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And Lebanon has a right to defense of it's soverignty... a right they aren't executing... I wonder why? Maybe Lebanon has no interest in having Hezbollah within their borders?

They have the right to defend their people in reasonable terms. Bombing apartment buildings with 400 people in them to get 1 Hezbollah operative isn't reasonable, no matter how you spin it to me.

If they hated Israel, they would have voted for Hezbollah in the elections, instead they voted for moderate peace favouring people 9 to 1. Why?

The Lebanese electoral system is as complicated as it comes. I think it's fair to say that the Shia are now underrepresented in parliament.

Geoffrey, I think you are under the impression that Lebanon is being bombed indiscriminately. That's not the case. South Lebanon (and the Bekaa) is being bombed discriminately.

Imagine for a moment that the US military decided to invade Canada to arrest FLQ. How would many of the anti-French posters on this forum react? They would probably be angry for the US involvement in Canadian affairs (while at the same time, they'd secretly be happy that those French bast**ds were getting what they deserved.)

Now, why didn't the Lebanese government deal with Hizballah before? Well, that's the $64,000 question.

Again, translating this (badly) into the Canadian context so an English-Canadian can understand, why hasn't the federal government dealt with the sovereignist movement in Quebec?

God am I happy to live in a civilized country where our vicious, sectarian civil wars take place in newspaper headlines. This, more than so-called Canadian unity, is Canada's great lesson for humanity.

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Military and Economic Aid

Since 1976, Israel had been the largest annual recipient of U.S. foreign assistance. According to a November 2001 Congressional Research Service report, Israel: U.S. Foreign Assistance, U.S. aid to Israel in the last half century has totaled a whopping $81.3 billion.

In recent years, Israel remains the top recipient of U.S. military and economic assistance. The most commonly cited figure is $3 billion a year, with about $1.8 billion a year in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) grants from the Department of Defense and an additional $1.2 billion a year in Economic Support Funds (ESF) from the Department of State. In the last decade FMF grants to Israel have totaled $18.2 billion. In fact, 17% of all U.S. foreign aid is earmarked for Israel.

For 2003, the Bush administration is proposing that Israel receive $2.76 billion in foreign aid, with $2.1 billion in FMF and $600 million in ESF. An additional $28 million will go to Israel for the purchase U.S. manufactured counter terrorism equipment.

Weapons Sales and Grants

Israel is one of the United State’s largest arms importers. In the last decade, the United States has sold Israel $7.2 billion in weaponry and military equipment, $762 million through Direct Commercial Sales (DCS), more than $6.5 billion through the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program.

In fact, Israel is so devoted to U.S. military hardware that it has the world's largest fleet of F-16s outside the U.S., currently possessing more than 200 jets. Another 102 F-16s are on order from Lockheed Martin.

The United States has also underwritten Israel’s domestic armaments industry, by giving:

$1.3 billion to develop the Lavi aircraft (cancelled)

$625 million to develop and deploy the Arrow anti-missile missile (an ongoing project)

$200 million to develop the Merkava tank (operative); the latest version, the Merkava 4, uses a German V-12 diesel engine produced under license in the U.S. by General Dynamics

$130 million to develop the high-energy laser anti-missile system (ongoing).

While overall aid to Israel is slated to decrease over the next five years, military aid will increase significantly. One of President Clinton’s last acts was to sign an agreement with Israel, phasing out the ESF by 2008. At the same time, FMF funds to Israel will increase $60 million each year, reaching $2.4 billion by 2008.

Free Weapons to Israel

The U.S. also gives Israel weapons and ammunition as part of the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) program, providing these articles completely free of charge. Between 1994-2001 the U.S. provided many weapons through this program, including:

64,744 M-16A1 rifles

2,469 M-204 grenade launchers

1,500 M-2 .50 caliber machine guns

.30 caliber, .50 caliber, and 20mm ammunition

The scale of Israeli attacks on Palestinian towns and refugee camps in the West Bank has been "disproportionate and often reckless," according to a recent Amnesty International report. Amnesty estimates that in the six weeks from March 1, through mid-April, more than 600 Palestinians have been killed and over 3,000 wounded by Israeli soldiers.

The use of U.S. weapons in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian authority appears to be a clear violation of the U.S. Arms Export Control Act prohibiting U.S. weapons from being used for non-defensive purposes. The State Department’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2001, released in March 2002, stated that the IDF employed "excessive use of force" against the Palestinians, noting their use of live ammunition, even when not in imminent danger. The State Department report also stated that Israeli military "shelled Palestinian Authority (PA) institutions and Palestinian civilian areas in response to individual Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians or settlers." These comments demonstrate that the U.S. knows that weapons are not being used for the "legitimate defense" purposes stipulated in the Arms Export Control Act.

Israel is a funded state. Despite its own relatively healthy economy, it continues to receive aid from the US, in disproportion to both the country’s population and needs.

The financial aid alone that Israel receives from the US allows it to purchase tanks, helicopter gunships, F-16 war planes, machine guns and bullets – all of which it uses to commit human rights violations against the Palestinian people on a daily basis. When it is not possible for the Israeli government to use the funds directly on military expenditure, their use elsewhere frees up other Israeli government funds to pay for military salaries, services and facilities.

Military power is required for Israel to maintain its occupation of the Palestinian territories, implemented through a system of expanding settlements, checkpoints and closure. It is therefore no exaggeration to say that the US is funding and supplying the Israeli government’s occupation of the Palestinian territories, as without financial subsidies from the US, the Israeli government would have found it considerably more difficult to sustain its military occupation of the Palestinian territories for the past thirty-four years.

Nearly all past loans to Israel have been forgiven – leading Israel to claim that they have never defaulted on repayment of a US loan – with most loans made on the understanding that they would be forgiven before Israel was required to repay them.

In 1997 alone, the total of US grants and loan guarantees to Israel was $5.5 billion, i.e., $15,068,493 per day.

I cant find the exact figures on US foreign Aid to Lebanon but if memory serves me right, its in the millions, like around $150 Million, nowhere near what Israel receives. Interesting that those stats have dissapeared off the internet .....

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Dear August1991,

Again, translating this (badly) into the Canadian context so an English-Canadian can understand, why hasn't the federal government dealt with the sovereignist movement in Quebec?
Indeed, well said. In some ways, it reminds me of a 'loveless marriage' that continues 'for the sake of the kids'.
God am I happy to live in a civilized country where our vicious, sectarian civil wars take place in newspaper headlines. This, more than so-called Canadian unity, is Canada's great lesson for humanity
I concur.
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From an Arutz Sheva op/ed piece...


At the same time, the Olmert government, as led by some of the executioners of the Disengagement Plan, is completely responsible for the escalation of Arab terror from Gaza. It is a well-known fact that for Arab Palestinians, nothing is going to be enough, even if Israel gives it all up: Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem. But gutless, self-hating and corrupt Israeli politicians chose to ignore this fact.
Israel must regain full control over Jewish land and remove terror-infested, hostile populations from Eretz Israel. Israel must not miss this opportunity. We must act now.
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oh snap,, edit time.


I cant find the exact figures on US foreign Aid to Lebanon but if memory serves me right, its in the millions, like around $150 Million, nowhere near what Israel receives. Interesting that those stats have dissapeared off the internet .....

I cannot find alot of old news articles online. Many websites like CBS and MSNBC remove links after some time. They archive it. Offline. It sucks for sometimes our links here will work ,, but after some time they will be gone. I don't know why . Taking it offline for 'bandwith use or storage space' is a cop out, consideering the technology we have today with the Internet.

Thanks for those links and figures.

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I accessed US Foreign Relations "official" sites and budget reports, etc. Papers from Congress and it was ALL there last week - all the stats :( I did a long post then and somehow it got lost in posting, said I wasnt logged in and when I went back it was just gone - And now all that info on the US Government sites is gone.

I searched for HOURS last night, and found nothing on Foreign Aid funding or Policy for Lebanon.

The figure $150 million stuck in my head but I am not saying its true, it was SO woefully LOW compared to the billions heaped on Israel, and remember there are hundreds of PRIVATE funding sources sending money to Israel from the US as well ...

Fleabag why are you posting a "news item" from the Israal newspaper? Thats ridiculous if that is your "news source" ......... :blink:

While overseas I met a man who used to be an pilot in Israel army and he had a lot to say about their military power and objectives and it wasnt pretty. He was rabid on the subject of Arabs ...

The history is all there (well it was) for someone who wants to read it, educate themselves, become informed and see the imbalance of power, and funding and everything else that has existed for decades.

Any progress that Arabs have made in terms of infrastructure has been hard won and a huge achievement for what is essentially an impoverished country.

Many of the posters bash them for their lack of progress, their "primitiveness" compared to Israel which is so heavily funded, and to all intent and purposes DEPENDENT on Foreign Aid and has built their military and infrastructure and everything else as a result of Foreign Aid, and the cheer when that hard won progress is obliterated by Israel. :(

You have a very powerful, very rich country levelling an impoverished country which has been struggling for years to bring itself into the 21st century.

Israel has ordered the civilians of southern Lebanon to leave their homes and thousands of families are heeding that advice - at least they are trying to.

But the Israeli military onslaught around the southern city of Tyre is so fierce, the trip is too daunting for many inhabitants.

Bridges on the main road north to Sidon have been rocketed by the Israeli air force, forcing traffic to make detours up into the hills.

Laser-guided 450kg (1,000lb) bombs have also dug huge craters across half the highway, funnelling the chaotic melee of taxis and private cars into one painfully slow lane.

BBC News

There are Canadians, British, French, Scandanavian, and people from other countries as well as Lebanese people living through THIS HELL -

Fox News Admits Lebanese Casualties At Least

Reported by Judy - July 15, 2006 - 94 comments

Fox News on Saturday (July 15, 2006) at least admitted Israel has inflicted significant casualties on Lebanese people, but still insisted those being targeted by Israel were the bad guys and not innocent civilians.

American Media is STILL trying to say there are only 27 people killed in Lebanon :blink:

As the traffic churned through the dust and sludge, the rumble of two Israeli warplanes overhead turned into a terrific snarl, as they swooped down to fire their missiles at an unseen target in the next valley. ................

........ The difference is that these disrupted journeys are being made to escape a terrifying air bombardment.

Israel says it is doing everything to avoid civilian casualties, but will continue and indeed escalate its attacks unless the Hezbollah militant group frees two soldiers it captured inside Israel 11 days ago and stops its rocket attacks.

With little chance of that in present circumstances, thousands of people have been jamming the highways and mountain roads heading north.

But after Saturday's early afternoon missile strike so close to their escape route, the flow of internally-displaced Lebanese dried up almost completely.

"I want to get my children out of here," said a man who had fled from Qana and is now sheltering at an emergency gathering point in Tyre.

"But they are too scared of the bombing and I can only take them out when it is quiet."

The Canadian Media is also reporting that there was NO ship attacked by the Hazbulloh, it was a fire extinguisher that blew up on board - who reported this "rocket attack" by Hazbulloh? Oh yah CNN, Fox and Israel news - Its as real as the body count we are receiving from these sources.

Other news Media around the world at putting the count at closer to 500 - 600 and I think those are conservative



Are these Hazbulloh ?


Canadians, British, and other tourists, as well as Lebanese trying to flee Lebanon as Israel airplanes fly over head dropping bombs on them ........ how do you flee when the roads and bridges have all been destroyed?

This is a blood bath - Israel has gone totally insane and the world stands by and watches while it slaughters not only the Arabs but people from all over world, and does nothing ..........

If any of you can STILL justify this then God help you, take a look at the photos of dead CHILDREN and tell me this is justified. This is GENOCIDE and nothing less that that .........

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During 911 we also found "news reports" and other information "popping on and off" the internet, there one second and gone the next .......... :( Its called censorship - or "oops better get that off there before someone sees it and uses it against us when the dust settles" -

During 911 Journalists were surfing like mad, trying to pick up the original "news" being posted to sites like Fox, CNN, MSN and it was like chasing dust .......

An example, the original and first news reports to pop up put all the blame on Canada and were urging retalitation, then they all dissapeared ...... but not before it had reached more than a few Americans who were also surfing, the internet forums were flooded with "lets bomb the shit out of Canada ."

IF you want more reliable news start checking international news sites ........ they dont have such a "vested interest" in Israel ..

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Here are two cars blown to pieces containing those people who have been "ordered to leave" Southern Lebanon ..... Israel has ordered them to "line up" on the roads and then is carrying out air attacks on fleeing convoys and civilians as they try to flee the area ......... like shooting fish in a barrel .......

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During 911 we also found "news reports" and other information "popping on and off" the internet, there one second and gone the next .......... :( Its called censorship - or "oops better get that off there before someone sees it and uses it against us when the dust settles" -

During 911 Journalists were surfing like mad, trying to pick up the original "news" being posted to sites like Fox, CNN, MSN and it was like chasing dust .......

An example, the original and first news reports to pop up put all the blame on Canada and were urging retalitation, then they all dissapeared ...... but not before it had reached more than a few Americans who were also surfing, the internet forums were flooded with "lets bomb the shit out of Canada ."

IF you want more reliable news start checking international news sites ........ they dont have such a "vested interest" in Israel ..

Well aware of the censorship. Start taking screenshots of said news articles instead. There is a program that can take an entire page and send it right to a jpg. In case those links go down. :) Or constantly TIVO the news. All of it. All the time. I am glad I do not get my information from TV :)

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Isnt this just what the Nazis did ? Blitzkrieg attackes.






Another Hazbulloh soldier killed by Israel?

These photos are being sent out by Reuters and Associated Press FYI and I cant look at any more of them, remember all the brave Journalists who were "accidentally" killed by the US in Iraq? Recording the truth is dangerous .......

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I for one am sickened, I cant look at any more photos of dead children, or tourists being killed, or the annihilation of Lebanon ......... it has been sent out, its been witnessed by a lot of people ...... there is no saying how long these sites will stay up and operational. Or how long these people will be alive is there?

Just makes you freaking proud to be Canadian or American or British and stand by and witness this kind of horror ........... and do nothing to stop it .......

Lets not forget the oil reserves in the area, Bush needs to control ALL the oil in the world, all the resources.

Are you comfortable with that Canada? Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Israel, Lebanon, the entire Middle East, who's left?

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Just makes you freaking proud to be Canadian or American or British and stand by and witness this kind of horror ........... and do nothing to stop it .......

Are you comfortable with that Canada? Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Israel, Lebanon, the entire Middle East, who's left?


....And so nothing to stop it? What do you suggest?

Send in Canadian troops?

Tell them to stop?

Get real,what the F*ck do you think Canada is,some almighty power that everybody gives a sh*t about?

You've been under the Liberal media flag too long thinking we have some kind of world clout to do anything,anywhere.

Why pick on Canada,pick on the UN,Israel and especially the terrorists that started this sh*t.

If you're so concerned about the situation there,how about you take the next plane to Lebanon and volunteer your concerning services to help those there.

I'm sure we here on the forum would respect you more if you did that, than spewing off about the situatiion in simplistic thinking.

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Lets not forget the oil reserves in the area, Bush needs to control ALL the oil in the world, all the resources.

Oil is not a motivation, neither Lebanon or Israel have any real oil production. This is also pretty much ridiculous considering Alberta has more recoverable oil than anywhere else in the world and they aren't invading here.

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It happened during WWII when the world had enough, and stood together, the US wasnt there in the beginning, they didnt even enter the war until Pear Harbour was bombed - of the world did it once, they could do it again ..... but it wont ever happen with Harper, he would have to wait for Bush to tell him its okay.

Even if Canada has said its out of proportion and unacceptable ...

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Iran is OPEC's second largest oil producer, and exports about 2.4 million barrels per day. Iranian leaders know how to rattle the nerves of crude oil traders by threatening to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has frequently called for the destruction of Israel. In the latest flare-up of violence in the Middle East, Hezbollah and Hamas are doing the fighting against Israel, but Damascus and Tehran are pulling their strings.

A war with Lebanon can very well escalate into a war with Iran, and Syria, do you think Bush it that interested in Lebanon? Hell no, its their association with Iran that has him supporting Israel -

If you think it will all end here, with Lebanon wiped out and no retaliation then you have more faith than I do.

IF Israel sets it sites on Syria then Iran has stated emphatically that it will be an all out war unlike anything we have seen so far ..... and then the US will move alongside Israel to take over Iran ....... Something Bush has been gearing up to do for a very long time ---

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If Israel can dipose of the Hezbollah problem it will not escalate. If the Lebanese Army becomes involved and Israel is forced top conduct operations against the entire state, then I would tend to think Syria would become involved. This would draw Israel into a confrontation with Syria who would be drawing Iran into providing assitance and therefore draw the US into the one time regional conflict.

It can get out of control rather quickly. Which begs the question of why the US doesn't yet see the need to interfere and prevent the escalation in the first place by reigning in Israel. Unless of course you leap to the conclusion that America occupation of both Iraq and Iran would constitute a beneficial political and economic position for US interests. Didn't the Iranians nationalize a large chuck of former US assets in its revolution?

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If Israel can dipose of the Hezbollah problem it will not escalate. If the Lebanese Army becomes involved and Israel is forced top conduct operations against the entire state, then I would tend to think Syria would become involved. This would draw Israel into a confrontation with Syria who would be drawing Iran into providing assitance and therefore draw the US into the one time regional conflict.

It can get out of control rather quickly. Which begs the question of why the US doesn't yet see the need to interfere and prevent the escalation in the first place by reigning in Israel. Unless of course you leap to the conclusion that America occupation of both Iraq and Iran would constitute a beneficial political and economic position for US interests. Didn't the Iranians nationalize a large chuck of former US assets in its revolution?

Well, the Lebanese Army does have the right to fight Israel, they are being invaded. I don't think they will though because the government isn't anti-Israel and has no reason to do so. I'd be more worried about Syria stepping in on the behalf of Hezbollah, not Lebanon.

Do remember as well on top of outright rejecting Hezbollah in elections, the people of Lebanon united against the Syrian occupation, further fighting against those that want to destroy Israel. Does anyone not see that Lebanon isn't like Palestine or Syria or Iran? They don't want war.


Back to the amazing technology Israel has and how well they can target stuff:


- Must have been alot of Hezbollah in that street... or maybe they figure it's easier to just kill a couple dozen and maybe a few were Hezbollah


- I wonder what Hezbollah person was standing in the middle of the road there... or maybe Israel is wanting to destroy the way of life for uninvolved civilians?


- Killing the reporters is obviously dismantling Hezbollah... :huh:


- Why conduct intelligence when you can just destroy entire apartment buildings... I mean, it's only a few Arabs.


- You mean Lebanon rejects Syria and violence against Israel?? I thought that they were all anti-Israeli terrorists?? <_<


Anyone else notice that Israel hasn't killed any top level Hezbollah operatives yet, they actually haven't accomplished anything but kill innocents in their attack. I wonder if they catch on that it's impossible to destroy Hezbollah from a military perspective.

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Given that from the latest reports Israel seems to be flattening Lebanon one city at a time .. I cant see Syria not getting involved. And ultimately Iran, which sets off a domino affect that will result in a war will affect the all of the Middle East and then Russia and China if oil resources are threatened - and on and on

This is what one of the media in the US is saying ....... :blink:

Iran's militias must be eliminated

Jul. 20, 2006 12:00 AM

Bishara Bahbah's article in Sunday's Viewpoints, "Israel, Palestinians stray from road to peace," makes some positive suggestions for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without addressing the confounding detail of eliminating militias of the kind Hamas and Hezbollah operate that are armed by Iran and Syria.

Iran has cast a big shadow over the violence by aiding Hezbollah with advanced missiles. This interference pushes Teheran to the head of the line of priorities that Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates must deal with in order to protect their own peace and stability.

The existence of these militias has made Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora impotent to conduct negotiations on behalf of their respective countries. They could sign the peace documents, but they can't control the militias armed by Iran and Syria.

President Bush has the opportunity to build an anti-Iran/Syria coalition of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE that could help with the transition from the militias to new national armies reconstituted under civilian authority in Lebanon and Palestine. - Harvey Karchmer, Scottsdale Arizona

How amazing that an AMERICAN would have the nerve to write something this stupid in view of the BILLIONS the US dumps on Israel ...... Americans are so stupid they are scary dangerous ...

Iran has cast a big shadow over the violence by aiding Hezbollah with advanced missiles.
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Give me a break! What the US is saying is that there are indications of state sponsored terrorism here. That is an international no-no. The US has given billions to Israel that is true. Now name one single incident of an Israeli strapping on some C4 and strolling into a market place. There is a difference here in that respect, is there not?

While there are many people claiming that the Jewish state is acting like a terroristic regime, there is little more than provacative rhetoric to substantiate this claim. In fact the claim is an insult all to itself to the citizens of Israel. If the nation of Islam wants war, it shall find itself up to its eyeballs in death and destruction. We are no longer talking about conventional battles of one sort or another we are witnessing the acts of cowards hiding behind women and children and blaming those who seek to bring these cowards to justice. This is an international situation that has already grown beyond the status of local, it is now in a regional transition which could escalate into a full scale world wide conflict.

If your nations citizens were being attacked from outside their borders by an organized force, how would you want your government to respond? Was there any real choice for Israel?

Iran has declared support for Hezbollah, and they are a major supplier of energy to China. They are hiding behind that little wild card. Beating up Iran is a strategic threat to the Chinese.

There is great danger on this path that we should all consider.

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Given that from the latest reports Israel seems to be flattening Lebanon one city at a time .. I cant see Syria not getting involved. And ultimately Iran, which sets off a domino affect that will result in a war will affect the all of the Middle East and then Russia and China if oil resources are threatened - and on and on

Syria will not get involved unless it is directly attacked. It does not give a whit what happens to Lebanon, and it knows it would get its ass kicked if it dares to give Israel the justification to attack it directly. The Iranians will content themselves with lobbing a few innacurate missiles at Israel if it attacks Syria, and making pompous hate speeches in their mosques. The Israelis will retaliate with ten missiles for every one the Iranians dare to sent, and flatten their nuclear weapons program. The Russiand and Chinese make mouth noises, but neither really gives a damn what happens in the middle east. They certainly don't care how many people die. They are both brutal dictatorships which put down resistance with wholesale murder, after all.

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I for one am sickened, I cant look at any more photos of dead children, or tourists being killed, or the annihilation of Lebanon ......... it has been sent out, its been witnessed by a lot of people ...... there is no saying how long these sites will stay up and operational. Or how long these people will be alive is there?

Just makes you freaking proud to be Canadian or American or British and stand by and witness this kind of horror ........... and do nothing to stop it .......

Lets not forget the oil reserves in the area, Bush needs to control ALL the oil in the world, all the resources.

Are you comfortable with that Canada? Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Israel, Lebanon, the entire Middle East, who's left?

Kindred, seriously, turn off the computer and go play in a sandbox or something. You're getting overrought.

More people are dying, by far, in Iraq and Afghanistan than in Lebanon. More people are dying, quietly, out of the way, in Somalia and China, in Columbia and Nigeria and Sudan than are dying in Lebanon. The world is a shithole. Get used to it or stop reading the news.

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While the tragic death of citizens everywhere on this earth is cause for much pain and suffering for those of us that remain, the situation in the middle east has the potential to escalate into a world war. The situation has begun to polarize political opinions. For now the Arab league condemns both sides in the conflict, but that will only last so long. If Israel becomes involved in wholesale invasion to acquire and maintain a buffer zone Arab League member states will speak against occupation and stand together against Israel.

Argus I do not share your confidence in the ability to resolve this situation prior to or during any escalation of hostilities. If Iran becomes involved in a physical sense energy prices will be the least of the impacts to the rest of the world. If the Arabs engage and lose a military conflict, the problem with terrorism will increase in dramatic fashion. It is not the conventional forms of conflict that need to be addressed here. Terrorism cannot be defeated in a military sense. The only resolution is political, which is why I have my doubts that it will be possble to actually turn this thing off. Convince me that I am wrong...........

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In 911 the US broadcast that the terrorists came straight from Canada, since then they have repeatedly said Canada harbours terrorists. Would we sit idle and let them flatten Toronto and Montreal and Vancouver killing hundreds of civilians or would our Armed Forces, as pathetic as they are, get involved and try to stop an invasion into our country? I doubt that we would feel or say the US was justified

The Lebanese Armed Forces have not been engaged, have not fired a shot while Israel flattens their country.

This is not how you fight a guerilla force like the Hezbulloh - countless innocent civilians are being killed and injured, infrastructure blown up. The Lebanese Government didnt support Hazbulloh .....

What are you doing to get rid of the terrorists the US claims are in Canada? According to your thinking you deserve to be killed and your cities flattened seeing as terrorists have been arrested in Canada ..... and are "known" to have some cells operating in our country. The average citizen here is doing nothing about it. Our army isnt fighting them in the streets ..... because that isnt how you weed out terrorists. Yes this is how Israel justifies what they are doing, and the US concurs.

The terrorists the US says are in Canada arent firing rockets into the US but 911 was pretty dramatic and Canada was initially blamed for that ......

What the US is saying is that there are indications of state sponsored terrorism here. That is an international no-no.

Just as there were "indications" of WMD's in Irag?

Anyone who opposes the US is a terrorist. Anyone the US cant control is a terrorist. Anyone who isnt white and Christian is a terrorist or a potential terrorist ...

This isnt a war between two countries, because the Lebanese Army isnt involved, but the first thing Israel did was blow up their airports and roads so the Lebanese Army couldnt move, except across land ..... Does Hazbulloh have an airforce? What was the justification for this? It was to handicap the Lebanese Armed Forces.

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