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Porn and erotica


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Come on, admit it. You've seen porn. There's more of it out there now than ever before. It's certainly had results on society. It's said that Playboy helped create the sexual revolution, or at least, was its leading proponent.

What has internet porn done? I can tell you from my experience it's the leading sex educator out there. When I was thirteen I thought the term "blow job" referred to girls, well, "blowing" on a penis. I couldn't quite figure out how that was supposed to be pleasurable, though.

Many Eleven and Twelve year olds now know more about sex than their parents. They're watching porn videos, reading porn web sites and stories, and engaging in felatio at an amazingly young age.

The profusion of bisexual females in porn has also been adopted by the more mainstream media outlets so that the whole notion of otherwise heterosexual women having lesbian "experiences" has become fashionable, and has altered how young women look at sex. It's said many, even most young high school girls experiment now with same sex "games".

Because of porn.

Porn is, however, still looked down at by society. Which is wierd, I think, given almost everyone looks at it. It's sexual fantasy, and our society still has huge hang-ups about sex.

Why, though, is porn so much more widely available than erotica? There are plenty of erotic books as opposed to porn books. But erotic movies are vastly outnumbered by porn movies. I wonder why that is. I have little to no interest in porn movies myself, though an erotic movie, well-made, is a real treat.

And in keeping with this forum - is there anything immoral in it all?

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Come on, admit it. You've seen porn. There's more of it out there now than ever before. It's certainly had results on society. It's said that Playboy helped create the sexual revolution, or at least, was its leading proponent.

What has internet porn done? I can tell you from my experience it's the leading sex educator out there. When I was thirteen I thought the term "blow job" referred to girls, well, "blowing" on a penis. I couldn't quite figure out how that was supposed to be pleasurable, though.

Many Eleven and Twelve year olds now know more about sex than their parents. They're watching porn videos, reading porn web sites and stories, and engaging in felatio at an amazingly young age.

The profusion of bisexual females in porn has also been adopted by the more mainstream media outlets so that the whole notion of otherwise heterosexual women having lesbian "experiences" has become fashionable, and has altered how young women look at sex. It's said many, even most young high school girls experiment now with same sex "games".

Because of porn.

Porn is, however, still looked down at by society. Which is wierd, I think, given almost everyone looks at it. It's sexual fantasy, and our society still has huge hang-ups about sex.

Why, though, is porn so much more widely available than erotica? There are plenty of erotic books as opposed to porn books. But erotic movies are vastly outnumbered by porn movies. I wonder why that is. I have little to no interest in porn movies myself, though an erotic movie, well-made, is a real treat.

And in keeping with this forum - is there anything immoral in it all?

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Deny it if you wish, but we are all sexual animals and the product of a sexual act.

What you are talking about is eternal subconscious search for sexual gratification that varies in intensity from person to person.

I firmly believe this 'eternal search for sexual gratification' is genetically embedded somewhere in that blob of grey matter, from our early days of man living in caves where as any quantity or type of sex was freely available and thus we became sexually spoiled as in comparison to the limits imposed by society and law to-day.

To-day that search for sexual gratification for most people is limited, outside of flings and prostitutes, to erotica and pornography.

But I do believe all these impulses are generally and fairly easy controllable in most of us, just as it is fairly easy quitting smoking.

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Is there a level of porn saturation in society that would be bad? Right now our culture still thinks there is, with movie ratings and age restrictions in strip clubs. I know these days the fad is to not judge anybody or what a person does in their own room is none of anybody's business. Of course millions of those who are sexually abused and molested would beg to differ. BTW, it's not easy to gve up smoking at all.

To answer the question, porn is much more popular because it's stronger than erotica. Just like people trend to stronger drugs for the effect.

Someone who regularly views porn, try this experiment. Stay away from porn completely if you can for three weeks.(The time 'they' say it takes to form a new habit) Tell us if you were able to completely stay away. This would only be for someone who regularly views it.

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Dear Argus,

is there anything immoral in it all?
Perhaps in some areas. Porn was the first business to be financially viable and profitable on the internet. However, some might say that depictions of degredation, rape etc, (ie:turning people into objects, and dehumanizing them) is immoral. Kiddie porn, highly immoral. As for the rest, it is simply voyeurism. As long as it is between consenting adults. ''Upskirt webcams in the mall" should be seen as immoral, as it is a violation of privacy. (Mind you, the complaints might be reversed if it was 'up-kilts'...)
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I think people should be able to make up their own minds. I don't want government telling me what I can and cannot read or view.

Of course I have seen porn. I own some and am not ashamed of that fact. I am brave enough to say that I am not ashamed of sex. (Of course I would never condone victimization in any manifestation, i.e., kids (YUCK!), torture, etc. That's just SO wrong.)

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The controls over porn are not in place to prevent adults from accessing it but rather children(excluding illegal material). Is it moral to expose, albiet inadventantly, children to pornography because we as adults want simple private access which prevents any type of age verification? Like the original poster said there are young kids without the maturity to make decisions about sex who now have intimate knowledge of it and if they do find their way into the darker side of it how would that affect a small child. Mariyln Manson found beastiality pictures in his grandfathers basement look how he turned out.

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And in keeping with this forum - is there anything immoral in it all?

It looks to me as if all standards have been abandoned. I can't count the number of times people answer "well, if it's right for them, it's OK".

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Dear jbg,

I can't count the number of times people answer "well, if it's right for them, it's OK".
I'll bet, because the answer has to be zero for your statement to be truthful. This is simply a projection of bias. No one here, to the best of my recollection, has ever defended 'kiddie diddlers', 'thrill-killers' or 'sheep-shaggers', yet you imply that such things are widely condoned. Hogwash.
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It looks to me as if all standards have been abandoned. I can't count the number of times people answer "well, if it's right for them, it's OK".

So what is your solution to the problem? Go after Playboy?

I wonder, is it possible to discuss this without knee jerk responses? My question is why has porn become so acceptible and wide spread. Some mass murderers say it affected their views on violence towards women. If we had no porn and no Ted Bundys, I'd call it a fair trade off.

It just seems porn can't stay within legal bounds. Within the last year in Edmonton, a internet child porn ring was busted. It seems they would take requests and then abuse the child live in the requested way.

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I wonder, is it possible to discuss this without knee jerk responses? My question is why has porn become so acceptible and wide spread. Some mass murderers say it affected their views on violence towards women. If we had no porn and no Ted Bundys, I'd call it a fair trade off.

It just seems porn can't stay within legal bounds. Within the last year in Edmonton, a internet child porn ring was busted. It seems they would take requests and then abuse the child live in the requested way.

This is already illegal. Never has been legal.

Playboy has crossed into illegality?

And there were serial sex killers before porn was widely available. I seem to remember a serial sex killer in the 1800s in Whitehall in England.

While there is no doubt that porn can affect sexual predators, I ask again what is to be done about it? The stuff that is illegal remains illegal. Are you suggesting going after stuff that is legal? There is a lot of sex in the bible. Is that porn?

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No, I'm just thinking in philosophical terms I suppose. Imagine no pornography...

I try to imagine no sexual predators and wonder if there is a better way to identify them before they become what they are.

When men no longer feel the need to "overpower" women and children (ie when we are all finally equals in men's minds), sexual predation will stop.

Most sexual predators don't do it for the sex. They do it for the power. What is more powerful than making someone submit to you? What is more degrading than forced sex?

It's all about the imbalance of precieved power between the genders.

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No, I'm just thinking in philosophical terms I suppose. Imagine no pornography...

I try to imagine no sexual predators and wonder if there is a better way to identify them before they become what they are.

Yes, undoing the revolution that brought gays out of the closet. Since the behavior that comes closer to the line is now acceptable, it's harder to stop people as they edge up to the line, whatever that is.

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Yes, undoing the revolution that brought gays out of the closet. Since the behavior that comes closer to the line is now acceptable, it's harder to stop people as they edge up to the line, whatever that is.

I'm not sure what you mean.

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No, I'm just thinking in philosophical terms I suppose. Imagine no pornography...

I try to imagine no sexual predators and wonder if there is a better way to identify them before they become what they are.

When men no longer feel the need to "overpower" women and children (ie when we are all finally equals in men's minds), sexual predation will stop.

Ideological mush.

Men consider themselves equal, don't they? Yet homosexual rape is ramant in any environment in which it can be done without punishment.

Most sexual predators don't do it for the sex. They do it for the power.

No, it's about the sex, but power over sex. It's about sex without the seduction, without the wineing and dining, without the effort to please, without any societal inhibitions, it's about reverting to raw, animal instinct and taking what they want: which for men, is just about always sex.

But don't kid yourself. If it was just about power then sexual predators would go after anyone. They tend to go after attractive young women.

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No, I'm just thinking in philosophical terms I suppose. Imagine no pornography...

I try to imagine no sexual predators and wonder if there is a better way to identify them before they become what they are.

Well, if you're a bully when young, and have a habit of pulling the wings off flies...

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Well, if you're a bully when young, and have a habit of pulling the wings off flies...

What they have found a link for is cruelty to animals and serial killers. A lot of people don't report acts of cruelty where it would identify a person who could be a problem later on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally, I don't have a prob with either Erotica or Pornography. I have loved erotic writings since I was 9. As for porn, the definition has changed a lot over the years. In the late 1800's "pictures of a young girl in her underwear would have been considered pornographic" (see: The 1900's House [PBS]). Now people wear less than that as street clothes. In the 50's it was topless pics, side nudity and finally 'full frontal' but even then more than one 16 year old graced the pages of Playboy, Penthouse or was a 'Page Three Girl'. In Saudi Arabia, a typical Canadian beach scene is porn.

As I see it, Porn is personal choice both in the making and in the enjoyment of. Abuse can occur just as with alcohol or gambling. Some people can become addicted to all of these (pervert, predator, etc) or feed off that addiction (organized crime). That doesn't make the thing itself bad, just the treatment of it by individuals and by society.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is there a level of porn saturation in society that would be bad? Right now our culture still thinks there is, with movie ratings and age restrictions in strip clubs. I know these days the fad is to not judge anybody or what a person does in their own room is none of anybody's business. Of course millions of those who are sexually abused and molested would beg to differ. BTW, it's not easy to gve up smoking at all.

To answer the question, porn is much more popular because it's stronger than erotica. Just like people trend to stronger drugs for the effect.

Someone who regularly views porn, try this experiment. Stay away from porn completely if you can for three weeks.(The time 'they' say it takes to form a new habit) Tell us if you were able to completely stay away. This would only be for someone who regularly views it.

I have noticed in myself a correlation between my appetite,yes,appetite! for porn and my relationships.I found that whenever i am in a relationship with a significant other i lose all interest in porn whatsoever,real sex wins out over fantasy sex anytime!.On the other hand when i am not involved with someone my interest in porn is back within a week or two after regardless how long said relationship lasted. I also noted that the longer i am without real sex the more hardcore it takes to,''how should i put it'', reach satisfaction. What do you make of that?

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