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Harpers Secret Agenda

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What has Steve said:

“What has happened in the past five years? Let me start with the positive side... Universality has been severely reduced: it is virtually dead as a concept in most areas of public policy. The family allowance program has been eliminated and unemployment insurance has been seriously cut back…"

“[T]he breakdown of the consensus that once governed the country is a significant advance.... These achievements are due in part to the Reform Party of Canada and in part to groups like the National Citizens’ Coalition. I think that we have some reason to be hopeful when you look at those things over the past five years.”

On June 14, 1996, Harper used his allocated time in the House of Commons to celebrate the NCC’s successful court challenge to attempt to limit third party spending. He told the House of Commons "we can thank the National Citizens’ Coalition for what is indeed a great victory for freedom in Canada."

Harper continued to use his position as MP to advance policy goals highlighted by the NCC. The July 1995 issue of NCC’s Overview quoted extensively from Harper’s speech in the House on MP pensions and commented "Reform MP Stephen Harper (Calgary West) has been a leading and vocal opponent of the gold-plated MP pension plans ever since the NCC made it an issue."

Some other positions he took in the House that reflected NCC policy include:

• claiming that “market-based or conservative solutions” should be applied to the delivery of postal services in Canada, so that rural services would no longer be subsidized;

• describing the demonstrations and other actions taken in opposition to the Harris government in Ontario as “general thuggery;”

• denouncing efforts to reform election spending rules as "gag" laws;

• calling for smaller government, particularly in the area of social programs;

“Our position generally has been to recognize the need for reduction in the areas of federal transfers and specifically in the area of welfare.”

• demanding an elected Senate;

“We believe the Senate should be elected… it should have full veto powers over legislation and it should be equal. It should have equal representation from every province.”

• denouncing social programs;

“Recently, the Ministry of Finance released a document that showed our unemployment insurance program to be one of the most generous in the world. This can create serious disincentives to upgrade skills, to work and to move to find work.”

• reducing provincial transfer payments;

“…equalization payments should be reduced by about 10 per cent.”

But after only four years in office, on January 14, 1997, Harper decided to take an executive role with the NCC. At the news conference announcing his new position with the NCC, Harper was asked why he would give up the influence he had as "a prominent member of the political party" for a job at the NCC? Harper responded by saying:

"Partisan politics is a difficult endeavor and frankly I'm looking forward to being in a position where I can speak much more independently than I'm able to do as a member of Parliament, I'm looking for an opportunity where I'm not bound by a party line."

Upon taking the position with NCC, Harper stated clearly he had ties with the NCC and it was influential during his tenure as MP.

“I have been an active supporter of the National Citizens’ Coalition for a number of years. This has never been a secret, I’m a strong supporter of the things that it stands for – political and economic freedoms,” he said. “I think I’ve been a spokesperson for those kinds of things during my time in Parliament.”

In 1997, Harper described in more detail the interconnected relationship between himself, the NCC, and the Reform Party:

"At the news conference which announced my appointment as vice-president of The National Citizens’ Coalition, I was asked whether the NCC was really just a branch of The Reform Party. This is a curious question. For 30 years now the NCC has been active in political debate. The Reform Party has been in existence for only the last 10 of those years. It would have been more logical to ask if the Reform Party were a branch of the NCC!…The agenda of the NCC was a guide to me as the founding policy director of Reform…Elected officials are constrained by the need for popularity every four to five years. The average one is consumed by the monthly opinion polls. The really bad ones worry about the approval of every group coming through their offices looking for a handout. Working with you in the NCC provides me with an opportunity to do much more – to fight for basic conservative values of free markets and free elections, whether fashionable at that moment or not…The battle for political and economic freedom will have its victories and its setbacks, as it has in the past. It will never end…and we shall never surrender."

“GLORIA MACARENKO: Stephen Harper, what do you think of a parallel private health care system in Canada?

STEPHEN HARPER / V.P, NATIONAL CITIZENS' COALITION: “Well I think it would be a good idea. I think we're headed in that direction anyway. We're alone among O.E.C.D countries in deciding that we'll have a two-tier system but our second tier will be outside the country where only the very rich and powerful can access it and will be of absolutely no benefit to the Canadian health care system. So I think this has been the wrong way to go. And clearly we're moving in another direction.””

With respect to child poverty, Harper said:

“These proposals included cries for billions of new money for social assistance in the name of “child poverty” and for more business subsidies in the name of “cultural identity”. In both cases I was sought out as a rare public figure to oppose such projects.”

Concerning bilingualism:

“After all, enforced national bilingualism in this country isn’t mere policy. It has attained the status of a religion. It’s a dogma which one is supposed to accept without question. … [M]ake no mistake. Canada is not a bilingual country. In fact it is less bilingual today than it has ever been...As a religion, bilingualism is the god that failed. It has led to no fairness, produced no unity, and cost Canadian taxpayers untold millions.”

On federal-provincial relations:

“If Ottawa giveth, then Ottawa can taketh away… This is one more reason why Westerners, but Albertans in particular, need to think hard about their future in this country. After sober reflection, Albertans should decide that it is time to seek a new relationship with Canada. …Having hit a wall, the next logical step is not to bang our heads against it. It is to take the bricks and begin building another home – a stronger and much more autonomous Alberta. It is time to look at Quebec and to learn. What Albertans should take from this example is to become “maitres chez nous” .

And to clarify Harper later added:

“It is imperative to take the initiative, to build firewalls around Alberta, to limit the extent to which an aggressive and hostile federal government can encroach upon legitimate provincial jurisdiction.”

Regarding protection of human rights:

"Human rights commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society…It is in fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff."

On partisan politics:

"You join a political party if you want to work for a politician; you join the NCC if you want the politician to work for you…The press could have gone one better though. They could have quoted me directly. I have been consistent and unequivocal for a long time now - I have zero interest in leading this new entity or any existing party…I like my job as President of the National Citizens’ Coalition. I think it's important to have an organization dedicated to the NCC's principles and not subject to the pressures of partisan politics. Before the NCC, I spent over 10 years of my life pursuing those principles in partisan politics, including a number of years as the first policy officer of the Reform Party. While I don't regret that at all, I have no desire to do it over again. In fact, there is almost nothing I would rather do less."

The origin of the NCC.... http://www.nupge.ca/news_2004/n08no02a.htm

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Steve is a rude way to refer to the Prime Minister who has repeatedly asked that he be referred to as Stephen.

Interesting how this hidden agenda stuff is three years old.

Didn't work last election. Why would it work now? :lol:

They have to try and keep it going as there isn't much else, especially since it appears that Dion is the one to be weally weally scared of.

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"...he was just concerned about Canada...someone who loves his country..."

Shame he can't say it.

What i found was that Harper was a Liberal until Trudeau did something to change his mind. So Harper has been a Liberal, Reformer, Alliance leader and now a Conservative. So when is he going to become a NDP and a Green party member? Now was he a person trying to find himself or a person with an agenda for the country which can only be achieved by being PM?? Give this guy a majority, EVER and you may regret it like the people of the US are.

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Interesting people the neo-cons tied to Harper and the CPC. And again what are our military really doing in Afghanistan?

Sibel Edmonds' case is about the intersection of illegal arms trafficking, heroin trafficking, money laundering, terrorist activities and the corruption of many "highly-recognizable, highly-known names" in and around the US government. Sibel says that the people involved will go straight to prison if we can get hearings into her case. Richard Perle, in prison. Douglas Feith, in prison. Dennis Hastert, in prison. Marc Grossman, in prison.

Drug Trafficking.

As I document in "Sibel Edmonds & the Neocons' Turkish Gravy-Train," Afghanistan supplies almost 90% of the world's heroin, and most of that goes straight to Turkey where it is processed, packaged, warehoused, and then re-exported to other countries for final consumption. Turkey supplies approximately 80% of Europe's heroin, and 15% of heroin in the US - worth approximately $40 billion at street prices.

Turkey is widely acknowledged to be controlled by a "Deep State." In 1996, a deadly car crash at a place called Susurluk blew this out into the open. In the car were four people who probably shouldn't have been in the car together:

...Pay attention here, because the ATC is where the worlds of the MIC and the heroin trafficking collide. One of the key Turkish interfaces at the ATC is the Turkish Generals - people that Giraldi says own a stake in the companies through which the military spending is channeled. As described earlier, these exact same people, the Turkish Deep State, also control much of the global heroin market. In between the MIC and the heroin traffickers - are the"neoconservatives (who) distort US foreign policy and enrich themselves at the same time."

....Those 'same people' - at least on the American side - according to Giraldi, appear to be Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Marc Grossman, Eric Edelman, and Stephen Solarz. It appears that we can also add William Cohen and Joseph Ralston - and Dennis Hastert - to that roster, and I'm sure there are a few more that haven't yet been publicly identified.

If what Sibel says is true, and her claims are all backed by documents and wiretaps, and also backed up by other agents who have filed similar complaints, and are ready and willing to testify. All of these people should be in jail. For a long, long time.


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Oh righ,t daily kos and oh those 'ties' that bind LOL not mention a good dose of Of Hypocrisy

By Patrick Goodenough

CNSNews.com Commentary

March 09, 2007

(Contains language that may be offensive to some readers.)

(CNSNews.com) - The left-wing Daily Kos blog has been driving a campaign to have companies pull ads from Ann Coulter's website after the conservative author used a slur in a recent speech, but leftist websites -- including Daily Kos -- have themselves used the offending word in the past.

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Stephen Harper is a neocon.

Ron Pauls speech to congress outlines the neocon agenda in totality - names, history, philosophy.

Its on Alex Jones today. Its the most important speech I have ever heard. For some reason it is not on Ron Pauls site.

For those that wondered what Harpers secret agenda is, its all laid out for you in this speech.

Only one party in recent years has had a 'hidden agenda.' It was about staying in power at all costs, whether it was politicizing issues such as health care, laundering money or just getting friends rich through the awarding of contracts. They betrayed taxpayers time and time again, yet some are so loyal to their brand, they'll never see it.

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What i found was that Harper was a Liberal until Trudeau did something to change his mind. So Harper has been a Liberal, Reformer, Alliance leader and now a Conservative. So when is he going to become a NDP and a Green party member? Now was he a person trying to find himself or a person with an agenda for the country which can only be achieved by being PM?? Give this guy a majority, EVER and you may regret it like the people of the US are.

So you are saying the Reform, Alliance and Conservatives are all totally separate and distinct parties?

A charge of flip-flopping in this case is pretty weak...

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What i found was that Harper was a Liberal until Trudeau did something to change his mind. So Harper has been a Liberal, Reformer, Alliance leader and now a Conservative. So when is he going to become a NDP and a Green party member? Now was he a person trying to find himself or a person with an agenda for the country which can only be achieved by being PM?? Give this guy a majority, EVER and you may regret it like the people of the US are.

Harper's parent's were Trudeau Liberal's, thus as in many cases the parent's politics are sometimes akin to the children's. Later on he became more conservative, and was involved with the Progressive Conservatives, and then Reform, later on the Alliance, and now the Conservatives. As far as I can tell he for the most part has been a conservative, and his politics haven't really been akin to the NDP and Green. It really isn't much of a concern since the Reform party morphed into the Alliance, which joined with the PC's. So anyway you look at it, he has for most of his life been a conservative.

Either way, I love how people twist information to fit their own scewered view of the world.

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Oh righ,t daily kos and oh those 'ties' that bind LOL not mention a good dose of Of Hypocrisy

By Patrick Goodenough

CNSNews.com Commentary

March 09, 2007

(Contains language that may be offensive to some readers.)

(CNSNews.com) - The left-wing Daily Kos blog has been driving a campaign to have companies pull ads from Ann Coulter's website after the conservative author used a slur in a recent speech, but leftist websites -- including Daily Kos -- have themselves used the offending word in the past.

Good for daily Kos for trying to get advertisers to stop supporting Coulter, but this is about neo-cons being tied to world herion dealing, what do you have to say about that?

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- he was just concerned about Canada...someone who loves his country.

Name a politician who isn't just concerned about Canada

I don't recall, during the entire time in office of the Liberals, that they evidenced any care about anything but their own well-being. Whenever it came to a question of what was good for Canada, as opposed to what was good for the Liberals, well, there was just no question. Screw Canada. They did what was good for themselves.

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I don't recall, during the entire time in office of the Liberals, that they evidenced any care about anything but their own well-being. Whenever it came to a question of what was good for Canada, as opposed to what was good for the Liberals, well, there was just no question. Screw Canada. They did what was good for themselves.

Oh please. Forget lyin' Brian?

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What i found was that Harper was a Liberal until Trudeau did something to change his mind. So Harper has been a Liberal, Reformer, Alliance leader and now a Conservative. So when is he going to become a NDP and a Green party member? Now was he a person trying to find himself or a person with an agenda for the country which can only be achieved by being PM?? Give this guy a majority, EVER and you may regret it like the people of the US are.

Ronald Reagan, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Paul Wolfowitz and Rudolph Giuliani were all liberal Democrats. What's your problem with people absorbing information and growing up? As Churchill said, and I'm paraphrasing, he who's not a liberal at age 20 has no heart, he who's still a liberal at age 40 has no head.

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- he was just concerned about Canada...someone who loves his country.

Name a politician who isn't just concerned about Canada

I don't recall, during the entire time in office of the Liberals, that they evidenced any care about anything but their own well-being. Whenever it came to a question of what was good for Canada, as opposed to what was good for the Liberals, well, there was just no question. Screw Canada. They did what was good for themselves.

If that were true.... how come Steve has been touring the country re-announcing Liberal spending programs? Doesn't this make Steve the biggest flip-flopper? Anyone wondering why those Liberal programs were never implemented... it's because Steve cut them as soon as he was elected as the "new" government. (Everytime I type or hear "new" I have to laugh) He cut billions of dollars in programs, only to reintroduce them a year later while lying about who created them. This make Steve the biggest hypocrite ever.

Actually this is something to whisper in Steve's ear.... Canadians want honest government.

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Oh please. Forget lyin' Brian?

Selling Petrocan = good for Canada.

GST = good for Canada.

FTA and NAFTA = good for Canada.

Changes to the regulatory environment and cuts in the size of the civil service that made the budget surpluses of the late 90s and today possible = good for Canada.

You forget Mulroney's ego needed a postal code, and he even claimed he was the greatest Prime Minister since John A. MacDonald. His GST was totally unnecessary, his Meech Lake accord a total flop, as was his NAFTA sellout. IMV he was the most arrogant and dishonest PM since MacDonald. At least with Trudeau you knew where he stood on issues. Mulroney would just as soon stab you in the back.

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Mulroney brought us to the brink of bankruptcy in 1993. We would have had to sell off most of our natural resources ala Africa if not for Chretein and Martin. Our tax base today is bolstered by mining and oil companies appreciating and being taken over. This wouldn't be the case if Mulroney remained in power for literally one or two more years.

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Mulroney brought us to the brink of bankruptcy in 1993. We would have had to sell off most of our natural resources ala Africa if not for Chretein and Martin. Our tax base today is bolstered by mining and oil companies appreciating and being taken over. This wouldn't be the case if Mulroney remained in power for literally one or two more years.

you're on glue. anyone who credits lower budget deficits - or even surpluses to Chretien or Paul Martin obviously hasn't considered the obvious.

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So Harper has been a Liberal, Reformer, Alliance leader and now a Conservative. So when is he going to become a NDP and a Green party member?

I never thought about it like that!

You may have a point about the full swing, but for the time being he seems to be going one notch to the right each time..... and before swinging around 180 the next stop after conservatism is unfortunately Fascism. :(

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