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Dixie Chicks Song

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In listening to the Dixie Chicks' anti-war anti-bush anti-conservative song "Not Ready to Make Nice" something suddenly jumped out at me: The lyrics, pretty much word for word, could just as easily be used as a call for war against radical Islam.

Lines like "It's a sad sad story That a mother will teach her daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger." could easily describe the cultural teachings throughout the middle east about Americans and Jews.

Read the whole song below, but think of it from the eyes of someone who supports the war against radical Islam and thinks 9-11 was an era-changing moment....

Forgive, sounds good.

Forget, I'm not sure I could.

They say time heals everything,

But I'm still waiting

I'm through, with doubt,

There's nothing left for me to figure out,

I've paid a price, and i'll keep paying

I'm not ready to make nice,

I'm not ready to back down,

I'm still mad as hell

And I don't have time

To go round and round and round

It's too late to make it right

I probably wouldn't if I could

Cause I'm mad as hell

Can't bring myself to do what it is

You think I should

I know you said

Why can't you just get over it,

It turned my whole world around

and i kind of like it

I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby,

With no regrets and I don't mind saying,

It's a sad sad story

That a mother will teach her daughter

that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.

And how in the world

Can the words that I said

Send somebody so over the edge

That they'd write me a letter

Saying that I better shut up and sing

Or my life will be over

I'm not ready to make nice,

I'm not ready to back down,

I'm still mad as hell

And I don't have time

To go round and round and round

It's too late to make it right

I probably wouldn't if I could

Cause I'm mad as hell

Can't bring myself to do what it is

You think I should

I'm not ready to make nice,

I'm not ready to back down,

I'm still mad as hell

And I don't have time

To go round and round and round

It's too late to make it right

I probably wouldn't if I could

Cause I'm mad as hell

Can't bring myself to do what it is

You think I should

Forgive, sounds good.

Forget, I'm not sure I could.

They say time heals everything,

But I'm still waiting

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"Hollywood Left?" Dude, the Dixie Chicks are from Dallas.

Anyway, this reminds me of a recent column in some wingnut magazine that listed the top conservative rock songs, a list that completely discounted authorial intent and included the Clash ( amove which no doubt caused life-long socialist Joe STrummer to spin in his grave).

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"Hollywood Left?" Dude, the Dixie Chicks are from Dallas.

Anyway, this reminds me of a recent column in some wingnut magazine that listed the top conservative rock songs, a list that completely discounted authorial intent and included the Clash ( amove which no doubt caused life-long socialist Joe STrummer to spin in his grave).

True but they basically were ostracized by country music and it’s fan base, especially hard-core followers from the south. Just look at how the concerts were doing or not doing to be appropriate. They cancelled many dates and had to make them up in traditionally liberal areas (Northeast US, Cali and Canada). So, although they orginate from Texas, they are more associated with the liberal left wing then Texans or country music in general.

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Oh my. The propensity of some people to twist a song from its original intent.

Anything can be read into anything.

For centuries, Christians used words from the Bible to justify killing, pillagin, plundering, and many other forms of good anti-social fun.

Now the Quran is being used the same way by radicals.

"Rock the Casbah" was actually considered by some to be a pro-war anthem.

"Money" by Pink Floyd was considered by many to be lauding the attributes of the filthy rich.

Yes, JERRYSEINFELD, it is indeed possible to read your interpretation into this song's lyrics, except perhaps for this line......

Can the words that I said

Send somebody so over the edge

That they'd write me a letter

Saying that I better shut up and sing

Or my life will be over

But knowing that this is not the original intent makes all the difference.

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"Hollywood Left?" Dude, the Dixie Chicks are from Dallas.

Anyway, this reminds me of a recent column in some wingnut magazine that listed the top conservative rock songs, a list that completely discounted authorial intent and included the Clash ( amove which no doubt caused life-long socialist Joe STrummer to spin in his grave).

Anyone who's been to LA knows hollywood is a concept, not a place. (Although the PLACE still exists)

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Oh my. The propensity of some people to twist a song from its original intent.

Anything can be read into anything.

For centuries, Christians used words from the Bible to justify killing, pillagin, plundering, and many other forms of good anti-social fun.

Now the Quran is being used the same way by radicals.

"Rock the Casbah" was actually considered by some to be a pro-war anthem.

"Money" by Pink Floyd was considered by many to be lauding the attributes of the filthy rich.

Yes, JERRYSEINFELD, it is indeed possible to read your interpretation into this song's lyrics, except perhaps for this line......

Can the words that I said

Send somebody so over the edge

That they'd write me a letter

Saying that I better shut up and sing

Or my life will be over

But knowing that this is not the original intent makes all the difference.

Actually, knowing that's not the original intent is the point and weakens the song's point.

Also, the quote you cited above pretty much sums up Muslims message to

(a) the pope

(B) danish newspapers publishing cartoons


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Actually, knowing that's not the original intent is the point and weakens the song's point.

Also, the quote you cited above pretty much sums up Muslims message to

(a) the pope

(B) danish newspapers publishing cartoons


They told the Pope to shut up and sing???

And told Danish cartoonists the same???

I'm not sure what would be worse, a terror campaign, or listening to Danish cartoonists singing.. :lol:

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Ah, I SEE. I'm glad we live in a society that is so much more civilised than the Muslim world.

*AHEM* So remind me once again, exactly which Muslim was it that threatened the Dixie Chicks over their original statement about GWB???

Oh, I'm sorry, it wasn't a Muslim at all???

It was a Bush supporter you say???

Oh well, that makes threatening someone's life alright I guess.


Oh yes, and BTW, who the hell is Ricardo???

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Actually, knowing that's not the original intent is the point and weakens the song's point.

Also, the quote you cited above pretty much sums up Muslims message to

Let's sum this up:

1) The Dixie Chicks write a song to express their feelings about how they were treated by war/Bush supporters.

2) Jerry points out that that this song would apply equally well to Mulsim extremists.

Conclusion: Bush/war supporters are just as bad a Muslim extremists when it comes to (dis)repecting freedom of speech.

Gee. Thanks for pointing that out Jerry....

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My favourite part of the Dixie Chicks song, "not ready to make nice" is definitely the video. They're playing violins. Which is very appropriate, since they've been playing the world's biggest violin for the last 3 years. They're not victims, they're millionaires, and I'll be glad when they finally shut up about their "victimhood".

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Well the Dixie Chicks have a right to their opinion and they can sing about it all they want, and anyone who disagrees can disagree too. As for the Bush supporter who told her to shut up I dont think he represents all Bush supporters or Bush himself. Politics is kind of funny you know. Take Bush for example. You definitely have people out there who belong to the "Bush can do no wrong" school. You know and they are frustrating cause when you disagree with them they say "oh yeah you hate america and you love Bin Laden". Then you got the "Bush can do no right crowd". These are the ones who think Bush prayed a hurricane would come and destroy New Orleans cuz there were so many black people there.

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Well the Dixie Chicks have a right to their opinion and they can sing about it all they want, and anyone who disagrees can disagree too. As for the Bush supporter who told her to shut up I dont think he represents all Bush supporters or Bush himself. Politics is kind of funny you know. Take Bush for example. You definitely have people out there who belong to the "Bush can do no wrong" school. You know and they are frustrating cause when you disagree with them they say "oh yeah you hate america and you love Bin Laden". Then you got the "Bush can do no right crowd". These are the ones who think Bush prayed a hurricane would come and destroy New Orleans cuz there were so many black people there.

True - but it's kind of pathetic when you see big massive displays and millions of CD sold...and multiple Larry King Live appearances --all about how they're being "silenced" :D

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In listening to the Dixie Chicks' anti-war anti-bush anti-conservative song "Not Ready to Make Nice" something suddenly jumped out at me: The lyrics, pretty much word for word, could just as easily be used as a call for war against radical Islam.

Well, Jerry, I guess perspective is everything...see what you call "anti-war, anti-bush, anti-conservative" I call pro-democracy, pro-freedom of speech.

I'll accept your original point...US Marines could adopt the song as their anthem and sing it every morning in Iraq to bolster their reasons for being there...not ready to make nice with terrorists...mad as hell about 9/11...I get it.

The irony, I suppose, is that I think you were trying to point out your epiphony as a way of devaluing the song (but more importantly the singers and their views)...all with a view to supporting Bush and the war. But I think you've completely missed the point. The song isn't in support of the war...it's a pop-culture political statement about the importance of speaking up against things you don't agree with, even when doing so is unpopular. AND, then not having to apologize and "make nice" once you see how many people you pissed off.

What the writers are "still waiting" for is not for everyone to fold up their tents, abandon their own views and say "Oh Dixie Chicks, how did we ever disagree with you?" That would just be "making nice". Although I'm not them, what I really think they're waiting for is everyone who sent them death threats and tried to tar and feather them right out of the good ol' US of A to recognize that democracy is about having a voice, and that healthy debate with many differing voices is far better than blindly accepting everything your government feeds you in order to avoid confrontation.

Who knows, less people willing to "make nice" with the notion that you either love the US or you love terrorists might have prevented a full-blown war...


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For centuries, Christians used words from the Bible to justify killing, pillagin, plundering, and many other forms of good anti-social fun.

Now the Quran is being used the same way by radicals.

pucket rucket

talk about building a bridge in order to whine...what a bunch a whewy!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU ARE JUST NOT READY TO MAKE NICE...

I recently caught the Dixie Chicklets on Oprah, and I really like the two nice ladies who obviously don't appreciate the blond nit-whit.

This is such a publicity stunt, and so they plead that they are victims. The songs video is very telling as you see the face of not a beautiful mature woman, but a spoilt little brat...

I really can't stand them, and l don't like the sound of their voices, either when singing or whinning...

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I recently caught the Dixie Chicklets on Oprah, and I really like the two nice ladies who obviously don't appreciate the blond nit-whit.

Yeah, that was pretty obvious when they all posed nude together on the EW cover with quotes from the warmongerers painted on their bodies.

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All because they take a stand against Bush and the war. I thought it was a free country but under Bush it is apparently not.

I think what Jerry is pointing out is that it is a free country. The Dixie Chicks have sung about what they want to sing about, and no one is putting them in jail or oppressing them. On the contrary, they are quite successful, and I dont think the fact that someone made a threat to them means that person was put up to it by the BUsh administration or the majority of their supporters. Overall, what they have been faced with is dissent from a certain faction of the public that disagrees with the views of The dixie Chicks. They say it is impossible to express dissent against Bush, but they are facing no consequences from it, and are selling quite well it seems. It seems the real problem they have is when a certain faction of the public has dissent with them.

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But they were banned from most country music radio stations, and are only successful now because they've abandoned country music on their new album. I don't personally have a problem with that though. I think country radio is as free to not play them as they are to say what they want. It's the death threats from the warmongers that is so distasteful, but not particularly surprising.

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All because they take a stand against Bush and the war. I thought it was a free country but under Bush it is apparently not.

I think what Jerry is pointing out is that it is a free country. The Dixie Chicks have sung about what they want to sing about, and no one is putting them in jail or oppressing them. On the contrary, they are quite successful, and I dont think the fact that someone made a threat to them means that person was put up to it by the BUsh administration or the majority of their supporters. Overall, what they have been faced with is dissent from a certain faction of the public that disagrees with the views of The dixie Chicks. They say it is impossible to express dissent against Bush, but they are facing no consequences from it, and are selling quite well it seems. It seems the real problem they have is when a certain faction of the public has dissent with them.

That's exactly my point. Great post by the way. You articulated it better than I can. It's the same all over hollywood - "controversy".

Hollywood types (yes, Natalie LIVES in LA) love to write songs/make movies about subjects which are supposedly "controversial" like gay cowboys or ...wait for it....MCARTHYISM!!! being "silenced" by the big bad right wingers. They love to fight battles that have already been won.

But what they don't realize is that these things have become and now ARE the establishment, not the rebellious. Gays don't have a voice? take a look around? Lefty anti bush-anti war people are downtrodden and silenced and not allowed to speak? HUH?

If you really had some balls you'd make a movie or write a song about a gay yak herder on the pushtun plain. See how fast it takes your house to get firebombed.

The song and the attitude of the Dixie Chicks is that they werenot allowed to speak their minds without people disagreeing with them.

Well Nat: right back at ya!!!

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