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De Vinci Code

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I saw a stat saying something like 25% of North Americans believe its true.

Some people are just so ignorant, makes me wonder how they function?

I think this says it all:
About 22% of U.S. adults believe Mr. Hussein helped plan 9/11, the poll shows, and 26% believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded. Another 24% believe several of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis, according to the online poll of 1,961 adults.
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Guest Warwick Green

Everybody has known that it's a work of fiction since the day it was first published. What's surprises me is the hysteria coming from people who don't seem to know that and who keep acting as if it was intended to be a legitimate piece of religious history. To attempt to "disprove" fiction seems to be purposeless since it was never intended to be be fact in the first place.

Point taken. I was speaking from my own experience (and in reference to the original poster), where I have known people who have taken the DaVinci code to be this big new discovery. Of course, it is not. That's all I was saying. For those of you who already knew the book was fiction, congratulations. Some people think that Dan Brown is claiming that these things are true.

It's on the fiction best seller lists. It's in the fiction section of our library. You would have to be of very low intelligence not to realize that it is fiction.

I have actually read the book. It's mediocre. If you are going with the tired old plot of having a man and a woman chased by the cops as well as the bad guys at least be imaginative. This isn't. Some of the episodes are phony and at the end, the book detumesces. You would really have to be soft in the head to take anything in the book as "fact".

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Guest Warwick Green
I saw a stat saying something like 25% of North Americans believe its true.

Some people are just so ignorant, makes me wonder how they function?

I think this says it all:
About 22% of U.S. adults believe Mr. Hussein helped plan 9/11, the poll shows, and 26% believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the U.S. invaded. Another 24% believe several of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqis, according to the online poll of 1,961 adults.

60% of Americans can't identify Iraq on a map and 25% can't even identify New York. :D

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It's on the fiction best seller lists. It's in the fiction section of our library. You would have to be of very low intelligence not to realize that it is fiction.

I have actually read the book. It's mediocre. If you are going with the tired old plot of having a man and a woman chased by the cops as well as the bad guys at least be imaginative. This isn't. Some of the episodes are phony and at the end, the book detumesces. You would really have to be soft in the head to take anything in the book as "fact".

Some people aren't up to date with all the latest popular books so they wouldn't have a clue about the fictitiousness of it. People just hear about how, according to the book, DaVinci planted lost clues about Christianity. That's enough to get people's interest. It's like a UFO theory--people are going to explore it whether they know it's fiction or not. Many people take it seriously. That's all I was saying! What are we arguing about anyways, lol.

So, no you don't have to be stupid, just ignorant. Completely different.

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Guest Warwick Green
Some people aren't up to date with all the latest popular books so they wouldn't have a clue about the fictitiousness of it. People just hear about how, according to the book, DaVinci planted lost clues about Christianity. That's enough to get people's interest. It's like a UFO theory--people are going to explore it whether they know it's fiction or not. Many people take it seriously. That's all I was saying! What are we arguing about anyways, lol.

So, no you don't have to be stupid, just ignorant. Completely different.

I would suggest that anyone who doesn't know that a work of fiction is fictiousness is way beyond ignorant. Anyone who is gullible enough to read a work of fiction and believes what he reads probably feels that the National Enquirer is a legitimate news source. :D

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Some people aren't up to date with all the latest popular books so they wouldn't have a clue about the fictitiousness of it. People just hear about how, according to the book, DaVinci planted lost clues about Christianity. That's enough to get people's interest. It's like a UFO theory--people are going to explore it whether they know it's fiction or not. Many people take it seriously. That's all I was saying! What are we arguing about anyways, lol.

So, no you don't have to be stupid, just ignorant. Completely different.

I would suggest that anyone who doesn't know that a work of fiction is fictiousness is way beyond ignorant. Anyone who is gullible enough to read a work of fiction and believes what he reads probably feels that the National Enquirer is a legitimate news source. :D

I'm sure there are some out there that think bat boy is real.

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Or believe that the US consciously allowed 9/11 to happen...

Oh wait - the 49% that think that are sophisticated New Yorkers !

half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say that some of our leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act,"
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Guest Warwick Green
Or believe that the US consciously allowed 9/11 to happen...

Oh wait - the 49% that think that are sophisticated New Yorkers !

half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say that some of our leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act,"

As Phineas T Barnum once remarked, "Nobody ever lost any money overestimating the stupidity of the American people".

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Guest Warwick Green

Scratch the Da Vinci Code and reveal the truth

By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent

(Filed: 12/05/2006)

Your view: do you believe The Da Vinci Code?

Scratchcards, usually associated with National Lottery games offering "instant cash prizes", are to be put to a more elevated use - debunking The Da Vinci Code.

The Christian Enquiry Centre is distributing 270,000 specially designed cards today to every cinema screening the Hollywood version of the Dan Brown bestseller when it is released next week...


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Some people aren't up to date with all the latest popular books so they wouldn't have a clue about the fictitiousness of it. People just hear about how, according to the book, DaVinci planted lost clues about Christianity. That's enough to get people's interest. It's like a UFO theory--people are going to explore it whether they know it's fiction or not. Many people take it seriously. That's all I was saying! What are we arguing about anyways, lol.

So, no you don't have to be stupid, just ignorant. Completely different.

I would suggest that anyone who doesn't know that a work of fiction is fictiousness is way beyond ignorant. Anyone who is gullible enough to read a work of fiction and believes what he reads probably feels that the National Enquirer is a legitimate news source. :D

The fact that the book is clearly fiction is besides the point. That doesn't matter. It has been advertised as a new discovery in the past. Even in the movie's advertisement campaign its slogan is "Seek the Truth". Yes, I know it's fiction, everyone knows it's fiction. But you can't blame the people who haven't read the book for thinking that the book is anything other than fiction. It's not stupidity.

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Guest Warwick Green
The fact that the book is clearly fiction is besides the point. That doesn't matter. It has been advertised as a new discovery in the past. Even in the movie's advertisement campaign its slogan is "Seek the Truth". Yes, I know it's fiction, everyone knows it's fiction. But you can't blame the people who haven't read the book for thinking that the book is anything other than fiction. It's not stupidity.

Long before I read the book I knew it was fiction and I knew as part of the story line there were people searching for some documentation that allegedly would show that Jesus of Nazareth was married with children. I knew that it wasn't intended to be fact and that it was put in the novel for purposes of plot development. People who haven't read the book but accept it as fact because they talked to someone who had read it, or saw a movie commercial are, in my opinion, both stupid and gullible.

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Guest Warwick Green
The worst part of all this silliness is that this is an old story, and have read it before under a different title. Can't remember what it was called, but basically the search for the holy grail was actually a search for the lineage of christ.

That is why I think the book is so mediocre - tired story line, tired plot devices and pedantic writing.

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The fact that the book is clearly fiction is besides the point. That doesn't matter. It has been advertised as a new discovery in the past. Even in the movie's advertisement campaign its slogan is "Seek the Truth". Yes, I know it's fiction, everyone knows it's fiction. But you can't blame the people who haven't read the book for thinking that the book is anything other than fiction. It's not stupidity.

Long before I read the book I knew it was fiction and I knew as part of the story line there were people searching for some documentation that allegedly would show that Jesus of Nazareth was married with children. I knew that it wasn't intended to be fact and that it was put in the novel for purposes of plot development. People who haven't read the book but accept it as fact because they talked to someone who had read it, or saw a movie commercial are, in my opinion, both stupid and gullible.

*Banging head against table*

Allow me to outline a scenario that you have obviously never encountered involving *Intelligent* people who are not so arrogant as to believe that they know everything black and white:

"Hey, Bob. Have you heard of that DaVinci code book? It's been on the bestseller list for a few weeks now."

"No, what's it about?"

"It's about how Christ was actually married, and his bloodline is traced through clues that DaVinci left through his artwork."

"Wow, it sounds interesting. I should look it up on the internet."

"Yeah, I'm very intrigued by the idea as well. Have you ever heard of the illuminati?"

-------END CONVERSATION-----------------

Now here is a conversation involving Warwick Green: (lol)

"Hey, Warwick. Have you heard about that theory that Christ was actually married."

"Shuttup, stupid head. That's fiction. You are both stupid and gullible."

(Other guy goes and cries, and burns his DaVinci code book)

lol, I'm just kidding, Warwick. But I think you are misunderstanding my point; you're taking it way too black and white.

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Guest Warwick Green
*Banging head against table*

Allow me to outline a scenario that you have obviously never encountered involving *Intelligent* people who are not so arrogant as to believe that they know everything black and white:

"Hey, Bob. Have you heard of that DaVinci code book? It's been on the bestseller list for a few weeks now."

"No, what's it about?"

"It's about how Christ was actually married, and his bloodline is traced through clues that DaVinci left through his artwork."

"Wow, it sounds interesting. I should look it up on the internet."

"Yeah, I'm very intrigued by the idea as well. Have you ever heard of the illuminati?"

-------END CONVERSATION-----------------

Now here is a conversation involving Warwick Green: (lol)

"Hey, Warwick. Have you heard about that theory that Christ was actually married."

"Shuttup, stupid head. That's fiction. You are both stupid and gullible."

(Other guy goes and cries, and burns his DaVinci code book)

lol, I'm just kidding, Warwick. But I think you are misunderstanding my point; you're taking it way too black and white.

I accept your point. I'm not going to continue to beat this dead horse. But I'd no more accept the word of a buddy just because he had read that Jesus was married anymore than I would accept a stock tip from him. :D

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My two cents:

I haven't read Dan Brown's book but I did leaf through it and found the characterizations to be cooker cutter and the style to be boilerplate.

On past performance, I would not expect Ron Howard or Akiva Goldman to rise much above this basic material. Moreover, I am irritated by this manufactured PR campaign including the phoney lawsuit in England. This is as controversial as a discussion of the relative merits of a Big Mac versus a Whopper.

Nikos Kazantzakis's The Last Temptation of Christ and Scorsese film treatment pose more interesting questions in more intelligent ways. Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose and Jean-Piere Annaud's film treatment says far more, and in delightful ways, about the Catholic Church.

I probably won't see the Da Vinci Code movie and it'll be a pass when I see it in the Walmart 6.88 DVD bin, although I may be tempted to rent it at $1. Is it available yet on bittorrent?

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Guest Warwick Green
My two cents:

I haven't read Dan Brown's book but I did leaf through it and found the characterizations to be cooker cutter and the style to be boilerplate.

On past performance, I would not expect Ron Howard or Akiva Goldman to rise much above this basic material. Moreover, I am irritated by this manufactured PR campaign including the phoney lawsuit in England. This is as controversial as a discussion of the relative merits of a Big Mac versus a Whopper.

Nikos Kazantzakis's The Last Temptation of Christ and Scorsese film treatment pose more interesting questions in more intelligent ways. Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose and Jean-Piere Annaud's film treatment says far more, and in delightful ways, about the Catholic Church.

I probably won't see the Da Vinci Code movie and it'll be a pass when I see it in the Walmart 6.88 DVD bin, although I may be tempted to rent it at $1. Is it available yet on bittorrent?

The reality is that it is a crappy book and movies tend to be even weaker than the novels on which they are based. Given the hype we have heard about Da Vinci Code the movie could be the stinker of the year.

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Constantine ordered the Bible re-written to win over the Romans of his day. He had a political problem and to control the majority of Pagans he needed to use a belief system they could identify with. So the Church commissioned writers to re-write passages incorporating Pagan concepts such as the day of worship being SUN day and Christ's birth being celebrated on a Pagan holiday.

The whole concept of Jesus being the son of God is far from original. It was plagerized directly from Dionysus, and the Egyptian Sun God religions and other similiar religions.

The Bible whether its the new testament or old testament is the result of ghost writers submitting passages which were then reviewed and edited and screened before being placed in the Bible.

It was a massive political exercise to put in the Bible a belief system the Church and Constantine could use to control people.

One only need look at the Dead Sea Scrolls to see how far off the Bible went from the original early Christian beliefs.

Let's be realistic. Jesus was a Rabbia. Like any Jew or Rabbia he would have gotten married. Marriage was an absolute obligation and nothing absolutely nothing indicates Jesus ignored Jewish traditions and beliefs. he may have challenged coruption and power cliques but he did not question basic Jewish beliefs.

Most of the passages depicting Jesus as having said he was divine and the son of God were written long after the fact using the Pagan concept of the son of God.

Of course Jesus would have married. It also is highly likely he travelled to India and the East where he learned medicine and was exposed to Taoist, Hinduist and

Buddist believes.

Yes Christians believe as a matter of faith Christ is divine and if he wasn't? No big deal. It doesn't change much. I personally believe the divinity piece is a minor, insignifigant piece blown completely out of perportion by the Church as a way to

consecrate power over its believers. Will it ruin Christianity? No. Many modern Christians have been asking the questions and formulating the answers for a Christian religion with a mortal Jesus.

It may scare some and probably Mel Gibson but I see it as a mere burp in history along the development of humankind.

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