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The term caucasian has nothing to do with skin colour (although many caucasians are what might be called white. British Anglo Saxons are caucasian, Punjabis are caucasian, Turks are caucasian, Iranians....etc etc........

White is also unclear. Are the Spanish White? WHat about mexicans? Sicilians? Finns? Slavs......seems rather arbitrary to me.

So if someone proposes that the white race ( what ever that may be) needs to be preserved, before we can even talk about how, I wnat to know who is white.

.....Allow me to start.....Be it resolved that to be white, you must have at least one blue eye. Failing to have at least one blue eye means the individual is not white.

Obviously M.Dancer is correct. A caucasian homeland would have to define what caucasian means for immigration purposes (if only to allow the homeless caucasians in).

Ah yes, you are right there M Dancer. I am sorry about that, I keep forgetting the homeland aspect of this argument and seem to focus more on the idea of preservation---i.e. Kimmy's desire to produce blonde Kimmyettes. This I see no problem with, if it is something that she feels is important.

But how do you define who is a member of the caucasian homeland. Did Scott suggest creating a caucasian homeland similar to the Jewish homeland of Israel, or did he just say that if whites became scarce and racism increased they would have no place to flee to. Perhaps he was not suggesting a homeland but arguing for increased birth rates. This thread has gone on so long I cant even remember what I think anymore.

Also M Dancer I remember reading somewhere that many Finnish people, though pale skinned, have faces which show a lot of Asian characteristics. There are North African black peoples who have the curly hair but a facial structuring bordering on Caucasian. Bagpipers in Andalusia. Jews in Uganda.


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Yes, because when you encounter a person in real life, the first thing you see is their gene sequence. While genetic differentiation between races may be minimal, how does that relate in the slightest or contradict the fact that there are very obvious physically visible differences? No one is trying to define races exclusively by their genes.

When you go to a grocery store and see a pile of yellow apples, red apples, and green apples, do you care that genetically they are almost identical? Does their genetic similarity prevent you from being able to tell between the different "races" of apples? Would you argue that different types of apples do not exist, and that all apples are exactly interchangeable and identical? I'd guess that the answer is no.

Bonam: wether it is red, yellow or green, it is still an apple.

Wether a human has black or white or olive,skin or brown or green or blue, or hazel eyes, or one blue eye, whatever, we are ALL members of the human RACE, that is ONE RACE!

That is all there is.

How else could we choose to LABEL human, are brown eyes a different race then blue eyes?, are green eyes a different race then blue eyes?

Are large breasted women a different race then small breasted women??

Or how about a woman with a large breast and a small breast ?? ;-)

How stupid can this get?

One race , the human race, that is all there is, there are minimal variations within that race, but there is only one race.

Notice we can procreate with one another, all of us humans?????

and have wonderfully healthy offspring.

What this thread is inherently implying is that there is an US and a THEM.

This makes the "US" feel seperate and superior to the the "THEM"

Therefore it becomes easier for the 'US' to abuse and or kill the 'Them' as a means of justifying our alleged superiority.

In a nutshell, it is necessary for people such as scottsa, to believe, this nonsense, so when the "THEMS" are being killed scottsa, can feel ok with that.

Edited by kuzadd
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In a nutshell, it is necessary for people such as scottsa, to believe, this nonsense, so when the "THEMS" are being killed scottsa, can feel ok with that.

Oh shutup.

oh shutup?????

my oh my!


We are solely children of Africa—with no Neandertals or island-dwelling "hobbits" in our family tree, according to a new study.

Scientists who compared the skulls and DNA of human remains from around the world say their results point to modern humans (Homo sapiens) having a single origin in Africa.

Only Out of Africa

The new data support the single origin, or "out of Africa" theory for anatomically modern humans, which says that these early humans colonized the planet after spreading out of the continent some 50,000 years ago.

In the past, experts have also argued a "multiregional" theory, which held that Homo sapiens arose from different human populations in different areas of the world.

"The origin of anatomically modern humans has been the focus of much-heated debate," lead author Manica said.

"We have combined our genetic data with new measurements of a large sample of skulls to show definitively that modern humans originated from a single area."

oh, dear, oh dear, were we all once a different colour?


was scottsa's great, great, great,great,great ,great, etc., etc.,........ grandmother a coloured woman?

oh and scottsa, you telling me to shutup, fails to live up to your own signature.

Edited by kuzadd
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Sometimes I think that some people wait to see what side of an issue certain posters take before then automatically taking the other side. It's so rare to see agreement even in our own culture, perhaps even this is evidence of the uniqueness of cultures and the need to preserve them.

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In a nutshell, it is necessary for people such as scottsa, to believe, this nonsense, so when the "THEMS" are being killed scottsa, can feel ok with that.

Oh shutup.

oh shutup?????

my oh my!

What exactly do you expect when you come out with sophomoric nonsense like that? And here's a hint: make sure you're smart enough to mock people; otherwise it just makes you look stupid. You ain't looking very smart right now...

You don't seem to 'get' the rather obvious fact that you can try to hide race between all kinds of rocks, and conceptualize it away, and convince yourself that there is no such thing as race, but when you're all done playing emperor's clothes...there sits the fact of race, completely unchanged in spite of your allegedly mental gymnastics.

Edited by ScottSA
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Wait a sec, if this cite http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...can-origin.html holds true , and it sure does seem valid, then we are one race , but some "sub-race" owing to facial characteristics is present.(Im thinking colour , bone construct , facial hair etc)

It does say we came from one spot so how can there be different races ? An Elm tree doesnt drop Oak seeds does it?

Edited by guyser
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Wait a sec, if this cite http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...can-origin.html holds true , and it sure does seem valid, then we are one race , but some "sub-race" owing to facial characteristics is present.(Im thinking colour , bone construct , facial hair etc)

It does say we came from one spot so how can there be different races ? An Elm tree doesnt drop Oak seeds does it?

Yes, we're all one big happy race. There is absolutely no difference, and I can't imagine what the police are talking about when they say they are looking for a "caucasian male" or a "black female." What can they be thinking? Hey, that means we can toss out Indian reservations, because there is no difference between them and the "White man." Cool. That'll save a whack of tax dollars...

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Yes, we're all one big happy race. There is absolutely no difference, and I can't imagine what the police are talking about when they say they are looking for a "caucasian male" or a "black female." What can they be thinking? Hey, that means we can toss out Indian reservations, because there is no difference between them and the "White man." Cool. That'll save a whack of tax dollars...

Since it wasnt in the form of a question you can be forgiven.

But the intent was if what the U of Cambridge published is true, how do you explain your stand?

Black is a race? Who knew?

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Since it wasnt in the form of a question you can be forgiven.

So you would not be able to tell the police whether the robber was caucasian, black, asian? Or if the description were given to you as a police officer you would not understand?

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What this thread is inherently implying is that there is an US and a THEM.

This makes the "US" feel seperate and superior to the the "THEM"

Therefore it becomes easier for the 'US' to abuse and or kill the 'Them' as a means of justifying our alleged superiority.

In a nutshell, it is necessary for people such as scottsa, to believe, this nonsense, so when the "THEMS" are being killed scottsa, can feel ok with that.

So, you never use the pronouns "Us" and "Them"? And if you do does it make you think you are better than "THEM"? That is ridiculous. In an eastern philosophical discourse it may go well, but "us" and "them" have practical purposes. And the distinction between the two (which I am sure you make several times a day because they are both very commonly used words) does not necessarily imply that one believes "Us" is superior.

The reason ScottSa told you to shutup was because you ignored his arguments, in which he has stated time and time again, that he does not feel "Us" is better than "Them", and it was a bit off-topic and shows you understood little of what he was saying when you accuse him of making the division between race as a way to ease the pain of "Them" dying. In his posts about preserving the white race he never said anything about getting rid of the others. When you make a statement like that about a person who has not said anything to that effect, you are doing so without any evidence. And when you make an assertion about someone with a lack of evidence it is a prejudgement.

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Look despite all your claims about there being no race, most of us have a pretty good idea what is meant by an asian, or a black person, or a caucasian. How do I know I have a good idea? Try this experiment yourself. Using the internet find a picture of Rodney Dangerfield and a picture of actress Qi Shu. Print the pictures out. Survey a sample of a hundred people and ask them which one looks Asian to them.

Ask a hundred people. "Who is the white guy--Russell Crowe or Denzel Washington?"

Seriously Kuzadd do you think that because people can make a distinction that it necessarily means they view one of those distinct objects, people, etc as being superior? That would mean that all the white people who say Russell Crowe is the white guy must think whites are superior, and that all the black people who say Russell Crowe is the white guy must think blacks are superior.

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That, perhaps more than anything I could ever say, demonstrates the hate, self-hate, and envy that is pitted against caucasians in the west. It's why I don't want my daughter to inherit a world with no place to retreat to.

You folks are very quick to chatter, and call racism to anything disagreeing with your restricted perspective.

I did post a topic a while back on “blondes” and was looking for a consistency on the maintenance of their success. Well, it is obvious they are, how to say the least, denied to be genius.

I can proffer now that “Caucasian White” as other kinds of people is imperishable that there is a construct of culture and adaptation that is simply easily changed or destroyed. That is what happens as civilization poses itself as a re-agent and mixes everyone and everything. For ages whites have been aggressive, mixing, free forcible, propaganda spreading and assimilating others who mimic their styles.

You flatter yourself with self-love and legend of pure white found in the fables. I mean there are so many shades that are imperceptibly pushed before the eyes; I am hesitant to say ask where the white begins and ends.

What I can perceive is the vanity of men would like to think that their blood advantage was not of culture but praises more personal to him.

Well, it is a personal thing to be a Caucasian I gather. To recap we want an ancestry that produces a symmetry that reaches as far as to the wit.

Well, maybe begin the renown then. Perhaps you might want to examine how thoughts from Graham Bell, Margaret Atwood, Belinda Stronach, Pamela Anderson, Don Cherry, Mordecai Richler, William Ricker, Pierre Trudeau (name your Canadian) exists here in Canada. Is this by parentage or the nature of a re-agent?

Edited by RB
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Yes, we're all one big happy race. There is absolutely no difference, and I can't imagine what the police are talking about when they say they are looking for a "caucasian male" or a "black female." What can they be thinking? Hey, that means we can toss out Indian reservations, because there is no difference between them and the "White man." Cool. That'll save a whack of tax dollars...

Since it wasnt in the form of a question you can be forgiven.

But the intent was if what the U of Cambridge published is true, how do you explain your stand?

Black is a race? Who knew?

My "stand," if you're talking about there being a difference between races, is self-evident. I suggest you read the thread if you want not to look a fool.

I and others have said time after time that it really doesn't matter if Cambridge University did a study that says there is no such thing as race, or that we all came from the same seed or that we're all one big happy mass of genetically nondescript folks. The fact is that in the here and now, in reality, everyone knows that races exist. Everyone is well aware that Indians are not Caucasians, Blacks are not Orientals, and that no one enslaved the Japanese or interned the Congolese. Cambridge can genetically trace humanity back to amino acids and protoplasm if it so wishes, but that doesn't change the rather obvious fact that there are different collective phenotypes between races abroad today.

Nor does it change the fact that there is a great deal of hate toward caucasians, much of it sponsored and cultivated by self-hating caucasians themselves. Some of the folks who hate caucasians and have expressed a desire to see them disapear as a race are right here, right now, on this thread. That doesn't bode well for the future. It doesn't bode well for my daughter, or her daughter, the day she becomes a minority in this country. And yes, I care about that very deeply.

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That, perhaps more than anything I could ever say, demonstrates the hate, self-hate, and envy that is pitted against caucasians in the west. It's why I don't want my daughter to inherit a world with no place to retreat to.

You folks are very quick to chatter, and call racism to anything disagreeing with your restricted perspective.

I did post a topic a while back on “blondes” and was looking for a consistency on the maintenance of their success. Well, it is obvious they are, how to say the least, denied to be genius.

Well, it is a personal thing to be a Caucasian I gather. To recap we want an ancestry that produces a symmetry that reaches as far as to the wit.


RB, Kuzadd, anyone else who does not believe in race. You are using the non-existence of race as your logic by which to condemn ScottSA for wanting to marry a white woman, or Kimmy. If it is a horrible crime which warrants your bellyaching about it, then by the same logic you must also bellyache of over the existence of National Association for The Advancement of Colored People. By attempting to advance the lives of colored people this organization is indirectly making the admission that they believe there are colored people and that the colored people are "US". Kuzadd, this is a prime example of an Us and Them mentality, and so you should not limit your condemnation to Scott and Kimmy. Be ambitious and get all the people who form a group based around the idea of race or color of skin. The Asian American Association. These people must have some definition of what an Asian is. Go get em Kuzadd. Go get em RB. They are creating division in the one race.

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When you think about it, white skinned people are the only ones who have not organized as an ethnic-cultural group to protect and promote their self-interests and identity. Can you imagine such an ethnic group applying for a government grant for a festival? What would the government's response be? And I mean ALL 3 levels of government.

Edit: By white skinned, I mean caucasian although the definition of this group on this thread is hard to pin down.

Edited by capricorn
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Bonam: wether it is red, yellow or green, it is still an apple.

Wether a human has black or white or olive,skin or brown or green or blue, or hazel eyes, or one blue eye, whatever, we are ALL members of the human RACE, that is ONE RACE!

Remind me not to ever ask you to go grocery shopping for me. I happen to prefer green apples, and like people to be able to pick them out.

And yes, all humans are members of "the human race", or more correctly, the human species. That doesn't mean that subcategories within the human species cannot exist.

Honestly if you claim that there's no difference whatsoever between a red apple and a green apple, and that you are completely unable to tell between the two, and are similarly unable to differentiate between two humans of different race (say a "black" and a "white"), then you are either blind or living in a fantasy world. That's all there is to it.

Nor does it change the fact that there is a great deal of hate toward caucasians, much of it sponsored and cultivated by self-hating caucasians themselves. Some of the folks who hate caucasians and have expressed a desire to see them disapear as a race are right here, right now, on this thread. That doesn't bode well for the future. It doesn't bode well for my daughter, or her daughter, the day she becomes a minority in this country. And yes, I care about that very deeply.

Yeah I've noticed a lot of that in this thread too, and I think I'm slightly more concerned now then I was at the beginning of this thread. If Caucasians ever become a minority that is unable to defend itself, they're gonna be massacred.

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Be ambitious and get all the people who form a group based around the idea of race or color of skin. The Asian American Association. These people must have some definition of what an Asian is. Go get em Kuzadd. Go get em RB. They are creating division in the one race.

Somehow I expect this will spark a great thunderous yammering of...dead silence...from the "we is jes' all the same" brigade.

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A: I could have sworn that M. Dancer already pointed out that Indians are, in fact, Caucasians.

B: You are not going to win any prizes with contrived arguments based on the most generalized and common type of police description. If a person said they did not get a good look at a person, but they saw their hair, they could describe it as white, grey, black, brown, red, blonde, or any number of unnaturally dyed colours. This would mean little about the colour of a persons skin, yet it would serve the same purpose as identifying their skin colour. A physical description is not the same as a " racial " description. There are plenty of people who have mixed ancestry who are grouped into the wrong category because the observer is incapable of making the correct distinctions as to their background. " Race " categories in government forms and paperwork are merely archaic constructions that haven't caught up to scientific fact.

Edited by Remiel
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A: I could have sworn that M. Dancer already pointed out that Indians are, in fact, Caucasians.

B: You are not going to win any prizes with contrived arguments based on the most generalized and common type of police description. If a person said they did not get a good look at a person, but they saw their hair, they could describe it as white, grey, black, brown, red, blonde, or any number of unnaturally dyed colours. This would mean little about the colour of a persons skin, yet it would serve the same purpose as identifying their skin colour. A physical description is not the same as a " racial " description. There are plenty of people who have mixed ancestry who are grouped into the wrong category because the observer is incapable of making the correct distinctions as to their background. " Race " categories in government forms and paperwork are merely archaic constructions that haven't caught up to scientific fact.

I can't believe the degree of resistance there is to the blatantly obvious. It's just beyond weird. Entire organizations are built on the concept of race...careers are built on it...government policies and entire government departments are built on administering funds based on "treaty rights" built on the concept of race, and the very same people denying that it exists now are the same people who are first in line to claim the "white man" is to blame for every evil in the world when they get a chance. What utter hypocrisy and nonsense.

Are you in favor of abolishing preferential hiring practices for "visible minorities" on the basis that science says they are invisible and not minorities? What about the reservation system, and wergeld to Indians? Abolish Martin Luther King day in the states because the only difference between a Scandinavian Grandma and Malcolm X is that one of them wears sunglasses? Do you have any idea how insane it is to pretend that race doesn't exist?

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That, perhaps more than anything I could ever say, demonstrates the hate, self-hate, and envy that is pitted against caucasians in the west. It's why I don't want my daughter to inherit a world with no place to retreat to.

You folks are very quick to chatter, and call racism to anything disagreeing with your restricted perspective.

I did post a topic a while back on “blondes” and was looking for a consistency on the maintenance of their success. Well, it is obvious they are, how to say the least, denied to be genius.

Well, it is a personal thing to be a Caucasian I gather. To recap we want an ancestry that produces a symmetry that reaches as far as to the wit.


RB, Kuzadd, anyone else who does not believe in race. You are using the non-existence of race as your logic by which to condemn ScottSA for wanting to marry a white woman, or Kimmy. If it is a horrible crime which warrants your bellyaching about it, then by the same logic you must also bellyache of over the existence of National Association for The Advancement of Colored People. By attempting to advance the lives of colored people this organization is indirectly making the admission that they believe there are colored people and that the colored people are "US". Kuzadd, this is a prime example of an Us and Them mentality, and so you should not limit your condemnation to Scott and Kimmy. Be ambitious and get all the people who form a group based around the idea of race or color of skin. The Asian American Association. These people must have some definition of what an Asian is. Go get em Kuzadd. Go get em RB. They are creating division in the one race.

scottsa can marry whomever he wants, i do not care, discreditting the whole nonsensical arguement you have put forth wrt the existence of only one race.

The association for coloured people is only NECESSARY because "white" people, have demonstrated as here, a typical racism,a white supremecy, which they have used to oppress people of colour.

Had 'white' people initially treated people of colour as thier equal , which they are, 'white' people would not have oppressed people of colour and the NECESSITY for these groups to be in place, would likely never have arose. Simple cause and effect.

BTW jefferiah, your ancestors were black!

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In a nutshell, it is necessary for people such as scottsa, to believe, this nonsense, so when the "THEMS" are being killed scottsa, can feel ok with that.

Oh shutup.

oh shutup?????

my oh my!

What exactly do you expect when you come out with sophomoric nonsense like that? And here's a hint: make sure you're smart enough to mock people; otherwise it just makes you look stupid. You ain't looking very smart right now...

You don't seem to 'get' the rather obvious fact that you can try to hide race between all kinds of rocks, and conceptualize it away, and convince yourself that there is no such thing as race, but when you're all done playing emperor's clothes...there sits the fact of race, completely unchanged in spite of your allegedly mental gymnastics.

I wonder what colour your ancestors will be in a thousand years?

You do realize we are always evolving as we have evolved in the past?

Will that make them any less members of the ONE human race?

BTW scottsa, personal attack noted. On my worst day, I am confident I am smarter, more educated and better read then yourself, take note of that, ok? Absolutely 100% confident of that!

Edited by kuzadd
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Bonam: wether it is red, yellow or green, it is still an apple.

Wether a human has black or white or olive,skin or brown or green or blue, or hazel eyes, or one blue eye, whatever, we are ALL members of the human RACE, that is ONE RACE!

Remind me not to ever ask you to go grocery shopping for me. I happen to prefer green apples, and like people to be able to pick them out.

And yes, all humans are members of "the human race", or more correctly, the human species. That doesn't mean that subcategories within the human species cannot exist.

Wether you prefer a green apple to a red apple, does that make the red apple, NOT an apple?

The obvious answer is...........

of course it doesn't.

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