canada outside Toronto and Montreal repeating his father's same behavior which fanned separatism both in the West and in Quebec. Singh did not understand and never will that Quebecois like him put their ethnicity or perceived visible minority status as a hyphen before the name Canadian. Take it from this minority....if I choose which is my right to grow a long beard, wear a covering/hat, dress in black, and make myself a visible minority based on religious precepts...its a democratic choice but to pretend it will not alienate me from the rest of the cultural environment I live in is naïve and it shows I am now willing to adjust my identity to the values of the environment I am in to a certain extent-it shows a rigid, fundamentalist set of beliefs not flexible ones. Flexible ones are necessary in a democracy which requires people compromise. So you can choose to believe certain values are beyond compromise but you can NOT expect everyone to agree with your values. Singh wants everyone to accept him as he is, but when Quebecois roll out their collective identity as he did his, he called it unfair. Trudeau on the other hand simply panders to anyone he thinks is listening an simply trots out platitudes to get elected. The Trudeau election strategy of pandering to large population density ridings with ethnics and not worrying about what was outside the cities, is what got him elected. It was a deliberate strategy and it depended on ethics being made to feel afraid of non ethnic Canadians. It worked in Trudeau's case. In Bernier's case it was mentally retarded. Bernier is mentally retarded. His processing of cognitive thought is delayed. He could not figure out if he simply says what he did not like, which he did, he left nothing else to vote for. His platform other than he wanted to reduce immigration sounded imbecilic. It made no economic sense what-so-ever and it showed. Since he was playing the Trump card, the Block Quebecois already does that in Quebec in regards to the rest of Canada and believe it or not Singh did the same thing as his own community will tell you and explain why he has to run to BC to get elected since in his own riding he is so polarizing his own community won't elect him. Trudeau got elected simply because people did not like Sheer. End of story. Bernier was a non factor. His one trick pony mental retardation does not attract votes and never will. In this day and age people need you to enunciate something clear even if it is a set of non stop lying, denial and studdering like Trudeau or Sheer for that matter,
    1 point
  9. No surprise. He was a Toronto Municipal politician and dentist. No one would know him except his former Toronto riding and of course individuals such as myself who of course know everything Betsy. Middle of the road guy on social issues. Had a good grasp on inner city transportation issues. He could be a good Mayor I think but I can' see him on the National level myself but he's a well spoken, thoughtful person well in my opinion of course.
    1 point
  10. And they are on welfare. Let's not forget that. The Syrians, like other refugees, have no job skills to speak of, and little or no language skills. What jobs they can get are for largely for unskilled labour. This is not a reflection on who they are as people, but merely the reality of transferring a largely rural folk from a third world country to another land with a vastly different culture and language and with an economy driven by technology and communications. Here is a report from Macleans. Only 25% of them are employed. And for the government sponsored refugees it's a mere 5%. Less than half the Syrian refugees have a high school diploma. https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/how-syrian-refugees-to-canada-have-fared-since-2015/ We would be far better off using the money to take care of them back in Turkey than bringing them to Canada. It costs ten times more to fund a refugee in the West than it does back where they come from.
    1 point
  11. The great 'climate change crisis' is a product of the neurotic ignorance of progressives. That they are infusing helpless children with the same neurotic level of fear and anxieties simply demonstrates that when you're an extremist nothing is off the books in terms of getting your way and pushing your agenda.
    1 point
  12. WE have great respectful disagreements on this, you, me, Y, Bush et al. No prob! I obviously have a more traditional Republican view on foreign policy similar to Mit Romney and John McCain and mybias is upfront and blatant and just as bias and blatant as it is for pro Trump people-no probs ! None of us hide our partisan views. I have no issue with the US picking and choosing where it puts its soldiers as you and Buch-C and Y said. That issue I have no issue with. Its not up to me to say or volunteer anyone for death or needless war. I get that and what you said and if Trump is indeed motivated by peace I would never disagree with that kind of motive. I just did not like the way he in the next breath explained moving US soldiers to Saudi Arabia because the Saudis pay. That lowers the US to being a whore. Excuse me but I do not see the US as a whore or its soldiers as mercenaries as naïve as that may sound. I just think on this particular specific thewithdrawal exposing the Kurds Trump blew it on his timing and has exposed Kurd civilians to needless death bnot to mention embarrassing the Kurds which will come back to haunt him if he needs them again to fight ISIL which will resurge. I make no bones about it. I think Erdogan like Putin and Kim are not the kind of allies Trump should be cozying up to. These are anti-thetical for everything the US stands for.,You know my biases. I felt Obama sold out the US on foreign policy and I think Trump has as well. I again state ultimately only Americans can rule or vote on that not me. Just my opinion. I see Trump as compromised by Putin and doing his bidding. There is zero doubt in my mind Putin has dirt on Trump he has used to manipulate him and control US foreign policy and I think all the Americans blindly following Trump need a wake up call. The isolationism he stands for is nothing new. Its exactly the same kind of isolationism Henry Ford and pro Nazi Americans stood for. I Eisenhower was no communist for defeating Hitler. My idea of a Republican is Eisenhower or McCain or Romney not Trump. I do not think Trump is cleaning up anything. He is simply looking after his own selfish interests. He compromised US relations with Ukraine over what-a personal vendetta with Biden and Biden's son over an appointment to a board for Biden Jr. that most certainly came about because of a political connection which I do NOT excuse but Trump is mixing up his personal vendetta with the interests of the US as a whole and Trump's children and son in law and daughter are knee deep in financial scandals while he is in office so he needs to start with his own behavour. Trump is cleaning up no swamp. He brought one with him, over 10 years of tax invasion to avoid paying tax and rip off people he did not want to pay with repeat bankruptcy manouvers. He is no loyal American he is a whore and a parasite in my opinion and someone who evaded military service and paying his fair share of taxes. He is no role model. Erdogan is a dangerous, unstable, totalitarian dictator no better than Hussein, Ghaddafi. Stalin, Assad, Mussolini, Hitler.
    1 point
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