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Bush says Iran is source of Deadly Bombs

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The same way Quebec is a threat to the ROC by perpetually carrying an eternal grudge.

I think Quebec separation is a legitimate existensial threat to Canada (given that, if it happened, the political entity of Canada as we know it would cease to exist). But Quebec separation poses no threat to our collective existence or our way of life. Radical Islam is even less of a threat. It cannot overthrow our system. It cannot redraw our political boundaries. It does not have the means to physically eradicate us. The best it can do is chip away at us through 9-11 style terrorist attacks (which, in the grand scheme of things, amount to little more than annoyances) in the hopes that we destroy our way of life ourselves through security-inspired rollbacks of individual freedoms or surrender our base instincts for bloodlust and revenge. Ironically, the latter result is far more likely to happen under the guidance of people like you and jbg.

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I think Quebec separation is a legitimate existensial threat to Canada (given that, if it happened, the political entity of Canada as we know it would cease to exist). But Quebec separation poses no threat to our collective existence or our way of life.

Civil war could pose a threat to our collective existence as would the undesirable effects concerning a nasty separation.

Radical Islam is even less of a threat. It cannot overthrow our system. It cannot redraw our political boundaries. It does not have the means to physically eradicate us.

It has the capabilities to induce world disorder, with the end result being large scale disaster.

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Civil war could pose a threat to our collective existence as would the undesirable effects concerning a nasty separation.

Civil war between Quebec and the rest of Canada is highly, highly unlikely.

It has the capabilities to induce world disorder, with the end result being large scale disaster.

Disorder and chaos are undesirable and dangerous, certainly. And radical Islam has the capacity to stir up both. But the west, and north AMerica in particular, is pretty well insulated from most of that. Europe's in a bit tighter spot, being closer tro the chaos, but at the same time, I'm not seeing much of a strategythat willa ctually reduce the degree of chaos. For example, one popular course of action (bombing Iran) would forment, not prevent, the spread of chaos.

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The best it can do is chip away at us through 9-11 style terrorist attacks (which, in the grand scheme of things, amount to little more than annoyances) in the hopes that we destroy our way of life ourselves through security-inspired rollbacks of individual freedoms or surrender our base instincts for bloodlust and revenge. Ironically, the latter result is far more likely to happen under the guidance of people like you and jbg.

If it can replace the normal rhythms of life in big cities with an atmosphere of perpetual panic and danger it can cut productivity enough that our standard of living and basic freedoms would be threatened. It is, I agree, more a death of a thousand cuts than a death from any one attack.

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If it can replace the normal rhythms of life in big cities with an atmosphere of perpetual panic and danger it can cut productivity enough that our standard of living and basic freedoms would be threatened. It is, I agree, more a death of a thousand cuts than a death from any one attack.

This happens only if we allow it to happen by giving in to fear and paranoia.

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It is, I agree, more a death of a thousand cuts than a death from any one attack.

What surprises me is how content the terrorists seem to be to let us undermine ourselves at our own pace. If they were on a more intensive timeline, I'd expect to see them take a lot of quick shots at secondary but expensive targets ... tranportation infrastructure, public services, etc. Not for body count, but for maximum multiplier-effect cost.

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"Mr. Bush said it had been established beyond a doubt that a branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps known as the Quds Force is supplying Shiite groups inside Iraq with particularly deadly, Iranian-designed weapons known as explosively formed penetrators, or E.F.P.s."

"“I intend to do something about it,” Mr. Bush said.



Could this indicate the beginning of a war with Iran?

aaahh, the "Bu*hit", never ceases.

perhaps he is using that "conspiracy generator", scribblett, put a link to , far too often. LOL!

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well, Bush says does? Just like he said so about Iraq, and lied then too.

I am of course on the other side of this debate from you and Black Dog most times, but on this one although I am a supporter of the US, I am very skeptical of anything Bush says for the same reasons you are. It hink a lot of people are regardless of their political take.

Do I think Iran is supporting terrorists in Iraq, yes. I also think so are the Russians, Chinese, Saudis, and many others.

I think it sobvious Iran would love to annex the South and the Kurds would love to start their own country in the North leaving the Sunni middle with no resources of any kind to flap in the wind.

Turkey will go to war before it allows a Kurd nation, and Iran is an enemy of the Kurds too so those too basically mean no Kurd nation.

Down South the US does not want the Iranians getting the oil rich South but China and Russia are pushing the Iranians along for self-serving reasons.

I personally believe Bush is a nut case and would start another war if he could only I am not so sure the British would go along with it this time and don't kid yourself, Israel has no interest in any war with Iran they just want some sort of guarantee no nuclear missile can be launched.

Israeli articles are interesting because while you people in the West think they puppet the US they do not and are worried that John Wayne grand-standing could incite that nut case in Iran to do something stupid with the one or two nuclear missiles he may have (if they work).

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If it can replace the normal rhythms of life in big cities with an atmosphere of perpetual panic and danger it can cut productivity enough that our standard of living and basic freedoms would be threatened. It is, I agree, more a death of a thousand cuts than a death from any one attack.

Well this is all you hear about on the news is terrorism/terrorist/freedoms/ ect. More people get killing in a year in car crashes than by terrorist attacks. So on the scale of things, terrorism is not a major cause of suffering around the planet. The media always potrays 'imminent danger' and so do the politicians. They WANT you to be scared, they WANT you to not be productive. Stop listening to this and you will lead a normal life and a good chance you will never personaly witness a terrorist attack. They want you to always look over your shoulder, Those in power want to control you by fear. And it is working on you.

Your basic freedoms are being threatened from your own government, not terrorists. The terrorists did not make the laws that govern your freedom.


Do I think Iran is supporting terrorists in Iraq, yes. I also think so are the Russians, Chinese, Saudis, and many others.

Chinese are supporting terrorists in Iraq? Can you explain how? I doubt the weapons are comming from Iran, good chance they are old Russian bombs or even US bombs that were sold to Iraq and Iran back in the 80's. Remember the US has had arms deals with BOTH countries. So it is hypocritical to say that Iran is making the bombs for terrotists in Iraq.


What I meant to say was that, the media has said the bombs were of an Iranian design. I recall the way the fins were described was a key in identifying these as Iranian. Also the reports of IEDs from Iran. Any ways I have posted the links in this thread to the pics of the bombs, but it may have been taken down by now.

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I would like to see some actual evidence of this celiphate and the Muslims being out to kill or control us. I see no evidence. All I see is the most ridiculous assertion that I have ever heard in my life.

The only evidence of celiphate I know of is some Zionist controlled presstitutes saying it exists.

PN, can you defacate elsewhere? It is quite obvious what the intention or radical Islam is. Putting aside WTC, where your meds don't seem to be working, what about the London Subway? What were those riders doing to hurt Islam? Or train commuters in Spain, Or Aussie tourists in Bali?

Why, PN, do these people have to die? When will you ever learn?

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I would like to see some actual evidence of this celiphate and the Muslims being out to kill or control us. I see no evidence. All I see is the most ridiculous assertion that I have ever heard in my life.

The only evidence of celiphate I know of is some Zionist controlled presstitutes saying it exists.

PN, can you defacate elsewhere? It is quite obvious what the intention or radical Islam is. Putting aside WTC, where your meds don't seem to be working, what about the London Subway? What were those riders doing to hurt Islam? Or train commuters in Spain, Or Aussie tourists in Bali?

Why, PN, do these people have to die? When will you ever learn?

Alqueda, had nothing to do with the Spanish bombings. Just to let you know.

"It is quite obvious what the intention or radical Islam is."

Is it???

IMO, it isn't.

How is it, that it is so obvious to you?

In reality, there are about 1 billion followers of Islam world wide, just going about there lives.

Yet, you make the claim the CRIMINAL acts of a few men ,CRIMINALS, is evidence that Muslims are out to kill and control, the entire western world?????

Is that rational??

or xenophobic???

isn't it the west, that has launched NUMEROUS WARS, against the arab populations, going back to Britian, and forward to the US???

If I recall my history correctly, and I am sure I can, YES, YES it was!

Overthrowing governments, waging war , invading, occupying, all through the ME, has been done repeatedly by the west.

You do know Britian invaded Iraq previously also???

You do know the US with the help of Britian overthrew the democratically elected leader of Iran in the '50's?

You do know that the US props up the despotic saudi regime, against the will of the populace?

Just to cite a few instances.

How do you think those hostilities, and others, have been interpreted by people in the ME?

How do you think the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq are being interpreted by the people in ME?

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jbg:what about the London Subway? What were those riders doing to hurt Islam? Or train commuters in Spain, Or Aussie tourists in Bali?

The London 7/7 bombings had the authorities regearsing the exact same attack that morning. The bus that blew up was ordered off route by the police. How often do buses get taken off route by the police ?

The actual explosion came from underneath the train not inside it.

The Spainish and Bali attacks can also be shown to be inside job in one case and admitted not AlQuaeda in another. This is why the governments stopped doing terrorist attacks. People are starting to figure it out.

When are you going to start looking at actual evidence instead of believing every single thing they tell you on Fox and the Controlled News Network ?

Terrorism always has been and always will be government sponsored to scare populations into war. Its true with Hitler (Reichtag). Nero's Rome , even Pearl Harbour was LIHOP. If you don't know what LIHOP means then you should strat reading non controlled press.

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jbg: It is quite obvious what the intention or radical Islam is.

You think islam is trying to take over the world but you cannot back this up in any way other than refering to Zionist controlled pressitutes.

If the Muslims were trying to take over the world why does our establishment let them have positions of leadership ? Why do we let them in ? How do they know Obama won't push the button on Israel ?

Why is the Mexican border open ?

Why is Haliburton moving to Dubai ?

You believe exactly what the establishment wants you to believe without questioning the fact that Fox news exists, the Pentagon spends 1.5 billion dollars on shaping your beliefs.

I've read establishment books- Bob Woodward & Galbraith recently - why don't you watch 911 Mysteries ? Terrorstorm ? These movies do nothing but present hard evidence & historical fact. Do they scare you ?

Have you read Clash Of Civilizations ? Did you hear what Brezsinzki said to congress lately ? His words illustrate that 911 was an inside job. It is infered from the words of his speech. Brzezinski

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I am not goiong to bother addressing those posts. I am tired of the obvious being ignored to make a fallacious point.

You are not going to respond to my numerous inquiries, why?

How many permanent military bases is the US building in iraq?


How many???

have you missed the news on the very generous oil deal , big American and British companies worked out for themselves, with Iraq's oil???

Stealing the resources, right out from under the feet of the people, they are slaughtering.

The obvious is only being ignored by yourself.

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Can lawyers just run out of the court room when they can't make an arguement ? Or do they just conduct their business outside the courts this way ?
No, the Judge cuts off repetitive arguments.
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