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What must we do to protect our White culture?

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If you don't like it, do something other than spew diatribes on some obscure web forum. Don't let them do it to you. Do something. Do what? Ah, you are powerless. Something to truly fear.

What is wrong with you? Why are you so afraid? One might almost think, from your attacks and mocking of whites, your pidgin English grammatical constructs, and your near hysterical jamming, that you are an ESL who would love to see white society descend into the muck of third world culture.

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BTW- the White Canadian majority are not powerless.

Of course they are not. If "the White Canadian majority" truly belived that their "White culture" needed protecting, they would preserve those traditions in the same way any other culture does, by passing it on to their kids. If they truly felt they genetic lineage was threatned, they could maintain their genetic purity by mating with others of similar genetic characteristics and having lots and lots of children.

They fact that they don't seems to indicate that others of "the White Canadian majority" don't have the same concern you express.

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Great post leafless ( I don't dare hit that quote function again), I concur we aren't a democratic country. An example would be the senate (elite unelected fat cats) forcing Harper to concede to Kyoto or they would veto the budget. A budget agreed upon by our "ELECTED officials, yet a group of elite mobsters can decide Canada's path. Where was the outcry and outrage, yep none. We have become as pityful as any socialist country run by a facist dictator. I agree I think Canada is on the cusp of a Majority revolt, I've had enough of the Feds pandering and appeasing the minority groups. The Politicians stole our country and our culture, I want my country and her culture back.

Your right, this is a private war between Canada's main political parties, the Liberals=Quebec and the Conservatives= English Canada, a carry on from the 'War on the Plains of Abraham'.

So we must hear more how to break up their little game or do we continue to allow them to drain the White cultural lifeblood out of Canada.

So far it seems the Libs are winning with their cultural diversity tactics to obliterate Canadian White culture.

I prefer to ignore those who freak out when they here the term "White Man". I think the first step to undoing what the left or liberals have done to our culture is to start re-educating our young about Canadian Heritage. First and for most reconize the Native Community and their proud heritage. They've added alot of great things to Canadian Culture. Canada has since been colonized by many different people from Europe, Ireland, Scotland, China, Greeks the list is endless. Gaelic is currently still spoken in Cape Bretain, in fact they have a gaelic college. There is nothing wrong with re-establishing contact with our European ancestors nor is it racists to be proud of one's heritage. I'm half scots and half native, I'm proud of that fact but I'm a Canadian first and formost. The left and socialist in Canada use the term multiculture but how can we be a Multicultural Society when those of us who assended from European and Native ancestors are excluded from this group. Why arn't the Natives, Scots, Brits and Irish allowed to participate in Multicultural Events? Why are they denied grants to hold multicult special events? Because the left and left/left pander to persons of color and immigrants of color for their votes. These voters lap up the myth called multi cult. God forbid we the light skined crowd grow a voice and renounce multicult for what it is-segragation and discrimination of whites. If we speak up the snot and bawlers will scream "RACISTS" like stuck pigs, are we racist- of course not we just want equal treatment under our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. EQUILITY isn't racists, well it is to the left/left.

Let the racist comments commence, but first let the namby pamby crowd answer the questions I posed above: Why are "White" and "Native" peoples excluded from multicultual events, why are they denied funding? For the following special interest groups cash is abundant: Pakies, East Indians, Lebanese, Greek, Asians etc. are all given funding to pontificate and brag about their heritage so why did the liberals segregate and discriminated against "Whites" and Natives? Name something the above group did to shape or mold this country? Other than those who came from China who died laying our rail line none of the above group has added to our culture in anyway. So where is this multiculture horse shit everyone blathers on about. IT doesn't exist, it's a lie perpetrated by the Liberals to get the VOTE from immigrants and minorities of color.

In Canada we have Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, our roots and our culture is Christian White, screaming and hollering racist is not going to change that.

I'll place a roll of bounty for the snot and bawlers at the bottem of this post, heavens knows you'll start screaming "RACISTS". LOL from a half breed, yea sure whatever.

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"They fact that they don't seems to indicate that others of "the White Canadian majority" don't have the same concern you express."

Yep...need to express fears through a created crisis and ad hominen attacks.

Edited by Xman
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I response to your following comment Leafless"

"Argus leaves a lot to be desired in the many things he says and is functionally literate and delivers the things he says well, but certainly is no great political guru."

Leafless 2 things. Firstly my problem is not with Argus. In the event someone threatens his family with terror he will have no problems finding me. Other then that, no Leafless I do not need to join his clubor anyone else's.

You Leafless, on the otherhand repeatedly avoid saying what you stand for and what you believe in.

You couch your references to what you stand for with deliberately vague and subjective words that negate values but do not propose any.

In fact Leafless, you enagge in the exercise of avoiding having to engage in thought process. You engage in the exercise of avoiding having to create any value.

The values you think express are what? Well we know you referred to pale skin but that of course becomes meaningless because if one prods you its not just pale skin, it must be the pale skin of someone caucasian-when you are prodded as to what caucasian means, that soon becomes English cacasian, and when that is prodded, becomes Anglo-Saxon, and when that is prodded becomes Christian and when that is prodded becomes your kind of Christian and when that is prodded there is no explanation of what that kind of Christian is but there are constant responses from you as to what you are not and what you do not stand for.

See Leafless we all get it. It requires zero thought process to say what one is not. It requires zero thought process to constantly keep varying values the moment they are questioned.

That Leafless is not about being intellectual-its about avoiding having to think and define and conceive.

So yes Leafless I have read what you have written. I see you mince your words to avoid having to define anything.

Leafless hear me loud and clear;

1-you Sir do not tell me under any circumstance that I am not loyal to my country and am a threat to you because I do not share your alleged genetic traits AND agree with your rules as to what is acceptable;

2-you Sir do not make the rules;

3-you Sir do not get to tell me I am a threat to you because you can't fix the rules to assure you make sure you have something I can not;

4-you Sir feel threatened by me, not because I do not agree with you-but because I won't agree with you;

5-you Sir will be treated by me the way I expect to be treated, no more no less-try treat me in any manner that shows the presumption you are better then me or superior to me or need to take something from me without reciprocating and I will make no mistake about it, do what it takes to survive and assure you do not

impose yourself upon me;

6-you Sir will find me a threat if you try threaten me;

7-I am not interested in people who can not define what their culture is and what they stand for;

8-I am not interested in anyone who finds others threatening because of envy;

9-I Sir do not feel morally superior to you because you hate me or like me;

10-I Sir do not define my values based on whether they are acceptable to you;

11-I Sir respect any man who can based on merit kick my ass because I am intelligent enough to call them teacher;

12-I spew by liberal venom at you because it makes me have a good laugh and realize

men have no clue what to do with their testacles after a certain age other then get them jammed in small corners they should not try squeeze them into;

13-as much as I despise what you stand for I would be the first to defend you if I thought someone would do to you what you have expressed you would be willing to do to others.

Now go play Leafless before I try give you a big wet kiss and tell everyone you are gay and enjoyed it.

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If you don't like it, do something other than spew diatribes on some obscure web forum. Don't let them do it to you. Do something. Do what? Ah, you are powerless. Something to truly fear.

What is wrong with you? Why are you so afraid? One might almost think, from your attacks and mocking of whites, your pidgin English grammatical constructs, and your near hysterical jamming, that you are an ESL who would love to see white society descend into the muck of third world culture.

Oh come on Scott you love mud and jello wrestling as long as you get to watch.

Who are you kidding.

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Great post leafless ( I don't dare hit that quote function again), I concur we aren't a democratic country. An example would be the senate (elite unelected fat cats) forcing Harper to concede to Kyoto or they would veto the budget. A budget agreed upon by our "ELECTED officials, yet a group of elite mobsters can decide Canada's path. Where was the outcry and outrage, yep none. We have become as pityful as any socialist country run by a facist dictator. I agree I think Canada is on the cusp of a Majority revolt, I've had enough of the Feds pandering and appeasing the minority groups. The Politicians stole our country and our culture, I want my country and her culture back.

Your right, this is a private war between Canada's main political parties, the Liberals=Quebec and the Conservatives= English Canada, a carry on from the 'War on the Plains of Abraham'.

So we must hear more how to break up their little game or do we continue to allow them to drain the White cultural lifeblood out of Canada.

So far it seems the Libs are winning with their cultural diversity tactics to obliterate Canadian White culture.

I prefer to ignore those who freak out when they here the term "White Man". I think the first step to undoing what the left or liberals have done to our culture is to start re-educating our young about Canadian Heritage. First and for most reconize the Native Community and their proud heritage. They've added alot of great things to Canadian Culture. Canada has since been colonized by many different people from Europe, Ireland, Scotland, China, Greeks the list is endless. Gaelic is currently still spoken in Cape Bretain, in fact they have a gaelic college. There is nothing wrong with re-establishing contact with our European ancestors nor is it racists to be proud of one's heritage. I'm half scots and half native, I'm proud of that fact but I'm a Canadian first and formost. The left and socialist in Canada use the term multiculture but how can we be a Multicultural Society when those of us who assended from European and Native ancestors are excluded from this group. Why arn't the Natives, Scots, Brits and Irish allowed to participate in Multicultural Events? Why are they denied grants to hold multicult special events? Because the left and left/left pander to persons of color and immigrants of color for their votes. These voters lap up the myth called multi cult. God forbid we the light skined crowd grow a voice and renounce multicult for what it is-segragation and discrimination of whites. If we speak up the snot and bawlers will scream "RACISTS" like stuck pigs, are we racist- of course not we just want equal treatment under our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. EQUILITY isn't racists, well it is to the left/left.

Let the racist comments commence, but first let the namby pamby crowd answer the questions I posed above: Why are "White" and "Native" peoples excluded from multicultual events, why are they denied funding? For the following special interest groups cash is abundant: Pakies, East Indians, Lebanese, Greek, Asians etc. are all given funding to pontificate and brag about their heritage so why did the liberals segregate and discriminated against "Whites" and Natives? Name something the above group did to shape or mold this country? Other than those who came from China who died laying our rail line none of the above group has added to our culture in anyway. So where is this multiculture horse shit everyone blathers on about. IT doesn't exist, it's a lie perpetrated by the Liberals to get the VOTE from immigrants and minorities of color.

In Canada we have Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day, our roots and our culture is Christian White, screaming and hollering racist is not going to change that.

I'll place a roll of bounty for the snot and bawlers at the bottem of this post, heavens knows you'll start screaming "RACISTS". LOL from a half breed, yea sure whatever.

I myself don't freak at the words "White Man". I do ont he other hand jump depending on the context of how they are used. You see, if some gorgeous young woman wants to call me that in the right setting, I have no problems. If someone with a bat tells me they are about to whip my ass because I am a white man or because I am not a white man, well yes, I have the sense to run if I think the odds are against my nose remaining in one place.

Come on. Get real. This is not about and has never been about Valentine's day.

And me, I do not scream and holler because I stand my ground and simply remove the shit from my lawn and give it back to the person who left it there. I am simply sharing the love or shit depending on how you want to contextualize that.

Edited by Rue
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BTW- the White Canadian majority are not powerless.

Of course they are not. If "the White Canadian majority" truly belived that their "White culture" needed protecting, they would preserve those traditions in the same way any other culture does, by passing it on to their kids. If they truly felt they genetic lineage was threatned, they could maintain their genetic purity by mating with others of similar genetic characteristics and having lots and lots of children.

They fact that they don't seems to indicate that others of "the White Canadian majority" don't have the same concern you express.

Renegade the problem with mating within the same gene pool is that after awhile you end up having to f..ck your relatives and that leads to things like webbed fingers, sloping fore-heads, and men with bad teeth gathering in the country to form militias to prepare to attack people who do not have webbed fingers and sloping heads.

Also I think its how Lawrence Welk got his start. His legacy lives on in re-runs. There's a reason why he was born in the U.S. but spoke the way he did. I also think he hid his webbed fingers pretty good but those powder blie jackets-were a dead give away.

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I response to your following comment Leafless"

"Argus leaves a lot to be desired in the many things he says and is functionally literate and delivers the things he says well, but certainly is no great political guru."

Leafless 2 things. Firstly my problem is not with Argus. In the event someone threatens his family with terror he will have no problems finding me. Other then that, no Leafless I do not need to join his clubor anyone else's.

You Leafless, on the otherhand repeatedly avoid saying what you stand for and what you believe in.

You couch your references to what you stand for with deliberately vague and subjective words that negate values but do not propose any.

In fact Leafless, you enagge in the exercise of avoiding having to engage in thought process. You engage in the exercise of avoiding having to create any value.

The values you think express are what? Well we know you referred to pale skin but that of course becomes meaningless because if one prods you its not just pale skin, it must be the pale skin of someone caucasian-when you are prodded as to what caucasian means, that soon becomes English cacasian, and when that is prodded, becomes Anglo-Saxon, and when that is prodded becomes Christian and when that is prodded becomes your kind of Christian and when that is prodded there is no explanation of what that kind of Christian is but there are constant responses from you as to what you are not and what you do not stand for.

See Leafless we all get it. It requires zero thought process to say what one is not. It requires zero thought process to constantly keep varying values the moment they are questioned.

That Leafless is not about being intellectual-its about avoiding having to think and define and conceive.

So yes Leafless I have read what you have written. I see you mince your words to avoid having to define anything.

Leafless hear me loud and clear;

1-you Sir do not tell me under any circumstance that I am not loyal to my country and am a threat to you because I do not share your alleged genetic traits AND agree with your rules as to what is acceptable;

2-you Sir do not make the rules;

3-you Sir do not get to tell me I am a threat to you because you can't fix the rules to assure you make sure you have something I can not;

4-you Sir feel threatened by me, not because I do not agree with you-but because I won't agree with you;

5-you Sir will be treated by me the way I expect to be treated, no more no less-try treat me in any manner that shows the presumption you are better then me or superior to me or need to take something from me without reciprocating and I will make no mistake about it, do what it takes to survive and assure you do not

impose yourself upon me;

6-you Sir will find me a threat if you try threaten me;

7-I am not interested in people who can not define what their culture is and what they stand for;

8-I am not interested in anyone who finds others threatening because of envy;

9-I Sir do not feel morally superior to you because you hate me or like me;

10-I Sir do not define my values based on whether they are acceptable to you;

11-I Sir respect any man who can based on merit kick my ass because I am intelligent enough to call them teacher;

12-I spew by liberal venom at you because it makes me have a good laugh and realize

men have no clue what to do with their testacles after a certain age other then get them jammed in small corners they should not try squeeze them into;

13-as much as I despise what you stand for I would be the first to defend you if I thought someone would do to you what you have expressed you would be willing to do to others.

Now go play Leafless before I try give you a big wet kiss and tell everyone you are gay and enjoyed it.

Oh man you are the King...good job...I worship you...

Some folks have just not grown through the stage where they need to control the world; Erikson's psycho-social stage of development called "Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt" at ages 1-3 years. You'll see other examples of it in this forum.

Edited by Xman
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lots and lots of children.

They fact that they don't seems to indicate that others of "the White Canadian majority" don't have the same concern you express.

That is because we live in an undemocratic, fascist controlled totalitarian country. Most Canadians do not know any better.

The former Liberal government have brainwashed and socially controlled, especially the White English population, with cultural B.S. and the pink socialistic dream talk, we are all equal, more B.S.

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Renegade the problem with mating within the same gene pool is that after awhile you end up having to f..ck your relatives and that leads to things like webbed fingers, sloping fore-heads, and men with bad teeth gathering in the country to form militias to prepare to attack people who do not have webbed fingers and sloping heads.

Also I think its how Lawrence Welk got his start. His legacy lives on in re-runs. There's a reason why he was born in the U.S. but spoke the way he did. I also think he hid his webbed fingers pretty good but those powder blie jackets-were a dead give away.

Well we all mate within the same gene pool. There just happens to be 5 or 6 Billion in the pool and to a certain extent we are all related. In any case the "White" pool is big enough that it is unlikely that the inbreeding characteristics you describe would be anything but an anomaly.

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That is because we live in an undemocratic, fascist controlled totalitarian country. Most Canadians do not know any better.

The former Liberal government have brainwashed and socially controlled, especially the White English population, with cultural B.S. and the pink socialistic dream talk, we are all equal, more B.S.

If most "White" Canadians "do not know any better" and are so stupid that they are so easily duped by a Liberal government, then as Darwin would state, they deserve the fate they get.

Edited by Renegade
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I response to your following comment Leafless"

"Argus leaves a lot to be desired in the many things he says and is functionally literate and delivers the things he says well, but certainly is no great political guru."

Leafless 2 things. Firstly my problem is not with Argus. In the event someone threatens his family with terror he will have no problems finding me. Other then that, no Leafless I do not need to join his clubor anyone else's.

You Leafless, on the otherhand repeatedly avoid saying what you stand for and what you believe in.

You couch your references to what you stand for with deliberately vague and subjective words that negate values but do not propose any.

In fact Leafless, you enagge in the exercise of avoiding having to engage in thought process. You engage in the exercise of avoiding having to create any value.

The values you think express are what? Well we know you referred to pale skin but that of course becomes meaningless because if one prods you its not just pale skin, it must be the pale skin of someone caucasian-when you are prodded as to what caucasian means, that soon becomes English cacasian, and when that is prodded, becomes Anglo-Saxon, and when that is prodded becomes Christian and when that is prodded becomes your kind of Christian and when that is prodded there is no explanation of what that kind of Christian is but there are constant responses from you as to what you are not and what you do not stand for.

See Leafless we all get it. It requires zero thought process to say what one is not. It requires zero thought process to constantly keep varying values the moment they are questioned.

That Leafless is not about being intellectual-its about avoiding having to think and define and conceive.

So yes Leafless I have read what you have written. I see you mince your words to avoid having to define anything.

Leafless hear me loud and clear;

1-you Sir do not tell me under any circumstance that I am not loyal to my country and am a threat to you because I do not share your alleged genetic traits AND agree with your rules as to what is acceptable;

2-you Sir do not make the rules;

3-you Sir do not get to tell me I am a threat to you because you can't fix the rules to assure you make sure you have something I can not;

4-you Sir feel threatened by me, not because I do not agree with you-but because I won't agree with you;

5-you Sir will be treated by me the way I expect to be treated, no more no less-try treat me in any manner that shows the presumption you are better then me or superior to me or need to take something from me without reciprocating and I will make no mistake about it, do what it takes to survive and assure you do not

impose yourself upon me;

6-you Sir will find me a threat if you try threaten me;

7-I am not interested in people who can not define what their culture is and what they stand for;

8-I am not interested in anyone who finds others threatening because of envy;

9-I Sir do not feel morally superior to you because you hate me or like me;

10-I Sir do not define my values based on whether they are acceptable to you;

11-I Sir respect any man who can based on merit kick my ass because I am intelligent enough to call them teacher;

12-I spew by liberal venom at you because it makes me have a good laugh and realize

men have no clue what to do with their testacles after a certain age other then get them jammed in small corners they should not try squeeze them into;

13-as much as I despise what you stand for I would be the first to defend you if I thought someone would do to you what you have expressed you would be willing to do to others.

Now go play Leafless before I try give you a big wet kiss and tell everyone you are gay and enjoyed it.

Well Rue, I gather you watch WWF and you are trying to emulate the macho-testosterone filled dramatic preambles these wrestlers mouth off prior to the match.

Ill give you a little advice.

If you cannot contribute to this thread in a meaningful manner rather than indulge in personal attacks, then I will have to tell you to simply F#$K OFF!

You come across more of a fag than anything else.

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That is because we live in an undemocratic, fascist controlled totalitarian country. Most Canadians do not know any better. The former Liberal government have brainwashed and socially controlled, especially the White English population, with cultural B.S. and the pink socialistic dream talk, we are all equal, more B.S.

You are one angry dude. I voted Conservative, because of its Reform roots. When Flaherty reneged on his income trust promise, I knew we had another socialist government. Damn!

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Well Rue, I gather you watch WWF and you are trying to emulate the macho-testosterone filled dramatic preambles these wrestlers mouth off prior to the match.

Ill give you a little advice.

If you cannot contribute to this thread in a meaningful manner rather than indulge in personal attacks, then I will have to tell you to simply F#$K OFF!

You come across more of a fag than anything else.

I love you, Leafless. I think you need to hear that.

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That is because we live in an undemocratic, fascist controlled totalitarian country. Most Canadians do not know any better.

The former Liberal government have brainwashed and socially controlled, especially the White English population, with cultural B.S. and the pink socialistic dream talk, we are all equal, more B.S.

If most "White" Canadians "do not know any better" and are so stupid that they are so easily duped by a Liberal government, then as Darwin would state, they deserve the fate they get.

The Liberals prey on personal emotions and have been quite successful.

But I am not really that sure if it as easy as you say it is that "they deserve the fate they get".

Only problem is, Canadians are treated like rats in box, even if you know, that eventually, you are being taken advantage of, there is no place to go, no one to run to.

Political parties are in collusion with each other over main points that appear to have been accepted by the Canadian public. The main players continue their private war, a continuation of the war 'on the Plains of Abraham'.

This country is badly in need of solid leadership and electoral reform and associated referendums.

To allow political parties to 'play' with Canadians and Canada the way they currently are is looking for disaster.

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The Liberals prey on personal emotions and have been quite successful.

Ok let's assume they do. So what? All parties do. It is many times easier to appeal to emotions than rationatility. It is up to us individually to distinguish between emotional appeal and our rational best interest and act accordingly. Are you relieving Canadians of responsibility of their actions by transfering that responsiblilty to the Liberals?

But I am not really that sure if it as easy as you say it is that "they deserve the fate they get".

It's quite easy. Really. Just sit back and let the world unfold as it does. If in a 1000 years there is no White race or culture, no Black race or culture, no Chinese race or culture, but rather a mish-mash of integrated races, so be it.

Only problem is, Canadians are treated like rats in box, even if you know, that eventually, you are being taken advantage of, there is no place to go, no one to run to.

You'll have to be more specific. I'm not sure what you mean. How are they treated as "rats in a box"?

Political parties are in collusion with each other over main points that appear to have been accepted by the Canadian public. The main players continue their private war, a continuation of the war 'on the Plains of Abraham'.

I haven't a clue what you are talking about, but let's take what you say at face value. So what? Poliitcal parties are free to collude aren't they? Isn't collusion the basis of minority governments?

This country is badly in need of solid leadership and electoral reform and associated referendums.

So where is it? You mean that not one of those majority "White Canadians" you speak of will stand up and lead?

To allow political parties to 'play' with Canadians and Canada the way they currently are is looking for disaster.
You let individuals off too lightly. People have responsibilty for their own actions and thoughts. You relieve them of the responsiblities of those actions and somehow blame it on political parties who duped them. Did it ever occur to you that people act the way they do because they CHOOSE to off their own free will?
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So maybe the politicians are killing white culture.

I believe this to be true.

Culture 50-60 years ago hardly existed, Canadians were Canadians and Quebec, well, the beginning of hitting the federal government in the pocket book with Quebec becoming fanatically culturally obsessed and leading up to 'official multiculturalism' and 'official bilingualism'.

Yes, suddenly the emphasis was on culture and with the emphasis moving towards pandering to the cultural desires of ethnic immigrants, normalized Quebec's political demands based on culture.

There was no political party defending the cultural and national interest of 'White English speaking Canadian' and still isn't to-day.

White English speaking Canadians appears to be nothing more than a bunch of uncouth plain Jane Canadians worthy of no federal attention.

Edited by Leafless
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