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The Next Rosa Parks?

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Dislike isn't relative. If I say I dislike liver it's not because I prefer steak, it's because I can't stand the taste of liver. There's no relative component to the concept.

I see. So when write out a list of all the things you dislike there is equality between them all? All things you dislike you dislike equally? The word dislike is an absolute statement? Like "four" or "affirmative"?

No, like "good" or "bad" and "love" and "hate", dislike IS a relative statement. Unless you "love" steak equally as much as your wife, or you "dislike" eating liver equally as much as you "dislike" finding a toenail in your ice-cream.

By all accounts those words are relative and require context.

As for the rest of your, um, critique, I'll say this - I won't make the mistake of faking enthusiasm over any of your proclivities anymore. My smart ass is getting sore, for no good reason.

If by that you mean that you now realize you shouldn't have been snotty or at least shouldn't have been so without expecting return treatment of the same, well alright then. No biggie. Misunderstandings like this happen all the time and I suppose this one can last as long as either of us wants it to. B)


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Ah, yes, another thread hi-jacked by the personality of Ann Coulter. She's obviously being very effective to be under the skin of so many even up here in Canada. If she was just a mindless twit, it would be self evident and no one would feel the need to put her down.

I think I'll read one of her books and see what all the fuss is about. Here's her take on democrats who worked nonstop for decades to get the price of gas up in the States, who now try to defend the rights of the average family from said high prices. AnnieCoulter

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Of course you're only contributing to the hijacking by making another post about her. Don't let that stop you from thinking you're better than others though.

And no, actually that she pisses people off and people put her down is no proof whatsoever that she isn't a mindless twit. By that reasoning Hitler must've really been an ok guy...you can tell by the way everyone's always talkin' smack about him. :blink:

Go ahead and buy her books. The only thing that's self-evident is her utter refusal to research anything or believe anything other than her fantasies. If you want to waste hours of your life reading disinformation all the power to you.


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Of course you're only contributing to the hijacking by making another post about her. Don't let that stop you from thinking you're better than others though.

And no, actually that she pisses people off and people put her down is no proof whatsoever that she isn't a mindless twit. By that reasoning Hitler must've really been an ok guy...you can tell by the way everyone's always talkin' smack about him. :blink:

Go ahead and buy her books. The only thing that's self-evident is her utter refusal to research anything or believe anything other than her fantasies. If you want to waste hours of your life reading disinformation all the power to you.


Wow, 10 minutes. You were on my post like white on rice in 10 minutes. She must be under your skin and how. And leaders of countries don't count, on account of that they can use armies to attack those they don't like. A twit with a nuke or an army is dangerous. A twit who writes books is easy to ignore. But Ann isn't.

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Wow, 10 minutes. You were on my post like white on rice in 10 minutes. She must be under your skin and how.

Yeah that must be it.

I don't know how accurate the times on the top are, but yours reads 12 minutes later. Guess you win. :o

And leaders of countries don't count, on account of that they can use armies to attack those they don't like. A twit with a nuke or an army is dangerous. A twit who writes books is easy to ignore. But Ann isn't.

Of course that's it. I made one post about Ann. The conversation drifted from there and you're every bit as guilty about it as I am. You're harping at me about how she's no big deal. I agree. Where you get this idea I'm obsessed with her, as far as I can see, is my one post (actually in another Ann thread I posted her take on a geometry quiz but it was a light joke at most). So from my one post you now have your self-rightious outlet on all those people who obsess with her. I'm not one of them. I am someone who will bite back though. That's the only reason I have more than one post in this thread.

I'm glad to see you're not impressed with her. Keep telling yourself that.

I think that makes 3 posts I've ever made about her in about 3 years I've been posting on forums. You need to slow down.


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There have been 15 posts either directly or indirectly refering to Ann, this in a thread about a high school student getting her mike shut off. Personally, I love it. Kill, you've made the most posts in this thread with Ann content by far. The first step is admitting you have a problem. Try counting your posts on this thread, it may surprise you.

Hitler was a bad example. Notoriety? He changed the map of Europe and killed millions of Jews. Geez, why is it when liberals get into with someone, before you know it the Nazis are brought up.

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lol. I'm a liberal now...lol. Hilarious. Last week I was a neo-nazi right wing. Now I'm a liberal. You're still an idiot.
Kill, you've made the most posts in this thread with Ann content by far.

What? Both of them?


You obviously have a bad memory and were too lazy to actually LOOK at your posts on this thread. You have 7 posts that talk about Ann either directly or indirectly, 5 of them before I made my first post to you. If you can't deal with your Ann derangement disorder yet, that's fine, but when anyone can count your posts and you only claim two, it reflects poorly on you. Any idiot can see that!

Also, perhaps I didn't know enough about you, but I called you a liberal based on your 7 post reaction to Ann. If I am wrong, so be it.

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Valedictorian's speech cut short by school district

A local high school graduation ended with roars of protest after school officials turned the microphone off right in the middle of one of the valedictorian's speeches. The microphone cut out after the valedictorian at Foothill High made reference to God.


I would like to congradulate this girl for persevering in the face of censorship and the infringement on her Constitutional rights. Somebody needs to stand up to the kook-secular left. Ann Coulter was right to describe these people as Godless. Bravo Brittney McComb! :)

If this happen to say a Muslim preaching the love of Islam groups like the ACLU would have been meltingdown saying rights were violated etc. But since this happen to a Christian groups like the ACLU are silent.. :rolleyes:

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If this happen to say a Muslim preaching the love of Islam groups like the ACLU would have been meltingdown saying rights were violated etc. But since this happen to a Christian groups like the ACLU are silent.. :rolleyes:

You have irrefutable knowledge that the ACLU would take that position according to these same facts? If so, I'm going to call you looking for lottery numbers. :lol:

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If this happen to say a Muslim preaching the love of Islam groups like the ACLU would have been meltingdown saying rights were violated etc. But since this happen to a Christian groups like the ACLU are silent.. :rolleyes:

You have irrefutable knowledge that the ACLU would take that position according to these same facts? If so, I'm going to call you looking for lottery numbers. :lol:

The ACLU is against Christianity in the United States. They would defend the rights of a Muslim preaching the love of Islam while not defending a Christian's rights preaching their beliefs..

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I've ignored this train wreck of a thread, but the title has been pissing me off, so I here I go. Comparing this kid to Rosa Parks is an insult to Parks and the entire civil rights movement. White Christians in the United States are not an oppressed minority. They are not subject to large scale institutionalized and legal discrimination. No one is lynching Christians. There is no war on Christianity.

The recent trend by the religious right to co-opt the language of victimhood used by past subjects of real oppression is disgusting. It certainly does little to engender any sympathy from me.

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The Anti-Christmas ACLU

Tis the season: The Christmas lights are up, the malls are playing carols, and somewhere in America, the ACLU is filing another lawsuit over someone having the nerve to try and celebrate Christ's birth.

The American Civil Liberties Union seems to delight in this relentless onslaught of litigation and persecution every Christmas season. And this year, it's worse than ever. Some town puts up a nativity scene, the ACLU files suit. Some hapless Santa attempts to explain the meaning of Christmas to a grade school student, the ACLU demands his termination.


ACLU Files Another Lawsuit Against God

The ACLU is still hot on the trail of those who would dare offer any prayer, whatsoever, in public schools. But, as has become its norm, the ACLU’s campaign against God is relegated only to ‘Christian prayer’ and Christianity. This “great protector of our civil rights” (all sarcasm intended) has yet to challenge any Muslim prayers that have now been mandated by many California public schools. For the ACLU, Islam is allowed but, Christianity is forbidden.

In its recent lawsuit against Louisiana’s Tangipahoa Parish School, the ACLU is calling for the fining and imprisonment of the school’s Board “for their calculated un-American and immoral conduct to embarrass, hinder or obstruct the court in the administration of justice." To the ACLU, God is now “un-American” and “immoral”. The first reason for this latest ACLU contempt charge is due to Shane Tycer (not a school employee) broadcasting a prayer (Christian of course…not Muslim) over the school’s public address system, before a basketball game. This flew in the face of a prior ACLU obtained court order (it’s easy for the ACLU to get these ‘court orders’ when judges are in its pockets), which disallows Christian prayer anywhere and anytime at the schools.


Still think I'm wrong?

As for this kid being compared to Rosa Parks it's wrong just as when the Anti-War Far Left tried to compare Cindy Sheehan to Rosa Parks..

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You obviously have a bad memory and were too lazy to actually LOOK at your posts on this thread. You have 7 posts that talk about Ann either directly or indirectly, 5 of them before I made my first post to you. If you can't deal with your Ann derangement disorder yet, that's fine, but when anyone can count your posts and you only claim two, it reflects poorly on you. Any idiot can see that!

Also, perhaps I didn't know enough about you, but I called you a liberal based on your 7 post reaction to Ann. If I am wrong, so be it.



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Your link: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2.../9/191515.shtml

1. This is an opinion piece, not a news story

2. It does nothing but make a claim without any news to back it up (in this author's case, it's the alleged "ACLU war on Christmas"). Does it offer evidence, links to court cases, newspaper articles, local news broadcasts that detail how the ACLU has been waging war on Christmas? No. Can the guy even point to a specific incident, like an ACLU attempt to get a holiday display removed in Town X? No. It's just a regurgitation of age-old hatred against perceived-left wingers by some right-wing nutbag. And you completely discredit your argument if you think this is evidence of your position.

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Your link: http://www.michnews.com/cgi-bin/artman/exe...30/7781/printer

1. again, another opinion piece.

2. at least this author has some news-searchable basis for his screed, though he hardly characterizes the situation accurately or objectively. The Supreme Court has held that reading of prayers over public school loudspeakers to a "captive" audience is against the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment. In this case, the ACLU sought to enjoin the school from such practices, and got such a court order against the school district. The school district still went ahead and allowed someone to read a prayer over the loudspeaker, thereby violating the court order. I'd call this guy a buffoon for getting the facts so wrong, but he's actually a devious liar in that he completely misrepresents the facts. The ACLU didn't say God was unAmerican. The ACLU said willfully disobeying a court order so as to violate the 1st Amendment is unAmerican. They are right.

As with the other piece, it does absolutely nothing to prove your case.

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Your link: http://www.michnews.com/cgi-bin/artman/exe...30/7781/printer

1. again, another opinion piece.

2. at least this author has some news-searchable basis for his screed, though he hardly characterizes the situation accurately or objectively. The Supreme Court has held that reading of prayers over public school loudspeakers to a "captive" audience is against the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment. In this case, the ACLU sought to enjoin the school from such practices, and got such a court order against the school district. The school district still went ahead and allowed someone to read a prayer over the loudspeaker, thereby violating the court order. I'd call this guy a buffoon for getting the facts so wrong, but he's actually a devious liar in that he completely misrepresents the facts. The ACLU didn't say God was unAmerican. The ACLU said willfully disobeying a court order so as to violate the 1st Amendment is unAmerican. They are right.

As with the other piece, it does absolutely nothing to prove your case.

The first and second links were opinon pieces on how the ACLU is against Christianity and what's wrong with that? What the only opinion that counts is from the ACLU?

What I posted were just a few examples, if their not good enough for you that's fine but it doesn't change the fact of where the ACLU stands when it comes to Christianity..

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The first and second links were opinon pieces on how the ACLU is against Christianity and what's wrong with that? What the only opinion that counts is from the ACLU?

What I posted were just a few examples, if their not good enough for you that's fine but it doesn't change the fact of where the ACLU stands when it comes to Christianity..

Sorry, no. You can't state a "fact", in this case, that the ACLU is waging a war against Christianity but favors reading Islamic prayers in school, and then rely on biased opinion pieces as the documents supporting its veracity. For truth you need facts, not opinion.

If Johnny and Janey got in a fender bender and one eyewitness' opinion is that Johnny must have been driving under the influence (but tests prove otherwise), it does not change the fact that Johnny was sober. Opinion is not fact.

Can you find a NEWS story on CNN.com, CBC.ca, foxnews.com, the Wall Street Journal or any other respectable news source that details this war against all Christendom? Or are the WSJ and Fox now part of the left wing media conspiracy?

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The first and second links were opinon pieces on how the ACLU is against Christianity and what's wrong with that? What the only opinion that counts is from the ACLU?

What I posted were just a few examples, if their not good enough for you that's fine but it doesn't change the fact of where the ACLU stands when it comes to Christianity..

The ACLU isn't against Christianity, it is against forced prayer in schools. When a prayer (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Wicca, whatever) is read over the PA system, everyone is subject to it, and is expected to respect it. Its the imposition and promotion of one set of beliefs over another that is the issue here, not which set of beliefs it is.

Johnny, there is an older thread in the Moral and Religious Issues forum called Prayer in Schools that you might be interested in reading. I'm sure there are others there as well, but this one was quite long and well debated.

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The first and second links were opinon pieces on how the ACLU is against Christianity and what's wrong with that? What the only opinion that counts is from the ACLU?

What I posted were just a few examples, if their not good enough for you that's fine but it doesn't change the fact of where the ACLU stands when it comes to Christianity..

The ACLU isn't against Christianity, it is against forced prayer in schools. When a prayer (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Wicca, whatever) is read over the PA system, everyone is subject to it, and is expected to respect it. Its the imposition and promotion of one set of beliefs over another that is the issue here, not which set of beliefs it is.

Johnny, there is an older thread in the Moral and Religious Issues forum called Prayer in Schools that you might be interested in reading. I'm sure there are others there as well, but this one was quite long and well debated.

The ACLU is against far more than that, here's one such case, where they supported legal precedent for a gay club in a high school, but then reveresed their support of the precedent when it was used to argue the establishment of a Christian club in a high school.

They also hate the words intelligent design, and of course the big bad ten(cover your eyes!) commandments.

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