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Another Woman Murdered by Illegal Immigrant

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6 hours ago, Nationalist said:

The Republicans wouldn't pass the proposed law because it was bullshit...plain and simple.

2500 before the border patrol can close it down? The stoopid is blatant as Hell. 

When Trump becomes POTUS, he will immediately proceed to shut the border down. Then my guess is he'll instruct ICE to round up all those millions of illegals and unceremoniously deport their a55es.

No, it was a significant piece of legislation, created with Republican leadership and bipartisan support. Progress is just politically inconvenient for Trump, so he had his lackies kill it. You bought the lies hook, line and sinker.

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18 minutes ago, Hodad said:

No, it was a significant piece of legislation, created with Republican leadership and bipartisan support.


Tell us in your own words, what the most significant aspect was of the legislation you supported. 


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6 hours ago, gatomontes99 said:

One rape isn't even a drop in the bucket. The numbers are staggering.

Last year, per the CBP, 1.6 million people were encountered crossing the border. Known got a ways excluded. Of the 1.6 million, over 1 million were adults.

It is estimated, based on interviews by a Mexican newspaper, that 30% of women were forced to have sex as payment for travel.

If half of the adults are women, that 30% would mean 150,000 women were raped as a result of Joe Biden and the left's open border policy.

Let that sink in.

150,000 women raped.


Shut. Down. The. Border.



There is no open border policy. That's pure fiction. The border is operating according to law, exactly as it did before COVID.

And Republican-led bipartisan legislation to greatly improve border processes was spiked because denying the impression of a "Biden win" is more important to Trump than giving the country an actual win.

Edited by Hodad
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1 minute ago, Hodad said:

There is no open border policy. That's pure fiction. 

No, how an administration interprets the asylum rules is not pure fiction. The Biden administration had loosened those rules to allow for more people to claim asylum and be let into the country easily. 

The majority of those who do abscond and never show up for their hearings. Then Democrats support so-called sanctuary policies where they refuse to cooperate with helping to identify and apprehend any of these people, and to the point of this thread, even when they are criminals who broke the law. 

Thus... we have a defacto open border. Thus we encourage more people to come here and do this which is why we have record amounts of people doing just that... and why we have even more who do so illegally because most of the Border Patrol is hung up processing all these people into the country. It is an open door, by design, supported by Democrats. 

The fact that you sit here pretending otherwise is all part of the ruse to continue supporting this by denying it is happening. 

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14 minutes ago, Hodad said:

And Republican-led bipartisan legislation to greatly improve border processes was spiked because denying the impression of a "Biden win" is more important to Trump than giving the country an actual win.

Just amazing how only recently Biden was able to change the way they handle asylum seekers without needing any legislation... 

Why, it is almost like he could have been doing this the whole time if he wanted to. 

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4 hours ago, User said:


Tell us in your own words, what the most significant aspect was of the legislation you supported. 


The expected detention and expedited asylum processes are DRAMATIC improvements over just letting seekers roam free for years. There was also, IIRC, a path to citizenship for the Afghans we abandoned. 

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3 hours ago, User said:

Just amazing how only recently Biden was able to change the way they handle asylum seekers without needing any legislation... 

Why, it is almost like he could have been doing this the whole time if he wanted to. 

No, it's a Hail Mary. Essentially the same thing Trump did that the courts struck down. Very likely not legal and with be defeated again. That's why we need legislative action, not about half-baked executive scheme.

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15 hours ago, robosmith said:

You're LYING.

Are you trying to say he was released pending his ASYLUM CLAIM?

That was BEFORE he was a MURDERER. Duh

But then he became a murderer. And I think that's the whole point. Trump is saying they shouldn't be allowed into the country at all until they've been thoroughly checked and vetted just because some of them are murderers and you don't always know until they become murderers if they're in the country already.

Honestly it's going to get him votes

2 hours ago, Hodad said:

The expected detention and expedited asylum processes are DRAMATIC improvements over just letting seekers roam free for years. There was also, IIRC, a path to citizenship for the Afghans we abandoned. 

In what way? They didn't seem that way at all

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6 hours ago, User said:

No, how an administration interprets the asylum rules is not pure fiction. The Biden administration had loosened those rules to allow for more people to claim asylum and be let into the country easily. 

The majority of those who do abscond and never show up for their hearings. Then Democrats support so-called sanctuary policies where they refuse to cooperate with helping to identify and apprehend any of these people, and to the point of this thread, even when they are criminals who broke the law. 

Thus... we have a defacto open border. Thus we encourage more people to come here and do this which is why we have record amounts of people doing just that... and why we have even more who do so illegally because most of the Border Patrol is hung up processing all these people into the country. It is an open door, by design, supported by Democrats. 

The fact that you sit here pretending otherwise is all part of the ruse to continue supporting this by denying it is happening. 

And he down voted you for that. He hates the truth so much that rather than just reply he chose to downvote you for stating what are verifiable facts.

Welcome to the left these days

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9 hours ago, Hodad said:

There is no open border policy. That's pure fiction. The border is operating according to law, exactly as it did before COVID.

And Republican-led bipartisan legislation to greatly improve border processes was spiked because denying the impression of a "Biden win" is more important to Trump than giving the country an actual win.

Bullsh1t. Biden undid 3 EOs that Trump had in place, ended Remain in Mexico and passed legislation allowing anyone to apply for asylum. There is a reason the encounters went from 400,000 to 1.6 million and it isn't because the border is closed.

Further, I'm sick of this lie that that bill was some great savior to the border. It was far from it. First, it normalized 2500 undocumented immigrants a day. But that wasnt even a true number. Because 2500 had to come from contiguous states. That means they had to be able to walk or drive here. Anyone from Australia, China, Russia, any European, Asian, or African State didn't count. Even if we got to 2500 a day from Sputh and Central America, that didn't "close" the border. It just meant CBP had to direct them to an official crossing to be admitted anyway. And even that didn't have to happen because the POTUS could declare an emergency and let things proceed as normal. So, like the balanced budget bill of the 90s, it would be completely meaningless.

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4 hours ago, gatomontes99 said:

Bullsh1t. Biden undid 3 EOs that Trump had in place, ended Remain in Mexico and passed legislation allowing anyone to apply for asylum. There is a reason the encounters went from 400,000 to 1.6 million and it isn't because the border is closed.

Further, I'm sick of this lie that that bill was some great savior to the border. It was far from it. First, it normalized 2500 undocumented immigrants a day. But that wasnt even a true number. Because 2500 had to come from contiguous states. That means they had to be able to walk or drive here. Anyone from Australia, China, Russia, any European, Asian, or African State didn't count. Even if we got to 2500 a day from Sputh and Central America, that didn't "close" the border. It just meant CBP had to direct them to an official crossing to be admitted anyway. And even that didn't have to happen because the POTUS could declare an emergency and let things proceed as normal. So, like the balanced budget bill of the 90s, it would be completely meaningless.

Without a doubt.  And as a result, there were more illegals in 2023 than there were in trump's entire term and that's just the ones we know about. 

This is like the fake biden economy - you can play with things and numbers to lie about it if you like but people look around and they see the truth and they're pissed about how things are. 

Same with this - for a lot of people this is going to be a serious issue in the election. 

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10 hours ago, Hodad said:

The expected detention and expedited asylum processes are DRAMATIC improvements over just letting seekers roam free for years. There was also, IIRC, a path to citizenship for the Afghans we abandoned. 

"We" did not abandon Afghans, Biden did. 

And, in regards to your asylum position here... does that mean you want to see their claims rejected faster so we can more quickly remove these people or is it that you support more open borders and just faster processing of them into the country?


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7 hours ago, User said:

"We" did not abandon Afghans, Biden did. 

And, in regards to your asylum position here... does that mean you want to see their claims rejected faster so we can more quickly remove these people or is it that you support more open borders and just faster processing of them into the country?


That's the most absurd lie you guys tell. Trump 100% abandoned the Afghans. He gave them to the Taliban the same way he'd casually abandon the Ukrainians to Putin. -- Well, I suppose he 90% abandoned them, leaving another mess for Biden to clean up. 

And the answer to the asylum question is both. People who didn't merit asylum should be rejected quickly. People who do merit asylum should be accepted quickly. Don't leave people in an undocumented status wandering around the country.


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21 minutes ago, Hodad said:

That's the most absurd lie you guys tell. Trump 100% abandoned the Afghans. He gave them to the Taliban the same way he'd casually abandon the Ukrainians to Putin. -- Well, I suppose he 90% abandoned them, leaving another mess for Biden to clean up. 

And the answer to the asylum question is both. People who didn't merit asylum should be rejected quickly. People who do merit asylum should be accepted quickly. Don't leave people in an undocumented status wandering around the country.


Again, with the projection. Somehow, Biden can come in and upend just about everything Trump did and set into motion. Abandon his foreign policy with the Middle East, abandon his foreign policy with Iran, immediately set into reversing hundreds of executive orders (like just about any administration does) but all of a sudden, Biden had no choices in Afghanistan. 

That is the lie here. 

Trump did not make Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan like he did, that was all on Biden. 

Well, in regards to the asylum issue... now we get down to what merits asylum. In that Border bill, they loosened that up so that Biden could interpret it even more leniently. 

Biden owns this mess and he can fix this mess:

Asylum plan is insane: Rule will boost protections for illegal immigrants, remove safeguards for US

That bill basically codifies this nonsense into law. 



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1 hour ago, User said:

Again, with the projection. Somehow, Biden can come in and upend just about everything Trump did and set into motion. Abandon his foreign policy with the Middle East, abandon his foreign policy with Iran, immediately set into reversing hundreds of executive orders (like just about any administration does) but all of a sudden, Biden had no choices in Afghanistan. 

That is the lie here. 

Trump did not make Biden withdrawal from Afghanistan like he did, that was all on Biden. 

Well, in regards to the asylum issue... now we get down to what merits asylum. In that Border bill, they loosened that up so that Biden could interpret it even more leniently. 

Biden owns this mess and he can fix this mess:

Asylum plan is insane: Rule will boost protections for illegal immigrants, remove safeguards for US

That bill basically codifies this nonsense into law. 



Ahhh, so it's Biden's fault because he didn't break Trump's deal with the Taliban and pour 20K young Americans back into Afghanistan. I'm sure you would have applauded that. 

In most ways, withdrawal was our next step, but the Trump administration actively excluded the Afghan government, dealing exclusively with and functionally returning control of the country to the Taliban. At the expense of everyone there who ever helped us. 

No, Biden didn't re-invade. But it's utter nonsense to blame him for the withdrawal that was 90% complete before he was sworn in. 


And no, your article from 2022 does NOT describe the proposed legislation, which actually RAISED the standard for credible asylum claims, making it harder to be considered. You've got it backward.

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4 hours ago, Hodad said:

That's the most absurd lie you guys tell. Trump 100% abandoned the Afghans.

Nope. This is been explained to you a million times. Simply repeating a lie and demanding it's not a lie doesn't make it true.

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On 6/21/2024 at 9:35 PM, Hodad said:

No, it was a significant piece of legislation, created with Republican leadership and bipartisan support. Progress is just politically inconvenient for Trump, so he had his lackies kill it. You bought the lies hook, line and sinker.

Significant in that it did nothing.

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47 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Significant in that it did nothing.

Yes, never-passed legislation sabotaged by a bitter ex president for purely selfish reasons tends to do nothing. That's the point, after all. If some progress was made to actually serve the interests of the American people, Trump wouldn't be able to campaign on the issue and we wouldn't have silly threads like these.

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12 hours ago, Hodad said:

Ahhh, so it's Biden's fault because he didn't break Trump's deal with the Taliban and pour 20K young Americans back into Afghanistan. I'm sure you would have applauded that. 

No, it is Bidens fault he withdrew as he did and if the circumstances looked as poor as they did, nothing was holding him to any deal made by Trump. He chose what he did and how to do what he did. He could also have pointed to the failure of peace talks... but the simple fact is that Biden wanted us out and he chose to execute that out in the most messy and awful way as he did. 


14 hours ago, Hodad said:

And no, your article from 2022 does NOT describe the proposed legislation, which actually RAISED the standard for credible asylum claims, making it harder to be considered. You've got it backward.

It was not meant to describe the legislation, rather, that Biden doesn't need legislation to reverse the crap he has already done and now you want to codify even more into the law. 

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3 hours ago, Hodad said:

Yes, never-passed legislation sabotaged by a bitter ex president for purely selfish reasons tends to do nothing. That's the point, after all. If some progress was made to actually serve the interests of the American people, Trump wouldn't be able to campaign on the issue and we wouldn't have silly threads like these.

Lol...Had that Tweenkie of a bill passed, the next POTUS would have to have Congress repeal it...I believe. This way, the Republicans can wait for a real solution.

Then there's Brandon's EO...which is as useless as that bill was.

Nope...this travesty is gonna hang around Brandon's neck. Enjoy that.

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