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Canada's First Chinese Canadian Political Party

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I really don't know why you choose to go this route...I mean really, if you don't get the distinction between the exclusionary ommission of everyone but "Chinese canadians" and the unstated inclusion of Chinese canadians, you really ought to take a course in...well...something.

Perhaps you should read the entire thread in order to avoid such an obvious strawman. Show me where they "omitted everyone but Chinese Canadians".

"But he later said the NAP wasn't a Chinese Canadian party and he intended to recruit immigrants from all ethnic groups."


Why are you trying to play this infantile game? You keep edging backwards, dragging the goalposts with you. A minute ago you were denying that saying they would work hard for Chinese Canadians wasn't exclusionary, and now you're denying that they said it...or at least they changed their minds or whatever.

Lets set the grounds rules so I don't have to chase you all over the playing field. What purpose do you think this party serves? Why do you think it was formed?

Well the question wasn't posed to me but may I be so bold as to answer?

I planned on doing so anyway. The sole purpose of this party is to pander to the Socialist in Canada. Socialism is communism in it's infancy. China is communist and it's people "Supposedly flee to escape" a brutal communist country and yet they want to start their own political party to pander to Chinese people. I smell hypocrisy from those who want to start this party. The assertion that they will help all new immigrants is rather arrogant, who are the Chinese to decide what new immigrants are entitled to. We have programs in place to aide new immigrants, including language courses.

A trend has started in Canada that has dangerous consequences, this trend is Muslim only schools, black only schools (Toronto) when will this stop? Will all minorities at the expense of the majority tax payers be entitled to "More" than the rest of society. Because that is the path we are headed unless we stop this Socialist nonsense. Is Canada to become like England where non-majorities are segregated and sent to the back of the bus or forced to where a hyjab less they offend the easily offended? The liberals lost the election but their battle for a socialist utopia rages on in the Senate and on the streets.

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Why are you trying to play this infantile game? You keep edging backwards, dragging the goalposts with you. A minute ago you were denying that saying they would work hard for Chinese Canadians wasn't exclusionary, and now you're denying that they said it...or at least they changed their minds or whatever.

:lol: no need to get angry because you were wrong. I don't think it's excluding any races to say that they work hard for Chinese Canadians, just as I don't think it's excluding any races to say that they work hard for white Canadians. If they had said the ONLY work hard for Chinese Canadians then they would be excluding based on race.

Lets set the grounds rules so I don't have to chase you all over the playing field. What purpose do you think this party serves?

I think the purpose of this party is to try to look out for the needs of new Canadians. Since I am not a new Canadian it's hard for me to be more specific about what those needs are.

Why do you think it was formed?

See above.

Obviously this party was formed on a racial basis to benefit one race over all others. But I suppose that if you want to play games of semantics, this discussion is silly. I'm certainly not "mad," I'm just wondering why you are continuing this sophist game.

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Obviously this party was formed on a racial basis to benefit one race over all others. But I suppose that if you want to play games of semantics, this discussion is silly. I'm certainly not "mad," I'm just wondering why you are continuing this sophist game.

And how would you feel about a party that was formed on a religious basis to benefit one religion over all others?

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Obviously this party was formed on a racial basis to benefit one race over all others. But I suppose that if you want to play games of semantics, this discussion is silly. I'm certainly not "mad," I'm just wondering why you are continuing this sophist game.

And how would you feel about a party that was formed on a religious basis to benefit one religion over all others?

Well, its a category apart, but i don't think it would be particularly helpful. If you're going to leap up with a loud "aha!" and announce that the Conservative government is somehow a theocracy, skip it...

For me personally, I'd treat a party formed on a religious basis differently depending on which religion it was.

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Well, its a category apart, but i don't think it would be particularly helpful. If you're going to leap up with a loud "aha!" and announce that the Conservative government is somehow a theocracy, skip it...

No, I wasn't thinking of the Conservative party at all.

For me personally, I'd treat a party formed on a religious basis differently depending on which religion it was.

:lol: Double standards seem to be pretty common around here lately...

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For me personally, I'd treat a party formed on a religious basis differently depending on which religion it was.

Are you all dense?

People can make parties (within reason) based on whatever the heck they want!

If someone wants to make a party based on one issue, they can.

If someone want to make a party based on age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion, they can.

As long as they dont restrict membership, who cares?

I agree that these people should think of themselves as Canadian first (before any race, religion, other country, sexual orientation).

This is my personal viewpoint of course.

I disagree that these parties are a threat.

If individuals feel strongly enough to vote for them, they can.

A party like this will likely never form a government (maybe the Greens sometime, maybe).

It is just not a good idea, the major parties of course have wider bases.

The alternative would be to block these parties from being formed.

This breaks no laws.

That too me is far worse than a party looking out for chinese intrests.

People who are scared of immigrants and multiculturalism vex me.

Do they not understand the points system? The professionals from all over the world, the engineers and doctors, who want to come here?

Canada would rather (stupidly) produce lawyers and arts majors.

I know so many talented people who want to become part of this country. Why wouldnt they? This is the best country in the world!

My greatgrandfather thought of himself as British first. When the call came, like many recent British immigrants to Canada, he went to fight in the great war.

Is he a traitor?

I agree with the Chinese guy, this party is going no where.

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Immigrants help this country in so many ways. They are not a threat and they do not hurt this country.

Prove that they are needed.

I want numbers and proven facts that Canada needs immigrants.

But you know what, you probably have no idea of our immigration policy so I suggest you don't tackle this subject.

Immigrants from the 3rd world are also the most laid back, laziest people I have met in my life who have attendance issues at work. I find Europeans, and north americans to be the hardest working people I have met. But that's just my opinion: kind of like your post.

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People who are scared of immigrants and multiculturalism vex me.

Do they not understand the points system? The professionals from all over the world, the engineers and doctors, who want to come here?

Canada would rather (stupidly) produce lawyers and arts majors.


Seriously you are lost.

Go research the issue.

Immigrants are not here for economic reasons or becuase they are helping our country become better, they are here becuase they vote Liberal. End of story.

(numbers and facts back the above statements).

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Prove that they are needed.

I want numbers and proven facts that Canada needs immigrants.


Canada's birth rate at all-time low

"That measure fell to 1.50 from 1.51 in 2001"



I guess all those immigrants were all right 1900-1930 for you. Maybe because we restricted Chinese and Japanese immigrant?

Canadians are not having enough children (2.1) to replace to population.

Our population only goes up because of immigrants (who on average have more kids, and work longer than natives)

You have already shown yourself to not understand the immigration issue at all.

Do you think it is easy to become a Canadian citizen?


so how many points did you get?

I didnt get enough to get into Canada, good for you if you did.

This is not even including all the wealth, and needed experience immigrants bring this country.

Or the culture.

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But that's just my opinion
(numbers and facts back the above statements).

If you respond with numbers and facts (you wont) I will look up the money immigrants bring to this country (Hong Kong alone is huge) and the professional jobs they fill.

Of course you have already made it clear what type of immigrants you want.

Immigrants from the 3rd world are also the most laid back, laziest people I have met in my life who have attendance issues at work. I find Europeans, and north americans to be the hardest working people I have met.

So basically what you are saying is that you want to use skin colour to determine who we let into the country.


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Canada's birth rate at all-time low

"That measure fell to 1.50 from 1.51 in 2001"

A nation's birthrate falls below replacement and you think the answer is to bring in new people? A birthrate like that is a national catastrophe and bespeaks a social sickness. The cure lies within, not without.

This is not even including all the wealth, and needed experience immigrants bring this country.

Or the culture.

This is nonsense. Wealth is not a pocket full of cash one simply brings and dumps into the economy where it stays evermore; wealth is surplus created. Experience? What experience? Why do we need more "culture?"
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I'm goign to say something very unfriendly but honest. I have no clue what you are talking about - your writing, your way of thinking, etc. I just don't get it.

I don't fear any unfriendly saying and welcome saying honestly and frankly.

I was talking about how Hiter achieved his dishonest business. Jews were the minority in Germany. Just like other races, not every Jew are good guy. Perhaps there were a few of them committing dishonest, criminal or racism, etc.

Hitler dishonestly magnified the fault of a few Jews to the whole of race of Jews and advocated racism in the majority in German to serve his political ambition and exclusive Teutonism dream.

Being a Canadian is a good thing, I agree. But acting the way as Hitler is a bad thing, even people commited it unintentionally.

When you come to Canada, you will not be able to function in many of our white-collar jobs that you so desire or feel intitled to. Yes, your English is good compared to your fellows immigrating with you from China, but it is simply not good enough.

Oh, don't speak so absolutely. I have some friends in Canada, they have gotten "white-collar jobs" for many years and they said their white skin employers or colleagues were both honest and friendly. Of course, I also know some Chinese do low paying job or come back to China just as you said. Look, not every Chinese are the same, not every white skin Canadian are the same. This is the fact.

This is the reason why you will not find work (beside the fact that we don't have jobs). Not because of your color, not because of you customs, but becuase you don't have basic communication skills at a business level and you do not think the way we do.

Sounds terribly. If this is the fact, It seams you and your friends has no reason to get headache.

Our country, to be frank, simply does not need you here at all. You are working in a chinese research firm. You will most likely NOT find this job in Canada and will struggle to make ends meet. You will quickly learn how to play our system and take advantage of the various programs we offer. This is NOT on behalf of the Canadian peoples will, but our politicians know that your community provides a massive voting bloc of support to keep them elected. Thus you keep getting let into Canada.

lol. If these were the true, being Canadian would likely be not a good thing.....

I don't know exactly how many chinese in Canada. According some post above, it seems only 1%-2% percent of votes from Chinese Canadian voter. I can hardly think that Canadian politicians would need to cater those immigrant voters to violate "Canadian peoples will".

Don't "Canadian peoples" vote?

This is not just you, but all the thousands of people from China that come here each month.

Ultimately, you will be coming here to join your community and better your life. Canada does NOT have jobs you in your field and there are 100's like youself looking for work.

Where is "my" community in Canada? Where does it locate?

It begs the question... why come?

That's easy. I can say it really honestly.

The first reason: Our country seems to be overpopulated. Beijing is as big as Toronto, but the population here is as many as the half of Canada. Economy develops rapidly, but contamination also accumulates rapidly...ect.

The second reason: I know that not every Canadian thinks about immigration as you and your friends' way....

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I'm goign to say something very unfriendly but honest. I have no clue what you are talking about - your writing, your way of thinking, etc. I just don't get it.

I don't fear any unfriendly saying and welcome saying honestly and frankly.

I was talking about how Hiter achieved his dishonest business. Jews were the minority in Germany. Just like other races, not every Jew are good guy. Perhaps there were a few of them committing dishonest, criminal or racism, etc.

Hitler dishonestly magnified the fault of a few Jews to the whole of race of Jews and advocated racism in the majority in German to serve his political ambition and exclusive Teutonism dream.

Being a Canadian is a good thing, I agree. But acting the way as Hitler is a bad thing, even people commited it unintentionally.

When you come to Canada, you will not be able to function in many of our white-collar jobs that you so desire or feel intitled to. Yes, your English is good compared to your fellows immigrating with you from China, but it is simply not good enough.

Oh, don't speak so absolutely. I have some friends in Canada, they have gotten "white-collar jobs" for many years and they said their white skin employers or colleagues were both honest and friendly. Of course, I also know some Chinese do low paying job or come back to China just as you said. Look, not every Chinese are the same, not every white skin Canadian are the same. This is the fact.

This is the reason why you will not find work (beside the fact that we don't have jobs). Not because of your color, not because of you customs, but becuase you don't have basic communication skills at a business level and you do not think the way we do.

Sounds terribly. If this is the fact, It seams you and your friends has no reason to get headache.

Our country, to be frank, simply does not need you here at all. You are working in a chinese research firm. You will most likely NOT find this job in Canada and will struggle to make ends meet. You will quickly learn how to play our system and take advantage of the various programs we offer. This is NOT on behalf of the Canadian peoples will, but our politicians know that your community provides a massive voting bloc of support to keep them elected. Thus you keep getting let into Canada.

lol. If these were the true, being Canadian would likely be not a good thing.....

I don't know exactly how many chinese in Canada. According some post above, it seems only 1%-2% percent of votes from Chinese Canadian voter. I can hardly think that Canadian politicians would need to cater those immigrant voters to violate "Canadian peoples will".

Don't "Canadian peoples" vote?

This is not just you, but all the thousands of people from China that come here each month.

Ultimately, you will be coming here to join your community and better your life. Canada does NOT have jobs you in your field and there are 100's like youself looking for work.

Where is "my" community in Canada? Where does it locate?

It begs the question... why come?

That's easy. I can say it really honestly.

The first reason: Our country seems to be overpopulated. Beijing is as big as Toronto, but the population here is as many as the half of Canada. Economy develops rapidly, but contamination also accumulates rapidly...ect.

The second reason: I know that not every Canadian thinks about immigration as you and your friends' way....

One wonders what you might think if busloads of roundeyes showed up on the doorstep of Beijing and started dictating how the indigenous folk ought to behave. Oh, wait, we already know. Did you like it?

If China suffers from overpopulation, the way to deal with it is not to come here, it's to fix it there.

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This is one of the reasons why there is a growing anti-immigration backlash. It is a priveledge for you to come here, not a right. The onus is not upon us to change our ways, it is on you to agree to live within them. You have the choice to accept or decline our customs, just as we have the right to refuse you entry if we so choose. We don't have to change. You do.

Sounds like a old American Indian chieftain said to the first British immigrant....

As for race-based parties, you come from one of the most proudly racist countries in the world. The predominant Han Chinese even look down on such other ethnic Chinese groups as have managed to survive the scourges of history, so you are really in no position to tell us how harmless race-based parties are. The morality of the thing doesn't hinge on how much support the party may or may not have...it doesn't become "ok" just because its support base is low, but bad if its support is high. It is bad because it is bad, not for any other reason.

Fortunately you and your friends are really the "minority" in Canadian People, so Canada will not take the trophy of "the most proudly racist countries in the world" ......

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There's a 6 page supplement in the Globe today...Report on Hong Kong

All hail the motherland. Now please leave us alone ....it could have also been titled ...psst, it's okay, you can come home now.....

But in the end, immigrants will always be in the minority and it serves them best if they learn the langauge PDQ. There is no need to learn how to cook pot roast or how to best hide easter eggs but unless the immigrant is content to exist in a racial or cultural enclave they must to some degree assimilate into the larger pool.

This is true whether the immigrant is Chinese, Indian, Russian, Italian or Greek. It is also true that amonst the the success stories in Canada are a fair share of 2nd generation Chinese, Indian, Russians Italians and Greeks.

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But in the end, immigrants will always be in the minority and it serves them best if they learn the langauge PDQ. There is no need to learn how to cook pot roast or how to best hide easter eggs but unless the immigrant is content to exist in a racial or cultural enclave they must to some degree assimilate into the larger pool.

Great idea.

One of the problem is: I exist in this forum with a frankly and honestly manner for several days and there seems no one try to assimilate or integrate me yet.

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But in the end, immigrants will always be in the minority and it serves them best if they learn the langauge PDQ. There is no need to learn how to cook pot roast or how to best hide easter eggs but unless the immigrant is content to exist in a racial or cultural enclave they must to some degree assimilate into the larger pool.

Great idea.

One of the problem is: I exist in this forum with a frankly and honestly manner for several days and there seems no one try to assimilate or integrate me yet.

Don't wait to be assimilated. Assimilate on your own. Best way is to start dating a white girl.

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But in the end, immigrants will always be in the minority and it serves them best if they learn the langauge PDQ. There is no need to learn how to cook pot roast or how to best hide easter eggs but unless the immigrant is content to exist in a racial or cultural enclave they must to some degree assimilate into the larger pool.

Great idea.

One of the problem is: I exist in this forum with a frankly and honestly manner for several days and there seems no one try to assimilate or integrate me yet.

That's just the thing,

It's up to YOU to integrate with us. But you don't. You are coming for your family and friends so you can speak Mandrin all day and accept all the benefits of our country. You couldn't care less about helping out our country. You are here to persue your dreams at the expense of ours.

Repeat this 10 times over - there are NO jobs for you here in Canada, let alone us born in Canada. But again, you already know this. This is common knowledge to the Chinese community.

And yes, the Chinese have political control over many cities in Canada.

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But in the end, immigrants will always be in the minority and it serves them best if they learn the langauge PDQ. There is no need to learn how to cook pot roast or how to best hide easter eggs but unless the immigrant is content to exist in a racial or cultural enclave they must to some degree assimilate into the larger pool.

Great idea.

One of the problem is: I exist in this forum with a frankly and honestly manner for several days and there seems no one try to assimilate or integrate me yet.

Don't wait to be assimilated. Assimilate on your own. Best way is to start dating a white girl.

While the Chinese are prone to prejudice and stereo types like the best of them, they are not quite as zenephobic like the south asians, mulsims, and other stone age cultures/religions.

Asians for a large part are Christian and wear normal pants and shoese. They cut their hair and do normal things like go fishing and such.

The Chinese like everyone else are simply taking advantage of our system and you can't blame them.

I feel that Canada's major problems stem from other zenephobic, stoneage religious/cultures that come here like Sikh's, Mulsims, south asians, etc. etc. Not so much the Chinese.

Look at it this way, at least a chinese person from China decided to take part in this forum. I would easily trade in the Chinese to other countries or even have them exclusively here in trade of other countries like Pakistan or Sri Lanka.

I don't think Canadian's major beef is with Chinese people.

Regardless, we shouldn't be letting anyone into Canada who does not have a job lined up when they get here. Who knows, this person could be 50 years old. We have no idea. He just shouldn't be coming here.

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It's up to YOU to integrate with us.

Just like "we" integrated with the Natives. :lol:

Not at all. We had a superior culture to the natives. They had a stoneage culture and we had a modern industrial culture. You can argue the cultural relativism line if you want, but it's a losing proposition outside the ivory towers. We also have a superior culture to the cultures coming here...by several orders of magnitude.

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Not at all. We had a superior culture to the natives. They had a stoneage culture and we had a modern industrial culture. You can argue the cultural relativism line if you want, but it's a losing proposition outside the ivory towers. We also have a superior culture to the cultures coming here...by several orders of magnitude.

That's pretty much what I figured you'd say. Your culture is superior, and everyone else's is inferior. At least you're are honest about it, I'll give you credit for that.

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Not at all. We had a superior culture to the natives. They had a stoneage culture and we had a modern industrial culture. You can argue the cultural relativism line if you want, but it's a losing proposition outside the ivory towers. We also have a superior culture to the cultures coming here...by several orders of magnitude.

That's pretty much what I figured you'd say. Your culture is superior, and everyone else's is inferior. At least you're are honest about it, I'll give you credit for that.

It's neither honest nor dishonest. It's objectively true. Name another culture, now, today, that is superior to that of the west.

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It's neither honest nor dishonest. It's objectively true. Name another culture, now, today, that is superior to that of the west.

I'm not saying other cultures are superior to the west...but perhaps you could tell me in what way our culture is superior to every other culture?

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