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Well first off I am new here, first time starting a topic, and I think I have about 5 posts.

Already I have learned to always site my sources or the debate goes long and useless.

What I have also noticed is how many people say they agree with one party a little bit, another a little bit more and so on. No one really supports one party fully, they all go with the lesser of the two (or three) evils.

What I am hoping for from this topic is some insite into what other Canadians stand for. If you ran a political party, what would its priorities be? If you only like 30% of the Liberals policies, 20% of the NDP's policies, and say 40% of the CPC's policies, what would be the ultimate party for you?

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1. building the most efficent economy in the world. (no party cares about this)

2. removing carcinogens from our environment that will kill all of us. (maybe the NDP)

3. allowing options in health care and letting the market improve the system. (no party will admit this)

4. bringing more representation to Canada through more powerful provinces. (Bloc Quebecois?)

5. reducing the crime on our streets, creating a safe and secure place for people to live. (finally a CPC area)

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Health care/Health Research

Democratic Reform


Less Government waste/lower taxes

Anti-war (unless justified, like Afghanistan)

Small government (eg. legalize marijuna, pro-choice)


Not necessarily in that order, but more or less.

My policies would cross party lines. I like the democratic reform of the Reform Party, Economic policies of the Liberals or Progressive Conservatives, the rest on the list would fit in with either the Liberals or the NDP.

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gc1765's list is pretty vague but I would agree with most of them in general. More an issue of how to accomplish those goals and which is the most important.

Health care/Health Research

Democratic Reform


Less Government waste/lower taxes

Anti-war (unless justified, like Afghanistan)

Small government (eg. legalize marijuna, pro-choice)


For me democratic reform means a reformed senate.

Equality means no special status for any province or group. No distinct society. Affirmative action in very limited circumstances and it should not be part of the charter of rights.

I get a chuckle out of people saying they like the old PCs. The CPC is far closer to the old PCs than anything else out there now. Remember who brought us the FTA and NAFTA.

Completely agreed on the war, and yes Afghanistan is justified.

I agree with legalizing marijuana and am pro-choice.

Everybody thinks education is a good thing.

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What would you say are the greatest loop holes in our democracy and how would you fix them?

I would propose using the Instant Runoff voting system . It would allow the emergence of other parties, and getting us away from a 3-party system where we vote for the least undesirable option. It could also mean that parties could nominate more than one candidate in a riding, and thus the voters, and not just party members, could vote for the best candidate for a particular party, not just the candidate that the party happened to nominate.

I also might be interested in an elected senate, or abolishing the senate....although it's hard to say for certain if that's a good idea or not.

There's probably a few other things that could be done, although I can't think of any right now. If I were actually in power, I would certainly spend more time thinking about possible changes.

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1. building the most efficent economy in the world. (no party cares about this)

How do you presume we do that?

Your new here so I'll forgive you for not knowing how I'd presume to do that (kidding)!

Some steps:

1) Seriously reduce corporate income tax or eliminate it outright

2) Remove foreign ownership restrictions, especially on transportation and media

3) Seriously reducing the ability for able-bodied people to not work... ie. cut their welfare to just above starvation and homelessness.

4) Provide major tax incentives to people that start and operate small-businesses, an essiential element to our future economic strength.

5) Remove any additional tax on investment income over and above standard income tax rates.

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In that order or were you just putting them down?

And what sort of actions would you want to see in fixing out environment and making a sustainable economy?

You never asked that we expand on them in your original question. You asked to list them. What would yours be?

My priorities. I agree with democratic reform. I definately believe in reforming the senate, where there is equal representation from everywhere in Canada, including the territories. I also am big on fixing healthcare. I have no idea how, but it needs to be fixed. I believe in a strong military, not necessarily for offensive purpuses but for peaceful and defensive purposes. Environment is growing on me as well. At first it wasn't too much a concern. But the more i read and an knowledgable about the problems that are occuring hte more I want it to be addressed.

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I get a chuckle out of people saying they like the old PCs. The CPC is far closer to the old PCs than anything else out there now. Remember who brought us the FTA and NAFTA.

The old PCs didn't raise my taxes (and since I'm relatively young, I am talking about post-Mulroney PC), and I would hope that they would have done the opposite (of course that's impossible to say since they haven't been in power in recent times)....and I think NAFTA is a good thing.

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My priorities. I agree with democratic reform. I definately believe in reforming the senate, where there is equal representation from everywhere in Canada, including the territories. I also am big on fixing healthcare. I have no idea how, but it needs to be fixed. I believe in a strong military, not necessarily for offensive purpuses but for peaceful and defensive purposes. Environment is growing on me as well. At first it wasn't too much a concern. But the more i read and an knowledgable about the problems that are occuring hte more I want it to be addressed.

So the Yukon should have as many Senators as Ontario? Nunavut as many as Alberta?

Interesting. Can't see it ever happening, but I sorta see your logic.

Won't happen because the Territories have no official role in Constitutional reform.

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My priorities. I agree with democratic reform. I definately believe in reforming the senate, where there is equal representation from everywhere in Canada, including the territories. I also am big on fixing healthcare. I have no idea how, but it needs to be fixed. I believe in a strong military, not necessarily for offensive purpuses but for peaceful and defensive purposes. Environment is growing on me as well. At first it wasn't too much a concern. But the more i read and an knowledgable about the problems that are occuring hte more I want it to be addressed.

So the Yukon should have as many Senators as Ontario? Nunavut as many as Alberta?

Interesting. Can't see it ever happening, but I sorta see your logic.

Won't happen because the Territories have no official role in Constitutional reform.

I know what you mean. But we elect the house of commons by population. each riding has approxiametly the same amount of people in it. well i think the senate would better show the democraphic differences in Canada if it had an equal amount of senators from all regions.

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1) Seriously reduce corporate income tax or eliminate it outright

If they want to enjoy the benefits of being a corporation, why shouldn't they pay more taxes? Obviously there is enough incentive to incorporate, otherwise businesses wouldn't do it (even the small business who do not do it for capital, but for limited liability).

4) Provide major tax incentives to people that start and operate small-businesses, an essiential element to our future economic strength.

Doesn't that go against #1? If a small business can't compete against a corporation that pays corporate taxes, how are they going to compete against a corporation that doesn't pay taxes?

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1) Reform of the health system

- we need a European model of health care which allows for private care options.

- the gov't should get out of the business of delivering health care and operate solely as a insurance provider.

2) Immigration reform

- too many unskilled family class immigrants

- refugees should be kept in detention until their claims are heard

- skilled immigrants need more support find jobs.

- repeal rule that allows anyone born in Canada to claim citizenship

3) Require provinces to collect their taxes instead of letting the feds do it;

- reduce federal income tax and transfer payments - increase provincial taxes to compensate.

- keep the same mix of taxation types

4) Sentencing reform

- need a mandatory drug rehab option for addicts that commit crimes.

- need tougher sentences for violent crimes

- rapes and attacks that cause permanent disability should be treated the same a murder;

5) Education

- more funding for universities, colleges and apprenticeship programs.

6) Environment

- make meeting Kyoto provincial responsibilty

- start planning for the consequences of global warming (build dykes, conserve water, upgrade utility infrastructure)

- adopt european product labelling standards

7) Military

- increase funding for personal and equipment

- get out of Afghanistan unless NATO and Pakistan start pulling their weight

- recognize the northwest passage as international shipping lane through Canada's internal waters

8) Aboriginal

- revive the Kelowna accord with its focus on outcomes instead rights

- activately engage aboriginal groups that take a pragmatic approach to resolving treaty issues

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I know what you mean. But we elect the house of commons by population. each riding has approxiametly the same amount of people in it. well i think the senate would better show the democraphic differences in Canada if it had an equal amount of senators from all regions.

That's a far cry from reality.

Cardigan in PEI had 27,411 electors last January.

Nunavut had 17,088 electors last January.

Trinity Spadina in Toronto had 74,409 electors last January.

Edmonton Centre had 89,197 electors last January.

Real democratic reform would deal with these differences...

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In that order or were you just putting them down?

And what sort of actions would you want to see in fixing out environment and making a sustainable economy?


A whole industry can be made out of environmental changes that would sustain the environment and help the economy. First; with wind, solar, and wave means of developing power.

Industries using hydo,or fossil fuels to operate, that release heat admissions as part of their processing could be tied to green houses and food producers in northern climates to grow produce closer to destination points or at destination points. I.e. pulp mills release huge amounts of heat that can, and is being used to heat green houses, and it could be done on a larger scale with investment and support.

This would cut down gas emissions from transporting produce, which is actually significant emissions, utilize lost heat/energy into the enivironment. It would also cut down on food costs and road repairs.

Put more money into recycling and recycling plants making the transportation and the separation more efficient. This is an industry that can gro faster than it is, there are many studies on this out there.

Insure that industries are compliant with world environmental policies. Markets are lost because industry are not complying. Esp the forest industry.

Encourage the use of rail transport over that of long distance truck hauling by giving incentives to companies than can use rail as opposed to trucks.

There are so many ways.

Health Care

Get the College of Physicians and Surgeons out of the buiness of who says who can be Drs in Canada or not.

Get more Nurse Pratictioners out into the out laying areas these would be in place of,or assisting Drs on a greater scale than regular Nurses can.

Focus more on holistic health.

Stop spending so much on administratative costs cut down on levels of admins and admin areas

Regulate toxic foods and products better.

Fund families so they can look after loved ones at home instead of institutions and hospitals

Focus more on home care and put more resources there as opposed to hospitals and facilities.

Have a national day care program so that health care professionals that work shift work can actually get child care to meet their needs.

Take ALL money from the military and put it into health care, the environment education and treaty ratification.

Stop corporate welfare at all levels of government.

Stop paying seniors OAS who do not need it. And watch those who are on the cusp of not needing it to see if they go our of country longer than a month, if they do revoke it.

Stop giving MP and MLA's pensions who are there shorter times than 10 -15 years.


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1. building the most efficent economy in the world. (no party cares about this)

How do you presume we do that?

Your new here so I'll forgive you for not knowing how I'd presume to do that (kidding)!

Some steps:

1) Seriously reduce corporate income tax or eliminate it outright

2) Remove foreign ownership restrictions, especially on transportation and media

3) Seriously reducing the ability for able-bodied people to not work... ie. cut their welfare to just above starvation and homelessness.

4) Provide major tax incentives to people that start and operate small-businesses, an essiential element to our future economic strength.

5) Remove any additional tax on investment income over and above standard income tax rates.

1--Why? Corporations aren't known as public benefactors unless there are good publicity results.

2--So when the foreign owner hits hard times your jobs go first.

3--Also known as indentured servitude, quite popular in the 1600s I believe.

4--Who would work for them? Under your system starting a business would be more beneficial than working for someone else.

5--In the end who would be paying taxes? Not corporations,or small business or the rich.


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My top priorities are:

1) Environment (because it will become the Achilles heel the economy, global stability, and quality of life)

- throw out the oil industry's representatives from the White House and 24 Sussex,

- implement stricter laws on all forms of pollution and actually enforce them,

- implement Kyoto and go beyond,

- implement strict regulations and strive for energy efficiency + graduated increases in energy taxes

2) Education (because high-skilled labour is our only advantage over developing countries and we shouldn't let them surpass us)

- invest in all levels of education by redirecting funds from wasteful benefit programs such as the OAS, UCCB, and wasteful shopping sprees by the military

3) Strengthen Canada politically and economically (because running 13 parallel systems is inefficient)

- give the federal government more control and the provinces less control

- remove professional and other barriers to movement of labour across the provinces

- centralize programs such as health-care and education for gains in efficiency (larger scale of operations and eliminating duplication)

4) Health Care (because it is the largest drain on the economy and will only get worse)

- give more control of the system to government and less to the medical associations

- increase the number of doctors and nurses by raising additional funds though taxes and low user fees (which will also provide disincentive to go to the doctor for a runny nose)

- apply stricter controls on the cost of medications

- centralize the system for larger scale of operations, elimination of duplication and minimization of administrative costs and for removing barriers to movement of medical workers

- keep private providers, private insurance and other leeches down to a minimum

5) Debt (because it will be a huge drag in addition to the costs associated with a large number of retirees)

- just pay the damned federal and provincial debt down instead of cutting taxes further and further below the rates of neighbouring provinces and states

6) Infrastructure (because it is essential for a healthy economy)

- invest in infrastructure as the $93 billion infrastructure deficit is growing and will eventually become a major drain on the economy

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