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Stockwell Day

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Yes, that's part of what made it such an infelicious analogy, since The Box only had a coded mover's label on it.

It was actually a felicitous use of the word addressed. If you're gonna try and use the ten-dollar words spell 'em right.

Different professions have conventionally accepted that don't necessarily make sense to people outside the community.

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Yes, that's part of what made it such an infelicious analogy, since The Box only had a coded mover's label on it.

It was actually a felicitous use of the word addressed. If you're gonna try and use the ten-dollar words spell 'em right.

I remember how Ricki Bobbi used to snipe at typos when he'd been thrashed in a discussion.

Wow! that guy was f[RULE VIOLATION]!

Different professions have conventionally accepted that don't necessarily make sense to people outside the community.

Partial measures usually grow but can't always appeal to women over there.

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Figleaf, what does any of this have to do with Stock Day? I am totally losing the connection that this remark has to this thread. Or is this thread just a mindless attack on the CPC? A deflection from the mess the Libs made?

The Libs did stellar work with Sponsorship, the Gun Registry and INAC. (Applause)

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Yes, that's part of what made it such an infelicious analogy, since The Box only had a coded mover's label on it.

You move into an office,on Parliament hill,in a government building,in Ottawa, the nations capitol.There are boxes to be moved from that office, into another office,on Parliament Hill,into another government building,in Ottawa,the Nation's Capitol.

The delivery slip doesn't say Joe's moving company or Holland Moving company, it is a delivery slip that has the House of Commons logo and seal on it.

Who could own this? Does it matter?

Maybe it belongs to someone who works for the House of Commons.

Maybe if you're ethical you would call the House of Commons and tell them they have boxes there,or....maybe not.

Maybe you would move them youself and not tell anyone.

Maybe they have been missing for a year already,and no one but one person really knew where they were....maybe.

Official crest and logo on moving boxes in the House of Commons.

If the boxes had a delivery slip with the Armed Forces seal on it, or the RCMP,or the OPP, or CSIS, would Holland rifle through it to see what was in it, or would he call the proper authorities and notify them it was there?

........that's what I thought.

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If the boxes had a delivery slip with the Armed Forces seal on it, or the RCMP,or the OPP, or CSIS, would Holland rifle through it to see what was in it, or would he call the proper authorities and notify them it was there?

........that's what I thought.

Ah but there was no Armed Forces seal on it, or the RCMP,or the OPP, or CSIS, on the box. And where did Angry get a picture of the delivery slip? Did Mark Holland allow him into his office?

What was left behind proves that this "new" government cannot be trusted.

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What was left behind proves that this "new" government cannot be trusted.

Nor can the opposition that's supposed to be ready to replace it.

Dion needs to keep a tight leash on Holland, he already lost the Liberals their chance at a couple Edmonton seats with his big ignorant mouth.

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What was left behind proves that this "new" government cannot be trusted.

Nor can the opposition that's supposed to be ready to replace it.

Dion needs to keep a tight leash on Holland, he already lost the Liberals their chance at a couple Edmonton seats with his big ignorant mouth.

What did he say?

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What was left behind proves that this "new" government cannot be trusted.

Nor can the opposition that's supposed to be ready to replace it.

Dion needs to keep a tight leash on Holland, he already lost the Liberals their chance at a couple Edmonton seats with his big ignorant mouth.

What did he say?

And where did Angry get the picture that he posted on his blog?

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And where did Angry get the picture that he posted on his blog?

In the video on YouTube the picture of the packing slip is clearly visible. The video was taken when Holland brought the box to the press conference he held on the deal. Maybe angry got it off the video? Held in full public view. With the media invited.

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The Holland issue is separate. Holland has been exposed as a liar and thief, will he get punished for this?

How is he a liar? What mistruth, specifically do you accuse him of?

As to calling him a 'thief', you have not a shred of basis for such a scurrious comment.

Further, I believe that is defamatory and against the rules of this forum. I have reported your post.

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The box was clearly labelled to be moved from the OLO to the PMO.

Look here, Ricki ... simply saying over and over again that the box was "clearly labelled" is NEVER going to change the fact that the label on the box was not, in fact, clear at all.

Furthermore, attacking Holland is NEVER going to change the fact that the fax implicates someone in arranging for a benefit for Hart to resign to make way for Stockwell Day. This is a fact. It's an important fact, that needs to be investigated properly, and for that to happen, Day can't be in charge of the police doing the investigation.

Do you realize that petty, dilatory protestations like your smearing of Holland really just serve to highlight tories' deficient handling of this matter?

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Yes, that's part of what made it such an infelicious analogy, since The Box only had a coded mover's label on it.

You move into an office,on Parliament hill,in a government building,in Ottawa, the nations capitol.There are boxes to be moved from that office, into another office,on Parliament Hill,into another government building,in Ottawa,the Nation's Capitol.

The delivery slip doesn't say Joe's moving company or Holland Moving company, it is a delivery slip that has the House of Commons logo and seal on it.

Who could own this? Does it matter?

Maybe it belongs to someone who works for the House of Commons.

Maybe if you're ethical you would call the House of Commons and tell them they have boxes there,or....maybe not.

Maybe you don't read the label. Maybe the label makes no sense to you. Maybe you feel that after it's hung around for years it doesn't matter to anyone. Maybe you figure if it was confidential, it would SAY so on the box.

Regardless, it's not illegal to open it, and the contents cannot now be ignored. The fax implies a crime may have been committed in arranging for Hart to step aside for Day. This possibilty needs obviously needs a thorough investigation, and for that to be done without conflicts of interest, Day cannot stay in charge during that investigation.

If the boxes had a delivery slip with the Armed Forces seal on it, or the RCMP,or the OPP, or CSIS, would Holland rifle through it to see what was in it, or would he call the proper authorities and notify them it was there?

That's totally beside the point, since the box had NO seal, and all the label said was 320-2 (or whatever).

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And where did Angry get the picture that he posted on his blog?

In the video on YouTube the picture of the packing slip is clearly visible. The video was taken when Holland brought the box to the press conference he held ...

WAIT, so how do we know that the document came from that box??? Holland could simply have used a left-over box for the materials for all you know!

This whole smear Holland campaign has a strong stench of desperation.

Day must step aside and let the proper investigation proceed.

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Maybe you don't read the label. Maybe the label makes no sense to you. Maybe you feel that after it's hung around for years it doesn't matter to anyone. Maybe you figure if it was confidential, it would SAY so on the box.

Regardless, it's not illegal to open it, and the contents cannot now be ignored. The fax implies a crime may have been committed in arranging for Hart to step aside for Day. This possibilty needs obviously needs a thorough investigation, and for that to be done without conflicts of interest, Day cannot stay in charge during that investigation.

If the boxes had a delivery slip with the Armed Forces seal on it, or the RCMP,or the OPP, or CSIS, would Holland rifle through it to see what was in it, or would he call the proper authorities and notify them it was there?

That's totally beside the point, since the box had NO seal, and all the label said was 320-2 (or whatever).

The words House of Commons and a government crest on the delivery slip should be the biggest point.

Seeing this should tell any idiot who sees this, that this is not a box of full of donuts from Timmy's. Although, Holland did think it may contain some sweets.

Maybe you don't read the label. Maybe the label makes no sense to you. Maybe you feel that after it's hung around for years it doesn't matter to anyone. Maybe you figure if it was confidential, it would SAY so on the box.

Maybe if it didn't belong to you, you would have the presence of mind to look at a big yellow label that says House of Commons and draw some reasonable conclusions from what was written on the big yellow label with House of Commons written on it, as to who might know who owns it.

But hey, I guess Holland first must learn to read,then he must be able to assess the situation as to who owns the box, and then he must be ethical enough to return it.

I'm sure Holland did the first two things.

If the label didn't make sense to him, it did make sense enough to him to realise that, in the box, was documents from the former opposition party.

And playing finders keepers, that gave him the right to stick his nose into it,not to see who it belonged to,but to see what he could find.

Such were and still is the ethics of a party who desperately wants so badly to be governing again.

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Folks, the boxes were sealed, with the destination address labeled on them. There was no need to open them. Even if, you Liberals think Holland is that incredibly stupid, he still didn't need to open them. The destination address is on the box! He could've asked someone how to work a map, or called the contractors which move boxes.

Seriously, this isn't rocket science. I've been moved by contractors like this before. Put your old office # on the box and your destination office on the box as well. If there is a problem someone calls the contractors and they make sure the box is delivered. There isn't really any confusion. If a box gets misplaced, the person who finds it notifies the moving company. This isn't too complex, even for an MP.

I don't see how you can argue with this. The destination was on the box. Do you think he's not smart enough to look up the address 320-3? Do you not think he could've called the contractors that move boxes?

Do you really think he is that stupid?

I've even found laptops (in my office building) with less descriptive markings than this and got them returned without feeling the need to turn it on.

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The words House of Commons and a government crest on the delivery slip should be the biggest point.

Seeing this should tell any idiot who sees this, that this is not a box of full of donuts from Timmy's...

Maybe, but it doesn't tell you much more than that. Presumably the exact same Parliament labels were used on the boxes the Liberals moved INto the building.

Maybe if it didn't belong to you, you would have the presence of mind to look at a big yellow label that says House of Commons and draw some reasonable conclusions from what was written on the big yellow label with House of Commons written on it, as to who might know who owns it.

But how would you know whether it belongs to you or not?

But hey, I guess Holland first must learn to read,then he must be able to assess the situation as to who owns the box,

Even assuming he notice it, reading the label wouldn't have told him anything, since all it said was a movers' code. Even if he knew the codes (which is very doubtful) they wouldn't establish who owned the box. And anyway, the box had been abandoned for several years.

MEANWHILE, the fax Holland found still speaks for itself, indicating a strong likelihood of wrongdoing in the way a seat was vacated for Stockwell Day.

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Folks, the boxes were sealed, with the destination address labeled on them.

1. Boxes? Plural now?

2. How do you know they were sealed? What do you even mean by 'sealed'?

3. The label on the box was written in movers' code, with the address consisting of nothing but a four digit number.

There was no need to open them.

Need smeed. It wasn't wrong.

The destination address is on the box!

A cryptic yellow label was on the box, the box that had been abandoned for several years.

Meanwhile, the seat Stockwell Day took over appears to have been vacated by Hart pursuant to the payment of a benefit of a kind seemingly contrary to the Criminal Code. This is the issue that Tory apologists are trying to hide through specious accusations against the whistle-blower.

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Folks, the boxes were sealed, with the destination address labeled on them. There was no need to open them. Even if, you Liberals think Holland is that incredibly stupid, he still didn't need to open them. The destination address is on the box! He could've asked someone how to work a map, or called the contractors which move boxes.

Seriously, this isn't rocket science. I've been moved by contractors like this before. Put your old office # on the box and your destination office on the box as well. If there is a problem someone calls the contractors and they make sure the box is delivered. There isn't really any confusion. If a box gets misplaced, the person who finds it notifies the moving company. This isn't too complex, even for an MP.

I don't see how you can argue with this. The destination was on the box. Do you think he's not smart enough to look up the address 320-3? Do you not think he could've called the contractors that move boxes?

Is it really that unbelievable to think that if you found a box in your own office that it might belong to you or someone you work with?

Wouldn't that be hilarious if Holland called up the delivery company, trying to figure out what to do with the boxes, only to find out that the boxes belonged to a fellow Liberal MP, or staffer? :lol: I'm sure the Liberal-haters out there would jump all over that to try to show how Holland is incompetent.

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You mean the case where the tories knowingly tendered doctored audiotapes to attempt to falsely implicate someone in a crime?

It's surprising a Conservative supporter would bring up that ugly episode.

It was one, as it turns out unstable, Conservative MP. He acted improperly. He was marginalized.

Mark Holland is only one Liberal MP. He acted improperly. He should be marginalized.

It's surprising to you that a Conservative supporter can apply the same level of fairness to cases involving both an opposition party and his own?

Guess that's the Liberals sense of fair play. One set of rules for us. Another for the other guys. :lol:

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You mean the case where the tories knowingly tendered doctored audiotapes to attempt to falsely implicate someone in a crime?

It's surprising a Conservative supporter would bring up that ugly episode.

It was one, as it turns out unstable, Conservative MP.

If only that was true. The timeline of events and statements made by other Conservatives, including Steve, indicated quite clearly that they knew the tapes were not complete yet they allowed the accusations to stand and to continue. It was a shameful episode that turns out to have foreshadowed other cases where Steve and Co. made or allowed scurrilous attacks against fellow Parliamentarians.

Mark Holland is only one Liberal MP. He acted improperly.

:huh: ? What did Holland do wrong?

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