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Cheney shoots friend

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But hes not dead is he?

No he isn't, which is exactly why I stated "the prospect of someone dying". Read before you post.

and the Bin ladan comment is supposed to be funny, because well your Heads of State cant hunt down a terrorist but they can hunt down a 78 year old man. its pretty funny right?
Some just do not understand certain types of humour. What does Bin Laden have to do with it? Maybe nothing, maybe everything. The reason Bin Laden was mentioned is that he finds it funny that they cannot hunt and kill the master mind behind a ... forget it .. nevermind.. move along

Ok. I'd like to take this opportunity to educate some of you. Here's a newsflash. Dick Cheney isn't in the mountains of Afghanistan searching for Osama Bin Laden. President Bush isn't in the mountains of Afghanistan searching for Osama Bin Laden. Who is you may ask yourself? Brave men and women of the American military, and Special Ops. So when you refer to "they" haven't been able to catch Bin Laden but "they" can hunt down a 78 year old man, it makes absolutely no sense. If you can't believe that the Special Operations soldiers in Afghanistan haven't been able to capture of kill Osama Bin Laden yet, and that it's an easy enough job that should have been completed by now, maybe you should pick up a gun and try it yourself. If not, shut the fuck up, and stop disparaging the brave people (who don't include policitians) that are trying to accomplish that goal.

No they arnt hunting bin laden down but their inteligigence sure is faulty. And stop spreading your whoo rah american bull shit your country the USA arnt the pnly ones hunting Bin Laden down my coutnry of Canada is working hard as well to find bin laden and infact we have over 2000 troops in Kandahar and we are taking command of forces in Afganistan soon.

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No they arnt hunting bin laden down but their inteligigence sure is faulty. And stop spreading your whoo rah american bull shit your country the USA arnt the pnly ones hunting Bin Laden down my coutnry of Canada is working hard as well to find bin laden and infact we have over 2000 troops in Kandahar and we are taking command of forces in Afganistan soon.

Try spell-checking sometimes.

Canada's military is a joke and if you’re honest w/ yourself, you'll admit it. You can't even fly your own soldiers over to Afghanistan; you needed to bum rides of us.

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I hate to pull the conspiracy card, but I have little doubt that there was a little bit of trigger-happy craziness here, maybe alcohol induced.

From the reports I've seen/read, they got out of the car to shoot. Like step out and blast these quails. Then the guy heads off to pick up one he shot and Cheney shoots him again in the face. Hitting someone at 30 metres with a small shotgun right in the face/chest is almost impossible unless you saw him there.

Is it too hard to believe that a few beers were had and some judgement was clouded?

That's interesting: an article on MSNBC quoted Cheney's spokesperson as saying there may have been "a few beers around" (that reference was subsequently yanked form the article). Also, we know Cheney didn't talk to local law enforcement for almost 24 hours (needed time to sober up?) Also, alcohol is part of the hunting culture (especially for rich dudes playing at being good ol' boys). It's certainly a reasonable path to go down (alcohol would also explain many other of this administration's decisions).

Certainly, the White House's treatment of the incident hasn't given the impression thay've nothing to hide. Or maybe they are just so obsessed with secrecy that even something as relatively innocuous as this has to be covered up (after blaming the victim, of course).

Oh no! I fear for the future of the American Republic. Cheney actually drank a beer. Do you have any idea how unhinged and compulsively partisan you look?

Cheney admitted to a beer at lunch. The shooting incident took place at dusk. According to everyone else involved, (MSNBC likely yanked the Cheney "spokesperson quote" because they made it up and got caught by rightwing bloggers--it happens all the time) there was no other drinking. One can reasonably conclude that alcohol did not play a factor in the shooting. The likelihood of the Secret Service allowing a drunken Cheney to be wandering throughout the woods with a loaded firearm is laughable. And the impugning you do of Armstrong is baseless, though carefully non-commital.

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I hate to pull the conspiracy card, but I have little doubt that there was a little bit of trigger-happy craziness here, maybe alcohol induced.

From the reports I've seen/read, they got out of the car to shoot. Like step out and blast these quails. Then the guy heads off to pick up one he shot and Cheney shoots him again in the face. Hitting someone at 30 metres with a small shotgun right in the face/chest is almost impossible unless you saw him there.

Is it too hard to believe that a few beers were had and some judgement was clouded?

That's interesting: an article on MSNBC quoted Cheney's spokesperson as saying there may have been "a few beers around" (that reference was subsequently yanked form the article). Also, we know Cheney didn't talk to local law enforcement for almost 24 hours (needed time to sober up?) Also, alcohol is part of the hunting culture (especially for rich dudes playing at being good ol' boys). It's certainly a reasonable path to go down (alcohol would also explain many other of this administration's decisions).

Certainly, the White House's treatment of the incident hasn't given the impression thay've nothing to hide. Or maybe they are just so obsessed with secrecy that even something as relatively innocuous as this has to be covered up (after blaming the victim, of course).

Oh no! I fear for the future of the American Republic. Cheney actually drank a beer. Do you have any idea how unhinged and compulsively partisan you look?

Cheney admitted to a beer at lunch. The shooting incident took place at dusk. According to everyone else involved, (MSNBC likely yanked the Cheney "spokesperson quote" because they made it up and got caught by rightwing bloggers--it happens all the time) there was no other drinking. One can reasonably conclude that alcohol did not play a factor in the shooting. The likelihood of the Secret Service allowing a drunken Cheney to be wandering throughout the woods with a loaded firearm is laughable. And the impugning you do of Armstrong is baseless, though carefully non-commital.

The fact is if you're hunting with a group of people everyone is supposed to identity themselves at all times.

This issue doesn't have to be turning so partisan. If it was a liberal or a private citizen, it wouldn't even be news.

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No they arnt hunting bin laden down but their inteligigence sure is faulty. And stop spreading your whoo rah american bull shit your country the USA arnt the pnly ones hunting Bin Laden down my coutnry of Canada is working hard as well to find bin laden and infact we have over 2000 troops in Kandahar and we are taking command of forces in Afganistan soon.

Try spell-checking sometimes.

Canada's military is a joke and if you’re honest w/ yourself, you'll admit it. You can't even fly your own soldiers over to Afghanistan; you needed to bum rides of us.

Its a small typo america1 if you toook your head out of your ass and you were smart you could read through it. Canadas military is a joke? no i dont htink so, yes it can use a few fixes, you have no clue about the canadian military and you have no clue about military at all if you havnt checked it out your military is badly losing in Iraq and with your deficit reaching a dangeroous point your military is on the verge of colapse. We cant fly our own soldiers to afganistan? what? where have you heard this? we have Hercules transports you american half wit, as well as bigge rand better transport son the way with our Harper government that can transport a major army, chekc it out http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/equip/cc-130/intro_e.asp#1 Do some research before you post god.

Just one more thing to say to you in defense of my country most Canadians think your country is a joke, the way your government works and operates it makes Canada's sponsership look like a tiny scandel. It also really shows how you guys are embarassed you guys are of your country considering americans are traveling to Europe with a Canadian flag sewed on your back packs.

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Its a small typo america1
No, unfortunately it's not just a small typo. We all can have a problem or two with spelling, especially if you're typing fast and/or rushing a post. My suggestion is to take a couple of minutes to proof-read before you submit. Because your previous post's spelling is atrocious.
Canadas military is a joke?
No, the men and women of the Canadian military are definitely not a joke. However, the Canadian military's capabilities are. The liberals in charge have absolutely destroyed a once great and capable Armed Forces.
if you havnt checked it out your military is badly losing in Iraq

Absolute nonsense. No, the American military isn't badly losing in Iraq.

your military is on the verge of colapse

Again, more nonsense. The American military isn't on the verge of collapse.

We cant fly our own soldiers to afganistan?

No, unfortunately we can't fly our own soldiers to Afghanistan. We have to accept transportation from the American military because we don't have those capabilities. If we wanted to fly our own troops to a theater of operations, we'd probably have to have them take commercial flights, which would take forever to mass a large number of soldiers.

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Its a small typo america1
No, unfortunately it's not just a small typo. We all can have a problem or two with spelling, especially if you're typing fast and/or rushing a post. My suggestion is to take a couple of minutes to proof-read before you submit. Because your previous post's spelling is atrocious.
Canadas military is a joke?
No, the men and women of the Canadian military are definitely not a joke. However, the Canadian military's capabilities are. The liberals in charge have absolutely destroyed a once great and capable Armed Forces.
if you havnt checked it out your military is badly losing in Iraq

Absolute nonsense. No, the American military isn't badly losing in Iraq.

your military is on the verge of colapse

Again, more nonsense. The American military isn't on the verge of collapse.

We cant fly our own soldiers to afganistan?

No, unfortunately we can't fly our own soldiers to Afghanistan. We have to accept transportation from the American military because we don't have those capabilities. If we wanted to fly our own troops to a theater of operations, we'd probably have to have them take commercial flights, which would take forever to mass a large number of soldiers.

What I want to no is hwo desperate to insult somone you have to be if you insult them about typos. I have to admit the liberals have took a wrong turn with our armed forces but its slowly being fixed our forces are well armed and well equipped it is just our air force which is a little sketchy.

If americas army isnt badly losing in Iraq how come over 2000 soldiers have died and still are and there is no escape plan because everytime they train new Iraqi security forces they get blown to bits by Iraqi insurgents, they cannot keep Iraq under control obviously, a child could poitn that out to you. Even the president is shiting his pants trying to figure out how to get his troops home.

Americas army is on the verge of colapse if you havnt heard the president can only spend so much by taking out loans before he cant borrow any more and without the $$$ their is no war becuase $$$ = military capabilities. THey are reaching it because they are at least 400 billion dollars in debt.

We can so fly our own troops around didnt you read that link we have 40 Hercules transports, and when we need rides because were short on transports we borrow form the States so they don;t give us the rides we just take trheir air craft.

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Guest American Woman
Oh no! I fear for the future of the American Republic. Cheney actually drank a beer. Do you have any idea how unhinged and compulsively partisan you look?

Cheney admitted to a beer at lunch. The shooting incident took place at dusk. According to everyone else involved, (MSNBC likely yanked the Cheney "spokesperson quote" because they made it up and got caught by rightwing bloggers--it happens all the time) there was no other drinking. One can reasonably conclude that alcohol did not play a factor in the shooting. The likelihood of the Secret Service allowing a drunken Cheney to be wandering throughout the woods with a loaded firearm is laughable. And the impugning you do of Armstrong is baseless, though carefully non-commital.

Speaking of partisan, "everyone else involved" were all bigwig GOP friends of Cheney. I don't see how anyone can reasonably conclude that alcohol didn't play a factor in the shooting when the law enforcement officials were turned away that night. We have the word of Cheney and his friends, and that's it. We don't even know what Whittington's blood alcohol content was. As for the Secret Service allowing a drunken Cheney to wandering through the woods, one doesn't have to be falling down drunk to be legally under the influence. Furthermore, the Secret Service aren't there to police Cheney. They're job is simply to protect him.

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I have to admit the liberals have took a wrong turn with our armed forces but its slowly being fixed our forces are well armed and well equipped it is just our air force which is a little sketchy
The liberals virtually destroyed our military, and the only reasons it's being fixed is because of public pressure and national embarrassment. Our Air Force isn't a little sketchy, it's alot sketchy. Not the pilots mind you, but the equipment they're forced to have to use. And what about our Navy? It's alot sketchy too. We have to rely on used submarines from the British that end up almost killing the crew. Wake up and smell the coffee.
If americas army isnt badly losing in Iraq how come over 2000 soldiers have died and still are and there is no escape plan because everytime they train new Iraqi security forces they get blown to bits by Iraqi insurgents, they cannot keep Iraq under control
Absolute nonsense. How come 2000 soldiers have died? Because it's a war. The problem is that the media in conjunction with the US military only reports the number of coalition casualties. I may be wrong, but as of now, the terrorists have yet to release any casualty figures of their own, which would amount to 100 times greater then any US or British total. And yes, some new Iraqi forces are attacked, but nothing close to everytime as you state, and nothing close to everyone. How old are you? Seriously. You lack any type of historical perspective. I'm guessing around 13, am I right?
Americas army is on the verge of colapse if you havnt heard the president can only spend so much by taking out loans before he cant borrow any more and without the $$$ their is no war becuase $$$ = military capabilities. THey are reaching it because they are at least 400 billion dollars in debt
Again, absolute nonsense, and absolutely no perspective. Just because you say that the American army is on the verge of collapse, doesn't make it true. America ran large deficits during the 80's, and the American military didn't see any decline in it's capabilities. In fact, the deficits of the present are a lesser percentage of GDP then the deficits during the 1980's.
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I have to admit the liberals have took a wrong turn with our armed forces but its slowly being fixed our forces are well armed and well equipped it is just our air force which is a little sketchy
The liberals virtually destroyed our military, and the only reasons it's being fixed is because of public pressure and national embarrassment. Our Air Force isn't a little sketchy, it's alot sketchy. Not the pilots mind you, but the equipment they're forced to have to use. And what about our Navy? It's alot sketchy too. We have to rely on used submarines from the British that end up almost killing the crew. Wake up and smell the coffee.
If americas army isnt badly losing in Iraq how come over 2000 soldiers have died and still are and there is no escape plan because everytime they train new Iraqi security forces they get blown to bits by Iraqi insurgents, they cannot keep Iraq under control
Absolute nonsense. How come 2000 soldiers have died? Because it's a war. The problem is that the media in conjunction with the US military only reports the number of coalition casualties. I may be wrong, but as of now, the terrorists have yet to release any casualty figures of their own, which would amount to 100 times greater then any US or British total. And yes, some new Iraqi forces are attacked, but nothing close to everytime as you state, and nothing close to everyone. How old are you? Seriously. You lack any type of historical perspective. I'm guessing around 13, am I right?
Americas army is on the verge of colapse if you havnt heard the president can only spend so much by taking out loans before he cant borrow any more and without the $$$ their is no war becuase $$$ = military capabilities. THey are reaching it because they are at least 400 billion dollars in debt
Again, absolute nonsense, and absolutely no perspective. Just because you say that the American army is on the verge of collapse, doesn't make it true. America ran large deficits during the 80's, and the American military didn't see any decline in it's capabilities. In fact, the deficits of the present are a lesser percentage of GDP then the deficits during the 1980's.

Canadas army isnt destroyed as you say, you must be 13 because that makes no sense. If Canadas army was destroyed we wouldnt be participating in over a dozen military and humantitatian operations around the world, and our biggest in Afganistan THINK MAN!!! Its run down but not "virtualy destroyed"

Also they cant control Iraq and I am sure people in this forum will back me up on this, you still havnt answered my question, if its under control how come theres no withdrawl plan, WAKE UP the United States army is going to be there for years.

Im 17 by the way, and if you don't watch the new like i do everyday you won't know that "everytime" their is an attack on Iraqi Security forces, the point I am making is that they can't keep Iraq stable and if they can't how the hell do they expect a few Iraqis they grabbed off the street armed with AK's and given the title "security forces" to stabilize Iraq? I am using logic here your just regergitating shit and throwing it into a paragraph.

Just to correct myself it will not collapse but with no money they have to cut back on their defense budget.

As to the so called deficits in the 1980's higher than now can you back that up with a legitimate link? You should be using logic here not just stuff you think is true.

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Canadas army isnt destroyed as you say
Yes, I guess technically, the Canadian military wasn't destroyed. What I should have said is severely crippled. That's a fact.
if its under control how come theres no withdrawl plan, WAKE UP the United States army is going to be there for years
I never stated Iraq was "under control". Most of the country is relatively stable, aside from the "Sunni triangle". I also never stated that the United States army wasn't going to be in Iraq for the foreseeable future. Of course they are. However, their presence will slowly decline. The withdrawal plan is victory. When Iraq can assume control of it's security, then coalition troops can begin to come home in large numbers. Of course that will take some time. I'm not saying mistakes haven't been made, but your assertions are totally inaccurate.
how the hell do they expect a few Iraqis they grabbed off the street armed with AK's and given the title "security forces" to stabilize Iraq?
Well, that's not what's happening. I'm sorry you feel that way, I'm sorry you're so misinformed. That premise is ridiculous.
As to the so called deficits in the 1980's
I'm sure there's alot of people that wish the deficits in the 1980's were just "so-called". Unfortunately, reality says otherwise.
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If americas army isnt badly losing in Iraq how come over 2000 soldiers have died and still are and there is no escape plan because everytime they train new Iraqi security forces they get blown to bits by Iraqi insurgents, they cannot keep Iraq under control
Absolute nonsense. How come 2000 soldiers have died? Because it's a war. The problem is that the media in conjunction with the US military only reports the number of coalition casualties. I may be wrong, but as of now, the terrorists have yet to release any casualty figures of their own, which would amount to 100 times greater then any US or British total. And yes, some new Iraqi forces are attacked, but nothing close to everytime as you state, and nothing close to everyone. How old are you? Seriously. You lack any type of historical perspective. I'm guessing around 13, am I right?

You forgot to mention that little issue of collateral damage, somewhere between 25,000 and 100,000 iraqis.

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Oh no! I fear for the future of the American Republic. Cheney actually drank a beer. Do you have any idea how unhinged and compulsively partisan you look?

Cheney admitted to a beer at lunch. The shooting incident took place at dusk. According to everyone else involved, (MSNBC likely yanked the Cheney "spokesperson quote" because they made it up and got caught by rightwing bloggers--it happens all the time) there was no other drinking. One can reasonably conclude that alcohol did not play a factor in the shooting. The likelihood of the Secret Service allowing a drunken Cheney to be wandering throughout the woods with a loaded firearm is laughable. And the impugning you do of Armstrong is baseless, though carefully non-commital.

Speaking of partisan, "everyone else involved" were all bigwig GOP friends of Cheney. I don't see how anyone can reasonably conclude that alcohol didn't play a factor in the shooting when the law enforcement officials were turned away that night. We have the word of Cheney and his friends, and that's it. We don't even know what Whittington's blood alcohol content was. As for the Secret Service allowing a drunken Cheney to wandering through the woods, one doesn't have to be falling down drunk to be legally under the influence. Furthermore, the Secret Service aren't there to police Cheney. They're job is simply to protect him.

I think that John Burtis summed it up well:

When Harry Whittington strode out of the Christus Spohn Memorial Hospital in Corpus Christi, Texas, wearing a blazer, a crisp white shirt and a smile, as well as a bruise and a few small scabs, to face the media last Thursday, the whole artful and painfully constructed edifice of the liberal communications industry and their Democratic hand maidens came crashing down around them.

With Harry walking into the daylight under his own power, alone, sans wheelchair, without an iron lung, without a company of white suited orderlies and paramedics to brace him, with nary an IV bottle and hose in view, without sunglasses, without constant medical attention, without a single tremor or palsied movement, without a give-away halt to his gait, with not a single visible bandage in sight, with his hair combed perfectly, the jig was up on all of the liberal media’s monkey business and clowning around.

[...] They had found that a Vice President of the United States had waited almost 24 hours before he notified the media of his heedless and reckless attempt on the life of another human. They had uncovered the fact that he had failed to obtain a seven dollar quail stamp for his hunting license. And, contrary to the accepted conventions which govern every known and accepted aspect of high-level media relations inside and outside the beltway regarding everything the media deems important and then some, the sitting Vice President had scoffed at the power of the White house press corps and related the incident to a small town newspaper – a paper rarely seen and almost never read by this august coterie of earnest seekers and writers of the truth. Well, concerning the latter, at least when fellow liberals, progressives, left-wing dictators, "peace" activists, the feminist fringe, Ward Churchill, anti-Republican whistle-blowers, towering geniuses like Al Gore and Sandy Berger and the like are fondly mentioned, glorified and interviewed favorably.

[...] And then, seen by the media kingpins, Democratic operatives, and walking parodies like Alec Baldwin, as an effort to pile on and as part of the ongoing cover-up directed from the lowliest small town deputy to the highest reaches of government, the Kennedy County Sheriff’s Office issued a report exonerating the Vice President, which called for no further action, calling the unfortunate incident, an "accident." Can you imagine the cheekiness of that modest rural office, failing to knuckle under to the vastly superior forward-looking kingpins?

But but but....Cheney got 2 DUIs at the ages of 21 and 22. Surely that proves he is a drunk. :rolleyes:

And, of course, the MSM is NOT biased against conservatives. :)

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I believe that there is more to this than the Bush Derangement Syndrome that the liberal MSM is infected with (they hate Bush even more than they hated Reagan).

This is all a diversion so that the public doesn't know what al-Gore said about America in front of his Saudi audience last week.

why does the MSM talk about Gore anymore? it's not like his done anything since the Supreme COurt gave him an early retirement? :lol:

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As to the so called deficits in the 1980's
I'm sure there's alot of people that wish the deficits in the 1980's were just "so-called". Unfortunately' date=' reality says otherwise.


Now that everything. I never said their was no deficit in the 80's if you read it properally. What I said was they didn't top the deficit today, and I want proof from a link or two if you think so.

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My favorite part is where he said the US military is going to collapse :lol:. Not all the time but a good portion of it this website brings some real humor to the table.

Face it your country is in debt and your economy slowly declining

Some of your posts are a barrel of laughs as well.

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Liberal media: It's the Bush administration's fault that the public thinks we are idiots!

On CNN's RELIABLE SOURCES, WASHINGTON POST reporter Dana Milbank fretted that the White House is exploiting the public's growing disdain for the mainstream media. "Of course they succeed,” Milbank said of Bush aides. “The press always looks awful. They will once again make us look awful.”

CNN's Candy Crowley added: "The perception is that we're whining."

White House correspondent Bill Plante of CBS agreed.

"The vice president and the White House have both used the constant press coverage of this story as a wedge,” he told RELIABLE SOURCES host Howard Kurtz. “It plays to the prejudices of the people who are predisposed not to like us, and it's one way to distract attention from what happened.”

Dang! Bush is to blame for EVERYTHING! :lol::lol:

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My favorite part is where he said the US military is going to collapse :lol:. Not all the time but a good portion of it this website brings some real humor to the table.

Face it your country is in debt and your economy slowly declining

Some of your posts are a barrel of laughs as well.

Everyone's in debt (64.7% GDP in US and 68.2% GDP in Canada, we are relatively in worse debt), doesn't neccessarily mean economic collapse is coming, in fact, irrelevance will come before collapse. The US economy is growing faster than Canada's too sorry (US at 3.5% and Canada at 2.8%).

While its nice to point out that the US is being run into the ground by a failed administration, you do need more work with your economics. Economics is never the strength of the left though, so your forgiven for your misinformation. ;):P

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My favorite part is where he said the US military is going to collapse :lol:. Not all the time but a good portion of it this website brings some real humor to the table.

Face it your country is in debt and your economy slowly declining

Some of your posts are a barrel of laughs as well.

Everyone's in debt (64.7% GDP in US and 68.2% GDP in Canada, we are relatively in worse debt), doesn't neccessarily mean economic collapse is coming, in fact, irrelevance will come before collapse. The US economy is growing faster than Canada's too sorry (US at 3.5% and Canada at 2.8%).

While its nice to point out that the US is being run into the ground by a failed administration, you do need more work with your economics. Economics is never the strength of the left though, so your forgiven for your misinformation. ;):P

Well said Geoffrey. It is unfair when Canadians claim that the US is in bigger debt because their dollar amount is higher. Their percentage of debt--in relation to GDP is a bit less than Canada.

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My favorite part is where he said the US military is going to collapse :lol:. Not all the time but a good portion of it this website brings some real humor to the table.

Face it your country is in debt and your economy slowly declining

Some of your posts are a barrel of laughs as well.

Slowly declining economy? Last I checked we have had something like 10 consecutive quarters of economic growth. Add to that, that we are about to raise rates again. So what exactly is your evidence of our "declining economy"?

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My favorite part is where he said the US military is going to collapse :lol:. Not all the time but a good portion of it this website brings some real humor to the table.

Face it your country is in debt and your economy slowly declining

Some of your posts are a barrel of laughs as well.

Everyone's in debt (64.7% GDP in US and 68.2% GDP in Canada, we are relatively in worse debt), doesn't neccessarily mean economic collapse is coming, in fact, irrelevance will come before collapse. The US economy is growing faster than Canada's too sorry (US at 3.5% and Canada at 2.8%).

While its nice to point out that the US is being run into the ground by a failed administration, you do need more work with your economics. Economics is never the strength of the left though, so your forgiven for your misinformation. ;):P

Your telling me that the US economy is beating Canadas? where did you here this (it must be an americans point of view) ALl over the news that canadas economy is slowly surpassing the united states. fix your information and show me a link where it says that the united states economy is doing better than canada's

your makign me laugh :lol:

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My favorite part is where he said the US military is going to collapse :lol:. Not all the time but a good portion of it this website brings some real humor to the table.

Face it your country is in debt and your economy slowly declining

Some of your posts are a barrel of laughs as well.

Everyone's in debt (64.7% GDP in US and 68.2% GDP in Canada, we are relatively in worse debt), doesn't neccessarily mean economic collapse is coming, in fact, irrelevance will come before collapse. The US economy is growing faster than Canada's too sorry (US at 3.5% and Canada at 2.8%).

While its nice to point out that the US is being run into the ground by a failed administration, you do need more work with your economics. Economics is never the strength of the left though, so your forgiven for your misinformation. ;):P

Well said Geoffrey. It is unfair when Canadians claim that the US is in bigger debt because their dollar amount is higher. Their percentage of debt--in relation to GDP is a bit less than Canada.

No tmuch i might add, last time i checked are dollar was at an all time high of 87 cents and some economists canadian and american on the national say that by june ares will be higher than yours.

So what was that you were saying :lol:

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