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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2018 in Posts

  1. Wynne has pretty much bankrupted Ontario. She goes into a mosque and is pretty much told to go sit in the back of the room. You are a woman and you are a nothing. Horwath will make Ontario a sanctuary city which of course means more criminal illegals sucking off of the taxpayer's tax dollars of that province. Ford cannot be any worse than those two other politically correct multicultural losers. Ontario needs a FORD more than ever now. There is no question as to who the voters of Ontario need to vote for unless you are a bit loose in the head.
    1 point
  2. How is that not addressed in the stats quoted already ? I don't understand how this statement by you trumps what was written there. The wife would be in the 20%.
    1 point
  3. I have no issues with helping those who want to succeed (education etc). I have issues wasting money for social leeches.
    1 point
  4. When Harris took over one out of eight Ontarions were on welfare. The Left is driven to 'help' people by giving them money. There's never, EVER an end to how much they want to help, or how much money they're willing to spend. And there's very little realization, understanding or care that the money they spend is taken away from other people because they simply shrug those people off as 'rich'. And since they're anti-capitalist they don't care about the profits of business, either. Certainly they don't care as compared to 'helping' people. The problem is that the more you tax people the more you damage the economy, and that produces more poverty and unemployment, not less. This is the key economic feature the NDP has NEVER paid any attention to and refuse to even consider. Oh, yes, yes, their platform is all 'costed out'. Which is bullshit. For example, how do they plan to pay for dental care? Oh, they'll just pass a law requiring all employers to do it. Simple! Doesn't even cost the government much! Just like raising minimum wages! Easy peasy! And it won't cost jobs, right!?
    1 point
  5. According to the public service union of Ontario it's all the Tories fault. So what? Their credibility is zero. This is a union which has been exchanging kickbacks with the Ontario Liberals for fifteen years. You think I care what they have to say as opposed to the Ontario Auditor General? I don't pay any attention to nonsensical left wing anti-capitalist babble.
    1 point
  6. You never really knew about Wynne - remember Sousa last April boasting how they were balancing the budget this year, next year and the one after......? And what do we have one year later - endless deficits and more debt. Harwath? The NDP ideology should tell you all you need to know. How about Trudeau - remember those "modest" deficits and balanced budgets? So no - we don't know what Ford will actually do - but his whole mantra, his entire personna has always been about fiscal responsibility so unless he is an absolute liar like Trudeau, I don't think we have to worry about runaway spending. At this stage of the Global/National/Provincial economy, I'd rather err on the side of someone who at least has aspirations to rein in spending and eventually balance the budget. While we're on the economy - that's the dark-horse in the race - the business community will without fail. react negatively to the NDP and lukewarm at best to the Liberals. A Conservative win could very likely give a little nudge to the economy. They provide the biggest potential upside to increasing government revenues through their positive messaging. All my opinion of course - and all remains to be seen.
    1 point
  7. You can bet she'd have given a jolly old LOL at Dharasana Satyagraha too
    1 point
  8. Sometimes there's no pay at all, take interns for example. Our economy would probably collapse without volunteers that are willing to work for nothing. The expectation of free labour in a society that places a moral imperative on people to carry their own weight is scandalously hypocritical when you really get down to it.
    1 point
  9. Pundits seems to be saying it's a tie for all. Here are the criticisms: Horvath kept interrupting; seen as combative. Ford didn't give details on his platform Wynne for her "I'm not sorry...." script - which could be like waving a red flag to a bull. My take: Andrea Horvath doesn't know what she's on about. She kept accusing Ford of being disrespectful to voters for not giving details to his platforms - and yet at the same time she was quite disrespectful to all viewers last night for trying to drown out the other two (by her incessant interruptions). In case it's lost to her, a debate isn't a Horvath monopoly. As to Wynn - she can really look you in the face, and lie. And I think.....she indeed, believes her own lies. I wish Ford would speak a little bit faster than that. I'm almost wanting to pull the words out of his mouth as he spoke. But he played it well - he doesn't have to give details to his platforms. Why should he? For the other two to have a chance to steal them? Details are not important when a politician cannot be trusted anyway - like the way Wynne treated her details" like, not going to sell Hydro 1 (and she didn't follow her detail, did she?) Yeah, Horvath gave a few details as to where she's going to pull the billions of dollars to support her humonguous planned spendings - but what's the real detail on "PAY a LITTLE BIT MORE TAXES?" How "little is "a bit more?" She makes it sound like it's nothing at all. She's trying to seem open, but her words are ambiguous. There's really no detail there. It's kinda like the same amount of details Ford had said that he'll look into efficiency by talking to the front-liners (the ones who really see and has the experience of what's going on)......except that Ford gave the practical detail! He gave his track record - and no one got laid off. You can't ask for anymore than that. All Ford has to do is say what he aims to do - and if he gets into power, deliver them!
    1 point
  10. Are you some kind of masochist? There's no way I want to watch any of them say one damned things except "BYE! I'M LEAVING FOREVER!"
    1 point
  11. Israel keeps expanding. With the settlements carving up the West Bank, where the fuck does anyone expect them to go? Anywhere Palestinians go, they are treated as cattle in an open air prison, while Isreali's enjoy the high life in heavily armed settlements with road infrastructure also carving up the landscape to make it easier for Isreali's to settle the land and displace Palestinians. The Israeli government supports the expansion into the West Bank 100%. There is just no denying it.
    1 point
  12. You are lost and you are trying to take others with you. Israel is shooting unarmed protesters and medics who are trying to save them. Stop defending illegal, inhumane acts betsy.
    1 point
  13. Cool it with the make belief world. You are arguing something that is not there. The latest protests are not violent. These people are protesting being put into an open-aired cage and Israel is picking them off with snipers. Then we have the useful idiots trying to justify Israel's war crimes. There is no human shield. There are people who live in a hopeless condition, trapped by a racist colonial state, who has stolen their land and they are being blamed for getting picked off by snipers.
    1 point
  14. It is only exit-polls thus far but it seems that in the Irish abortion-vote the yes-side for the relaxing of the law is going to win comfortably. Apparently the new generation of Irish don't give a damn about the church any more as the referendum was about repealing an act which itself was approved in a referendum 35 years ago. The crux of the matter was that even though abortion has been illegal in Ireland they have not stopped people from travelling to the UK for abortion. Therefore, it was said that Irish women will have abortions anyway. The question is where.
    1 point
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