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Canada's First Chinese Canadian Political Party

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It's neither honest nor dishonest. It's objectively true. Name another culture, now, today, that is superior to that of the west.

I'm not saying other cultures are superior to the west...but perhaps you could tell me in what way our culture is superior to every other culture?

No. If it's not self evident to you, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it.

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No. If it's not self evident to you, I'm not going to waste my time explaining it.

In other words, you don't have an answer and are trying to avoid the question.

No. If you want to argue that another current 3rd world or stoneage culture is superior, have at 'er. I'm not going to waste my time explaining that the sun is hot, although if you present an argument against the obvious, I guess I'll trounce it for you.

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Don't wait to be assimilated. Assimilate on your own. Best way is to start dating a white girl.

If that girl told me:"It is a priveledge for you to date me, not a right. The onus is not upon me to change my ways, it is on you to agree to live within me. You have the choice to accept or decline my family customs, just as I have the right to refuse you dating if I so choose. I don't have to change. You do.", how would I response her?

How a white boy will response such request from an Indian gril?

I really agree with your opinion that immigrants must to some degree assimilate into the larger pool. I even partially admit ScottSA's opinon that immigrants must take on some responsibility such as to accept Canada laws, speak official language in working place and some public place, observe traditions and customs in public place, etc. Just as I join your forum, I should not talk about my cat or dog here beacause you have defined this forum a Canadian political forum not a pets forum. I also can not use Chinese words here because it is not an offical language and most people here can not read it.

But in other aspects, I don't agree that immigrants need to be ordered changing their thinking way and value to some white way, even I doubt there is a certain white way suit for all white skin people. I also disagree that immigrants have to abandon there cultural which has no harm to public benefits. These kind of integration sounds like thinking/culture autarchy.

I don't mean immigrants must stiffly keep their cultural but the "large pool" are also the same. Most people always pursue good things, so if there is any thing really good enough, it will assimilate others naturally.

All such like "We are not change" growling are silly. Every thing need change, every thing will change, even a kid knows these.

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No. If you want to argue that another current 3rd world or stoneage culture is superior, have at 'er. I'm not going to waste my time explaining that the sun is hot, although if you present an argument against the obvious, I guess I'll trounce it for you.

:lol: Apparently you have the time to respond with such useless remarks, and yet you don't have time to answer the question about how your culture is superior to every other culture in the world. :lol:

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Don't wait to be assimilated. Assimilate on your own. Best way is to start dating a white girl.

If that girl told me:"It is a priveledge for you to date me, not a right. The onus is not upon me to change my ways, it is on you to agree to live within me. You have the choice to accept or decline my family customs, just as I have the right to refuse you dating if I so choose. I don't have to change. You do.", how would I response her?

Is she hot? Like Canada? Then you say Yes Ma'am

How a white boy will response such request from an Indian gril?

As a white boy who dated and lived for years with a Hydrabad born indian girl, I had no problems and she is now probably as Canadian as they come. Never the less Maha Bharata is still dear to her heart and culture as most canadians have cultural ties elsewhere that is no big deal.

I really agree with your opinion that immigrants must to some degree assimilate into the larger pool. I even partially admit ScottSA's opinon that immigrants must take on some responsibility such as to accept Canada laws, speak official language in working place and some public place, observe traditions and customs in public place, etc. Just as I join your forum, I should not talk about my cat or dog here beacause you have defined this forum a Canadian political forum not a pets forum. I also can not use Chinese words here because it is not an offical language and most people here can not read it.

But in other aspects, I don't agree that immigrants need to be ordered changing their thinking way and value to some white way, even I doubt there is a certain white way suit for all white skin people. I also disagree that immigrants have to abandon there cultural which has no harm to public benefits. These kind of integration sounds like thinking/culture autarchy.

I don't mean immigrants must stiffly keep their cultural but the "large pool" are also the same. Most people always pursue good things, so if there is any thing really good enough, it will assimilate others naturally.

All such like "We are not change" growling are silly. Every thing need change, every thing will change, even a kid knows these.

I don't think anyone needs to abandon their culture. On the contray even, keep your culture and add on to it with ours. I think Canada has a lot to offer Asian immigrants....Great Canadian pasttimes like Dragon Boat races....Dim Sum on the patio...lunar New Year parties....

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No. If you want to argue that another current 3rd world or stoneage culture is superior, have at 'er. I'm not going to waste my time explaining that the sun is hot, although if you present an argument against the obvious, I guess I'll trounce it for you.

:lol: Apparently you have the time to respond with such useless remarks, and yet you don't have time to answer the question about how your culture is superior to every other culture in the world. :lol:

It's a stupid question. Why would I bother? Let me ask a rhetorical question. Would you rather live as a citizen of a western democracy or under an eastern tyranny? Let me narrow it down a bit further: would you rather live in Canada or Pakistan? Wait, let's level the playing field a bit more: would you rather live in Canada or India, since India is at least nominally a democracy? Oh wait, democracy came from the west too, so lets...hmmmm, well, Saudi Arabia is a good eastern form of governance. Sharia is a lovely vibrant and diverse...well, maybe not diverse...form of government spawned from a different culture. Ok, maybe that's not fair; what about southern Africa? Oops, the colonials forced civilization on it, so we'll have to go back to the days before the evil Bwana showed up. Well, we can't do that, because you'd be dead from Zulu raids spawned by thier no doubt enlightened, if arbitrary, seasonal genocides.

I'll leave it up to you...which culture would you prefer to live in?

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It's a stupid question. Why would I bother? Let me ask a rhetorical question. Would you rather live as a citizen of a western democracy or under an eastern tyranny? Let me narrow it down a bit further: would you rather live in Canada or Pakistan? Wait, let's level the playing field a bit more: would you rather live in Canada or India, since India is at least nominally a democracy? Oh wait, democracy came from the west too, so lets...hmmmm, well, Saudi Arabia is a good eastern form of governance. Sharia is a lovely vibrant and diverse...well, maybe not diverse...form of government spawned from a different culture. Ok, maybe that's not fair; what about southern Africa? Oops, the colonials forced civilization on it, so we'll have to go back to the days before the evil Bwana showed up. Well, we can't do that, because you'd be dead from Zulu raids spawned by thier no doubt enlightened, if arbitrary, seasonal genocides.

I'll leave it up to you...which culture would you prefer to live in?

Try to keep your original argument in mind when you go off on a tangent...Are you trying to say that immigrants who come to Canada don't believe in democracy? Or that they commit genocide?

I've always said that immigrants who come to Canada must obey our laws, and speak at least one official language. Since most immigrants to Canada do obey the law, what aspect of their culture (that is, the culture of immigrants coming to Canada) is inferior to our culture?

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Is she hot? Like Canada? Then you say Yes Ma'am

Oh, unfortunately I am married so have no opportunity to practise this. But some day I might encourage my son.

When I asked my wife to marry me, I really should admit anything that she would request, but she requested nothing.

Since then, we both have changed largely. We know assimilation to make a family needs making effort together. A steady marrage would not be depend on single sacrifice.

I don't think anyone needs to abandon their culture. On the contray even, keep your culture and add on to it with ours. I think Canada has a lot to offer Asian immigrants....Great Canadian pasttimes like Dragon Boat races....Dim Sum on the patio...lunar New Year parties....

I know your view. I have been there for several months and have searched some debates about immigration to get a understanding of Canadian. I disagreed somepeople's saying but I did not try to join it because I thought it is Canadian business. Whether immigration is needed is depend on Canadian people's will not foreigners' will.

I posted here not for being any pleading for Mr.Chen's "Party". I don't know what he is and have no interesting to spend my time to know it. Just as I saw a beaver wandering in a streat, I would have no intersting to know why it were here, unless there were hundreds of them here. I said something only for some people here mistaking that chinese people coming in Canada want to dominate other people here. As a minority, it is absolutely unreasonable and illogic.

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That's just the thing,

It's up to YOU to integrate with us. But you don't. You are coming for your family and friends so you can speak Mandrin all day and accept all the benefits of our country. You couldn't care less about helping out our country. You are here to persue your dreams at the expense of ours.

Repeat this 10 times over - there are NO jobs for you here in Canada, let alone us born in Canada. But again, you already know this. This is common knowledge to the Chinese community.

And yes, the Chinese have political control over many cities in Canada.

You really be blindfolded by your bias

Have you ever asked your grandfather why he immigrated to Canada? For being a soldier fighting for Canada in World War I?

I guess he also came for his family and friends, if there were any. He enrolled the army and fought for Canada because he know when he got the benefits from this country he also took responsibility on this country. He is a good man, so do I.

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It should be pointed out that this is a BC provincial party, not a federal one, although the name of the party 'Nation Alliance Party' would have one thinking so. The $1.75 per vote for Canadian political parties doesn't apply.

It's as easy as obtaining five signatures to form a provincial party in BC, so this addition really doesn't mean much.

Here's the list of all currently registered parties in BC.

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It's as easy as obtaining five signatures to form a provincial party in BC, so this addition really doesn't mean much.

Here's the list of all currently registered parties in BC.

Oh my god. The horror that BC has a Chinese party will ruin us. And look they even have the Planting Seeds Party , but I dont plant seeds so it will not work for me.

(they do have a Sex Party, at the very least the convention should be good, maybe they can hold it the same time as the Marijuana Party.....now we are talking a good time)

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(they do have a Sex Party, at the very least the convention should be good, maybe they can hold it the same time as the Marijuana Party.....now we are talking a good time)

The Sex Party doesn't sound very inclusive. What about the virgins? Maybe someone should start a "Virgin Party of B.C."?

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(they do have a Sex Party, at the very least the convention should be good, maybe they can hold it the same time as the Marijuana Party.....now we are talking a good time)

The Sex Party doesn't sound very inclusive. What about the virgins? Maybe someone should start a "Virgin Party of B.C."?

I think they have one already...

They're called Young Conservatives......

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(they do have a Sex Party, at the very least the convention should be good, maybe they can hold it the same time as the Marijuana Party.....now we are talking a good time)

The Sex Party doesn't sound very inclusive. What about the virgins? Maybe someone should start a "Virgin Party of B.C."?

I think they have one already...

They're called Young Conservatives......

I didn't find the young ladies in that party to be particularly virginal when I was there...quite the contrary. The young NDP, on the other hand, hated men, so that didn't make for loose trousers...thank God...have you ever seen a young NDP woman? Yuck!

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Obviously this party was formed on a racial basis to benefit one race over all others. But I suppose that if you want to play games of semantics, this discussion is silly. I'm certainly not "mad," I'm just wondering why you are continuing this sophist game.

I wonder what part of:

"For so many years that we haven't had a party of our own; for too long that no parties would fight for the interests and rights of Chinese Canadians. Being part of a newer generation of immigrants, we want to work hard for the interests of all Chinese Canadians. We want to tell the world that the Chinese people are smart, united, hardworking and respectable."

He doesn't understand?

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(they do have a Sex Party, at the very least the convention should be good, maybe they can hold it the same time as the Marijuana Party.....now we are talking a good time)

The Sex Party doesn't sound very inclusive. What about the virgins? Maybe someone should start a "Virgin Party of B.C."?

I think they have one already...

They're called Young Conservatives......

I didn't find the young ladies in that party to be particularly virginal when I was there...quite the contrary. The young NDP, on the other hand, hated men, so that didn't make for loose trousers...thank God...have you ever seen a young NDP woman? Yuck!

LOL are you sure they weren't men in drag? The NDP are rather fond of the transvestites as a voting block.

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(they do have a Sex Party, at the very least the convention should be good, maybe they can hold it the same time as the Marijuana Party.....now we are talking a good time)

The Sex Party doesn't sound very inclusive. What about the virgins? Maybe someone should start a "Virgin Party of B.C."?

I think they have one already...

They're called Young Conservatives......

I didn't find the young ladies in that party to be particularly virginal when I was there...quite the contrary. The young NDP, on the other hand, hated men, so that didn't make for loose trousers...thank God...have you ever seen a young NDP woman? Yuck!

LOL are you sure they weren't men in drag? The NDP are rather fond of the transvestites as a voting block.

I don't know...maybe they were men in drag, but I thought it was only women who got those dumbo ear thingies hanging from their triceps. NDP women have those, and just to make things worse they have acne on them to boot. Sometimes you can't see that part though; untrimmed armpit hair hides it well.

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I wonder what part of:

"For so many years that we haven't had a party of our own; for too long that no parties would fight for the interests and rights of Chinese Canadians. Being part of a newer generation of immigrants, we want to work hard for the interests of all Chinese Canadians. We want to tell the world that the Chinese people are smart, united, hardworking and respectable."

He doesn't understand?

I assume then, applying that same standard, that you have a problem with this?:

Why a specifically Christian political party?


Therefore, we saw a great need for a national political party that would encourage Christians to put forward the Biblical perspectives upon which Canada — and indeed, western civilization itself — was founded.

I'm sure you'll start a new thread on how exclusive that political party is :rolleyes:

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I wonder what part of:

"For so many years that we haven't had a party of our own; for too long that no parties would fight for the interests and rights of Chinese Canadians. Being part of a newer generation of immigrants, we want to work hard for the interests of all Chinese Canadians. We want to tell the world that the Chinese people are smart, united, hardworking and respectable."

He doesn't understand?

I believe most ethnically based movements, whether it be this one, the "Hispanic rights" movement in the US, of "Francophone rights" are really about the "rights" of the leaders of these movements to be a big fish in a small pond rather than about the rights of the constituent members of the groups.

Did JFK form a "Catholic" party to become President? Or did Charles Schumer form a "Jewish" party to become a New York senator?

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(they do have a Sex Party, at the very least the convention should be good, maybe they can hold it the same time as the Marijuana Party.....now we are talking a good time)

The Sex Party doesn't sound very inclusive. What about the virgins? Maybe someone should start a "Virgin Party of B.C."?

I think they have one already...

They're called Young Conservatives......

I didn't find the young ladies in that party to be particularly virginal when I was there...quite the contrary. The young NDP, on the other hand, hated men, so that didn't make for loose trousers...thank God...have you ever seen a young NDP woman? Yuck!

I used to date the daughter of a senior Trudea cabinet minister....so I only have her eye witness accounts of crashing young conservative parties

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(they do have a Sex Party, at the very least the convention should be good, maybe they can hold it the same time as the Marijuana Party.....now we are talking a good time)

The Sex Party doesn't sound very inclusive. What about the virgins? Maybe someone should start a "Virgin Party of B.C."?

I think they have one already...

They're called Young Conservatives......

I didn't find the young ladies in that party to be particularly virginal when I was there...quite the contrary. The young NDP, on the other hand, hated men, so that didn't make for loose trousers...thank God...have you ever seen a young NDP woman? Yuck!

I used to date the daughter of a senior Trudea cabinet minister....so I only have her eye witness accounts of crashing young conservative parties

Well, you know why I have eyewitness accounts of them...

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Allowing a group to form a political party based on Religion, race, culture or sex is more socialist stupid idiology, it should not be allowed period. I'd be quite happy to make it illegal, it's called segregation and apartied. I know the Bloc exists but Quebec has never been held accountable to the same high standards as the rest of Canada. They're special.

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