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American Football

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Feel free to disagree, feel free to tell me I'm off my rocker, but your condescension is not needed. I understand football very well, thank you.

My condescension is not needed? :huh:

About the timing and pacing of the game, baseball is nine innings. Football is the only sport where the last three minutes last a full hour. Dull.

I watched all four games this weekend. The last three minutes of playing time in none of them came anywhere an hour. Any examples of these mythical hour-long final three minute games?

The average playing time for an NFL game is 3:06. That includes half-time with entertainment for the fans. Here's the link. How could they do that with the last three minutes lasting and hour?

You still haven't explained the crumbling to the ground comment.

Oh, and if I were to be half as humorless as you, and take every post as seriously as you've taken my own expression of my own opinion, I'd point out that the proper spelling is "you're [not even consistent with your criticism]," not "your". But then, I have a sense of humor and would never be so petty. Lighten up, Francis.

It was your mischaracterization of the game I took issue with. If you are going to state an objection to the game at least make them reasonable.

Humourless? Seems like posting on a thread to beliitle the interests of other posters on the thread is a real fun thing to do! :lol:

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The colts/patriots game is lining up to be something special. Could be the game of the year.

I'm pulling for New Orleans in Chicago - and I think they will win.

Don't know why, but I'm still not sold on the bears.

Agreed about the AFC game.

Tom Brady turned it around in the second half of the Chargers game.

I'm going with the Pats. Head's up in a pressure game he has done it and Manning hasn't. The adjustments they made at half time were great. The composure he showed under pressure proved to me his healthy and in teh right state of mind.

I think you are 100% right about the Bears. Rex Grossman??? The Seahawks did not play very well at all and the Bears just squeaked it out.

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I watched all four games this weekend. The last three minutes of playing time in none of them came anywhere an hour. Any examples of these mythical hour-long final three minute games?

The average playing time for an NFL game is 3:06. That includes half-time with entertainment for the fans. Here's the link. How could they do that with the last three minutes lasting and hour?

:rolleyes: ... you're being so literal. Fine, there has never been a game where the final three minutes took sixty minutes, I admit that was what I considered a fairly obvious exaggeration on my part. However, by your own admission, football is a game where four 15 minute quarters plus a twenty minute half time run in excess of three hours. Nearly two thirds of the time it takes for a game to run its course is spent without any game play. Some people may find that exciting. I find it dull and tedious when attending an NFL game.

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The colts/patriots game is lining up to be something special. Could be the game of the year.

I'm pulling for New Orleans in Chicago - and I think they will win.

Don't know why, but I'm still not sold on the bears.

Agreed about the AFC game.

Tom Brady turned it around in the second half of the Chargers game.

I'm going with the Pats. Head's up in a pressure game he has done it and Manning hasn't. The adjustments they made at half time were great. The composure he showed under pressure proved to me his healthy and in teh right state of mind.

I think you are 100% right about the Bears. Rex Grossman??? The Seahawks did not play very well at all and the Bears just squeaked it out.

I heard Hasslebeck just revealed he played the last 2 weeks of the season with broken digits.

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:rolleyes: ... you're being so literal.

My condescension is not needed?

Fine, there has never been a game where the final three minutes took sixty minutes, I admit that was what I considered a fairly obvious exaggeration on my part. However, by your own admission, football is a game where four 15 minute quarters plus a twenty minute half time run in excess of three hours. Nearly two thirds of the time it takes for a game to run its course is spent without any game play. Some people may find that exciting. I find it dull and tedious when attending an NFL game.

You've been to an NFL game? Where? When?

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Clock management is an important part of football. A team's ability to squeeze a lot of plays into the final 2 minutes, or their ability to make the final 2 minutes vanish, is an element of strategy. And it doesn't take that long. If a team has all 3 time outs, plus the 2 minute warning, that's, what, 3 minutes extra? And if they're doing that, it's because they want to score, and will probably run a lot of quick plays and maybe a hurry-up offense during their possession. The one thing that bugs me right now is the video reviews. It seems like every critical moment of the game, out comes the red flag and a lengthy video review. Like the way goal reviews were in the NHL a few years ago, when almost every goal was reviewed because the "in the crease" rule was so chintzy. You didn't even celebrate goals until after the review was over. It just killed the flow of the game. NFL video reviews are getting to be the same. I'm getting so sick of hearing "did he Make A Football Move before he lost the ball?"

I think basketball has the worst final moments of any sport. It's a non-stop parade of fouls and free throws. The team that's trying to catch up always takes fouls during the other team's possession, to stop the clock, then hope the guy misses his free throws, then get possession back. Non-stop free throws. Yawn.

Disappointed by the Chargers. They literally fumbled the game away. The Patriots didn't shut down LT in the second half, the Chargers shut him down by turning the ball over and keeping New England's offense on the field. Booo. Stupid football. Wasting the time out to challenge a play that everybody knew was going to stand was dumb too. It could have given them another play and put that last fieldgoal attempt within range.


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I think basketball has the worst final moments of any sport. It's a non-stop parade of fouls and free throws. The team that's trying to catch up always takes fouls during the other team's possession, to stop the clock, then hope the guy misses his free throws, then get possession back. Non-stop free throws. Yawn.

Completely agreed. Don't know how anyone else sees it any other way. Hockey, Baseball and Football all have great endings...

Disappointed by the Chargers. They literally fumbled the game away. The Patriots didn't shut down LT in the second half, the Chargers shut him down by turning the ball over and keeping New England's offense on the field. Booo. Stupid football. Wasting the time out to challenge a play that everybody knew was going to stand was dumb too. It could have given them another play and put that last fieldgoal attempt within range.

The Chargers also played that last possession stupidly. They had time to move down the field. Should have spiked the ball after the first successful pass and ran some sideline patterns after that.

Somehow I had faith that the Patriots could come back. Just proves that you should never bet against a healthy Tom Brady.

My question is, "What on earth does the rest of this thread have to do with politics?"

Absolutely nothing.

My questions is: "What is the point of your stunningly obvious question?"

Some of us have interests other than politics. The next two weeks and a bit those of us who like the NFL will be following it very closely. If you don't like the thread ignore it or report it.

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The Chargers also played that last possession stupidly. They had time to move down the field. Should have spiked the ball after the first successful pass and ran some sideline patterns after that.

Somehow I had faith that the Patriots could come back. Just proves that you should never bet against a healthy Tom Brady.

One of the fun things to do is google the newspapers of the cities in the playoffs, and read what their sports sections have to say about things. Apparently Schottenheimer will be around for another season, even though AJ Smith (the GM) would like to see him gone. The problem is he is under contract for another season.


January 18, 2007

For the better part of three days, a city's disappointment was tinged with wonder.

Now fans' grieving can continue unfettered. The speculation has given way to a comfortable certainty.

K.C. ALFRED / Union-Tribune

Marty Schottenheimer will return as Chargers head coach in 2007, but he declined the team's one-year, $4.5 million contract extension for 2008 that included a $1 million buyout.

The Chargers announced yesterday that head coach Marty Schottenheimer will return for the 2007 season.

While concerned by Schottenheimer's epic playoff failings, team President Dean Spanos and General Manager A.J. Smith decided continuity was most important for a team that finished with the NF.

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The original point of this thread was...

Just curious, why is it that there is no (NFL) coverage in the Toronto Globe and Mail, any thoughts?

I played High school football, and understand the game reasonably well. My question is, "What on earth does the rest of this thread have to do with politics?"

I am happy to see that there is interest in Canada for American Football, even though the (Toronto) Globe and Mail ignores it. Since the forum is Canada/US relations, and American Football has the national sport of the US, I can not understand what your beef is.

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Completely agreed. Don't know how anyone else sees it any other way. Hockey, Baseball and Football all have great endings...

CFL football has the best endings. The Rouge adds so much to the final moments. Who can forget the games where the ball is punted back and forth a few times before someone either gets the rouge or is able to to run it out.

The extra play at the end of a CFL game also adds much more excitement than watching an NFL team run the clock out with a 1st and 10 and over a minute and a half left on the clock.

The national sport of the US is baseball by the way ft. niagara.

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The national sport of the US is baseball by the way ft. niagara.

It used to be baseball, but now the NFL is king.

I agree...baseball has been heading south in the U.S. for awhile.

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Yesterday's AFC game was one of the best ever! Yay!

What a comeback. Who could have imagined how the game would have turned around after it went to 21-3. Who would have anticipated what the Colts did to Bill Belicheck's defense in the 2nd half. Has a Bill Belicheck defence ever been dismantled, crushed, and stomped like that? Really, the Patriots D got humiliated.

And the Colts D came up so much bigger than advertised. They coughed up the big lead, but once Peyton started giving them time to rest, they slowed the Patriots down when it mattered.

And I'm so glad the Patriots aren't going to the Superbowl yet again. I'm just so tired of them. I'm tired of the whole mythology around Tom Brady and Bill Belicheck. The curb-stomping they received in the 2nd half yesterday has to put a dent in that aura and mystique.

And Peyton Manning didn't just get the 800 pound gorilla off his back, he got that ape off his back and kicked the living crap out of it.


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Let me just say how tickled I am about knowing that the enire third world could be vaccinated for a fraction of the cost of the salaries of thiose involved in even one major sport like the NFL. I would certainlyu encourage any child to participate in such a fine and fun game, but to pay adults money, let alone hundreds of millions of dollars to play the same child's game, is the acme of the ridiculous.

No wonder society is swirling down the shitter, when the equivalent of the GDP of some countries gets laid at the feet of some few idols such as Peyton Manning, Maury Povich and OJ Simpson, while meanwhile, in the real world, people die in hospital waiting rooms, or children fall down and die of starvation because of a 'lack of funds'.

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Let me just say how tickled I am about knowing that the enire third world could be vaccinated for a fraction of the cost of the salaries of thiose involved in even one major sport like the NFL. I would certainlyu encourage any child to participate in such a fine and fun game, but to pay adults money, let alone hundreds of millions of dollars to play the same child's game, is the acme of the ridiculous.

No wonder society is swirling down the shitter, when the equivalent of the GDP of some countries gets laid at the feet of some few idols such as Peyton Manning, Maury Povich and OJ Simpson, while meanwhile, in the real world, people die in hospital waiting rooms, or children fall down and die of starvation because of a 'lack of funds'.

The athletes and movie stars get paid millions of dollars because, basically, the public has--

--wait a minute. Did he just say Maury Povich?

Maury Povich


Maury Povich


That's hilarious!

Anyway, the athletes and entertainers get paid millions of dollars, because, basically, the public has decided that is what they wish to spend their money on.

People choose to pay $12 to go see a movie, or $30 or $50 or $80 to go to a sports event, or to sit through paid advertisements during a television program. The conclusion seems to be that the athletes and actors are providing something that the consumer considers valuable, and they're paid accordingly.


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Dear kimmy,

--wait a minute. Did he just say Maury Povich?
That's hilarious!
Yes, indeed it is. I am assuming he is still a 'celebrity', though I could be wrong. To me, they are all pretty much the same...Geraldo, Barry Bonds, Payton Manning or Tiger Woods, they are really all the same. Idols to millions that provide 'entertainment' that is technically of no (or even less) value to society, in a world of 'make-believe'.
The conclusion seems to be that the athletes and actors are providing something that the consumer considers valuable, and they're paid accordingly.
I vehemently (on a personal basis) disagree because I still have to pay a portion. It is not impossible, but highly difficult, to keep some of my paycheque from going towards rubbish liike this. Even grocery shopping, or going to the bar, contributes to it. If I order a 'rum&coke', it will either be Coke or Pepsi, I haven't a choice. Grocery stores like Safeway advertise heavily, so if I shop there, some of my cheque goes to Maury Povich, Tiger Woods, or some other worthless boob. I try to drink micro-brewed beer, Canadian made if possible (though the world is full of fine breweries), but never 'brand-name' stuff, and I try to go to independent/private restaurants whenever possible. As to Music, I listen to public stations such as CKUA or the local UofC station, CJSW (if only those kids would learn how to shut up and play music!)...and I usually only worship the dead guys, like Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Robert Nesta Marley and Tiny Tim.
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Let me just say how tickled I am about knowing that the enire third world could be vaccinated for a fraction of the cost of the salaries of thiose involved in even one major sport like the NFL. I would certainlyu encourage any child to participate in such a fine and fun game, but to pay adults money, let alone hundreds of millions of dollars to play the same child's game, is the acme of the ridiculous.

No wonder society is swirling down the shitter, when the equivalent of the GDP of some countries gets laid at the feet of some few idols such as Peyton Manning, Maury Povich and OJ Simpson, while meanwhile, in the real world, people die in hospital waiting rooms, or children fall down and die of starvation because of a 'lack of funds'.

Somebody piss in your corn flakes this morning? Get the people who buy the tickets to donate the money.

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I vehemently (on a personal basis) disagree because I still have to pay a portion. It is not impossible, but highly difficult, to keep some of my paycheque from going towards rubbish liike this.

You dislike spending your money on companies that advertise... are as scrutinous of other sorts of business practices (financial bonuses for the CEO, opening or closing of company facilities, use of union or non-union labor, for instance?) or is advertising the only one that gets you riled up?

Because advertising, like the others, is just a business decision.

Even grocery shopping, or going to the bar, contributes to it. If I order a 'rum&coke', it will either be Coke or Pepsi, I haven't a choice. Grocery stores like Safeway advertise heavily, so if I shop there, some of my cheque goes to Maury Povich, Tiger Woods, or some other worthless boob.

Companies, whether it's soft drink manufacturers or grocery stores, don't advertise just for laughs. They advertise as a business decision. They advertise because they believe it will improve their volume of sales.

If you don't feel like shopping at Safeway or some other chain that advertises, you can most likely find a corner store near by your home where you can shop instead. It's probably run by honest, hard-working immigrants who just want to improve their lot in life. So there's no reason not to shop there... as long as you don't mind paying $4.89 for 2 litres of milk. The difference between Safeway and Habib-Mart is that Safeway sells hundreds of cartons of milk each day, while Habib-Mart sells only a handful. With their volume of sales, Safeway doesn't need nearly as much margin, while Habib needs a big margin on what he sells just to survive.

Safeway believes they can maintain or increase their volume of sales through advertising, theoretically allowing them to maintain a lower margin than smaller competitors. Is Safeway right? Does advertising actually work? I can't tell you that for sure, but I am pretty confident that Safeway wouldn't spend money on advertising if they didn't believe it was a good business decision.


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...As to Music, I listen to public stations such as CKUA or the local UofC station, CJSW (if only those kids would learn how to shut up and play music!)...and I usually only worship the dead guys, like Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Robert Nesta Marley and Tiny Tim.

Why would you "worship" these mere entertainers but not afford others the choice to worship other entertainers. Do they have to be dead? Do you know how rich Elvis' estate is?

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Let me just say how tickled I am about knowing that the enire third world could be vaccinated for a fraction of the cost of the salaries of thiose involved in even one major sport like the NFL. I would certainlyu encourage any child to participate in such a fine and fun game, but to pay adults money, let alone hundreds of millions of dollars to play the same child's game, is the acme of the ridiculous.

No wonder society is swirling down the shitter, when the equivalent of the GDP of some countries gets laid at the feet of some few idols such as Peyton Manning, Maury Povich and OJ Simpson, while meanwhile, in the real world, people die in hospital waiting rooms, or children fall down and die of starvation because of a 'lack of funds'.

Whoa, dude. Lighten UP :blink:

Some might say the higher the percentage of revenues a pro-athlete makes, the more Marxist the concept. Why? Because the worker is getting a bigger piece of the pie.

Besides that though, sometimes you lefties just gotta sit back, relax, take the propellers off your heads and enjoy a good ballgame.

I was big time pulling for Brady and the Pats - to me they are the epitome of achievement in team sport. Preparation, preparation, preparation. Execution, execution, execution.

But Manning pulled it out and good for him. The colts should mop the floor with hapless Rex Grossman.

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But Manning pulled it out and good for him. The colts should mop the floor with hapless Rex Grossman.

Fair enough. But the Seahawks shoulda mopped the floor with the hapless Rex Grossman. The Saints shoulda mopped the floow with the hapless Rex Grossman.

The Bears have just proven they can win. Win ugly (that Arizona game), win with defense or special teams.

I tell you one guy who is cheering for Grossmanl .... Trent Dilfer. Cuz if the Bears win Dilfer loses the tag of worst starting QB to ever win a Super Bowl. :lol:

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