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Continuing double standards, Mcguinty doesn't have gonads to enforce law. This has nothing to do with land claims and treaties, it is about a government refusing to enforce our laws for one group.


Enforce the law, Mr. McGuinty

The Gazette Published: Friday, June 16, 2006

If you ever find yourself charged with trying to kill a police officer, don't worry about being arrested - your family will just hide you away, and nobody will do anything about it, although the premier of your province might make some plaintive bleating noises. There's just one catch - you have to be a native protester.

The double standard that Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has allowed to grow up around the land-dispute protest site at Caledonia, south of Hamilton, has now become manifestly absurd. Last Friday, police say, seven people connected to the land protest at a construction site - were involved in the "swarming" of a car, assaults on TV cameramen and the theft of a car that was then driven at police officers. Protest spokesmen solemnly claimed that these events were "political" and therefore not criminal. (Actually, of course, political violence can be considered terrorism.)

Hey Ho - Ontario Liberals Have to Go - Fight Wynne - save our province

Continuing double standards, Mcguinty doesn't have gonads to enforce law. This has nothing to do with land claims and treaties, it is about a government refusing to enforce our laws for one group.


Enforce the law, Mr. McGuinty

The Gazette Published: Friday, June 16, 2006

If you ever find yourself charged with trying to kill a police officer, don't worry about being arrested - your family will just hide you away, and nobody will do anything about it, although the premier of your province might make some plaintive bleating noises. There's just one catch - you have to be a native protester.

The double standard that Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has allowed to grow up around the land-dispute protest site at Caledonia, south of Hamilton, has now become manifestly absurd. Last Friday, police say, seven people connected to the land protest at a construction site - were involved in the "swarming" of a car, assaults on TV cameramen and the theft of a car that was then driven at police officers. Protest spokesmen solemnly claimed that these events were "political" and therefore not criminal. (Actually, of course, political violence can be considered terrorism.)

I don't disagree, but you do have to be careful with trying to quell an increasingly volatile protest by way of force...it's not that easy to do without causing a whole lot more violence.

Should we be looking to the Feds to send in troops?



Inaction and indeciveness of the Premier can cause further violence if the citizens loose faith and decide to take matters into their own hands. This might spark vigilante-ism.


Someone's got to arrest the people that did this. Bring in the army and burn down the village to find the idiots if the Chiefs won't turn them in. I thought Indian culture was about peace, not running down police officers, as well as that one officer that got hit in the head with the bricks. They should have shot the Indian that took the swing, that's a definite attempt on an officer's life.

But shooting Indians is politically incorrect. If the guy was white, black, or asian and took after a cop with either a car or a bag of bricks, no doubt would he be shot.

RealRisk.ca - (Latest Post: Prosecutors have no "Skin in the Game")



I'm afraid that is my take on it too, whether or not the protesters have a point isn't the issue. It is the double standards and indecisiveness of the gov't, and the inability to protect all citizens. The gov't allowed this to escalate and now is costing us millions.

While I agree that the use of force might exacerbate the situation, a firmer hand from the beginning could have prevented what happened. It is obvious that the gov't intervened and told the OPP not to act, yet they castigated the conservatives when they intervened.

The probem now is that there is a very clear message to all of us; one group can get away with attempted murder, violence and anarchy, while the ROC cannot. Again, race based preferential treatment.

Hey Ho - Ontario Liberals Have to Go - Fight Wynne - save our province


Unfortunately, you are all taking your information from media sources who will only report one side of the situation. Taking a trip down there on a friday or saturday night may open some eyes as to whom is antagonizing whom there. Stay in the vicinity of Tim Hortons and the Canadian Tire parking lot - grab a coffee and watch how things unfold. Or cruise by the fence near the school - and see men from ages ranging for teens to late twenties - drinking and throwing bottles and stones - then ask yourself why you didnt see any of that in the news.

Unfortunately, you are all taking your information from media sources who will only report one side of the situation. Taking a trip down there on a friday or saturday night may open some eyes as to whom is antagonizing whom there. Stay in the vicinity of Tim Hortons and the Canadian Tire parking lot - grab a coffee and watch how things unfold. Or cruise by the fence near the school - and see men from ages ranging for teens to late twenties - drinking and throwing bottles and stones - then ask yourself why you didnt see any of that in the news.

What does that have to do with Indians that assaulted police officers getting arrested?

RealRisk.ca - (Latest Post: Prosecutors have no "Skin in the Game")



Why arnt the people assaulting Natives being charged? They get arrested, released, then go back to the fence.

The other point that eluded you was that very few of you on here have witnessed for yourselves whats going on - and rely on the media to prvide the whole story. Im saying keep an open mind, and take any media who only represents one side of the situation with a grain of salt. There are two sides to this story - and only one is being told.

What does that have to do with Indians that assaulted police officers getting arrested?

The fact is this impasse has been allowed to go on far too long. The OPP has been turned into the same charade as the Canadian Armed Forces in other such showdowns.

While I sympathize and agree with many of the aboriginal arguements as to their legal rights I also think the provincial government should have dismantled the barricades and made arrests if they had to and then do what they should have done in the first place, sit down with the aboriginal leaders and address the issues that have been ignored.

I personally believe all these showdowns do is create blow back or adverse reaction and racist reaction from non aboriginals.

I appreciate aboriginal peoples may feel they have few choices and are forced to this action but what I am saying is the government must be pro-active in defusing such flare-ups and steer people off the streets and into meeting halls where issues can be mediated.

I also bleieve anyone from either side who commits violence has to be arrested.

Anyone seen Mr. Peterson?

I come to you to hell.



Why arnt the people assaulting Natives being charged? They get arrested, released, then go back to the fence.

Are you saying this is happening and not being reported ? I urge you to record these incidents and take them to the press. If this is true, you'll get your story.

I was in the local area, and my take is that the main bias from the Toronto press is they don't want to hear about this.


Douglas Creek Estates and The Burtch lands have been reclaimed, which is a step in the right direction. The issue seems to have cooled down for the time being, but this far from over im afraid. I am seriously considering purchasing a video recorder, but It is my hope that there wont be anything for me to video tape. There is video out there detailing the behaviour of both sides, which is why the situation is frustrating. People are only seeing one side, and in my mind that is depriving them of vital information to base an opinion on.

Your statement about Toronto media may be true, and it certainly doesnt surprise me. The peaceful results of negotiations into agreements reached just doesnt $ell well.

Why arnt the people assaulting Natives being charged? They get arrested, released, then go back to the fence.

Are you saying this is happening and not being reported ? I urge you to record these incidents and take them to the press. If this is true, you'll get your story.

I was in the local area, and my take is that the main bias from the Toronto press is they don't want to hear about this.

There is video out there detailing the behaviour of both sides, which is why the situation is frustrating.

Then make it happen. You can do your community a great service. Get a copy of the video, post it on the 'net, then phone City TV and give them the link. My opinion is that there's more laziness out there than bias. The media is only as bad/good as we allow it to be.


Check this out:


There is video out there detailing the behaviour of both sides, which is why the situation is frustrating.

Then make it happen. You can do your community a great service. Get a copy of the video, post it on the 'net, then phone City TV and give them the link. My opinion is that there's more laziness out there than bias. The media is only as bad/good as we allow it to be.


And these : http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2062107048597866513

Check this out:


There is video out there detailing the behaviour of both sides, which is why the situation is frustrating.

Then make it happen. You can do your community a great service. Get a copy of the video, post it on the 'net, then phone City TV and give them the link. My opinion is that there's more laziness out there than bias. The media is only as bad/good as we allow it to be.


Not a heck of a lot in that video, pretty dark - but maybe I missed the bandanas, tasers machettes, guns - you know all that good stuff the occupiers are using.

Hey Ho - Ontario Liberals Have to Go - Fight Wynne - save our province


There is more than one video in those archives - find the one where the man threatens the lone female Native reporter - he was awfully brave. After viewing it, realise that protecting people from a situtation like that is why the Warrior Society is there. Listen to the provocation the residents endure, caught on audio.

No video from the raid? In the video clip you showcased do you catch the date? it was taken the morning after the Police moved in. Being a peaceful protest they didnt have cameras rolling to catch the police conducting the pre dawn raid - tape began rolling from the camp after that.

Anybody reading this check out the videos and make a judgement for yourselves. I posted that link because both sides are not being represented - I dont think youve seen any footage of the abuse the protesters edure - from my understanding these recording were offered to television news and not used - Why is that?

Scrib - have to admit there were a few bandanas around.... LOL OH and some Quads tryng to shed some light on the fenceline - as far as the other items on your " wish they were there list " they are all fallacy.

Did the video make you a star, Scrib?

Not a heck of a lot in that video, pretty dark - but maybe I missed the bandanas, tasers machettes, guns - you know all that good stuff the occupiers are using.

Stop saying it was a peaceful protest. That doesn't even matter. The protest is illegal and needed to be stopped, by the police.

Why can't I and my friends blockade a road for a week and not get arrested? What if I'm bringing attention to a cause? Maybe we should get a bunch of people together and blockade all food and supplies into the Indian village. Let's see how long they support illegal protests, I'm sure we'd be arrested.

RealRisk.ca - (Latest Post: Prosecutors have no "Skin in the Game")



Enskat, you claim about the inaccuracies of the media. But do we have any guarantee that the videos shown were not staged, edited or inaccurate as well?

I saw silhouettes of people...are those supposed to be the Caledonians? or the Natives? How do we know this video was not done just so to contradict and "demonize" the news clips that really is damaging to your cause. Where is the proof that the videos were not "doctored."

And what about the "imported" goons from Toronto (a motley crew of various groups)...who apparently were the ones who caused the violence? Are you not aware of that? Check my post with the excerpts from Western Standard.


If you have a legal beef - go for it! It will attract media attention to your cause, then the public can decide if they personally agree or diasaree. HECK ! Geoffry, I may even support you!

You really do miss the big picture here though geoffry, and i dont think you ever will. Your objection to Natives in general will forever cloud your vision and your judgment. Heres another tidbit for you - anybody charged with anything to do with the protest is going to court. And the same should be said ANYBODY who was involved in any illegality. I will wait patiently for the cases to be heard, and all the evidence to be weighed in front of a neutral judge. I can pretty much guarantee BOTH sides will be heard in court, and perhaps some justice will be handed out - not only for the Six Nations but for the residents of Caledonia as well.

Stop saying it was a peaceful protest. That doesn't even matter. The protest is illegal and needed to be stopped, by the police.

Why can't I and my friends blockade a road for a week and not get arrested? What if I'm bringing attention to a cause? Maybe we should get a bunch of people together and blockade all food and supplies into the Indian village. Let's see how long they support illegal protests, I'm sure we'd be arrested.


The videos were quite obviously the work of an amateur camera man, and was for the most part a single stream of footage. i beleive there were a couple stoppages when no one was in view. Staged... *shakes head* did you see the close ups of the people on the other side of the fence, listen to whats being said? Hear the rocks narrowly misising people, forcing them back in order to avoid being hit?

Did you view any of the other video provided via my second link? as well as the video, listen to whats going on around the filming. Did you see the videos where on two seperate occasions some tough guy threatens a lone Native woman? Why wasnt he charged with uttering threats? Im hoping someone will see these recordings that is in a position to make them an issue. The filming of the incident was an excellent and peaceful way to react to the provocations by - and I hesitate to say residents of Caledonia, becasue i know these people are only a small representation of the townspeople.

Funny how anyone that supports Six Nations is automatically labelled a goon or inherently violent. In the video where a Native woman was trying to speak on film to a reporter from Hamilton - the crowd was yelling , name calling etc and one man tried to quite the crowd so the lady could speak ( he wanted t hear what she had to say ) - the man had to be escorted away - so anybody speaking out that isnt anti-native must be quelled, and risk violence from the mob. So whos violent now?

AND Heres what i heard happened with the supporters from Toronto. They get off the bus displaying pro-Native signage and * surprise surprise * The friendly folks in the Canadian Tire parking lot come to greet them. AND im going out on limb here... but i dont think they were going over to shake their hands and afffirm they have the right to protest in support of Six Nations.

I am very open to view any video originating from either side of this issue, so any amateur videographers that happened to catch real video evidence of the arrival of the protesters from Toronto, id like to see it.

In regards to the partial snippets of article you posted - I would still like to view the entire article for myself - so if you could locate and pass on the link I would appreciate it. Im particularly interested to view the comments of both women named in the article. The first line states she is one of the appointed lawyers, then the article shifts to the second lady - id really like to view the article in its entirety.

And what about the "imported" goons from Toronto (a motley crew of various groups)...who apparently were the ones who caused the violence? Are you not aware of that? Check my post with the excerpts from Western Standard.


Brother...those videos are excellent! I'm glad someone has captured some of the stuff I've seen at Caledonia.

To me, the most disturbing aspect of the video is that every one of the young Caledonians has a bottle of liquor in his hands. As I've been criticized for saying earlier, those Caledonians are mere drunks out acting thuggish because they are responding poorly to the suspension of law as much as everyone blames the Iroquois for.

However, I still feel bad for these people. Native people have all manner of ceremonies and supports to address addiction, and I think it incumbent upon native people to offer assistance to these people to help them overcome their social problems.

The bottom line is that it's good to feel vindicated about what I've previously described about Caledonians. As Canadians, we should all pull together to help Caledonians overcome the scourge of alcohol.

There is are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid people.

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